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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 14606391_1030212510411228_7982294646510055806_n.jpg

    The birth of the Kingdom in heaven

    Paragraphs 11 and 12
    11, 12. a) Who brother Russell attributed the credit for what he taught? b) What can we say about the work of Russell and his colleagues conducted before 1914?
    11 Neither Russell nor his collaborators claim to have discovered and understood these fundamental spiritual truths were attributed. Russell acknowledged that others had done before him. Above all, it recognized that the Lord is in charge, in due time, to teach your people everything they need to know. Clearly, Jehovah blessed the efforts made by Brother Russell and his associates to separate truth from falsehood. Over the years, it became more and more clear the difference between them and Christianity.
    12 With what value the truth defended these faithful men in previous decades to 1914! His work was truly extraordinary. Notice what he said the number of November 1, 1917 Watch Tower magazine: "Today, countless people have been freed from fear that instilled them false teachings as hell [...]. Truth is like a tide that began more than forty years and continues to rise and fill the whole earth. Although his opponents try to prevent the truth from reaching all corners of the planet, it is as if trying to stop the tide of the ocean with a simple broom ".

    ( translated  over  google )

  2. 3 minutes ago, Linda Battson said:

    When my husband and I were baptized, we used the pink song book.

    And Yes, we had a piano and an excellent brother who played.  He

    was at one time, a professional in night clubs.  The Kingdom songs

    always had a little more zing added to them.  Sometimes you felt like

    you were ready to dance.

    That  sounds  funny,  sister  Linda  ;-)  In  which  country  you  are  living ?

  3. SAMSTAG $$.jpg

    El samaritano se le acercó y le vendó sus heridas (Luc. 10:34).


    Para curar las heridas del judío maltrecho, el samaritano vertió en ellas aceite y vino. Después lo llevó a una posada y le dio al dueño dos denarios —el equivalente a dos días de trabajo— para los cuidados que el judío pudiera necesitar (Mat. 20:2; Luc. 10:29-37). En estos “últimos días” es muy difícil encontrar personas compasivas; muchas son crueles y violentas, y el prójimo les importa poco (2 Tim. 3:1-3). Prueba de ello es lo que ocurrió cuando el huracán Sandy azotó la ciudad de Nueva York, a finales de octubre de 2012. En una zona muy afectada de la ciudad, algunos desvalijaron las casas de gente que ya estaba sufriendo la falta de electricidad, calefacción y otras cosas necesarias. En cambio, en la misma zona, los testigos de Jehová organizaron un programa para ayudarse entre ellos y también socorrer a otras personas. Los cristianos actuamos así porque amamos al prójimo. w14 15/6 2:3-5

  4. 901.jpg

    [The Samaritan] approached him and bandaged his wounds.—Luke 10:34.


    In an effort to help with the healing process, the neighborly Samaritan poured oil and wine on the injured man’s wounds. The two denarii left with the innkeeper for the man’s care amounted to about two days’ wages. (Matt. 20:2; Luke 10:29-37) It is often difficult to find compassionate people like the neighborly Samaritan. Especially is this so in these critical “last days” when multitudes have no natural affection, are fierce, and lack a love of goodness. (2 Tim. 3:1-3) Consider what happened when Hurricane Sandy struck New York City late in October 2012. In one hard-hit section of the city, looters preyed on residents who were already suffering because of a lack of electricity, heat, and other necessities. In the same area, Jehovah’s Witnesses organized a program that enabled them to help one another as well as others. Christians do such things because they love their neighbor. w14 6/15 2:3-5

  5. 14606391_1030212510411228_7982294646510055806_n.jpg


    El nacimiento del Reino en el cielo
    PARRAFOS 11 y 12
    11, 12. a) ¿A quién atribuyó el hermano Russell el mérito por lo que enseñaba? b) ¿Qué podemos decir de la labor que Russell y sus colaboradores realizaron antes de 1914?
    11 Ni Russell ni sus colaboradores se atribuyeron el mérito de haber descubierto y entendido estas verdades espirituales fundamentales. Russell reconoció que otras personas lo habían hecho antes que él. Sobre todo, reconoció que es Jehová el que se encarga, a su debido tiempo, de enseñarle a su pueblo todo lo que necesita saber. Es evidente que Jehová bendijo los esfuerzos que hicieron el hermano Russell y sus colaboradores para separar la verdad de la mentira. Con los años, se fue haciendo más y más clara la diferencia entre ellos y la cristiandad.
    12 ¡Con cuánto valor defendieron la verdad estos hombres fieles en las décadas previas a 1914! Su labor fue realmente extraordinaria. Notemos lo que dijo el número del 1 de noviembre de 1917 de la revista Watch Tower: “En la actualidad, infinidad de personas se han librado del temor que les infundían enseñanzas falsas como la del infierno [...]. La verdad es como una marea que comenzó hace más de cuarenta años y que sigue subiendo hasta llenar toda la Tierra. Aunque sus oponentes traten de evitar que la verdad alcance todos los rincones del planeta, es como si intentaran detener la marea alta del océano con una simple escoba”.

  6. ARCHÄOL..jpg


    Arqueólogos encuentran en Israel, lo que vemos en las fotos. Una excavación en un antiguo templo, saca a la luz una piedra inusual que se asemeja a un inodoro.
    Es una prueba mas de la veracidad de la Biblia al relatar la vida del rey Ezequias, un rey notable por erradicar la idolatría pagana y destrucción de los lugares de culto paganos en Israel.
    La piedra encontrada tiene forma de silla con un agujero en el centro. Fue encontrada en una de las salas de un templo pagano en Laquis. Si leemos 2 Reyes 10:27 entenderemos:
    "Además, demolieron la columna sagrada de Baal y demolieron la casa de Baal, y la mantuvieron aparte para excusados hasta el día de hoy."
    Los lugares de culto fueron convertidos en letrinas como símbolo de profanación de sus dioses.

  7. ARCHÄOL..jpg


    Arqueólogos encuentran en Israel, lo que vemos en las fotos. Una excavación en un antiguo templo, saca a la luz una piedra inusual que se asemeja a un inodoro.
    Es una prueba mas de la veracidad de la Biblia al relatar la vida del rey Ezequias, un rey notable por erradicar la idolatría pagana y destrucción de los lugares de culto paganos en Israel.
    La piedra encontrada tiene forma de silla con un agujero en el centro. Fue encontrada en una de las salas de un templo pagano en Laquis. Si leemos 2 Reyes 10:27 entenderemos:
    "Además, demolieron la columna sagrada de Baal y demolieron la casa de Baal, y la mantuvieron aparte para excusados hasta el día de hoy."
    Los lugares de culto fueron convertidos en letrinas como símbolo de profanación de sus dioses.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Sylvia Meinders said:

    As a child we used the pink one and song 110 was always my favourite one.  I was baptisten in 1979, and I don't  remenber if we used the brown one by then. What i do remember is that it was raining so hard during the talk that i could not hear half of what the brother told because of the sound of raindrops on my umbrella.

    Thats sorry, bec. the talk. :(  My fav. song is No. 91,  I posted a video here, you can watch, when you like it ;o)

  9. 1 hour ago, Johnnifer said:

    I started with the brown one in 86 then the one with the drawing and now waiting for the silverone. I sing in english but live in holland. When rhe book is available in the congregation anyone wants to send it?

    We had a pianoplayer anf susters witg violin flute an bro with guitar. I remember that with some songs which were rather slow she played them a bit more up tempo. ??

    Thats a funny reminder, LOL ?  I am from Germany and we all still waiting of the silver Bible, sorry...  Maybe we are always the last ones to get it !

  10. 58 minutes ago, Joan Kennedy said:

    I was baptized before the red one (1942) but I have the red one, published in 1944, on my piano now. I played at the KH for years, starting very young since I  was taking piano lessons.  While I do enjoy the wonderful arrangements now in use, I do miss the "local flavor" of the past pianists. 

    I will miss the song "Flee to the Kingdom" which was song #45 in the red song book 

    I also miss the "local flavor" of all which played to the Kingdom songs !  But we must obey the GB Brothers, no other way....

  11. 57 minutes ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    I have used three of the song books in the top row.....the brown, purple (pink) and "Sing to Jehovah" song books.........now I use my I pad and it wont be long before the words of the songs will be on the screens in Kingdom Halls.......WOW!!!

    Great, brother Barltrop !  I use my iPad too, for all what we are learning by the meetings. The letters can be bigger, thats comfy  ;-)  Enjoy your iPad !

  12. On 4. Oktober 2016 at 20:06, Tennyson said:

    Continue rejoicing in the Lord.” (Philippians 3:1) The Philippians were a generous, loving congregation who served with zeal and enthusiasm. (Philippians 1:3-5; 4:10, 14-20) So brothers and sister can continue rejoicing in the lord.and Jehovah dispatches that energy.to us whether we old or young.  These sisters are a sterling example to follow. 


    Just now, Queen Esther said:

    You are great, Brother Jerry !  A wonderful example too❤️  I hope, we can see us in the NW in PEACE... Agape  ;o) 


    On 4. Oktober 2016 at 20:06, Tennyson said:

    Continue rejoicing in the Lord.” (Philippians 3:1) The Philippians were a generous, loving congregation who served with zeal and enthusiasm. (Philippians 1:3-5; 4:10, 14-20) So brothers and sister can continue rejoicing in the lord.and Jehovah dispatches that energy.to us whether we old or young.  These sisters are a sterling example to follow. 

    Yes, lets follow Jesus and all our loyal ones❤️ Hope, we see us too in the NW, and many other loyal brothers & sisters.... Gnite from Germany, til tmw. ;o)

  13. History of all our songbooks from before I was even born til now..jpg

    History of all our songbooks from before I was even born til now.
    I remember the brown one, then the Sing to Jehovah one with the painting of the people singing.  Soon  we  get  the  nice  in  silver,  looking  like  our  Bible.  My  first  book  was  the  brown  one...

    And does anyone else remember, when we used to have the live piano player at the Kingdom Hall ?  I remember, we had a live piano player at our congregation still  before  one  year,  also  some  sisters  with  different  instruments ;-)

    Sorry  for  the  poor  Congregations,  which  not  have  enough  money  for  the  modern  music - technique  etc.  ( But  our  Org. is  of  sure  helping )


  14. 1183.jpg


    Let your words always be gracious.—Col. 4:6.


    In our ministry, we usually speak to individuals. Each person has his or her unique background and problems. (2 Chron. 6:29) When trying to share the good news with someone, ask yourself: ‘If our roles were reversed, how would I want this person to view me? Would I be pleased if he viewed me only as a nondescript resident of the neighborhood? Or would I prefer that he get to know me as a person?’ Considering such questions can remind us to treat each householder as an individual. No one likes to be labeled “a negative person.” Being imperfect, however, we sometimes say things that we later regret. (Jas. 3:2) If we were to speak unkindly to someone—perhaps because we were having a bad day—we would not want to be labeled “rude” or “inconsiderate.” We would hope that the other person would be understanding. Should we not show others the same consideration? w14 5/15 2:5, 6

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