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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 57157cd7eac4d_ADAMANDEVEAFTERTHEFIRSTSIN.....jpg.027bb4e28b9cb5d7d138e2788a9b5c14.jpg


    ABEL    ADAM  AND  EVE.jpg


    Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.—Rom. 5:12.


    The first to die was faithful Abel. (Gen. 4:8) Then Adam’s other offspring grew old and died. Did they inherit sin as well as death? The apostle Paul answers: “Through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners.” (Rom. 5:19) Sin and death inherited from Adam thus became implacable enemies of mankind, inescapable for imperfect humans. We cannot exactly describe all that was involved in passing on their sad inheritance to Adam’s immediate and more distant offspring, but passed on it was. Fittingly, the Bible refers to inherited sin and death as “the shroud that is enveloping all the peoples and the covering that is woven over all the nations.” (Isa. 25:7) This suffocating covering, or shroud, this intricate webwork of condemnation, entraps all people. So the fact is that “in Adam all are dying.”—1 Cor. 15:22. w14 9/15 4:8, 9

  2. 11111.jpg.9f97b1a29be8da266c0947fe97bda2c9.jpg

    Pride is before a crash.—Prov. 16:18.


    What power our sinful tendencies exert on us! Take, for example, pride. This trait can interfere with our listening to the voice of Jehovah and can lead us to take a disastrous course. A proud person has an exaggerated opinion of himself. He may feel that he has the right to do whatever he wants and that no one can tell him what to do. So he may feel that he is above the direction and counsel of fellow Christians, the elders, or even God’s organization. For such a person, the sound of Jehovah’s voice becomes very faint. During Israel’s wilderness trek, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron. Because of pride, the rebels made independent arrangements to worship Jehovah. How did Jehovah respond? He executed them. (Num. 26:8-10) What a crucial lesson this historical account teaches us! Rebellion against Jehovah leads to disaster.—Isa. 13:11. w14 8/15 4:10, 11

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    El orgullo está antes de un ruidoso estrellarse (Prov. 16:18).


    Debemos reconocer que nuestro corazón puede apartarnos de Jehová. Pensemos, por ejemplo, en el orgullo, y en cómo puede impedirnos oír la voz de Jehová y llevarnos al desastre. El orgulloso tiene una opinión exagerada de sí mismo. Quizás crea que tiene derecho a hacer lo que quiera y que nadie le puede decir lo que debe hacer. Por eso, tal vez le parezca que no tiene por qué seguir los consejos de otros cristianos o de los ancianos, ni siquiera los de la organización de Dios. Para él, la voz de Jehová será apenas un murmullo lejano. Estando Israel en el desierto, Coré, Datán y Abiram se rebelaron contra la autoridad de Moisés y Aarón. Su orgullo los llevó a intentar adorar a Jehová por su propia cuenta. ¿Qué hizo Jehová? Los ejecutó a ellos y a todos los demás rebeldes (Núm. 26:8-10). Este relato histórico nos enseña la lección importantísima de que rebelarse contra Jehová siempre acaba mal (Is. 13:11). w14 15/8 4:10, 11

  4. 3 hours ago, T Naidoo said:

    Hi  my sister, Have not posted te Daily text.   for today  Wednesday

    Sorry...  I was  very  busy,  but  Wednesday  I  post  it  normal  again  ;-)  :)  All  ok !!

    PS.  with  your  name  its  ok ?  Otherwise  our  Librarian  change  it  for  you !

  5. We hear them speaking in our languages about the magnificent things of God.—Acts 2:11.


    May we continue to treasure our privilege of being Witnesses of “the magnificent things” that Jehovah God has done and of his promises for the future. True, such witnessing is not always easy. Many of our brothers work in territories where there is a lot of apathy, ridicule, or outright persecution. We can do just as the apostle Paul and his companions did. Paul said: “We mustered up boldness by means of our God to tell you the good news of God in the face of much opposition.” (1 Thess. 2:2) So let us never give up. Rather, may we be determined to be true to our dedication as Satan’s system crashes in ruins. (Isa. 6:11) We cannot do this in our own strength, but following the example of the early Christians, we must pray that Jehovah by means of his spirit will give us “the power beyond what is normal.”—2 Cor. 4:1, 7; Luke 11:13. w14 7/15 4:6, 13

  6. Los oímos hablar en nuestras lenguas acerca de las cosas magníficas de Dios (Hech. 2:11).


    Sigamos atesorando el honor de ser Testigos de “las cosas magníficas” que Jehová ya ha hecho y de lo que ha prometido que hará. Es cierto que eso no siempre es fácil. Muchos hermanos predican en lugares donde la indiferencia y las burlas son el pan de cada día, y otros sufren persecución directa. Podemos hacer lo mismo que hicieron el apóstol Pablo y sus compañeros. Él dijo: “Cobramos denuedo [o valor] por medio de nuestro Dios para hablarles las buenas nuevas de Dios con mucho luchar” (1 Tes. 2:2). Nunca nos rindamos. Más bien, estemos decididos a cumplir con nuestra dedicación mientras este mundo satánico se derrumba (Is. 6:11). Y como no podremos conseguirlo por nuestras propias fuerzas, pidámosle a Jehová que mediante su espíritu nos dé “el poder que es más allá de lo normal”, al igual que hicieron los primeros cristianos (2 Cor. 4:1, 7; Luc. 11:13). w14 15/7 4:6,


  7. 13344750_813499168780028_3910196944685248188_n.jpg

    THE BARBER......

    A Witness went to a barbershop to trim his hair. As is customary in these cases he made a pleasant conversation with the person who attended him.
    They talked about many things and touched many subjects. Suddenly they touched on the subject of God. The barber said:

    "Look, gentleman, I do not think God exists, as you say."
    "But why do you say that?" Asks the brother.
    "If God existed, there would be no suffering, not so much pain," he said, "if God existed, there would be no suffering. For humanity.I can not think that a God who exists allows all these things. "

    The brother thought for a moment, but did not want to respond to avoid an argument and in view of which the subject was deep to explain. The barber finished his work and the brother left the business.

    I walked a few steps and saw in the street a man with a beard and long hair; Apparently it had been a long time since he cut it and looked very disheveled. Then he went back to the barbershop and said to the barber,

    "You know, barbers do not exist."
    "How come they do not exist? If I am here, I am a barber."
    - "Do not!" Said the client, "They do not exist, because if they existed there would not be people with a beard and hair as long as this man has."
    - "Ah, the barbers if they exist, what happens is that these people do not come to me".
    "Exactly!" Said the client, "That's the point. Jehovah God does exist, what happens is that people do not go to him and do not seek him, that's why there is pain and suffering."

  8. My 91-year-old mother became a pioneer. She sits on the bench and offers literature to passersby. -Poland Warsaw.jpg

    "My  91-year-old  mother  became  a  pioneer."  -  She  sits  on  the  bench  and  offers  literature  to  passersby. -  Poland,  Warsaw  -  WOW...  what  loyal  and  powerful  sisters  we  have  worldwide !  Unbelievable,  but  TRUE  ;-)

    May  Jehovah  bless  you  daily,  our  dear  sister ❤


  9. SHE  DIED  BEFORE  4  YEARS  !!.jpg


    Jehovah's  Witness  community  mourns  Whitney  Heichel.....

    Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was ‘just a beautiful little person,’ her husband, Clint, said. She was ‘just full of love, and she was just a ray of light to everybody.jpg

    Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was  ‘just a beautiful little person,’  her husband, Clint, said.  She was "just full of love,  and she was just a ray of light to everybody !"   ( very  sad  days  we  had  before  4 years, I  remember ) Whitney and Clint were so very happy ;-)  a wonderful  JW  couple  -  Whitney  was  so  liked  and  popular  by  all  JW  and  other  humans !


    Jehovah will call you, dear Sister Whitney...  hope, we see us in paradise !

    read  more...  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/devastated-husband-slain-barista-grapples-agonizing-questions-article-1.1189678

    ( and  other  links...)

    STARBUCKS  !!.jpg

     The Oregonian, Ross William Hamilto/AP
    Friends and acquaintances of Whitney Heichel gather at the Starbucks, where she worked,  Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Gresham, Oreg.

  10. On 20. November 2016 at 19:56, Alzasior Lutor said:

    Wouah ! Ève was very beautiful  !

    Thank you for the good exemple !

    A+ my sister !


    Thank you,  brother Alzasior !  Yes, Ève was really very beautiful❤️  In paradise,  we will have many many beautiful sisters ;-) xD What a nice time... for brothers and sisters !

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