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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 14702314_1186539501420868_4316475655308241304_n.jpg

    Our  DVD  and  2  video's  with : Listen,  Obey,  and  Be  Blessed ❤  Enjoy !

    and  our  little  Danello  ;o)

    Listen Obey and Be Blessed, song 120
    4 year old Danello learned and memorized this song in 2 weeks,  WOW !!

    And  here  comes  his  first  Bible reading  on  the  stage...  1  year  later  ;o)

    A  big  talent  -  our  little  brother....

  2. A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt – Scientists Say That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier.jpg

    I  read  that : A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt – Scientists Say That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier !

    Recent studies conducted at the University of Oxford claim that women with bigger butts are more intelligent and less likely to get chronic illnesses than women with average or below average butt size.

    Results revealed that women with larger butts have lower levels of cholesterol and have good hormones that help them process sugar better.

    Also women with bigger butts have fewer chances to get diabetes or heart problems.

    The results are also showing that women with wider hips tend to have smarter children. This is all thanks to the excess of Omega 3 fats that are stored in the butt. They are helping in brain development.

    ABC News report states:

    “Professor Konstantinos Manolopoulos, who leads the team at the University of Oxford, says that women with more fat on the buttocks have lower levels of cholesterol and glucose.”

    Women with bigger butts tend to have more leptin and dinopectina. Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate weight and dinopectina helps fight stomach issues and diabetes.

    The adipose tissue in the butt also traps fatty particles, therefore keeping the heart healthier.

    Universities of Pittsburgh and California conducted a study which says that women with bigger butts have a longer life expectancy.


  3. 12512237_1019074611500692_8630997811053235988_n.jpg.ba4af881a4eb0b12ae64529f256604de.jpg



    Por medio de él tenemos la liberación por rescate mediante la sangre de ese, sí, el perdón de nuestras ofensas (Efes. 1:7).


    El sacrificio que Jesús hizo al entregar su vida por la humanidad significa mucho para quienes lo amamos a él y a su Padre (Gál. 2:20). Sin embargo, lo que realmente nos liberó del pecado fue lo que Jesús hizo después de su muerte y resurrección. De hecho, a eso apuntaban las instrucciones de la Ley para el Día de Expiación. Ese día, el sumo sacerdote entraba con parte de la sangre de los sacrificios animales en el Santísimo del tabernáculo —y más tarde del templo—, y allí la presentaba ante Jehová, como si estuviera en su presencia (Lev. 16:11-15). De la misma manera, tras su resurrección, Jesús subió al cielo y allí presentó el valor de su sangre humana ante Jehová (Heb. 9:6, 7, 11-14, 24-28). ¡Cuánto agradecemos que lo hiciera! Gracias a nuestra fe en el valor de esa sangre, Dios nos perdona los pecados y podemos disfrutar de una conciencia limpia. w14 15/11 2:13

  4. 12512237_1019074611500692_8630997811053235988_n.jpg



    By means of him we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses.—Eph. 1:7.


    The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, who willingly ‘handed himself over for us,’ has profound meaning for all who love him and his Father. (Gal. 2:20) Nonetheless, it was what Jesus did after his death and resurrection that truly released us, making forgiveness of our sins possible. Jesus fulfilled what was foreshadowed in the Mosaic Law on the Day of Atonement. On that day, the high priest took some of the blood of the sacrificial animals into the Most Holy of the tabernacle, and later into Solomon’s temple, and presented it before God, as if in his presence. (Lev. 16:11-15) In like manner, Jesus entered heaven itself with the value of his human blood and presented it to Jehovah. (Heb. 9:6, 7, 11-14, 24-28) How grateful we are that we have our sins forgiven and our consciences cleansed because we exercise faith in the blood of Jesus! w14 11/15 2:13

  5. 5566.jpg

    Just  I  read  that : A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt – Scientists Say That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier !

    Recent studies conducted at the University of Oxford claim that women with bigger butts are more intelligent and less likely to get chronic illnesses than women with average or below average butt size.

    Results revealed that women with larger butts have lower levels of cholesterol and have good hormones that help them process sugar better.

    Also women with bigger butts have fewer chances to get diabetes or heart problems.

    The results are also showing that women with wider hips tend to have smarter children. This is all thanks to the excess of Omega 3 fats that are stored in the butt. They are helping in brain development.

    ABC News report states:

    “Professor Konstantinos Manolopoulos, who leads the team at the University of Oxford, says that women with more fat on the buttocks have lower levels of cholesterol and glucose.”

    Women with bigger butts tend to have more leptin and dinopectina. Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate weight and dinopectina helps fight stomach issues and diabetes.

    The adipose tissue in the butt also traps fatty particles, therefore keeping the heart healthier.

    Universities of Pittsburgh and California conducted a study which says that women with bigger butts have a longer life expectancy.



  6. 3 minutes ago, AbigailSensefulOne said:


    Exactly. We should reflect the fruitage of the spirit even by the way we dress ^_^

      Reveal hidden contents


    Thats  right,  ALL  the  9 fruitages  of  the  spirit  are importend !  And  when  the  humans  are  able  for  good  clothes,  then  its  wonderful.  Often, we  give  good  clothes  to  poor  sisters or  brothers ❤ ;o)


  7. 7 hours ago, AbigailSensefulOne said:

    Absolutely! Satan is using whatever means he can to distract us. Fashion has always been his mode operandi. For women, the dresses are shorter and tighter while men are now wearing so-called designer suits that are so snuggly and tight, one wonders how can they breathe! The more Satan's system sinks in debauchery, the more explicit and sexually suggestive fashion becomes. Tight-fitting clothes structured to appeal to the muscular anatomy with emphasis on sexual organs aim to entice while admiring the fabric and style. Such fashions also reveals a person's "desire of the flesh, desire of the eyes, and a showy display of one's means of life" (1 John 2:15). The secret person of the heart is manifest by such clothes, revealing that he or she loves the world more than they love Jehovah. Such fads are temporary anyway, After just one year, in comes another style with more sexual influences. When the Israelites trekked through the Wilderness for 40 years, they were modest before Jehovah. Their modest attire did not wear out. Even Jehovah saw to it that their sandals never wore out (Deuteronomy 29:5). Point: Jehovah-Jireh. Jehovah will not only provide for our materal needs, He will also take care of us. So, why wear clothes that attract attention to ourselves rather than wearing clothes that glorify Jehovah? So glad the Slave is directing our focus on this subject. Keep the world's lax attitudes about dress outside of Jehovah's organization.

    Jehovah is not first watching to our clothes.....  NO,  HE is watching first deep our heart❤️  Thats much more importend. Poor JW humans don't have good clothes :-(  :(

  8. 1516.jpg.27887d519f0edf79f6e5f57f3f7d1a93.jpg.a047af19260a1aafec369129f2f06af4.jpg

    MITTWOCH  $$$$.jpg

    Celebraré con la casa de Israel y con la casa de Judá un nuevo pacto (Jer. 31:31).


    Mucho antes de que el pacto de la Ley se cancelara, Jehová predijo mediante el profeta Jeremías que haría con la nación de Israel “un nuevo pacto” (Jer. 31:32, 33). Ese pacto se diferenciaría del pacto de la Ley en que haría posible el perdón de pecados sin necesidad de sacrificar animales. Siglos después, el 14 de nisán del año 33 de nuestra era, Jesús instituyó la Cena del Señor. Refiriéndose a la copa de vino, les dijo a sus 11 discípulos fieles: “Esta copa significa el nuevo pacto en virtud de mi sangre, que ha de ser derramada a favor de ustedes” (Luc. 22:20). Y el relato de Mateo indica que dijo respecto al vino: “Esto significa mi ‘sangre del pacto’, que ha de ser derramada a favor de muchos para perdón de pecados” (Mat. 26:27, 28). La sangre derramada de Jesús es lo que da validez legal al nuevo pacto. Su sangre también hace posible el perdón de pecados de una vez para siempre. w14 15/10 2:7-9

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