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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and the one controlling his temper than one conquering a city.—Prov. 16:32. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/10/14 Do not expose your mate’s weaknesses or harp on his idiosyncrasies—not even jokingly. Remember that marriage is not a competition to find out who is stronger, who can shout louder, or who can think of the most cutting remark. True, we all have flaws, and sometimes we upset others. But there is never a justifiable reason for either a husband or a wife to use sarcastic and demeaning speech, or worse, to shove or hit each other. (Prov. 17:27; 31:26) It takes great moral strength to imitate the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ, and to control one’s spirit. A man who verbally or physically abuses his wife is anything but manly, and he will lose his relationship with Jehovah. The psalmist David, who himself was a strong and courageous man, said: “Be agitated, but do not sin. Have your say in your heart, upon your bed, and keep silent.”—Ps. 4:4. w15 1/15 3:16, 17
  2. El que es tardo para la cólera es mejor que un hombre poderoso; y el que controla su espíritu, que el que toma una ciudad (Prov. 16:32). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/10/14 Nunca debemos hablarles a otros de los defectos de nuestra pareja o quejarnos de sus faltas, ni siquiera en broma. Recordemos que el matrimonio no es una competencia para ver quién es más fuerte, quién grita más alto o quién dice cosas más hirientes. Claro, es normal que a veces el otro haga algo que nos moleste, pues todos somos imperfectos. Pero eso no nos da derecho a ridiculizarlo o avergonzarlo, a decirle cosas hirientes y, menos aún, a darle un empujón o hasta golpearlo (Prov. 17:27; 31:26). Requiere mucha fuerza moral imitar al hombre más grande que ha pisado la Tierra, Jesucristo, y controlar el carácter. El que maltrata verbal o físicamente a su esposa no demuestra ser muy hombre, y por supuesto no puede tener una amistad con Jehová. El salmista David, que era un hombre fuerte y valiente, escribió: “Agítense, pero no pequen. Digan lo que quieran en su corazón, sobre su cama, y callen” (Sal. 4:4). w15 15/1 3:16, 17
  3. NOTICIAS CONFIRMADAS DE HAITÍ El paso del huracán por Haití ha dejado mas de 1000 muertos y nos preocupamos especialmente de los nuestros. Nunca anunciamos algo si no se nos confirma debidamente y ya estoy en condiciones de deciros que entre los testigos no hay habido ninguna victima, pero casi todos los hermanos han perdido sus casas, hasta las reconstruidas por la organización tras el terremoto. En la foto puede verse un salón del reino que por ser de ladrillo soporto al huracán pero ha quedado sin techo y el agua entro dentro. No hay casas, no hay donde ir, no hay comida, ni agua, pero sabemos que Jehova no es sordo a las oraciones. Con todo, no nos limitemos a orar. Vamos a la pagina JW.ORG y aunque solo donemos un dolar, entre todos ayudaremos a la organización a ir en socorro. Todos tenemos nuestros problemas, pero no podemos permitir que los nuestros pasen hambre y sus hijos.
  4. Not needful in my eyes.... Too much money for people, which only want celebrate Parties ! 3 days a memory night dance party, thats not JW like... But thats our crazy world !
  5. Listen Obey and Be Blessed, song 120 - 4 year old Danello learned and memorized this song in 2 weeks... Danello's first bible reading ❤ 5 Year old Danello delivers his first bible reading to the congregation... A big talent, our little brother ;o)
  6. Thats right, Jim63..... We all want go on the tight way to Jehovah - lets hope, we work it ! Thats our first Destination ❤ Lets be loyal until to the end....
  7. Our DVD and 2 video's with : Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed ❤ Enjoy ! and our little Danello ;o) Listen Obey and Be Blessed, song 120 4 year old Danello learned and memorized this song in 2 weeks, WOW !! And here comes his first Bible reading on the stage... 1 year later ;o) A big talent - our little brother....
  8. NO... bec. Jehovah will use HIS watching into FUTURE ! Then he will decide, which humans still would love him and they get a chance after Armageddon. So I learned it ! ❤️ PS. Thats my answer for rescue the humans...
  9. I read that : A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt – Scientists Say That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier ! Recent studies conducted at the University of Oxford claim that women with bigger butts are more intelligent and less likely to get chronic illnesses than women with average or below average butt size. Results revealed that women with larger butts have lower levels of cholesterol and have good hormones that help them process sugar better. Also women with bigger butts have fewer chances to get diabetes or heart problems. The results are also showing that women with wider hips tend to have smarter children. This is all thanks to the excess of Omega 3 fats that are stored in the butt. They are helping in brain development. ABC News report states: “Professor Konstantinos Manolopoulos, who leads the team at the University of Oxford, says that women with more fat on the buttocks have lower levels of cholesterol and glucose.” Women with bigger butts tend to have more leptin and dinopectina. Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate weight and dinopectina helps fight stomach issues and diabetes. The adipose tissue in the butt also traps fatty particles, therefore keeping the heart healthier. Universities of Pittsburgh and California conducted a study which says that women with bigger butts have a longer life expectancy. THATS FUNNY, BUT I CANT BELIEVE ;-)
  10. Por medio de él tenemos la liberación por rescate mediante la sangre de ese, sí, el perdón de nuestras ofensas (Efes. 1:7). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/10/13 El sacrificio que Jesús hizo al entregar su vida por la humanidad significa mucho para quienes lo amamos a él y a su Padre (Gál. 2:20). Sin embargo, lo que realmente nos liberó del pecado fue lo que Jesús hizo después de su muerte y resurrección. De hecho, a eso apuntaban las instrucciones de la Ley para el Día de Expiación. Ese día, el sumo sacerdote entraba con parte de la sangre de los sacrificios animales en el Santísimo del tabernáculo —y más tarde del templo—, y allí la presentaba ante Jehová, como si estuviera en su presencia (Lev. 16:11-15). De la misma manera, tras su resurrección, Jesús subió al cielo y allí presentó el valor de su sangre humana ante Jehová (Heb. 9:6, 7, 11-14, 24-28). ¡Cuánto agradecemos que lo hiciera! Gracias a nuestra fe en el valor de esa sangre, Dios nos perdona los pecados y podemos disfrutar de una conciencia limpia. w14 15/11 2:13
  11. By means of him we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses.—Eph. 1:7. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/10/13 The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, who willingly ‘handed himself over for us,’ has profound meaning for all who love him and his Father. (Gal. 2:20) Nonetheless, it was what Jesus did after his death and resurrection that truly released us, making forgiveness of our sins possible. Jesus fulfilled what was foreshadowed in the Mosaic Law on the Day of Atonement. On that day, the high priest took some of the blood of the sacrificial animals into the Most Holy of the tabernacle, and later into Solomon’s temple, and presented it before God, as if in his presence. (Lev. 16:11-15) In like manner, Jesus entered heaven itself with the value of his human blood and presented it to Jehovah. (Heb. 9:6, 7, 11-14, 24-28) How grateful we are that we have our sins forgiven and our consciences cleansed because we exercise faith in the blood of Jesus! w14 11/15 2:13
  12. Just I read that : A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt – Scientists Say That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier ! Recent studies conducted at the University of Oxford claim that women with bigger butts are more intelligent and less likely to get chronic illnesses than women with average or below average butt size. Results revealed that women with larger butts have lower levels of cholesterol and have good hormones that help them process sugar better. Also women with bigger butts have fewer chances to get diabetes or heart problems. The results are also showing that women with wider hips tend to have smarter children. This is all thanks to the excess of Omega 3 fats that are stored in the butt. They are helping in brain development. ABC News report states: “Professor Konstantinos Manolopoulos, who leads the team at the University of Oxford, says that women with more fat on the buttocks have lower levels of cholesterol and glucose.” Women with bigger butts tend to have more leptin and dinopectina. Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate weight and dinopectina helps fight stomach issues and diabetes. The adipose tissue in the butt also traps fatty particles, therefore keeping the heart healthier. Universities of Pittsburgh and California conducted a study which says that women with bigger butts have a longer life expectancy. I NOT REALLY CAN BELIEVE THAT....
  13. 10-16 de octubre 2016 NUESTRA VIDA CRISTIANA Repaso de esta reunión y adelanto de la próxima (3 mins.) Canción 152 y oración ❤ Disfruta ! Nota: Antes de cantar, debe escucharse la música una vez de principio a fin.
  14. Gráfico: Participantes del Resto Ungido en las celebraciones de la Conmemoración desde 1938 Este gráfico muestra el número de participantes del resto ungido en la Conmemoración desde 1938 ¡Qué interesante curva! Muchos años de disminución en la cantidad de participantes, hasta el año 2007.
  15. This graphic is showing the number of partaking anointed remnant at the MEMORIAL since 1938.... What a big surprise is this curious curve ! Many years of lessening # of partaking anointed ones, until 2007.... Fred Franzb. Sept. 12, 1893 d. Dec. 22, 1992. (possibly a last one of the first group of anointed of "this generation")Mark Sanderson born 1965, baptized 1975 (10 yrs old), 27 yrs. old in 1992. ( 17 yrs in truth by this time; one of the last one's of "this generation")1993 8,6931994 8,6171995 8,6451996 8,7571997 87951998 87561999 87552000 86612001 87302002 87602003 85652004 85702005 85242006 8,7582007 9,105 (when increase became2008 9,986 without question)2009 10,8572010 11,2022011 11,8242012 12,604 2013 13,2042014 14,1212015 15,177 6419 increase in past 9 years
  16. Thats right, ALL the 9 fruitages of the spirit are importend ! And when the humans are able for good clothes, then its wonderful. Often, we give good clothes to poor sisters or brothers ❤ ;o)
  17. Jehovah is not first watching to our clothes..... NO, HE is watching first deep our heart❤️ Thats much more importend. Poor JW humans don't have good clothes :-(
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