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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Сотрудники спецслужб подбрасывают верующим запрещенные книги :-(( Наши дорогие братья, мы все молимся за вас ❤
  2. Great my Brother ! ENJOY the wonderful Reg. Convention ❤ And THANKS for your nice praise ;o) Regards to South Africa ! We had a friend there, but he died before some years ;-( But I can see him again ;o)
  3. Te comprendo bien. Sí, la imagen de Obama que conozco y sé que es un engaño! Creo que nunca he publicado! Por el contrario, no tengo explicó la imagen / aclaró .... Tiene 4 fotos siempre otra Las cosas en su mano - pero es siempre la misma foto ... una falsificación, sí! Agape, saludos desde Alemania ;-)
  4. Moses brought Aaron and his sons near and washed them with water.—Lev. 8:6. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/10/1 The washing of Aaron’s sons prefigured the cleansing of those selected to be members of the heavenly priesthood. The washing of the anointed is accomplished “by means of the word,” and this requires that they wholeheartedly apply Christ’s teachings in their lives. (Eph. 5:25-27) They are thus sanctified and cleansed. Are the “great crowd” of Jesus’ other sheep also made holy and cleansed by means of God’s Word? (Rev. 7:9) Yes, they are! When those with the earthly hope read what the Bible says about the importance and effectiveness of Jesus’ shed blood, they put faith in these words and render “sacred service day and night.” (Rev. 7:13-15) The effect of this continual cleansing is evident as they ‘maintain fine conduct.’ (1 Pet. 2:12) How pleased Jehovah must be as he observes their cleanness and unity as they loyally follow their Shepherd, Jesus! w14 11/15 2:3-5
  5. The video is nice ;o) the music is very modern... but working to the word GONE ! Softer music or a KD song were nicer, I think so ❤
  6. Moisés hizo que se acercaran Aarón y sus hijos, y los lavó con agua (Lev. 8:6). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/10/1 Esta acción representa el proceso de limpieza al que deben someterse quienes son elegidos para ser sacerdotes en el cielo. Esta limpieza se lleva a cabo “por medio de la palabra”, así que los ungidos deben poner en práctica las enseñanzas de Cristo (Efes. 5:25-27). De esta manera, por medio de la Palabra de Dios, son santificados y lavados. ¿Se puede decir lo mismo de la “gran muchedumbre” de las otras ovejas de Cristo? (Rev. 7:9.) Sí, estos cristianos también llegan a estar limpios y a ser santos por medio de la Palabra de Dios. Tienen fe en lo que la Biblia dice sobre el valor de la sangre que derramó Jesús, y eso los motiva a servir a Jehová “día y noche” (Rev. 7:13-15). Como resultado de esta purificación continua, se comportan de manera excelente en todo momento (1 Ped. 2:12). ¡Cuánto debe alegrarle a Jehová observar su limpieza y unidad, que obedecen a su Pastor, Jesús, y lo siguen con lealtad! w14 15/11 2:3-5
  7. Hola Antonio277, A partir de una fuente confiable, es la verdad. Ahora dice varias cosas sobre la Iglesia Católica ... Tiembla la Papa en el TESTIGOS DE JEHOVÁ! - o El Papa elogia a los testigos de Jehová TODO EL MUNDO! Pensemos en ello! Saludos
  8. Aniversario de la Sociedad Mundial de Cirujanos Cardiotoraxicos. Nuestros hermanos colocaron este stand para educar a los médicos sobre el tratamiento alternativo a la sangre ❤
  9. One thing I have asked from Jehovah—it is what I will look for—that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life.—Ps. 27:4. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/9/30 As part of Jehovah’s organization, what joy we now have in telling others about God’s promised new world! (2 Pet. 3:13) “The meek will possess the earth,” says Psalm 37:11, “and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” People “will build houses and live in them” and will enjoy “the work of their hands.” (Isa. 65:21, 22) There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger. (Ps. 72:13-16) Babylon the Great will no longer deceive anyone, for she will not exist. (Rev. 18:8, 21) The dead will be resurrected and given the opportunity to live forever. (Isa. 25:8; Acts 24:15) What thrilling prospects exist for millions who have made a dedication to Jehovah! For such promises to become realities for us as individuals, we must continue to make spiritual progress, moving ahead with God’s organization, always keeping pace with it. w14 5/15 4:16, 17
  10. Una cosa he pedido a Jehová... es lo que buscaré, que pueda morar en la casa de Jehová todos los días de mi vida (Sal. 27:4). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/9/30 Los miembros del pueblo de Dios tenemos una preciosa oportunidad: hablarles a nuestros semejantes del nuevo mundo que Jehová ha prometido (2 Ped. 3:13). Allí, “los mansos mismos poseerán la tierra, y verdaderamente hallarán su deleite exquisito en la abundancia de paz” (Sal. 37:11). “Edificarán casas, y las ocuparán”, y disfrutarán de “la obra de sus propias manos” (Is. 65:21, 22). No habrá más opresión ni pobreza ni hambre (Sal. 72:13-16). Babilonia la Grande no engañará a nadie más porque ya no existirá (Rev. 18:8, 21). Los muertos resucitarán y tendrán la oportunidad de vivir para siempre (Is. 25:8; Hech. 24:15). Un porvenir emocionante, ¿no es cierto? Los que nos hemos dedicado a Jehová somos millones. Ahora bien, para ver cumplidas esas promesas, cada uno tiene que seguir progresando espiritualmente, avanzando al paso de la organización de Dios. w14 15/5 4:16, 17
  11. Los Ángeles, California, EE.UU. - No es tan fácil, pero valiente - y deja esperanza, éxito! Carro - TESTIFICANDO en el paseo de la fama... Que Jehová te bendiga, nuestra querida hermana ❤ (Traducido más de Google)
  12. Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA Not so easy, but brave - and lets hope, successful ! CART - WITNESSING on the *Walk of Fame*..... May Jehovah bless you, our dear Sister ❤
  13. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.—Matt. 25:30. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/9/29 In the parable of the talents, the last slave buried his talent instead of doing business with it or even depositing it with the bankers. This slave showed a bad spirit, for he deliberately worked against the master’s interests. The master rightly pronounced him “wicked and sluggish.” The master took the talent away from him and gave it to the one who had ten. The wicked slave was then thrown “out into the darkness outside.” (Matt. 25:24-30; Luke 19:22, 23) Since this third slave hid his talent, was Jesus here indicating that one third of his anointed followers would prove to be wicked and sluggish? No. Rather, he was warning them of the need to remain diligent—to ‘do business’ with their talent—and avoid the attitudes and actions of a wicked slave. (Matt. 25:16) Jesus was warning his spiritual brothers about what would happen if they lost their sense of vigilance and did not prove to be prepared. w15 3/15 3:14, 15
  14. ( The cross is of sure from a shadow ! ) A SO nice Kingdom Hall in Pawlodar, KAZASTAN.... They laid fire, VERY SAD ;-( All burnt down.... NO Brothers dead, NO victims ! But what a BIG loss again... The humans more and more horrible !!!! LETS PRAY FOR ALL THESE BROTHERS ❤
  15. NO, NO, NO... thats now too silly for me ! Without C.T. Russell and the other first Bible - researcher, we were today NOT over 8 Millions of JW !! WHAT a big success since Brother Russell, WOW !! And now, please respect my wish, NO discuss here, its finished !!!! You've your area's for discuss or dispute.... I know, you like that
  16. Do you can see the Bible under his picture ? Thats the answer of my clear HEAD - LINE ! Curious, all others understood it right I never got a - like... you was the first one in our forum here. So I did it too... I will talk with my friend the Librarian, whats up and what he means to that !!
  17. Its ONLY going about JEHOVAH'S WORD, the wonderful TRUTH, okay ? Not about beards or especially clothes, etc. etc. All nations and tribes are SO different and in Jehovah's sense, I'm pretty sure.... Jehovah not wants Robots ! Our heart for Jehovah is most importend for him. Discuss that in another area, I not like that here, under my postings. THANKS !
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