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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. If anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.—1 Tim. 5:8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/8/19 The apostle Paul directed that when older Christians cannot make ends meet, their children and grandchildren should “repay their parents and grandparents what is due them.” But Paul went on to urge all Christians to be content with their daily necessities—food, clothing, and shelter. We should not constantly be striving for a higher standard of living or for future financial security. (1 Tim. 5:4; 6:6-10) To ‘provide for one’s own,’ a Christian does not need to seek material riches in this world, which will soon pass away. (1 John 2:15-17) We must not let “the deceptive power of riches” or “anxieties of life” put at risk our family’s “firm hold on the real life” in God’s righteous new world!—Mark 4:19; Luke 21:34-36; 1 Tim. 6:19. w14 4/15 4:9
  2. The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their supplication.—1 Pet. 3:12. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/8/20 The righteous include “a great crowd” who “come out of the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:9, 14) These survivors are not just “a crowd.” They are “a great crowd”—a very large number of people. Do you see yourself among them as a survivor of “the great tribulation”? Where do those making up the great crowd come from? They are being brought together because of what Jesus foretold as part of the sign of his presence. He said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) In these last days, this is the chief work of God’s organization. Because of the global preaching and teaching activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses, millions of people have learned to worship God “with spirit and truth.”—John 4:23, 24. w14 5/15 4:6, 7
  3. Quueren, just 2 - 3 years old, from Nevada, USA, wants to have a preaching - part with her tablet, for showing the Caleb & Sophia video's other kiddies ;o) What a mature little girl - blessed from Jehovah ❤
  5. Dear brothers and sisters,  I am so sorry, but my Laptop is not able to post my nice things these days...  I am sad  ;-((  Need a new keyboard and hope, in very short time all is okay again. Miss my postings and you all❤️ can only watch with my iPad, give a comment and reputations. Need my mouse & Laptop for nice postings !

    A nice weekend for you and until very soon, your Esther ;o) 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      We miss you Anke. Don't worry. We will be here when you get back. ;-) Enjoy your vacation!

    3. Carmen Erwin

      Carmen Erwin

      Will be waiting! ❤️❤️❤️❤️?

    4. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  6. PREACHING ON THE KRIM.... the Ukraine area in war, between Russians & Ukrainer. The mom with her Baby on the arms ❤ SO brave preaching... BRAVO !!
  7. So nice, our older couples now by cart - witnessing... They were on the way for Jehovah in many diff. facet, with record player, street - working, in parks with microphone & amplifier, also door to door... with thousands experiences ! WHAT a diligent couple working for our God Jehovah ❤

    1. Tennyson Naidoo
    2. devarajjh


      Wish you a wonderful holiday..By the way, when are you visiting India?

    3. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Of sure in the NW / Paradise,  I want come to India ! Before its not possible, soory...

  9. I am so very sorry with you my brother ;-( JEHOVAH will give you power.... please pray daily to him ❤ JEHOVAH is the person can help you, and us all....
  10. I not think so.... Jehovah loves all his Kingdom houses ! If simple, like often in Africa - or in more rich countries, like that above. The brothers of sure will talk, teach and praise our God in the same way? Think back to the Tempel for JEHOVAH❤️ what a beautiful luxery house for our loving GOD❤️ I think, all is ok dear Harriet ;o)
  11. Look that picture.... can we really imagine, what all will Jehovah give to us ? LET'S BE LOYAL UNTIL TO THE END ❤
  12. Kleidet euch mit der innigen Zuneigung des Erbarmens (Kol. 3:12) http://wol.jw.org/de/wol/dt/r10/lp-x/2016/8/16 Die „innige Zuneigung des Erbarmens“ gehört zu der neuen Persönlichkeit, die jeder Christ anziehen soll (Kol. 3:9, 10). Wie kannst du innige Zuneigung zu anderen zum Ausdruck bringen? Öffne dein Herz weit (2. Kor. 6:11-13). Hör aufmerksam zu, wenn jemand über seine Gefühle und seine Sorgen spricht (Jak. 1:19). Versetze dich in ihn hinein und frage dich: Wie würde ich mich in seiner Situation fühlen? Was würde ich brauchen? (1. Pet. 3:8). Kennst du zum Beispiel eine Witwe, die Hilfe bei Reparaturen im Haus braucht? Oder benötigt jemand, der schon älter ist, eine Mitfahrgelegenheit zu den Zusammenkünften? Könntest du ihn in den Predigtdienst mitnehmen oder zum Arzt begleiten? Schon eine kleine Gefälligkeit kann jemandem, der Hilfe braucht, sehr viel bedeuten (1. Joh. 3:17, 18). Vor allem aber zeigt sich unser aufrichtiges Interesse an anderen durch unseren vollen Einsatz im Predigtdienst. Es gibt schließlich keine bessere Möglichkeit, das Leben aufrichtiger Menschen positiv zu beeinflussen! w15 15. 2. 1:14, 15
  13. Ντυθείτε την τρυφερή στοργή της συμπόνιας.—Κολ. 3:12. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2016/8/16 Η «τρυφερή στοργή της συμπόνιας» είναι μέρος της νέας προσωπικότητας την οποία πρέπει να ντυθούν όλοι οι Χριστιανοί. (Κολ. 3:9, 10) Πώς μπορείτε να καλλιεργήσετε τρυφερά αισθήματα για τους άλλους; Ανοίξτε διάπλατα την καρδιά σας. (2 Κορ. 6:11-13) Να ακούτε προσεκτικά όταν κάποιος σας μιλάει για τα αισθήματα και τις ανησυχίες του. (Ιακ. 1:19) Χρησιμοποιήστε τη φαντασία σας και αναρωτηθείτε: “Αν ήμουν εγώ στη θέση του, πώς θα ένιωθα; Τι θα χρειαζόμουν;” (1 Πέτρ. 3:8) Μήπως ξέρετε κάποια χήρα που χρειάζεται βοήθεια για να κάνει επισκευές στο σπίτι της; Μήπως υπάρχει κάποιος ηλικιωμένος Χριστιανός που χρειάζεται μεταφορικό μέσο για να πάει στις συναθροίσεις, να βγει στο έργο ή να επισκεφτεί το γιατρό; Ακόμα και μια μικρή πράξη καλοσύνης μπορεί να βελτιώσει πολύ τη ζωή κάποιου ομοπίστου μας που βρίσκεται σε ανάγκη. (1 Ιωάν. 3:17, 18) Πάνω από όλα, μπορούμε να δείχνουμε τρυφερό ενδιαφέρον για τους άλλους συμμετέχοντας πλήρως στη διακονία. Δεν υπάρχει καλύτερος τρόπος για να βελτιώσουμε τη ζωή όσων έχουν ειλικρινή καρδιά! w15 15/2 1:14, 15
  14. Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion.—Col. 3:12. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/8/16 “The tender affections of compassion” are part of the new personality that all Christians are expected to put on. (Col. 3:9, 10) How can you cultivate tender feelings for others? Open your heart wide. (2 Cor. 6:11-13) Listen carefully when someone shares his feelings and concerns. (Jas. 1:19) Use your imagination and ask yourself: ‘If I were in his situation, how would I feel? What would I need?’ (1 Pet. 3:8) Do you know of a widow who needs help with repairs on her home? Is there an elderly Christian who needs transportation to get to the meetings, to go out in the ministry, or to go to the doctor? Even a small act of kindness can make a big difference in the life of a fellow worshipper in need. (1 John 3:17, 18) Above all, we can show tender concern for others by having a full share in the ministry. There is no greater way to make a difference in the lives of honesthearted ones! w15 2/15 1:14, 15
  15. Awww.... thank you dear Alexa, thats a wonderful picture with some of your little cong. kiddies ❤ And a sofa on the stage, wow ;o) Thanks for the quickly posting !
  16. I am always speechless, when I see this wonderful brother ❤ He is a regular pioneer, look his very nice smile in his special wheel-chair... I get tears but power too ;o) He is SO unique, SO loving, yes ! MAY JEHOVAH BLESS YOU DAILY ALOT - OUR DEAR BROTHER ❤
  17. The most important day of my son’s life André, his baptism ❤ 22. 11. 2015 Just coming back from dive under ;o) SO HAPPY WE ARE ALL !
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