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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. MONTAG  §.jpg

    MONTAG  §§.jpg

    Renounce unrighteousness.—2 Tim. 2:19.


    God’s Word gives specific advice concerning the types of unrighteousness that Christians must renounce or reject. For instance, in the immediate context of 2 Timothy 2:19, we find that Paul tells Timothy “not to fight about words” and to “reject empty speeches.” (2 Tim. 2:14, 16, 23) Some members of the congregation were promoting apostate teachings. Today, Jehovah’s people are not often confronted with apostasy within the congregation. Still, when exposed to unscriptural teachings, regardless of the source, we must decisively reject them. It would be unwise to engage in debates with apostates, whether in person, by responding to their blogs, or by any other form of communication. Even when the intention is to help the individual, such conversation would be contrary to the Scriptural direction we are given. Rather, as Jehovah’s people, we completely avoid, yes reject, apostasy. w14 7/15 2:9, 10

  2. MONTAG  §.jpg

    MONTAG  §§.jpg

    Que renuncie a la injusticia (2 Tim. 2:19).


    La Palabra de Dios nos dice específicamente qué tipos de injusticia debemos rechazar. Por ejemplo, muy cerca de 2 Timoteo 2:19 hallamos que Pablo le dice a Timoteo que está mal pelear “respecto a palabras” y que debe evitar “las vanas palabrerías” (2 Tim. 2:14, 16, 23). Algunos miembros de la congregación difundían enseñanzas apóstatas. Hoy, los siervos de Jehová raras veces nos enfrentamos a la apostasía dentro de la congregación. Ahora bien, siempre que nos topemos con ideas antibíblicas, debemos rechazarlas firmemente, sin importar de dónde provengan. No sería prudente entrar en debates con apóstatas, ni personalmente ni en foros de charla ni mediante ningún otro conducto. Aunque la intención fuera ayudar a la persona, esa conversación iría en contra de lo que nos enseña la Biblia. Los siervos de Jehová evitamos totalmente la apostasía, sí, la rechazamos por completo. w14 15/7 2:9, 10

  3. 9 hours ago, Kurt said:


    I recognize 2 German comedian / actors...  hahahahahahahaha  ;o)

    Both already dead... must be an older little movie ! 


  4. Jehovah said in the Bible, that we get more and more catastrophes to our end- time... so bad, we never had before. We can't stop it. Maybe, it will come around the world. We don't know what will come as next, but it will come, I see that daily in TV :-(  I believe, every country around the earth has any  problems, more or less. We can only wait, what will come next.  A very bad time, yes. :(

  5. Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely..jpg

    “Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.” (1 Peter 2:21) Note that in this instance, Peter mentioned, not Jesus’ zeal in preaching or his skill in teaching, but his suffering. As an eyewitness, Peter was well-aware of the extent to which Jesus was willing to suffer in order to submit to Jehovah’s sovereignty and prove Satan to be the liar that he is. In what ways, then, can we follow Jesus’ steps? We must ask ourselves: ‘To what extent am I willing to suffer in order to support and honor Jehovah’s sovereignty? Do I show by the way I live my life and carry out my ministry that upholding Jehovah’s sovereignty is my foremost concern?’—Colossians 3:17.

  6. 1191.jpg


    Yo resultaré estar contigo (Éx. 3:12).


    ¿Cómo se sentiría si tuviera que presentarse ante el gobernante más poderoso de la Tierra y hablar a favor del pueblo de Jehová? Quizás no se sentiría a la altura, o estaría nervioso o asustado y no sabría qué decir. ¿Qué haría para añadir fuerza a sus palabras como mensajero del Todopoderoso? Moisés se encontró en esa situación. Dios le había dicho a él, “el más manso de todos los hombres que había sobre la superficie del suelo”, que iba a enviarlo al faraón para rescatar a su pueblo de la esclavitud y la opresión de Egipto (Núm. 12:3). Aunque el faraón era grosero y orgulloso, Jehová quería que Moisés le diera una orden: ¡dejar que millones de esclavos salieran del país! (Éx. 5:1, 2.) Es natural que Moisés le preguntara a Jehová: “¿Quién soy yo para que vaya a Faraón y para que tenga que sacar a los hijos de Israel de Egipto?”. Moisés debió de sentirse incapaz de cumplir esa misión. Pero Dios le prometió que no estaría solo (Éx. 3:9-11). w14 15/8 2:1, 2

  7. 1191.jpg


    I will prove to be with you.—Ex. 3:12.


    Can you imagine how you would feel if you had to stand before the most powerful ruler on earth and speak up in behalf of Jehovah’s people? You would likely feel anxious, inadequate, and intimidated. What could you do to add power to your words as a representative of the almighty God? Moses was in that exact situation. Jehovah had told him, “the meekest of all the men on the face of the earth,” that he was being sent to Pharaoh to rescue God’s people from their oppression and slavery in Egypt. (Num. 12:3) As events would prove, Pharaoh was a disrespectful and arrogant man. (Ex. 5:1, 2) Yet, Jehovah wanted Moses to order Pharaoh to let several million of his slaves leave the country! Understandably, Moses asked Jehovah: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Moses must have felt inadequate and incapable. But God assured him that he would not be alone.—Ex. 3:9-11. w14 8/15 2:1, 2

  8. On 6. Oktober 2016 at 13:35, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    Just think...........when we are perfect, we probably will not need reminders.............unless, maybe, when we studied something a couple of thousand years previously, and need our memory jogged.............a pleasant thought.

    Yes, we are so waiting of this time... Brother Barltrop ! Really a pleasant thought :)

  9. 3 hours ago, Tennyson said:

    Sure we will. Hey family,  Let us as brother & sister prayer at one specific time to comfort our dear brother and sister in Haiti   Sister.  Nicole you suggest a suitable that time. Hope to hear from you

    We do that in our congregation and I pray at home again for all these many brothers and sisters ? in different countries. I see that all in TV and its SO sad... :-((  :(  I get always quickly current emails from a special sister !  I will post it for us all,  when I get it.

  10. 1 hour ago, Blanchie DeGrate said:

    I was baptized in 2005 but I can't remember the song book that I was using. It could be the same one that I am using today. ( I do own the pink one and the brown one).  ;0) ❤️?❤️

    2005 maybe the brown one, the current song book we got little later. The publishing year you see on site 2 or 3...  I use always my tablet for singing etc. bec. there I have also our new songs ;o)  :)  I don't remember the pink one, sorry.

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