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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. pumpkin_medical_medium.jpg.21e79b16ec8f21559f16d3b7d8c681f7.jpg


    Pumpkin is a very low calorie vegetable (actually technically a fruit) that is packed with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and zea-xanthin which can help prevent age-related macular disease. Pumpkin is also a rich source of B-vitamins such as folates, niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid and minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, and phosphorus.

    It is an excellent food for aiding weight loss and for reducing cholesterol. The high amount of phytonutrients in pumpkin have been shown to help prevent the risk of cancers, particularly mouth, lung, and colon cancer. Pumpkin also contains several anti-aging benefits and the antioxidants help to keep skin wrinkle-free and radiating a healthy glow.

    It also contains immune-boosting properties which can help the body stay strong and ward off common colds and flus that may be going around. Pumpkin is excellent way to replenish and restore the body after a workout as it is high in potassium which helps to restore the body’s balance of electrolytes after exercise and keeps muscles functioning at their best.

    Pumpkin is a versatile food and can be eaten raw, steamed, baked, or roasted and is commonly used in muffins, pies, soups, and stews. Frozen or canned pumpkin is an alternative option to include this healthy vegetable into your diet when you are short on time. Pumpkin can be found online and fresh at your local health food store.

    Pumpkin Smoothie
    1 cup pumpkin puree
    1 large frozen banana
    1 cup coconut milk
    1 tablespoon raw honey
    1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
    1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

    Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Drink and Enjoy !

  2. pumpkin_medical_medium.jpg


    Pumpkin is a very low calorie vegetable (actually technically a fruit) that is packed with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and zea-xanthin which can help prevent age-related macular disease. Pumpkin is also a rich source of B-vitamins such as folates, niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid and minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, and phosphorus.

    It is an excellent food for aiding weight loss and for reducing cholesterol. The high amount of phytonutrients in pumpkin have been shown to help prevent the risk of cancers, particularly mouth, lung, and colon cancer. Pumpkin also contains several anti-aging benefits and the antioxidants help to keep skin wrinkle-free and radiating a healthy glow.

    It also contains immune-boosting properties which can help the body stay strong and ward off common colds and flus that may be going around. Pumpkin is excellent way to replenish and restore the body after a workout as it is high in potassium which helps to restore the body’s balance of electrolytes after exercise and keeps muscles functioning at their best.

    Pumpkin is a versatile food and can be eaten raw, steamed, baked, or roasted and is commonly used in muffins, pies, soups, and stews. Frozen or canned pumpkin is an alternative option to include this healthy vegetable into your diet when you are short on time. Pumpkin can be found online and fresh at your local health food store.

    Pumpkin Smoothie
    1 cup pumpkin puree
    1 large frozen banana
    1 cup coconut milk
    1 tablespoon raw honey
    1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
    1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

    Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Drink and Enjoy !

  3. 1 hour ago, Alan Murdock said:

    Wait for the announcement in your Kingdom Hall. Patience, please, my sister!

    We still waiting of the new silver Bible in Germany....  we're the last Country,  I think so ! And the new  song-book  -  oh,  of sure again some years. I learned patience.....   no problem.  But I've the new Bible  in  English  ;o) :D

    PS.  We can hear all songs, until  No.154  on jw.org !

  4. I  know  that  story,  wonderful  for  the  poor  humans !  But  all  has  pro  and  cons....   D. Trump  never  would  do  that, he  want  build  a  high  wall  from USA to Mexiko !  How  sad  for  many many  families :-(   Until  now,  they  can  touch  their  fingers  through  the  long  fence,  but  with  Trump,  the  families  can't  see  each  other  through  the  wall... ( 3000 km long !!)   What  a  big  disaster !  We  shall  see....

  5. MITTWOCH  29  !!!!.jpg



    Del corazón salen razonamientos inicuos, asesinatos, adulterios, fornicaciones (Mat. 15:19).


    Una vez que los deseos impropios echan raíces en su corazón, dos personas que se atraen quizá comiencen a hablar de cosas que solo deberían confiarle a su cónyuge. Pronto buscarán excusas para verse y crearán cada vez más oportunidades para estar juntos. Tal vez se engañen a sí mismos pensando que esos encuentros son inocentes o hasta casuales. Pero, poco a poco, sus sentimientos se harán más intensos y sus defensas más débiles. Cuanto más lejos vayan, más les costará parar, aunque sepan que lo que están haciendo está mal (Prov. 7:21, 22). Cada uno de los dos ha sido “provocado y cautivado [o, según la nota, “capturado como por carnada”] por su propio deseo”. Finalmente, cuando su deseo se vuelve más intenso, “da a luz el pecado”: cometen inmoralidad sexual (Sant. 1:14, 15). ¡Qué final tan triste! w15 15/1 4:5-7

  6. DT  &&.jpg

    DO  !!!!!!!!!.jpg

    PRAYER  !!!!.jpg

    Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, sexual immorality.—Matt. 15:19.


    Once illicit desires take root in their treacherous hearts, two people who are attracted to each other may find themselves discussing matters that they should be sharing only with their spouse. Soon, they create more and more opportunities to be together, and seemingly innocent and ostensibly accidental encounters become more frequent. As their feelings become more intense, their moral defenses weaken. The further they go down a sinful path, the more difficult it is to stop, even though they know that what they are doing is wrong. (Prov. 7:21, 22) Ultimately, they are “drawn out and enticed [“caught as by bait,” ftn.] by [their] own desire.” When the desire has become fertile, it “gives birth to sin”—in this case, sexual immorality. (Jas. 1:14, 15) How tragic! w15 1/15 4:5-7

  7. 2 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    Only works if you have had a birth day in 2016 already.

    It does work, because although you may not have had your birthday in that year, you are going to have one.........all this does is tell you your year of birth, not the month..........think ordinal, cardinal numbers!

    The posted text is telling  ONLY  your brirth-YEAR...  not the month or day !   Read it once more,  please.  The most people like it,  yes.  Its short and funny...   Telling  also  the  month & day  were  too  complicated !  Its a short, clever joke for ALL  ;-)

  8. 7 hours ago, David Normand said:

    Only works if you have had a birth day in 2016 already. Will not work next year at all. 

    Give  me  your  example !  Normal  it  works  by  all  ages...

    When a person is 70 years,  then  66  -70 =  - 4  plus 50 = 50 - 4 = 46 !  the year, the person was born !


  9. 1871.jpg

                        Para sobrevivir, tendremos que estar unidos

    Somos miembros que pertenecemos individualmente unos a otros (Rom. 12:5).


    Este principio es evidente cuando ocurren catástrofes naturales. En diciembre de 2011, una tormenta tropical causó graves inundaciones en la isla filipina de Mindanao. En una noche, más de cuarenta mil hogares se vieron afectados, entre ellos los de muchos hermanos. Pero la sucursal informó: “Antes de que los comités de socorro comenzaran a trabajar, los hermanos de otras zonas ya habían empezado a enviar provisiones”. En Japón, cuando un devastador terremoto y el tsunami que lo siguió azotaron el este del país, muchos hermanos sufrieron pérdidas enormes. Algunos se quedaron sin absolutamente nada. Un miembro del comité de socorro comentó: “Los hermanos de todo el país estaban muy unidos y se ayudaban mutuamente. Hasta vinieron hermanos de Estados Unidos para colaborar. Cuando les preguntamos por qué, respondieron: ‘Nuestros corazones están con los hermanos de Japón, y necesitan ayuda’”. ¿Verdad que nos sentimos orgullosos de pertenecer a una organización que se preocupa tanto por sus miembros? w14 15/12 3:19, 20


  10. 1871.jpg

                          Facing the End of This Old World Together

    We are members belonging to one another.—Rom. 12:5.


    We can see proof of this principle when disasters strike. In December 2011, a tropical storm caused severe flooding on the Philippine island of Mindanao. Overnight, more than 40,000 homes were inundated, including dozens of our brothers’ homes. However, the branch office reports that “even before the relief committees were in operation, Christian brothers from other areas were sending help.” Similarly, when a massive earthquake and resulting tsunami struck eastern Japan, many brothers and sisters suffered great losses. Some were left with virtually nothing. A member of the relief committee comments: “Brothers from all over Japan were acting as one, trying to help one another. Brothers even came all the way from the United States to help. When asked why, they said, ‘We are united with our brothers in Japan, and they need help.’” Are you not proud to be part of an organization that cares so much for its members? w14 12/15 3:19, 20

  11. Footprints In The Sand.jpg

     ❤ Footprints In The Sand

    One night I had a dream.

    I dreamed, I was walking along the beach
    with the Lord...

    Across the sky flashed scenes from my life..
    For each scene, I noticed two sets of  footprints  in the sand,

    one belonging to me,  and the other to the Lord,...

    When the last scene of my life flashed before me,...
    I looked back at the footprints in the sand,...
    I noticed that many times along the path of my life
    there was only one set of footprints,...
    I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life,...

    This really bothered me
    and I questioned the Lord about it:
    " Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way,..

    But I have noticed,  that during the most
    troublesome times in my life
    there is only one set of footprints.
    I don't understand why  -
    when I need you most you would leave me "

    The Lord replied:
    " My precious child, I love you and would
    never leave you.
    During your times of trial and suffering,
    when you see only  ONE  set of footprints,  it was then
    that  I  carried  you "  ;o)

    (by Mary Stevenson 1922 - 1999)

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