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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Hahaha.... all Brothers smiling after the baptism of the very old new Brother, near 93 years old... Late, but NOT too late ! ;-)
  2. "My 91-year-old mother became a pioneer." - She sits on the bench and offers literature to passersby. - Poland, Warsaw - WOW... what loyal and powerful sisters we have worldwide ! Unbelievable, but TRUE ;-) May Jehovah bless you daily, our dear sister ❤
  3. A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel..... Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was ‘just a beautiful little person,’ her husband, Clint, said. She was "just full of love, and she was just a ray of light to everybody !" ( very sad days we had before 4 years, I remember ) Whitney and Clint were so very happy ;-) a wonderful JW couple - Whitney was so liked and popular by all JW and other humans ! Jehovah will call you, dear Sister Whitney... hope, we see us in paradise ! read more... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/devastated-husband-slain-barista-grapples-agonizing-questions-article-1.1189678 ( and other links...) The Oregonian, Ross William Hamilto/AP Friends and acquaintances of Whitney Heichel gather at the Starbucks, where she worked, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Gresham, Oreg.
  4. Thank you, brother Alzasior ! Yes, Ève was really very beautiful❤️ In paradise, we will have many many beautiful sisters ;-) What a nice time... for brothers and sisters !
  5. Dawning ... from a watchtower, here in Warwick ...
  6. SO wise words from our Australian sister ❤ Thank you, Tia Maria ;-)
  7. Take patience my friend ❤ Sometimes Nicole answers late or not at all, sorry But perhaps you have luck ;-)
  8. Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it if it is within your power to help.—Prov. 3:27. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/21 When we notice a good quality in another Christian, do we express how much we value that fine trait? In Romans chapter 16, Paul gave recognition to more than 20 fellow believers for qualities that made them dear to his heart. (Rom. 16:3-7, 13) There may be fine results when we give genuine commendation. For instance, each time we express appreciation for well-handled assignments or praiseworthy efforts, we give our fellow believers an incentive to serve Jehovah more fully. Jérôme, a missionary in French Guiana, has helped many young men to qualify for missionary service. He says: “I have noticed that when I compliment young brothers on specific points in their ministry or for giving well-thought-out comments, they grow in confidence. As a result, they develop their abilities further.” w14 6/15 4:15-17
  9. No retengas el bien de aquellos a quienes se les debe, cuando sucede que está en el poder de tu mano hacerlo (Prov. 3:27). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/21 ¿Qué hacemos cuando observamos alguna cualidad en otro cristiano? ¿Lo felicitamos por ello? En el capítulo 16 de su carta a los Romanos, Pablo elogió a más de veinte hermanos por cualidades que hacían que les tuviera cariño (Rom. 16:3-7, 13). Los elogios sinceros pueden tener magníficos resultados. Por ejemplo, cada vez que les decimos a nuestros hermanos cuánto apreciamos algo que han hecho bien, los animamos a servir aún más a Jehová. Jérôme, quien es misionero en la Guayana Francesa, ha ayudado a muchos varones jóvenes a llegar a ser misioneros. Él cuenta: “He notado que cuando los felicito por aspectos concretos de su ministerio o por ofrecer comentarios bien pensados, adquieren más confianza y mejoran sus habilidades”. w14 15/6 4:15-17
  10. ¿Avanzamos con la organización de Jehová? Yo, Jehová, soy tu Dios, Aquel que te enseña para que te beneficies a ti mismo, Aquel que te hace pisar en el camino en que debes andar (Is. 48:17). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/20 En las Escrituras se nos promete un magnífico porvenir, no importa que seamos ungidos o de la gran muchedumbre. Ahora bien, para alcanzar este porvenir tenemos que cumplir los requisitos divinos (Is. 48:18). Pensemos en los israelitas. Obedecer la Ley mosaica los protegía, pues esta contenía normas beneficiosas para todo aspecto de la vida, como las relaciones sexuales, los acuerdos comerciales, la crianza de los hijos y la forma de tratar al prójimo (Éx. 20:14; Lev. 19:18, 35-37; Deut. 6:6-9). Hoy en día sucede algo similar. Las leyes y los principios de Jehová nos benefician de manera parecida. Y estos no son de ningún modo una carga demasiado pesada (1 Juan 5:3). Si somos obedientes, no solo estaremos protegidos, sino también “saludables en la fe” (Tito 1:13). w14 15/5 4:9
  11. Are You Moving Ahead With Jehovah’s Organization ? I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One guiding you in the way you should walk.—Isa. 48:17. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/20 Whether we are anointed Christians or we are members of the great crowd, we can experience the bright future promised in God’s Word. To do so, however, we must comply with Jehovah’s requirements. (Isa. 48:18) Consider the Israelites under the Mosaic Law. One purpose of the Law was to protect the people of Israel by giving them wholesome statutes regulating sexual conduct, business dealings, child care, proper treatment of fellow humans, and so forth. (Ex. 20:14; Lev. 19:18, 35-37; Deut. 6:6-9) Complying with God’s requirements benefits us in similar ways—and we certainly do not find it burdensome to do his will. (1 John 5:3) In fact, as the Israelites were safeguarded by the Law, our compliance with Jehovah God’s laws and principles not only protects us but also keeps us “healthy in the faith.”—Titus 1:13. w14 5/15 4:9
  12. Yes Bible Speaks, of course we will pray for all these brave and diligent Brothers and Sisters in many of these special Countries. They're doing so wonderful things❤️ On all their difficult ways... may Jehovah bless them.
  13. I saw in TV, its a plant color, they use it for the whole skin and the hair too ! Some African folks have so rare water, they using that color for a special skin cleaning. Maybe its antibacterial too...
  14. Gen. 12 :1 12 And Jehovah said to Aʹbram: “Go out from your land and away from your relatives and from the house of your father to the land that I will show you.
  15. ¿Agradecemos que Jehová nos vigile? Los ojos de Jehová están en todo lugar, vigilando a los malos y a los buenos (Prov. 15:3). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/19 En la actualidad hay cámaras de vigilancia por todas partes. ¿Se parecen en algo a los ojos de nuestro amoroso Padre, Jehová? La Biblia dice que sus ojos están “en todo lugar”. ¿Significa eso que él vigila constantemente todo lo que hacemos? ¿Nos observa tan solo para hacer cumplir sus leyes y castigarnos al menor error? (Jer. 16:17; Heb. 4:13.) ¡Claro que no! Jehová nos observa principalmente porque nos ama y se interesa por nuestro bienestar (1 Ped. 3:12). Lo demuestra de las siguientes maneras: 1) nos avisa antes de que hagamos algo malo, 2) nos corrige cuando nos equivocamos, 3) nos guía con principios bíblicos, 4) nos ayuda cuando nos enfrentamos a pruebas y 5) nos recompensa cuando hacemos lo correcto. w14 15/4 5:1-3
  16. Do You Appreciate Jehovah’s Watchful Care? The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, watching both the bad and the good.—Prov. 15:3. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/19 Today, electronic eyes are everywhere. Should the widespread use of surveillance cameras in any way remind us of our loving Father, Jehovah? The Bible does say that his eyes “are everywhere.” But does this mean that he is constantly scrutinizing what we are doing? Does God watch over us merely to enforce his laws, with punishment in mind? (Jer. 16:17; Heb. 4:13) Not at all! Jehovah observes us primarily because he loves each one of us and is interested in our welfare. (1 Pet. 3:12) He shows this (1) by warning us when we show bad inclinations, (2) by correcting us when we take wrong steps, (3) by guiding us through principles found in his Word, (4) by helping us when we face various trials, and (5) by rewarding us when he notices the good in us. w14 4/15 5:1-3
  17. TESLA RACING - CAR // tesla-model-S - GT ( in Germany we talk about TESLA too ) Tesla Model S GT: First sports car presented for the new "Electric GT" series.... The first race car of the new "Electric GT" racing series is in the starting holes: it is a 416 hp strong Tesla Model S P85 +, which was put on the track thoroughly on a diet and equipped with a Widebody kit. Starting in 2017, the new "Electric GT" race series is set to start. 20 models of the Tesla Model S will then compete against each other in a race over 60 kilometers. The first vehicle of the new Motorsport event was now officially presented. The Tesla Model S GT variant of the P85 + variant has a standard 416 hp and offers a powerful 600 Newtonmeter of torque. Thanks to the lack of interior fittings, the driving performance is still slightly better than the road version. The large central display of the Model S. Tesla Model S GT in 3.2 seconds to 100 pace In just 3.2 seconds the Stromer is to accelerate to 100 speed - according to the organizer this is a better value than with many conventional GT vehicles. This is not the only reason for the electric motors to remain in their own series. The cars would also be loaded with electricity from renewable energies. Seven events are scheduled to take place in Europe next year. So far, only Tesla vehicles are participating, but all organizers were invited by the organizers to build their own GT models with electric drive. Whether you will see racing versions of a VW e-Golf or BMW i3 in the future remains to be seen.
  18. DESDE VENEZUELA NOS ENVIAN SALUDOS ❤ NUESTROS hermanos y hermanas sonrientes por reunión al aire libre...
  19. I met her and her husband before many years in Hamburg. She was reading out of her book *Facing the Lion* - I bought one with a nice inscription for me. A very especially sister ! http://www.alst.org/pages-us/founders/simone-arnold-liebster-founder.html
  20. No las conozco (Mat. 25:12). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/18 ¿Quiso decir Jesús en la parábola de las 10 vírgenes que muchos ungidos se harían infieles y tendrían que ser reemplazados? (Mat. 25:1-13.) No. Recordemos que justo antes, en la parábola del “esclavo fiel y discreto”, Jesús habló de un esclavo malo (Mat. 24:45-51). Pero no quiso decir que habría un grupo de ungidos que se convertirían en un esclavo malo; solo les estaba dando una advertencia. Algo parecido sucede en la parábola de las 10 vírgenes. Cinco vírgenes fueron prudentes, y cinco, insensatas. De modo que cada ungido tiene que decidir si estará preparado y se mantendrá alerta, o si actuará de forma insensata y desleal. El apóstol Pablo destacó una idea parecida al dirigirse a los cristianos ungidos (Heb. 6:4-9; compare con Deuteronomio 30:19). Aunque la advertencia que les dio fue firme, demostró que confiaba en ellos al decir que les esperaban “cosas mejores”. Jesús sabe que pueden mantenerse fieles y recibir la recompensa celestial. w15 15/3 2:13
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