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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. I so much love such of especially baptismal and the brothers / sisters ❤
  2. COOL.... Congrats ;-) Very clever ! Samsung does really work to iMac ? I must say, that was a great idea, will tell it to other iMac Freaks ! Hey, I need that for my Laptop too, haha - better buy a new one, I know.....
  3. VERY VERY TRUE.... ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  4. Yes Bible Speaks, I'm speechless too ! What talents some humans have, WOW In the NW maybe we all have our big talents ;-) A German saying... Abwarten & Tee trinken ! ( await, wait & see... and drinking tea ) haha
  5. Cásense solo en el Señor (1 Cor. 7:39). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/28 Los solteros que quieren casarse pueden sacarle mucho provecho a El Cantar de los Cantares. La joven campesina no sentía nada por Salomón y así se lo hizo saber a las mujeres del palacio. Les dijo: “No traten de despertar ni excitar amor en mí sino hasta que este se sienta inclinado” (Cant. de Cant. 2:7; 3:5). ¿Captamos la lección? Sería un error empezar una relación romántica con cualquier persona así porque sí. Los cristianos que desean casarse deben esperar con paciencia hasta encontrar a esa persona a la que puedan amar de verdad. Un cristiano solo saldría o se casaría con alguien que estuviera bautizado y amara a Jehová. ¿Por qué es esto tan importante? Bueno, la vida presenta muchas dificultades. Pero, si los dos se apoyan en Jehová, les será más fácil llevarse bien y ser felices. Al elegir pareja, hay que hacer lo mismo que el pastor y la sulamita: buscar a alguien que tenga buenas cualidades y realmente ame a Jehová. w15 15/1 5:11, 14
  6. Adiós a Priscila y Fabián, los fallecidos de Fundavico..... <3 <3 <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. <3 <3 <3
  7. [Marry] only in the Lord.—1 Cor. 7:39. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/28 The Song of Solomon provides lessons for unmarried Christians, especially for those looking for a mate. The young woman felt no love for Solomon. Putting the daughters of Jerusalem under oath, she said: “Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined.” (Song of Sol. 2:7; 3:5) Why? Because it is simply not proper to develop a romantic attachment for just anyone who comes along. A Christian desiring to marry, then, is wise to wait patiently for the one he or she can truly love. A single person who wants to marry refrains from forming romantic ties with unbelievers and looks for a mate only among loyal worshippers of Jehovah. Moreover, to face life’s realities while maintaining marital peace and spiritual unity calls for faith in and devotion to God—desirable qualities to look for in a prospective marriage mate. Those are the very qualities that the shepherd and the young woman found in each other. w15 1/15 5:11, 14
  8. I saw that - or a similar one in TV news ! A little clever dog was barking to the Mom... But I remember, the girl was in a tumbler... and her skin was very burnt ;-( I can't understand that... My son also was very interested at technology things - but he had alot respect before such of machine's ;-)
  9. I love many of your pictures, Bible Speaks ;-) They are lovely, tender, yes, very good selected for the importend Bible Scriptures. Thank you very much ❤
  10. Do You Appreciate What You Have Received? Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.—Matt. 5:3. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/27 When one has had many material things from childhood, there is a tendency not to appreciate them fully. For example, a person who grows up in a wealthy household may take for granted many of the things he has. This can be the case with youths who because of a lack of experience may not yet fully discern what things in life are truly valuable. For many in the world, life revolves around material things—a good salary, a nice home, or the latest high-tech devices. However, if these are our only concerns, something important is missing—spiritual riches. Sadly, millions today have not even begun to look for these. You young ones who have been raised by Christian parents must be careful not to lose sight of the value of what you have received in the form of a spiritual inheritance. A lack of appreciation could result in sad consequences that might affect you for the rest of your life. w14 12/15 4:1, 2
  11. OUR BROTHER *JOSH GROBAN* He has really a very especially and soft voice... I love his voice and songs❤ Enjoy ;-)
  12. OUR BROTHER *JOSH GROBAN* ---- He has really a very especially and soft voice... I love his voice and songs❤ Enjoy ;-)
  13. ¿Qué significa para ti lo que has recibido? Felices son los que tienen conciencia de su necesidad espiritual (Mat. 5:3). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/27 Tendemos a dar por sentado lo que hemos tenido toda la vida. Por ejemplo, alguien que se haya criado en una familia rica tal vez no valore muchas de las cosas que posee. En el caso de los jóvenes, como no tienen experiencia en la vida, puede que no sepan qué cosas tienen verdadero valor. En este mundo, lo que le interesa a la mayoría de la gente son los bienes materiales: ganar mucho dinero, tener una casa grande y lo último en tecnología. Pero se pierden lo más importante: las riquezas espirituales. Por desgracia, a millones de personas ni siquiera les interesan. Si has sido criado en la verdad, debes esforzarte por no subestimar la herencia espiritual que has recibido de tus padres. La falta de aprecio podría hacer que te vaya mal el resto de la vida. w14 15/12 4:1, 2
  14. NEW INFORMATION... We are told from Germany about the topic of SERVING IN THE CONGREGATION OF ITS TERRITORY. Information that is circulating quickly among the brothers reflects the critical times in which we are ready to enter the immediate Great Tribulation. As far as we can share, there is a worldwide program that encourages the brethren to serve in the congregations of their own territory with a view to being better localized during the Great Tribulation rather than seeking brothers scattered in other congregations. This is an effort under the direction of the organization. There is no doubt that brothers have a valid reason. For example, assigned seniors. A congregation with 7 elders is reported and only one lives in the territory. But there have been cases of elders making grazing visits to three congregations away.
  15. NUEVA INFORMACIÓN Nos comentan desde Alemania, acerca del tema de SERVIR EN LA CONGREGACIÓN DE SU TERRITORIO. Información que esta circulando rápidamente entre los hermanos, refleja los tiempos críticos en los que nos disponemos a entrar en la Gran Tribulación inmediata. Hasta donde podemos compartir, hay un programa mundial que animara a los hermanos a que sirvan en las congregaciones de su propio territorio con miras a ser mejor localizados durante la Gran Tribulación en vez de buscar hermanos esparcidos por otras congregaciones. Esto es un esfuerzo bajo la dirección de la organización. No hay dudas de que hermanos tienen una razón valida. Por ejemplo, ancianos asignados. se informa de una congregación con 7 ancianos y solo uno vive en el territorio. Pero se han dado casos de ancianos que hacen visitas de pastoreo a tres congregaciones de distancia.
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