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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 1 hour ago, MsKitty said:

    I need to save this for the times I complain about minor issues. This little sister is a great encouragement to me. Thanks for posting this beautiful little girl with the golden smile! 

    Its  really  a  wonderful  golden  smile,  yes, very  rare,  such  of  JW ❤  I  want  meet  that  girl  ;o)

  2. Guten  Abend  Herr  Thomas  Hilpp...

    Ich  komme  aus  Deutschland  und  verstehe  Ihre  Nachricht.  Allerdings  bin  ich  etwas  irritiert  zw. Ihrer  speziellen  Wünsche... Natürlich  bekommen  Sie  von  uns  ALLES  was  sie  gern  hätten  -  eine  größere  Bibel  und  auch  die  speziellen  Zeitschriften  im  Abo. !  So  wie  Jesus  damals,  sind  auch  WIR  sehr  bemüht,  in  SEINE  Fußstapfen  zu  treten  und  ALLEN  Menschen  Gottes  wahre  Botschaft  nahe  zu  bringen.  Ich  weiß  nicht  wo  Sie  wohnen...  aber  in  Ihrer  Nähe  gibt  es  ganz  sicher  einen  sog. Königreichssaal,  wo  Sie  all  Ihre  Wünsche  erfüllt  bekommen.  Eine  große  Bibel  und  auch  ein  Abo. für  unsere  Zeitschriften.  Wenn  Sie  uns  den  Ort  oder  die  PLZ  schreiben,  kann  ich  Ihnen  den  Saal  in  Ihrer  Nähe  schreiben.  Sicher  wissen  Sie,  dass  JZ  in  ALLEN  Nationen  vertreten  sind...  sozusagen,  eine  weltweite  große  Familie  -  das  ist  so  schön.  Seit  ich  die  Bibel  1996  studiert  habe  wußte  ich,  DASS  ist  die  Wahrheit,  die  unser  Gott  uns  sagen  will !  Seitdem  bin  ich  glücklich,  was  die  Zukunft  betrifft  ;o)  Ich  wünsche  das  so  sehr  ALLEN  Menschen ❤  Ich  war  früher  evangelisch...  aber  die  Kirchen  gaben  mir  NIE  richtige  Antworten  auf  meine  Fragen  -  heute  weiß  ich  WARUM.....

    Wir  helfen  Ihnen  gern  weiter !

    LIEBE  GRÜSSE  UND  BIS  BALD.....   Esther


  3. SONNTAG 28..jpg

    “Tell me, are you a Roman?” He said: “Yes.”—Acts 22:27.


    Roman citizenship offered valuable rights and immunities. Paul made use of his Roman citizenship on several occasions. Faced with scourging in Jerusalem, the apostle asked a Roman officer: “Is it lawful for you to scourge a Roman who has not been condemned?” It was not. When Paul pointed out that he was a Roman citizen by birth, “the men who were about to interrogate him under torture backed away from him; and the military commander became afraid.” (Acts 22:25-29) Paul’s citizenship under Roman law affected how he was treated in Philippi. (Acts 16:35-40) In Ephesus, the city recorder referred to the Roman legal system after he had calmed an angry mob. (Acts 19:35-41) Paul’s legal appeal while in Caesarea opened the way for him to make a defense of his faith before Caesar. (Acts 25:8-12) Thus, Roman law made possible “the defending and legally establishing of the good news.”—Phil. 1:7. w15 2/15 3:13, 14

  4. 16 hours ago, Tennyson said:

    What a determination.,  Her dedication and her smile says it  all  to the the loving father Jehovah. WOW

    I  agree  with  you  dear  Tennyson... what  a  loving  sister  and  so  amazing  cherishing  for  our  God  Jehovah ❤  She  and  her  parents  are  so  nice  examples  for  many  of  us !  Which  JW  would  walk  2  days  to  a  Convention ?  thats  very  hard !  But  true  love  is  very  strong  for  all  ;o)

  5. SAMSTAG !!!!.jpg

    Symeon [Peter] has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.—Acts 15:14.


    At a meeting of the governing body of first-century Christians held in 49 C.E., the disciple James stated the above. This new people bearing Jehovah’s name would include both Jewish and non-Jewish believers. (Rom. 11:25, 26a) Later, Peter wrote: “You were once not a people, but now you are God’s people.” Peter outlined their mission by stating: “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Pet. 2:9, 10) They were to sound forth the praises of the One they represented and publicly glorify his name. They were to be courageous witnesses for Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign, “to the most distant part of the earth.”—Acts 1:8; Col. 1:23. w14 11/15 5:6, 7

  6. 4 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

    Freitag  !!§$%.jpg

    We are members belonging to one another.—Eph. 4:25.


    Jehovah is helping us “to serve him shoulder to shoulder.” (Zeph. 3:8, 9) He is training us to fit into his eternal purpose. What does that include? He purposes “to gather all things together in the Christ.” (Eph. 1:9, 10) Yes, he wants to unify all willing creatures throughout the universe, and he will succeed in doing this. Does that help you to see the need to work unitedly with Jehovah’s organization? Jehovah is teaching us to attain unity now, with the objective of having unity forever. Again and again, the Scriptures tell us to “have mutual concern for one another,” to “have tender affection for one another,” to “keep comforting one another,” and to be “building one another up.” (1 Cor. 12:25; Rom. 12:10; 1 Thess. 4:18; 5:11) Jehovah knows that Christians are imperfect, and this may make it challenging to be united, so we need to work at “freely forgiving one another.”—Eph. 4:32. w14 12/15 3:14, 15

    Thank  you  Blanchie ❤  ;o)

  7. Freitag  !!§$%.jpg

    We are members belonging to one another.—Eph. 4:25.


    Jehovah is helping us “to serve him shoulder to shoulder.” (Zeph. 3:8, 9) He is training us to fit into his eternal purpose. What does that include? He purposes “to gather all things together in the Christ.” (Eph. 1:9, 10) Yes, he wants to unify all willing creatures throughout the universe, and he will succeed in doing this. Does that help you to see the need to work unitedly with Jehovah’s organization? Jehovah is teaching us to attain unity now, with the objective of having unity forever. Again and again, the Scriptures tell us to “have mutual concern for one another,” to “have tender affection for one another,” to “keep comforting one another,” and to be “building one another up.” (1 Cor. 12:25; Rom. 12:10; 1 Thess. 4:18; 5:11) Jehovah knows that Christians are imperfect, and this may make it challenging to be united, so we need to work at “freely forgiving one another.”—Eph. 4:32. w14 12/15 3:14, 15

  8. !!!$$%%.jpg

    The last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.—1 Cor. 15:26.


    When they were created, Adam and Eve had no enemies whatsoever. They were perfect humans who lived in a paradise. They enjoyed a close relationship with their Creator as his son and daughter. (Gen. 2:7-9; Luke 3:38) Their life prospects were indicated in the very commission God gave them. (Gen. 1:28) To “fill the earth and subdue it” could be accomplished in a certain amount of time. But to continue to ‘have in subjection every living creature that is moving on the earth,’ Adam and Eve would need to live forever, Adam never having to abdicate his oversight by dying. Although they had the prospect of living forever, Adam and Eve were not immortal. To keep living, they had to breathe, drink, sleep, and eat. More important, their lives depended on their relationship with their Life-Giver. (Deut. 8:3) Accepting God’s guidance would be essential for their continuing to enjoy life. w14 9/15 4:1, 3

  9. !!§§%%.jpg

    Let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone.—Gal. 6:4.


    The greatest privilege any human can have is one that all of us share. It is that of being a fellow worker with Jehovah in the Christian ministry. This is a privilege to be cherished! As long as Satan’s world exists, our possibilities of service to Jehovah may be limited. We may have no control over our family responsibilities, health, or other circumstances. But that is no reason to be unduly discouraged. Never underestimate your potential for working with God by bearing witness to his name and making known his Kingdom at every opportunity. Of prime importance is that you are working with him to the extent possible for you personally and that you are praying for his blessing to be with your brothers who are able to do more than you can. Remember, every person who praises Jehovah’s name is precious in his eyes! w14 10/15 3:16, 17

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