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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. At the Opo Assembly Hall in South Korea, very high JW.ORG Logo In the evening brightly illuminated ! AND JW.ORG AROUND THE EARTH.... Matthew 24 : 14 !
  2. This is what Jehovah has commanded us to do.—Lev. 8:5. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/5 The requirement that Israel’s priesthood be physically clean has real meaning for Jehovah’s people today. (Lev. 8:6) Those with whom we study the Bible often notice that our places of worship are clean and also how neat and well-dressed we are. Yet, the cleanness of the priesthood helps us to realize that anyone who ascends the elevated mountain of Jehovah’s worship must have “a pure heart.” (Ps. 24:3, 4; Isa. 2:2, 3) Our sacred service to God must be rendered with cleansed minds and hearts as well as with clean bodies. This calls for frequent self-examination, after which some may need to make significant changes so that they can be holy. (2 Cor. 13:5) For instance, a baptized person who deliberately views pornography should ask himself, ‘Am I proving myself holy?’ Then he ought to get help to end that vile practice.—Jas. 5:14. w14 11/15 2:3, 6
  3. Four Burning Candles... ( look also by illustrations...) In a room there were four candles burning. The ambiance was so soft you could hear them talking. The first one said, “I am PEACE, however nobody can keep me lit. I believe I will go out.” It’s flame rapidly diminishes and goes out completely. The second one says, “I am FAITH. Most of all I am no longer indispensable, so it does not make any sense that I stay lit any longer.” When it finished talking a breeze softly blew on it putting it out. Sadly, the third candle spoke in its turn. “I am LOVE. I have not gotten the strength to stay lit. People put me aside and don’t understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them.” And waiting no longer it goes out. Suddenly a child entered the room and saw three candles not burning. “Why are you not burning you are supposed to stay lit till the end.” Saying this the child began to cry. Then the fourth candle said, “Don’t be afraid, while I am still burning we can re-light the other candles, I am HOPE.” With shining eyes, the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other candles ;o) I found today the video to that nice illustration... Enjoy !
  4. ( Look also by Illustrations...) A TEACHER is teaching a large class. The teacher is doing the very best job possible in teaching the students all they need to know. Suddenly, an unruly student in the back of the class stands up, and shouts to everyone in the class...... You are a liar, teacher! You have no right to be teaching this class at all. I know more about the subject than you do, and I can prove it to any fellow student who will listen to me! What does the teacher do? Does the teacher just call the Principal and have the unruly student evicted immediately from the class, and then continue on, as if nothing had happened? Think about it for a moment.....If the teacher chose that course of action, then the other students may never know for sure who was correct, and who was the liar, and could be convinced to follow the unruly student. The teach chooses this solution to the problem....The teacher says to the unruly student: "OK, you come forward, and you teach the class for one week. At the end of the week, it will become quite clear to all onlookers who tells the truth, and who is the liar.... who has the right to teach this class, and who does not have that right. Here's the point of this little illustration..... This clearly illustrates exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden, between the serpant, Satan, and Adam and Eve. The onlookers were the billions of angelic servants of Jehovah God. The week mentioned for Satan and his demons is not quite over, but today, just a little time is left. In the meantime, whose side do you choose to be on ? The teacher.... or the unruly student ?
  5. A TEACHER is teaching a large class. The teacher is doing the very best job possible in teaching the students all they need to know. Suddenly, an unruly student in the back of the class stands up, and shouts to everyone in the class.... You are a liar, teacher! You have no right to be teaching this class at all. I know more about the subject than you do, and I can prove it to any fellow student who will listen to me! What does the teacher do? Does the teacher just call the Principal and have the unruly student evicted immediately from the class, and then continue on, as if nothing had happened? Think about it for a moment.....If the teacher chose that course of action, then the other students may never know for sure who was correct, and who was the liar, and could be convinced to follow the unruly student. The teach chooses this solution to the problem.... The teacher says to the unruly student: "OK, you come forward, and you teach the class for one week. At the end of the week, it will become quite clear to all onlookers who tells the truth, and who is the liar.... who has the right to teach this class, and who does not have that right. Here's the point of this little illustration.... This clearly illustrates exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden, between the serpant, Satan, and Adam and Eve. The onlookers were the billions of angelic servants of Jehovah God. The week mentioned for Satan and his demons is not quite over, but today, just a little time is left. In the meantime, whose side do you choose to be on... The teacher, or the unruly student ?
  6. Thank you, Sister Lydia. I appreciate such of loyal and brave Brothers and Sisters ! Yes, in some countries, especially Asia, Africa, we have no other chance, coming to the destination area... Again, thanks ! Agape❤️
  7. I read before some months, the driver ( or owner? ) is coming from Netherland. Maybe he organize these trips ? I don't know it. Call your Bethel, they of sure will know more, I hope so.
  8. I am from Germany, North Germany... born in Hamburg - but now living in Stade, We allowed here groomed beards, also by elders. But maybe its little different from cong. to cong.
  9. A well groomed beared can looking so nice ! Our young anointed Sinti - Brother has a very short, small and well groomed beard... Its so nice, like a small chain by a younger Sister ;-)
  10. Hahaha.... I knew it, I knew it ;-)) My post about that was OK... Thank you, dear Librarian ! I believe, we still get more & more new light !
  11. Use the Word of God—It Is Alive ! This is so that they may believe that Jehovah . . . has appeared to you.—Ex. 4:5. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/4 God put in Moses’ hand the means by which he could prove that his message was from Jehovah. What seemed to others like nothing more than a rod came to life by God’s power! What force such a miracle would add to Moses’ words, proving conclusively that he had Jehovah’s backing! Hence, Jehovah told him: “You will take this rod in your hand and perform the signs with it.” (Ex. 4:17) With that proof of God’s authority in his hand, Moses could go forth and confidently represent the true God before his own people and before Pharaoh. (Ex. 4:2-4, 29-31; 7:8-13) The same question may be asked of us when we go forth to share the Bible’s message with others: “What is that in your hand?” In many cases, the Bible will be in our hand, ready for use. Although some may view the Bible as nothing more than a book, Jehovah speaks to us through his inspired written Word.—2 Pet. 1:21. w14 8/15 2:5, 6
  12. La Palabra de Dios es viva: ¡usémosla! Para que crean que se te ha aparecido Jehová (Éx. 4:5). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/4 Por el poder de Dios, ¡una simple vara cobraba vida! Gracias a ese milagro, Moisés podría demostrar que Jehová lo había enviado y que contaba con su apoyo. Jehová le dijo: “Esta vara la tomarás en tu mano para que ejecutes con ella las señales” (Éx. 4:17). Teniendo esa prueba en sus manos, Moisés pudo pasar a la acción y representar con plena confianza al Dios verdadero ante su propio pueblo y ante el faraón (Éx. 4:2-4, 29-31; 7:8-13). Cuando nosotros pasamos a la acción y llevamos el mensaje bíblico al prójimo, se nos podría hacer la misma pregunta que se le hizo a Moisés: “¿Qué tienes en la mano?”. En muchos casos tendremos la Biblia en la mano y estaremos listos para usarla. Aunque hay quienes ven la Biblia como un simple libro, es mucho más que eso: es la Palabra escrita de Jehová, mediante la cual él nos habla (2 Ped. 1:21). w14 15/8 2:5, 6
  13. Still more JW.org Trucks.... ;-) and 2 JW.org busse.... JW.org.... always on the way with the BEST literature !
  14. Sister Mildred Simpkin is really a Big example for many of us ❤
  16. ALEMANIA. Numerosos hermanos y hermanas de edad avanzada están colaborando con la predicacion publica gracias a los carros. Antes apenas salían porque no podían andar mucho. Ahora dedican horas a estar en sus puestos y cuentan con la confianza de la gente.
  17. En hospital Luis Vernaza se realizó procedimiento a testigo de Jehová Karina Silvera / Guayaquil / 29 oct 2016 Un trasplante de riñón sin transfusión de sangre ni plasma, Salud. *Patty Mujica* deberá pasar al menos siete días en observación. (Cortesía) Como una persona nueva. Así se siente Patty Mujica Villamar después de recibir un nuevo riñón, por el que había venido padeciendo durante trece años. Fue un largo tiempo “atada a una máquina”, dice la mujer, quien por algunos años recibió hemodiálisis, después pasó a sesiones con sueros y en 2011 empezó el proceso para ingresar a una lista de espera de un órgano donado. En ese tiempo sentía desfallecer, comenta. Hasta que llegó la llamada donde le informaban que tenían el riñón que necesitaba. “No lo podía creer. Ya había perdido las esperanzas, pero Jehová me dijo: ‘Espérate’”, expresa. El proceso se realizó en el hospital Luis Vernaza, y con esta intervención sumó a 120 el número de trasplantes de este tipo que se hacen en el nosocomio desde hace seis años. Fue un procedimiento complejo, pero satisfactorio, y con una particularidad: es la primera vez que se realiza una intervención sin administrar sangre, plasma ni plaquetas. Esto, debido al credo de la paciente. Mujica profesa la religión de los testigos de Jehová y sus creencias no les permiten recibir ningún tipo de transfusión sanguínea, así que el procedimiento quirúrgico no podría basarse en ello. Algo complejo, pero no imposible. Noralma Mosquera Vivas, jefe del equipo de trasplante renal de esta casa de salud, indica que no es necesario hacer una transfusión durante la operación. “Solo lo hacemos cuando el paciente se descompensa”. Para este caso en particular estaba lista la máquina cell-saver (salvador de células) que recupera la sangre del paciente durante la intervención y se la devuelve al organismo. Este caso fue uno de los tres procedimientos que se efectuaron esta semana en el operativo de trasplantes de órganos de donantes cadavéricos: dos renales y otro hepático, en este último participó el grupo médico a cargo de José Zúñiga, jefe del equipo de trasplante hepático del Luis Vernaza. *CONSIGA BIEN PRONTO* Hermana Patty Mujica❤ ¡Que Jehová los bendiga!
  18. Luis Vernaza hospital procedure was performed Jehovah's Witness Karina Silvera / Guayaquil / October 29, 2016 Kidney transplantation without blood transfusion or plasma ! Health. *Patty Mujica* must spend at least seven days under observation. (Courtesy) Like a new person. So Patty feels Villamar Mujica after receiving a new kidney, which had been suffering for thirteen years. It was a long time "tied to a machine," says the woman, who received hemodialysis for a few years, then moved to sessions with sera and in 2011 began the process to join a waiting list for a donor organ. At that time felt faint, he says. Until the call came informing him that had the kidney she needed. "I could not believe it. He had already lost hope, but the Lord said, 'Wait a minute,' "he says. The process was conducted at the Luis Vernaza hospital, and this intervention amounted to 120 the number of such transplants that are done in the hospital for six years. It was a satisfactory complex procedure, but with a particularity: it is the first time a procedure is performed without administering blood, plasma or platelets. This is due to the creed of the patient. Mujica profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses and their beliefs do not allow them to receive any blood transfusion, so the surgical procedure could not rely on it. Complex, but not impossible. Mosquera Noralma Vivas, team leader kidney transplant health of this house indicates that you do not need a transfusion during surgery. "Only we do when the patient is out of kilter". For this particular case was ready the cell-saver (cell saver) machine that retrieves the patient's blood during the operation and returns to the body. This case was one of the three procedures were carried out this week in the operation of organ transplants from cadavers, two kidney and one liver, in the latter part the medical group by Jose Zuniga, head of the team of liver transplant Luis Vernaza. *GET WELL SOON* Sister Patty Mujica❤ May Jehovah bless you ! ( http://expreso.ec/guayaquil/un-trasplante-de-rinon-sin-transfusion-de-sangre-ni-plasma-MH810680 )
  19. In poor countries, the humans very interested at the word of God ❤ I like such of simple, nice pictures ! You maybe too, Sister Carol Ann ;-)
  20. ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  21. Poor Brothers and sometimes Sisters too :-( Curious, many JW would never do that, bec. the clothes so wet and smutty....
  22. Los siervos de Jehová renuncian a la injusticia Sigan asegurándose de lo que es acepto al Señor (Efes. 5:10). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/3 Las diferencias de opinión sobre las diversiones pueden provocar discusiones “necias e ignorantes” (2 Tim. 2:23). Claro, si alguien promueve diversiones que violan las normas morales divinas, los ancianos no van a tolerar tal conducta simplemente por evitar confrontaciones (Sal. 11:5; Efes. 5:3-5). Sin embargo, deben tener cuidado de no imponer sus propios puntos de vista. Nuestra organización no revisa las películas, los videojuegos, los libros o las canciones para decirnos cuáles debemos evitar. ¿Por qué no? Porque la Biblia anima a cada cristiano a desarrollar “sus facultades perceptivas [...] para distinguir tanto lo correcto como lo incorrecto” (Heb. 5:14). Las Escrituras contienen principios que nos permiten tomar buenas decisiones en el ámbito del entretenimiento. Ahora bien, la Biblia enseña que los cabezas de familia tienen un grado de autoridad, de modo que pueden decidir que los suyos no participen en ciertos tipos de entretenimiento (1 Cor. 11:3; Efes. 6:1-4). w14 15/7 2:11, 12
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