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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. DIENSTAG  15. 11..jpg

    Ejerzan paciencia (Sant. 5:7).


    No podemos controlar el crecimiento espiritual de un estudiante de la Biblia. Ser modestos nos ayuda a evitar la tentación de presionarlo para que se bautice. Hacemos todo lo que podemos por ayudarlo, pero reconocemos humildemente que la decisión final de dedicarse a Dios depende de él. Si hemos hecho todo lo posible por ayudar al estudiante pero la semilla que sembramos no da fruto, eso no significa que seamos malos maestros. Jehová solo permite que la semilla de la verdad germine en corazones humildes que están dispuestos a cambiar (Mat. 13:23). Por eso no deberíamos pensar que la eficacia de nuestro ministerio se mide tan solo por los resultados. Jehová no juzga el éxito de nuestra labor por la reacción de las personas a quienes predicamos, sino que ve el esfuerzo que hacemos y nuestra lealtad (Luc. 10:17-20; 1 Cor. 3:8). w14 15/12 2:6, 7

  2. DIENSTAG  15. 11..jpg

    Be patient.—Jas. 5:7.


    We have to admit that we have no control over the spiritual growth of a Bible student. Modesty on our part will help us to avoid the temptation to pressure or force a student to get baptized. We do all we can to assist and support the person, but we humbly admit that ultimately the decision to make a dedication belongs to that person. Even though the seed we sow does not bear fruit, if we have done our best to help the student, we realize that this outcome is not a sign of unfaithfulness on our part. Jehovah allows the seed of truth to flourish only in a humble heart that is willing to make changes. (Matt. 13:23) So we should not judge the effectiveness of our ministry merely by the results. In Jehovah’s eyes the success of our ministry is not determined by the response of those whom we teach. Rather, he treasures our faithful efforts regardless of the results.—Luke 10:17-20; 1 Cor. 3:8. w14 12/15 2:6, 7

  3. 8 hours ago, Monique Suzanne Vortman said:

    Hello Queen Esther

    Now you're finally convinced that it was not Julio Iglesias and we weer not talking blabla to you, you should know that I warned out of concern for you and your always nice topics. It was not my intention to make you angry.

    This is the mother of Julio:

    María del Rosario de la Cueva y de Perignat

    Datum van Geboorte
    Overlijden Overleden in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States
    Naaste familie:

    Dochter van José de la Cueva y de Orejuela en Dolores Perignat y Ruiz de Benavides 
    Echtgenote van Dr. Julio Inglesias, Sr. 
    Moeder van Julio Iglesias en <prive> Iglesias de la Cueva 
    Zuster van Manuel de la Cueva y de Perignat en Dolores de la Cueva 

    Yes,  @Monique Suzanne Vortman,  you  and  some  others are right  and  I read it  too...   My pioneer girlfriend apologized by our  phone-call !   I now will be MORE careful what  I believe !  I'm  sorry  for  that  false  posting  and  of  course,  the  singer  is  *Joan Manuel Serrat*  ;-)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Manuel_Serrat

    His  mother  was  a  JW  and  he  maybe  too  -  I  don't  know  exactly.  But  I  wanted  clear up  that  problem  here,  bec.  we've  to  be  honest !

    If  the  posting  is  to  remove,  I  ask  the  Librarian,  he  has  to  decide. Agape !

  4. 15036208_1065639013535244_1383563456218669929_n.jpg

    No beban vino ni licor embriagante cuando entren en la tienda de reunión (Lev. 10:9).


    ¿Quiere decir este texto que no debemos consumir bebidas alcohólicas antes de las reuniones cristianas? Pensemos en los siguientes puntos. Nosotros ya no tenemos que obedecer la Ley (Rom. 10:4). En algunos países, los hermanos toman bebidas alcohólicas con moderación durante las comidas antes de ir a las reuniones. En la Pascua se compartían cuatro copas de vino. Cuando Jesús instituyó la Conmemoración, les pidió a los apóstoles que bebieran del vino que representaba su sangre (Mat. 26:27). La Biblia condena beber en exceso y emborracharse (1 Cor. 6:10; 1 Tim. 3:8). Y, movidos por su conciencia, muchos hermanos tal vez decidan abstenerse por completo de alcohol antes de participar en cualquier faceta del servicio sagrado. Pero hay que tener en cuenta que las circunstancias no son las mismas en todos los países, y que lo importante es que agrademos a Dios y seamos santos en todo lo que hacemos (Lev. 10:10). w14 15/11 3:18

  5. 4 minutes ago, Monique Suzanne Vortman said:

    This is a real powerful proof of God's wisdom. She is my Friends daughter from the Netherlands, congregation Bolsward.

    Yes,  I  love  that  video...  know  it  since  some  years !  Maybe  before  without  a  girl  lying  in  grass ?  But  she  is  a  beautiful  sister ❤  Regards  from  Germany,  Agape !

  6. 31 minutes ago, Monique Suzanne Vortman said:

    Queeny i mostly Love your information and your hard work for it!

    But the story about Julio is really not True. You can check this easily on Wikipedia. 

    Also remind what false information can do!  



    Thank  you,  Monique Suzanne...

    I  got  that  info  from  my  pioneer  girlfriend,  not  from  Google  or  Wikipedia...  so  I  had  to  believe  it !   We  shall  see  and  I  need  more  info's...   then  I  can  change  my  opinion.  On  monday  I  have  a  talk  with  my  girlfriend  -  I  sent  her  a  msg  about  this  problem.  I  don't  want  false  info's,  NO !  I  will  give  a  statement  here,  after  that  talk...  all  ok ;-)

  7. 1 hour ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that the supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but the evidence of such a link is widely held to be unconvincing.

    There was a reasonably large earthquake in New Zealand as most will have no doubt heard about.......coincidence????


    I  saw  that  in  the  TV  news, yes !  Earthquakes  so  terrible :-(  and  always  more more  -  but  we  know  these  things  from  the  Bible...  The  super bright Moon  is  just  very  rare  they  said...  I  saw  him  in  our  German  night..  created  by  Jehovah❤ ;-)

  8. 5 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    The universe is a closed system ? I not believe to that,  bec. its always going bigger and bigger

    A physical system that does not interact with other systems. A closed system obeys the conservation laws in its physical description. Also called isolated system.

    Maybe  you're  right....  I  will  inform  me !

  9. 15036208_1065639013535244_1383563456218669929_n.jpg

    Do not drink wine or other alcoholic beverages . . . when you come into the tent of meeting.—Lev. 10:9.


    Does that passage mean that we must not drink anything alcoholic before going to a Christian meeting? Think about these points: We are not under the Law. (Rom. 10:4) In some lands, our fellow believers use alcoholic beverages in moderation at meals before attending meetings. Four cups of wine were used at the Passover. When instituting the Memorial, Jesus had his apostles drink wine that represented his blood. (Matt. 26:27) The Bible condemns heavy drinking and drunkenness. (1 Cor. 6:10; 1 Tim. 3:8) And many Christians would feel impelled by their conscience to abstain completely from alcoholic beverages before engaging in any form of sacred service. However, circumstances vary from one country to another, and the important thing is for Christians to conduct themselves with holiness that pleases God.—Lev. 10:10. w14 11/15 3:18

  10.  Biggest Super Moon Since 1948 !

    Moon to get super close to Earth...  Monday,  ( Nov. 14. 2016 )

    Everything you need to know about Super Moons! Nothing beats a bright and beautiful "supermoon." Except maybe, three supermoons! 2016 ends with a trio of full moons at their closest points to Earth, with the one on Nov. 14 being the closest so far in the 21st century!

    A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The term "supermoon" is not astronomical, but originated in modern astrology. The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that the supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but the evidence of such a link is widely held to be unconvincing.

    Occasionally, a supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. The most recent occurrence of this was on September 27–28, 2015, while the next time will be in 2033 or 2034...


  11. Biggest Super Moon Since 1948 !

    Moon to get super close to Earth...  Monday,  ( Nov. 14. 2016 )

    Everything you need to know about Super Moons! Nothing beats a bright and beautiful "supermoon." Except maybe, three supermoons! 2016 ends with a trio of full moons at their closest points to Earth, with the one on Nov. 14 being the closest so far in the 21st century!

    A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The term "supermoon" is not astronomical, but originated in modern astrology. The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that the supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but the evidence of such a link is widely held to be unconvincing.

    Occasionally, a supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. The most recent occurrence of this was on September 27–28, 2015, while the next time will be in 2033 or 2034...


  12. Moon to get super close to Earth !  Monday,  ( Nov. 14, 2016 )

    Everything you need to know about Super Moons! Nothing beats a bright and beautiful "supermoon." Except maybe, three supermoons! 2016 ends with a trio of full moons at their closest points to Earth, with the one on Nov. 14 being the closest so far in the 21st century !

    A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The term "supermoon" is not astronomical, but originated in modern astrology. The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that the supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but the evidence of such a link is widely held to be unconvincing.

    Occasionally, a supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. The most recent occurrence of this was on September 27–28, 2015, while the next time will be in 2033 or 2034...


  13. 9 hours ago, Chedric said:

    In fact the importance and purpose of song 138 don't change by whom it is sung. We don't adorate people. If Julio of who else is singing it we cannot give him special adorance. Kingdom songs were earlier sung by wordly stars. The GB never used officially kingdom songs to be sung by stars.

    The choirs we have and arrangements are sung by high quilified musicians, and they don't go for fame.

    The song 138 has been sung nice, but will not chnage the value if it when sung by a famous artist. We can and may enjoy it, but song 138 will not be used into the KH as important.

    Have a nice time all.




    I love this song alot❤️  Our loving Brothers made a very good job ! Thanks ;-)  Yes, you are so right, Chedric ! 

    ( My pioneer girlfriend wrote me on WhatsApp, Julo's Mom had a Bible study with JW sisters. They always were so kindly with her, until she passed away...  He was singing that song for all sisters, showing his big gratitude, thats all I can say just now...) 

  14. 5 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    Just a little extra on my previous............if you are scientifically minded (not rocket science) - the first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy basically says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed in a closed system..........the universe is a closed system.

    The question is where did the energy come from in the first place to create the universe?

    Answer: Isaiah 40:26.........Jehovah God a vast source of dynamic energy

    The universe is a closed system ? I not believe to that,  bec. its always going bigger and bigger...  Yes, the first dynamic energy for all is of course coming from Jehovah.  Remember, we NEVER can see Him without dying at once ! Jehovah himself has so much energy - nothings is ever impossible for him... You can ask him many things in paradise, when we are perfect again. Then HE will talk with us I learned, similar as by Adam and Eve. But it needs time and alot patience ;-) 

  15. Julio Iglesias Canta un Testigo de Jehová Canción del Reino sobre Jehová en Honor de su Madre.
      Mi novia lo envió en mi teléfono i ...   pero lo encontré para todos ustedes en el Internet! Lo comparé -  es la misma voz

    La mamá de Julio Iglesias estudiaba con las hermanas JW y eran tan cariñosas con su mamá, pero ahora murió, dijo ... Quería cantar esta canción para todas las hermanas, me escribió,  KD canción No. 138 ;-) Disfruta !

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