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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. On 6.11.2016 at 16:41, bredim said:

    A sister sent me the song 138 with a comment that it is Iglesias singing. I listened it at first on my smartphone, and it sounded like his voice. But now after careful listening I can say he isn’t.

    It  IS  Julio  Iglesias !  I  know  it  from  my  pioneer - girlfriend  ;-)  Read  my  text  by  our  Librarian !

  2. Este es un informe muy raro ... Julius Iglesius estaba cantando nuestra canción KD para su MOM ... ella estudió, luego murió :-(  Es para todas las hermanas!
      Mi novia lo envió en mi teléfono iPhone,  pero lo encontré para todos ustedes en el Internet!  Lo comparé - es la misma voz !

    La mamá de Julio Iglesius estudió con las hermanas JW y eran tan cariñosas con su mamá, pero ahora murió, dijo ... Quería cantar esta canción para todas las hermanas, me escribió ❤  KD canción No. 138 ;-) Disfruta !

    Este es un informe muy raro ... Julius Iglesius estaba cantando nuestra canción KD para su MOM ... ella estudió, luego murió :-(   Es para todas las hermanas❤

  3. On 2.11.2016 at 00:49, Witness said:

    You know Praeceptor, I was unaware that there were other marked areas on this forum beside the Examining the Daily Text, that are especially under Queen Esther, and where only certain responses are allowed.  If she had sent me a note as she did earlier about commenting on the Daily Text, this would have been greatly appreciated. 



    I am sorry that resorting to your crude manner of informing me was an acceptable solution to both you, and Queen Esther, when sending a private note would have been well respected.  






    Lets  looking  for  more  peace  under  us,  ok ?  THANKS /  DANKE  ❤

  4. On 2.11.2016 at 00:49, Witness said:

    You know Praeceptor, I was unaware that there were other marked areas on this forum beside the Examining the Daily Text, that are especially under Queen Esther, and where only certain responses are allowed.  If she had sent me a note as she did earlier about commenting on the Daily Text, this would have been greatly appreciated. 



    I am sorry that resorting to your crude manner of informing me was an acceptable solution to both you, and Queen Esther, when sending a private note would have been well respected.  






    OK...  next  time  a  private  note  when  I  see  it  in  time  -  thank  you ;-)

  5. 1516.jpg

                             Llegarán a ser “un reino de sacerdotes”


    Esto significa mi “sangre del pacto”, que ha de ser derramada a favor de muchos para perdón de pecados (Mat. 26:28).


    Dios podía aplicar el valor de la sangre de Jesús a los descendientes de Adán. También podía adoptar “como hijos” a algunos seres humanos fieles ungiéndolos con espíritu santo (Rom. 8:14-17). Como a los ojos de Dios estarían limpios de pecado, en cierto sentido serían como Jesús, el Hijo de Dios. Llegarían a ser “coherederos con Cristo” y tendrían la oportunidad que la nación de Israel perdió, la de llegar a ser “un reino de sacerdotes” (Éx. 19:6). Respecto a estos “coherederos con Cristo”, el apóstol Pedro dijo: “Son ‘una raza escogida, un sacerdocio real, una nación santa, un pueblo para posesión especial, para que declaren en público las excelencias’ de aquel que los llamó” (1 Ped. 2:9). ¡Qué importante es el nuevo pacto! Permite que algunos discípulos de Jesús lleguen a ser la parte secundaria de la descendencia de Abrahán. w14 15/10 2:8, 9

  6. 1516.jpg

                                You Will Become “a Kingdom of Priests”


    This means my “blood of the covenant,” which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.—Matt. 26:28.


    God could apply the value of Jesus’ shed blood to Adam’s descendants. He could also adopt certain devoted humans “as sons” by anointing them with holy spirit. (Rom. 8:14-17) Being considered to be without sin in God’s eyes, they would in a sense be like Jesus, the sinless Son of God. These anointed ones would become “joint heirs with Christ” and have the opportunity of becoming “a kingdom of priests.” (Ex. 19:6) This was a privilege that the nation of Israel under the Law could have had. Concerning the “joint heirs with Christ,” the apostle Peter stated: “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the One who called you.” (1 Pet. 2:9) How vital the new covenant is! It enables Jesus’ disciples to become the secondary part of Abraham’s offspring. w14 10/15 2:8, 9

  7. 11 hours ago, Tennyson said:

    Please send me  daily text for today  12th November 2016   thank you    sister. Esther


    The DT.  for the 12. Nov. is above,  brother Tennyson...  Read my comment under Alexa's,  I only made a date mistake to my night time there, I am sorry.

    I repaired it, but the text is right and current for today ;-)  


  8. Thats  beautiful  and  original...  My  son  has  it  similar  in  his  home - office  and  sleeping room !  For  the  new  kitchen  it  would  looking  also  nice,  I  will  show  it  Maike ;-)

  9. Cooles  design... ;-) :D  WOW !!

    Model S 60: net list price from now under 60,000 euros, thus qualifies for German purchase premium
    Today, Tesla updated the online configurator on its own website and entered new prices for the vehicles. Overall, the prices have been re-adjusted downwards for a long time. A price reduction has to be emphasized: the Model S 60 costs 69.400 euros gross or 58.249.08 euros net.

    That the net price is under 60,000 euros, is particularly important. As a result, Tesla qualifies for more than € 4,000 with the Model S 60 for the federal government's purchase premium. Although Tesla, as a foreign producer, has to grant half of it to the customer himself, while the other 2,000 euros are subsidized, the Californian coach will be able to get over it.

    In order to lower the net price of the Model S 60 at least under € 60,000, Tesla divided numerous comfort features from the standard equipment into a separate "comfort package" for a surcharge of € 5,200. This can then be ordered as an option and is independent of the promotion since only the basic price is evaluated for this.

    The comfort package, which is not part of the standard equipment for model S 60, includes:

        backup camera
        internet radio
        Blind spot warning
        Driver's seat with memory function
        parking sensors
        El. Folding exterior mirrors
        Tracking warning
        HomeLink garage door opener

    Tesla still writes something of a "performance reduction 80%", but this is obviously a translation error. Possibly one has the power reduction rather without this comfort package, which is then canceled by the booking of the package.

    It is rather unlikely that a customer will order a vehicle in this price category without these comfort features. The customer can thus obtain the 4,000 Euro purchase bonus, configure the Model S according to his wishes, and even retrofit to 75 instead of 60 kWh.  All 60 kWh models are software-limited Model S 75 only.

    In  Germany,  they  talk  about  TESLA  too !  Read your Newspaper by driving,  hahaha ;-)  Enjoy !



  10. 14938355_1218348084906676_4868002267960675333_n.jpg

    Dzerzhinsk (región de Nizhny Novgorod.) RUSIA

    El pasado 8 noviembre, poco antes del inicio de la reunión, la policía se presento para un registro. Un oficial de paisano fue discretamente al aseo de discapacitados y al salir llevaba publicaciones incluidas en la lista de material extremista.
    Dichos folletos jamas estuvieron en el salón y menos en un aseo.
    Pero la reunión fue suspendida.

  11. 14938355_1218348084906676_4868002267960675333_n.jpg

    Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region.) RUSSIA

    On 8 November, shortly before the start of the meeting, the police presented themselves for a search. A plainclothes officer went discreetly to the toilet for the disabled and when he left he carried publications on the list of extremist material.
    These brochures were never in the room and less in a toilet.
    But the meeting was suspended.

  12. 1338.jpg

                      Sirva lealmente a Dios a pesar de “muchas tribulaciones”

    ¡Hombre desdichado que soy! (Rom. 7:24.)


    ¿Por qué algunos siervos fieles de Jehová se desaniman? Hay distintas causas. Algunos quizás simplemente tengan la tendencia a pensar mal de sí mismos y de sus circunstancias en la vida (Prov. 15:15). En el caso de otros, los sentimientos negativos pueden deberse a un problema de salud que afecta las emociones. Si por algún motivo usted está desanimado, recuerde quién es el que quiere aprovecharse de esos sentimientos. ¿Quién quiere que usted se sienta igual que él, condenado sin remedio? (Rev. 20:10.) ¿Quién quiere que se rinda? Por supuesto, es Satanás. Sea que use ataques directos o más disimulados, su objetivo es el mismo: angustiarnos, desanimarnos y lograr que nos rindamos. El pueblo de Jehová está en plena guerra espiritual. No lo olvide. Nunca abandone la lucha. Piense siempre en la recompensa (2 Cor. 4:16, 17). w14 15/9 2:12, 14, 15


  13. 1338.jpg                       Serve God Loyally Despite “Many Tribulations”

    Miserable man that I am!—Rom. 7:24.


    What causes some zealous servants of Jehovah to become discouraged? There could be a number of reasons. Some may simply have a tendency to think badly of themselves and their circumstances in life. (Prov. 15:15)  For others, negative feelings might be rooted in a physical disorder that affects the emotions. Whatever the cause, we must remember who wants to exploit those feelings. Really, who wants us to get so discouraged that we give up? Who wants you to feel the same weighty condemnation that looms over him? (Rev. 20:10) It is Satan, of course. The truth is, whether by means of some frontal attack or through more subtle attacks, Satan has the same goal—to worry us, to weaken our zeal, and to cause us to quit. Make no mistake, God’s people are involved in spiritual warfare! Be determined not to give up the fight. Keep focused on the reward.—2 Cor. 4:16, 17. w14 9/15 2:12, 14, 15


  14. 15 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

    The player doesn't work for me

    I  shared  it  to  FB  -  but  when  I  click  on  the  first  picture,  its  the  same, I  landed  on  the  same  page  as  by  the  link.  Perhaps  the  Librarian  or  another  Comp.freak  here  has  any  idea  for  your  success ?  Sometimes  we  have  luck ;-)  ---  The  page  calls  "issuu" -  we  can  free  install  the  app !  Perhaps,  then  you  can  see  all  these  many  old  pictures  of  JW ? I  hope  so !

  15. 10 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    This video reminded of this scripture, which I like to use in discussions with evolutionist as to the origin of the universe:

    (Isaiah 40:25, 26) 25 “To whom can you liken me to make me his equal?” says the Holy One. 26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing.

    Then use this scripture in Psalms as to where Jehovah originated:

    (Psalm 90:1, 2) O Jehovah, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.  2 Before the mountains were born Or you brought forth the earth and the productive land, From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.

    You can then ask from where and from what did evolution originate?

    (Revelation 4:11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”)........also good to keep in mind.

    Thank you very much,  brother Barltrop ! 

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