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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 20.  5.jpg

    NEXT  FRIDAY  STARTING.... :x   ENJOY  ALL  MY  BROTHER'S  &  SISTER'S 1f601.png1f64f.png

    IN  GERMANY  FIRST  IN  JULY....  maybe, we  get  then  finally  the silver Bible, WOW !

    Germany  is  one  of  the  last  Countries, we're waiting since  4 - 5 years :( thats long -

           ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  2. 20.5..jpg
    By [God] we have life and move and exist.—Acts 17:28.

    There are many reasons why we should be thankful to Jehovah! We owe him our very life, for without him we would not even move or exist. He has given us a very precious gift—his own book, the Bible. We gratefully accept it as God’s message, even as the Christians in Thessalonica received God’s word and accepted it. (1 Thess. 2:13) With the written Word of God in hand, we have drawn close to Jehovah and he has drawn close to us. (Jas. 4:8) Our heavenly Father has granted us the wonderful privilege of being part of his organization. How we appreciate such blessings! The psalmist put matters beautifully when he sang: “Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever.” (Ps. 136:1) Twenty-six times in Psalm 136, we find the refrain “his loyal love endures forever.” By proving loyal to Jehovah and his organization, we will experience the truthfulness of those heartening words because we will live forever! w16.11 3:18, 19



    IS  ALWAYS  IN  FULL  SPEED 1f44d.png  bec. JEHOVAH  NEVER  STOPS...  But  alot  more  JW,  thats  right !!


    Yes  JTR.  so  many  things  were  frownded !  So  I've  now  my  own  opinion  by  some  things :)

  4. 19.5..jpg

    19. 5..jpg
    He has . . . put eternity in their heart.—Eccl. 3:11.

    Science has revealed much about the universe and our earthly home, and it has brought us advantages in various aspects of life. But there are many questions science has not been able to answer. For instance, astronomers cannot tell us exactly how the universe came into existence or why we are on planet Earth with its abundance of life. Also, people in general cannot explain why mankind has a strong desire to live forever. Why are there so many important but unanswered questions? Partly because numerous scientists and others tend to promote godless thinking and endorse the theory of evolution. But in his own Book, Jehovah answers questions weighing on the hearts of people everywhere. We are dependent on the consistent and reliable laws of nature established by Jehovah. Electricians, plumbers, engineers, pilots, surgeons—all of them depend on these laws in order to do their work. w16.11 2:4, 5


  5. 18. 5..jpg

    Just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.—Jas. 2:26.

    The letter of James explains that true Christian faith is not just a matter of believing; action is involved. “Show me your faith without the works,” wrote James, “and I will show you my faith by my works.” (Jas. 2:18) James goes on to show the clear difference between mere belief and the exercising of one’s faith. The demons believe that God exists, but they have no true faith. Rather, they faithlessly work against the fulfillment of God’s purposes. (Jas. 2:19, 20) By contrast, referring to another ancient man of faith, James asks: “Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? You see that his faith was active along with his works and his faith was perfected by his works.” (Jas. 2:21-23) Then to drive home the point that faith must be shown by works, James adds the words of today’s text. w16.10 4:8


  6. 17.5..jpg

    Do not forget kindness to strangers.—Heb. 13:2, ftn.

    Jehovah lovingly made provisions for the foreigners living in Israel, such as the right to glean food. (Lev. 19:9, 10) Rather than order the Israelites to respect foreigners, Jehovah appealed to their empathy. (Ex. 23:9) They knew ‘how it felt to be a foreigner.’ Even before they were reduced to slavery, the Hebrews were likely shunned by the Egyptians because of racial pride or religious prejudice. (Gen. 43:32; 46:34; Ex. 1:11-14) The Israelites had experienced a bitter life as foreign residents, but Jehovah expected them to treat the foreigner “like a native” among them. (Lev. 19:33, 34) No doubt, Jehovah is equally concerned about people from a foreign background who attend meetings in our congregations. (Deut. 10:17-19; Mal. 3:5, 6) If we reflect on the challenges that they are facing, such as discrimination or the language barrier, we will look for ways to show them kindness and fellow feeling.—1 Pet. 3:8. w16.10 1:3-5


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    Faith is . . . the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.—Heb. 11:1.

    Have people said to you that they believe in evolution because it is based on science whereas belief in God is based on faith? Many hold this view. But it is good for us to keep this in mind: No matter what someone believes about God or about evolution, some type of faith is involved. How so? None of us have seen God or observed something being created. (John 1:18) And no human—whether he is a scientist or not—has observed one kind of life evolve into another kind. No one has watched a reptile evolve into a mammal, for example. (Job 38:1, 4) Hence, all of us must examine the evidence and use our thinking ability to reach sound conclusions. Regarding creation, the apostle Paul wrote: “[God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”—Rom. 1:20. w16.09 4:4


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    Faith is . . . the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.—Heb. 11:1.

    Have people said to you that they believe in evolution because it is based on science whereas belief in God is based on faith? Many hold this view. But it is good for us to keep this in mind: No matter what someone believes about God or about evolution, some type of faith is involved. How so? None of us have seen God or observed something being created. (John 1:18) And no human—whether he is a scientist or not—has observed one kind of life evolve into another kind. No one has watched a reptile evolve into a mammal, for example. (Job 38:1, 4) Hence, all of us must examine the evidence and use our thinking ability to reach sound conclusions. Regarding creation, the apostle Paul wrote: “[God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”—Rom. 1:20. w16.09 4:4


  9. Saffron8.jpg

    Young you are honored,
    In the garden of Holy Jah!

    The sky is not cloudy,
    And you make sense on this earth!

    The look is coming back,
    To Satan's world,
    To see how he squeezes it,
    Day by day and year after year!

    To see the looting,
    Selfishness, greed,
    To appreciate your condition,
    Be firm as Jeremiah!

    The world is in the cage,
    You really do not think so!
    She's dead! It's not alive!
    Satan is driving the saddle!

    She pulls her out of the pond,
    He gives him spikes,
    With a spiritual state,
    More dead than awake!

    He's doing it,
    To the abyss of the abyss,
    Not to grab it
    Towards the New Paradise!

    He gives him spurs and hits her,
    And it gives him spoiled food!
    The deadly spirit is!
    No mother, no father!

    Young, happy be!
    Jehovah is your father!
    The world has no living eyes,
    Without Yahweh God!

    Young man, keep your way,
    Clean and keep your eyes alive!
    The world only walks in the Valley,
    Those dead without the crap!

    BIBLE said that the world,
    And her lusts will pass!
    Today it reaches the peak,
    Through cool competition!

    No peace, joy,
    Stare, it has no patience!
    Spiritually, it's not alive,
    And in heaven, accounts do not have!

    The Book of Life is closed,
    For her, and her master!
    By sin, the world is defeated,
    "Water passes, rocks remain!

    Young man, do not look,
    To the world, all the way!
    All of the world are not alive!
    Eternal are, you dead children!

    You remain in Paradise,
    To those who are eternal,
    Until the dream is fulfilled
    With Jehovah's Children!

    Lot's wife, gaze,
    Towards the world, he has straightened!
    The Bible offers news,
    When salt has turned!

  10. VON  SILKE  !!.jpg

    The fact of being.....

    To exist, it is a miracle,
    Thinking is amazing,
    When you were not, you were "kneeling"
    Or maybe you were just a flower!

    We are privileged to be,
    Let's move, hear,
    Let's exclaim and love
    Let's laugh and "robotim"!

    These gifts, subdued,
    They are designed by the Holy One!
    By Jehovah they are "programmed"
    As a gift to "the man in the earth"!

    You say you have something of yours
    Lying is shameless,
    You hurt God,
    Like a "spark" that's gone!

    "A device" which is a pioneer,
    "Voice Stamp" pulls out of it!
    With praise I owe you
    Jehovah God faithful!

    Love from You comes,
    And we reflect it all toward you,
    Through You we have a state of well-being
    In honey bee honey!

    You give us peace and light,
    Let's get to the promised country,
    Those conscious worship you!
    Satan's world is defeated!

  11. 15.5..jpg

     I will eagerly pursue the way of your commandments.—Ps. 119:32.

    One circumstance that many have faced is the struggle to overcome a fleshly weakness. Others have had to put forth determined effort to maintain a positive view of the ministry. Or in your case, it may be the need to keep enduring, even though you have poor health or are lonely. We should also not overlook the struggle some have to forgive someone who has offended them or has sinned against them. No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, all of us must fight against things that might hinder our service to God, who rewards the faithful. If you realize that you have to some extent been affected in a negative way, by all means pray for holy spirit. Prayer and holy spirit can give you energy to pursue the course that you know to be right and that Jehovah can bless. Act on your prayers. Try to read a portion of the Bible each day, and make time for personal study as well as regular Family Worship sessions.—Ps. 119:32. w16.09 2:10, 11



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