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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Our beautiful Bethel in my Home - Country GERMANY❤ I was there 2 times ! A Bethel - house is always especially.... I love these kind of loving Jehovah - houses ;o)
  2. 3rd Temple Built in Brazil by the One World Religion Universal Church! What's It Mean? 3rd Temple Built in Brazil by the One World Religion Universal Church! What's It Mean?
  3. One World Religion - UN One World Religious Unity Organization forming under the UN, Ted Turner.
  4. Una muy antigua pero leal e elegante pareja, todos los días, sirviendo de nuestro amoroso Dios Jehová❤
  5. Celebraré con la casa de Israel y con la casa de Judá un nuevo pacto (Jer. 31:31). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/10/12 Mucho antes de que el pacto de la Ley se cancelara, Jehová predijo mediante el profeta Jeremías que haría con la nación de Israel “un nuevo pacto” (Jer. 31:32, 33). Ese pacto se diferenciaría del pacto de la Ley en que haría posible el perdón de pecados sin necesidad de sacrificar animales. Siglos después, el 14 de nisán del año 33 de nuestra era, Jesús instituyó la Cena del Señor. Refiriéndose a la copa de vino, les dijo a sus 11 discípulos fieles: “Esta copa significa el nuevo pacto en virtud de mi sangre, que ha de ser derramada a favor de ustedes” (Luc. 22:20). Y el relato de Mateo indica que dijo respecto al vino: “Esto significa mi ‘sangre del pacto’, que ha de ser derramada a favor de muchos para perdón de pecados” (Mat. 26:27, 28). La sangre derramada de Jesús es lo que da validez legal al nuevo pacto. Su sangre también hace posible el perdón de pecados de una vez para siempre. w14 15/10 2:7-9
  6. I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant.—Jer. 31:31. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/10/12 Long before the Law covenant was canceled, Jehovah foretold through the prophet Jeremiah that He would make with the nation of Israel “a new covenant.” (Jer. 31:32, 33) That covenant would be unlike the Law covenant in that it would make possible the forgiveness of sins without the need for animal sacrifices. Centuries later, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Evening Meal on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Speaking of the cup of wine, he told his 11 faithful apostles: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf.” (Luke 22:20) Matthew’s account quotes Jesus as saying regarding the wine: “This means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.” (Matt. 26:27, 28) Jesus’ shed blood validates the new covenant. That blood also makes possible the forgiveness of sins once and for all time. w14 10/15 2:7-9
  7. Yes, they are ! He posted a link under my posting to that theme by post a photo...
  8. Costa Rica... Sister Isaura Arias and Brother Antonio Arias. A kindly Missionary couple - they spend Food & Water & Coffee for all ! The JW label was JW.YUM ;o) I like that idea very much ❤ Of sure also spiritual food !
  9. In Costa Rica - a little English Congregation... 9 persons and a little boy ! But all seems very happy❤
  10. Yes, on and off I feel like Paul was feeling too... I am sure, many of us are feeling like Paul on and off - bec. we are all so imperfect :-(
  11. Sorry, but my scarecrows or birdscarer have nothings to do with the Bible, it was only my German imagination, vision or idea of these big JW dolls ;o) They're looking so funny !
  12. CHINA DECLARES WAR TO CHRISTIANITY, including Christians Jehovah's Witnesses. The Communist Party is carrying out a national campaign against the churches that claim to be Christian. They require that all devotees swear allegiance to the Communist Party. Many of its leaders have been imprisoned. They have demolished some 2,000 crosses and some churches have been demolished. China joins Russia in the face of Christianity in some of its variants. Both nations have taken action against Babylon the Great and incidentally against Jehovah's Witnesses ! http://forum.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/23031-chinese-communist-party-to-commence-nationwide-crackdown-on-christianity-including-jehovahs-witnesses/#comment-29509
  13. CHINA DECLARA LA GUERRA AL CRISTIANISMO, lo que incluye a los testigos cristianos de Jehova. El partido comunista esta llevando a cabo una campaña nacional contra las iglesias que dicen ser cristianas. Exigen que todos los devotos juren lealtad al partido comunista. Muchos de sus lideres han sido encarcelados. se han derribado unas 2000 cruces y han demolido algunas iglesias. China se une a Rusia al enfrentarse a la cristiandad en algunas de sus variantes. Ambas naciones han tomado acción contra Babilonia la Grande y de paso contra los testigos de Jehova.
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