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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 772.jpg


    One thing I have asked from Jehovah—it is what I will look for—that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life.—Ps. 27:4.


    As part of Jehovah’s organization, what joy we now have in telling others about God’s promised new world! (2 Pet. 3:13) “The meek will possess the earth,” says Psalm 37:11, “and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” People “will build houses and live in them” and will enjoy “the work of their hands.” (Isa. 65:21, 22) There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger. (Ps. 72:13-16) Babylon the Great will no longer deceive anyone, for she will not exist. (Rev. 18:8, 21) The dead will be resurrected and given the opportunity to live forever. (Isa. 25:8; Acts 24:15) What thrilling prospects exist for millions who have made a dedication to Jehovah! For such promises to become realities for us as individuals, we must continue to make spiritual progress, moving ahead with God’s organization, always keeping pace with it. w14 5/15 4:16, 17

  2. 22 minutes ago, Ma Ai said:

    These are, without a doubt, the critical last days. -- 2 Tim. 3:1. People are without love of goodness and fierce. -- 2 Tim. 3:2-5. We need to pray for one another to continue preaching the Kingdom of God, remaining strong of heart, and courageous. Jehovah's organization is not buildings. We are his people! His spirit makes us his visible organization! Jesus is building the "house" to Jehovah's praise. -- 1 Cor. 3:9; Eph. 2:20-22.

    YES,  you're  SO  right,  Sister  Ma Ai !  So  glad,  we  all  know  what  will  come...  Jehovah  can  rescue  us ❤

  3. 772.jpg


    Una cosa he pedido a Jehová... es lo que buscaré, que pueda morar en la casa de Jehová todos los días de mi vida (Sal. 27:4).


    Los miembros del pueblo de Dios tenemos una preciosa oportunidad: hablarles a nuestros semejantes del nuevo mundo que Jehová ha prometido (2 Ped. 3:13). Allí, “los mansos mismos poseerán la tierra, y verdaderamente hallarán su deleite exquisito en la abundancia de paz” (Sal. 37:11). “Edificarán casas, y las ocuparán”, y disfrutarán de “la obra de sus propias manos” (Is. 65:21, 22). No habrá más opresión ni pobreza ni hambre (Sal. 72:13-16). Babilonia la Grande no engañará a nadie más porque ya no existirá (Rev. 18:8, 21). Los muertos resucitarán y tendrán la oportunidad de vivir para siempre (Is. 25:8; Hech. 24:15). Un porvenir emocionante, ¿no es cierto? Los que nos hemos dedicado a Jehová somos millones. Ahora bien, para ver cumplidas esas promesas, cada uno tiene que seguir progresando espiritualmente, avanzando al paso de la organización de Dios. w14 15/5 4:16, 17

  4. Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA.jpg

    Los  Angeles,  Kalifornien,  USA

    Not  so  easy,  but  brave  -  and  lets  hope,  successful !    CART - WITNESSING   on  the    *Walk  of  Fame*.....     May  Jehovah  bless  you,  our  dear  Sister ❤ 

  5. 469.jpg

    There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.—Matt. 25:30.


    In the parable of the talents, the last slave buried his talent instead of doing business with it or even depositing it with the bankers. This slave showed a bad spirit, for he deliberately worked against the master’s interests. The master rightly pronounced him “wicked and sluggish.” The master took the talent away from him and gave it to the one who had ten. The wicked slave was then thrown “out into the darkness outside.” (Matt. 25:24-30; Luke 19:22, 23) Since this third slave hid his talent, was Jesus here indicating that one third of his anointed followers would prove to be wicked and sluggish? No. Rather, he was warning them of the need to remain diligent—to ‘do business’ with their talent—and avoid the attitudes and actions of a wicked slave. (Matt. 25:16) Jesus was warning his spiritual brothers about what would happen if they lost their sense of vigilance and did not prove to be prepared. w15 3/15 3:14, 15

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    ( The  cross  is  of  sure  from  a  shadow ! )




    A  SO  nice  Kingdom  Hall  in  Pawlodar,  KAZASTAN....   They  laid  fire,  VERY  SAD  ;-(

    All  burnt  down....   NO  Brothers  dead,  NO  victims !

    But  what  a  BIG  loss  again...         The  humans  more  and  more  horrible  !!!!



  7. 54 minutes ago, HollyW said:

    Well, of course I can see the Bible under his picture, but Russell didn't write the Bible so why are you thanking him for it unless you have in mind what he thought was the truth in the Bible (as I said earlier, most of what Russell said was the truth is rejected by current JWs).

    Just wanted to be clear about why you are speaking to Russell.

    NO, NO, NO...  thats  now  too  silly  for  me !   Without  C.T. Russell  and  the  other  first  Bible - researcher,  we  were  today  NOT  over  8  Millions  of  JW !!   WHAT  a  big  success  since  Brother  Russell,  WOW !!

    And  now,  please  respect  my  wish,  NO  discuss  here,  its  finished !!!!

    You've  your  area's  for  discuss  or  dispute....  I  know,  you  like  that  :D

  8. 1 minute ago, HollyW said:

    Oh, okay, my bad. :$ I thought you meant you were thanking Russell for what he actually taught as the truth.  Now I understand you are thanking him for God's Word, the Bible.

    Do you can see the Bible under his picture ?  Thats the answer of my clear  HEAD - LINE !   Curious, all others understood it right :D

    I never got a  - like...   you was the first one in our forum here.  So I did it too...  I will talk with my friend the Librarian, whats up and what he means to that !!

  9. 13 minutes ago, HollyW said:

    As usual with WTS bans, the beard ban has undergone some 'adjustments' so that if it's a cultural thing in ones area, JW men are permitted beards now (still not for women, though ;))

    So when you say "thank you" to Russell, do you believe he hears and answers you?


    Its ONLY going about JEHOVAH'S WORD, the wonderful TRUTH, okay ?

    Not about beards or especially clothes, etc. etc. All nations and tribes are SO different and in Jehovah's sense, I'm pretty sure.... Jehovah not wants Robots !   Our heart for Jehovah is most importend for him.

    Discuss that in another area, I not like that here, under my postings. THANKS !

  10. 16 hours ago, Martha Braun Amistadi said:

    I praise Jehovah God for this pure worship center. The singing within it must be awesome and the witness given to the public by it's being right there is glorious! 9_9

    I agree with you, Sister Martha. Sometimes, I would like to be in another Kingdom Hall for a time, with other Brothers ;o)  of sure a nice experience !  Perhaps in the NW we do that, maybe ?  to know always more Bro. & Sist. :)

  11. 1 hour ago, HollyW said:

    Really?  The WTS has pretty much discarded what Russell said the truth was and took some extra-ordinary steps, such as banning beards (on men ;)) to discourage the creature worship they felt was going to Russell.

    Its SO different in all Countries, dear HollyW...  I already saw many Brothers with nice, small beards ;o)  Seems so, its not banned, lol :)

  12. hahahahahaha.jpg

    WOW......    What  a  crazy  fashion  in  our  world,  hahahaaaaa  ;o)

    WHICH  woman  can  wear  these  shoes ?  The  left...   and  first  the  right  one ??

    ITS  HIGH  AS  BY  A  REAL  PRIMA  BALLERINA....  hehehe   silly !!

    POOR  FEET....  and  POOR  BODY,  awww  ;-(


    DT    MARRIAGE  !!!!.jpg

    Love is as strong as death is.—Song of Sol. 8:6.


    Love is a hallmark of a Christian marriage. But what type of love is this? Is it love governed by Bible principles? (1 John 4:8) Does it involve natural affection—the kind that family members have toward one another? Does this love consist of warm and tender attachment as found between true friends? (John 11:3) Is it romantic love? (Prov. 5:15-20) Actually, the true and abiding love between marriage mates includes all of them. Love is best sensed when it is expressed. How vital that marriage mates not allow the activities of daily life to rob them of exchanging expressions of affection! Such expressions can contribute much to their security and happiness. In those cultures where marriages are often arranged and the man and woman hardly know each other before the wedding day, their being conscious of the need to express love verbally to each other will help love to grow and the marriage to flourish. w15 1/15 5:9

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