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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. DT  20.7..jpg

    DT  20.7. 11.jpg

    Besser ist das nachherige Ende einer Sache als ihr Anfang (Pred. 7:8)


    In den letzten Jahren wurde eine Anzahl Zweigbüros zusammengelegt. Die Änderungen verlangten von den Brüdern und Schwestern in diesen Zweigbüros zwar Umstellungen, aber die Vorteile wurden recht bald für alle sichtbar. Diese willigen Arbeiter freuen sich, eine Rolle in der Geschichte des Volkes Jehovas zu spielen. Im Zuge der Zusammenlegungen von Zweigbüros wurden auch einige gebeten, das Bethel zu verlassen und den Pionierdienst aufzunehmen. So ging es zum Beispiel Florian und Anja. Die beiden sagen: „Wir betrachten unsere neue Aufgabe als spannende Herausforderung. Für uns ist es einfach wunderbar, von Jehova gebraucht zu werden — ganz gleich wo.“ Die meisten von uns werden wohl nie vor solchen Veränderungen stehen. Trotzdem können wir uns an der Bereitwilligkeit dieser Brüder und Schwestern ein Beispiel nehmen. Setzen wir wie sie die Königreichsinteressen an die erste Stelle (Jes. 6:8). Jehova segnet alle, die das Vorrecht schätzen, mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten — wo immer das sein mag. w14 15. 10. 3:10, 15

  2. DT  20.7..jpg

    DT  20.7. 11.jpg

    Καλύτερο το τέλος ενός ζητήματος παρά η αρχή του.—Εκκλ. 7:8.


    Τα τελευταία χρόνια, αρκετά γραφεία τμήματος συγχωνεύτηκαν με άλλα. Μολονότι τέτοιες αλλαγές απαιτούν από τους αδελφούς και τις αδελφές που υπηρετούν σε αυτά να κάνουν προσαρμογές, σύντομα τα πλεονεκτήματα γίνονται φανερά σε όλους. Πόσο χαίρονται αυτοί οι πρόθυμοι εργάτες για τη συμβολή τους στην ιστορία που γράφει σήμερα ο λαός του Ιεχωβά! Λόγω αυτών των συγχωνεύσεων, μερικοί Μπεθελίτες έχουν διοριστεί να υπηρετήσουν ως σκαπανείς. Μεταξύ αυτών ήταν ο Φλόριαν και η Άνια, οι οποίοι είπαν: «Για εμάς, ο καινούριος μας διορισμός είναι μια συναρπαστική πρόκληση. Είναι υπέροχο να μας χρησιμοποιεί ο Ιεχωβά, όπου και αν υπηρετούμε». Αν και οι περισσότεροι από εμάς ίσως δεν χρειαστεί ποτέ να κάνουμε τέτοιες αλλαγές, δεν είναι ωραίο να μιμούμαστε την προθυμία με την οποία βάζουν αυτοί οι αδελφοί και οι αδελφές τα συμφέροντα της Βασιλείας στην πρώτη θέση; (Ησ. 6:8) Ο Ιεχωβά ευλογεί πάντα όσους θεωρούν πολύτιμο το προνόμιο που έχουν να συνεργάζονται μαζί του, οπουδήποτε και αν τον υπηρετούν. w14 15/10 3:10, 15

  3. DT  20.7..jpg

    DT  20.7. 11.jpg

    Better is the end of a matter than its beginning.—Eccl. 7:8.


    In recent years, a number of branch offices have been merged with others. Though such changes require that the brothers and sisters serving at these branches make adjustments, before long the advantages of the changes become clear to all involved. What a joy it is for such willing workers to play a part in the ongoing history of Jehovah’s people! Because of branch mergers, some Bethelites have been reassigned to serve in the pioneer work. Among them were Florian and Anja, who said: “We view our new assignment as an exciting challenge. For us, it is wonderful to be used by Jehovah no matter where we serve.” Even though most of us may never have to make such adjustments, can we not imitate the willingness of these brothers and sisters to put Kingdom interests first? (Isa. 6:8) Jehovah always blesses those who cherish their privilege of working with him, wherever that work may be. w14 10/15 3:10, 15

  4. 47 minutes ago, Ross Tinney said:

    We desperately need it, not badly. There is too much badly now!

    For  many  its  badly  -  for  others  its  desperately,   but  we  all  have  to  wait  of    Jehovah's  day !  Better  not  daily  with  desperately  feelings...  thats  too  hard  and  can  make  many  humans  much  more  sick...   Jehovah  is  knowing  our  personal  situations !  ONLY  HE  IS  KNOWING  THE  BEST  DAY !

  5. Early starting with Jehovahs word....jpg


    Mein Sohn, mein Gesetz vergiss nicht, und meine Gebote möge dein Herz beobachten (Spr. 3:1)


    Zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt müssen eure Kinder selbst entscheiden, wem sie dienen möchten. Euer Glaube wird nicht einfach auf sie abfärben. Sie müssen sich die Wahrheit selbst zu eigen machen! Warum nicht noch einmal die grundlegenden Dinge betrachten, wenn das einem Kind schwerfällt? Bittet es, über folgende Fragen nachzudenken: „Woher weiß ich, dass Gott existiert? Was überzeugt mich davon, dass ich persönlich für Jehova Gott zähle? Warum glaube ich, dass Jehovas Maßstäbe wirklich für mich von Vorteil sind?“ Erweist euch als gute Hirten und leitet eure Kinder geduldig an, indem ihr ihnen durch euer Vorbild zeigt: Jehovas Weg ist der beste Lebensweg (Röm. 12:2). Alle wahren Christen wollen den höchsten Hirten nachahmen (Eph. 5:1; 1. Pet. 2:25). Besonders Eltern müssen das Aussehen ihres Kleinviehs kennen — ihrer wertvollen Kinder — und sie unbedingt so leiten, dass Jehova sie segnen kann. w14 15. 9. 3:17, 18

  6. Early starting with Jehovahs word....jpg

    PREACHING  LITTLE  BOY  -----------  WOW  !!.jpg

    Γιε μου, μην ξεχνάς το νόμο μου, και η καρδιά σου ας τηρεί τις εντολές μου.—Παρ. 3:1.


    Κάποια στιγμή, τα παιδιά σας θα χρειαστεί να πάρουν την προσωπική τους απόφαση όσον αφορά το ποιον θα υπηρετούν. Μη νομίζετε ότι θα απορροφήσουν αυτομάτως την πίστη σας, όπως ένα σφουγγάρι ρουφάει το νερό. Πρέπει να κάνουν την αλήθεια κτήμα τους. Αν φαίνεται ότι το παιδί σας δυσκολεύεται να το κάνει αυτό, γιατί να μην ξαναρχίσετε από τα στοιχειώδη; Βοηθήστε το να σκεφτεί ερωτήσεις σαν και αυτές: «Πώς μπορώ να ξέρω εγώ ότι υπάρχει Θεός; Τι πείθει εμένα ότι ο Ιεχωβά Θεός με θεωρεί πολύτιμο; Γιατί πιστεύω ότι οι κανόνες του Ιεχωβά είναι για το δικό μου καλό;» Δείξτε ότι είστε καλός ποιμένας καθοδηγώντας με υπομονή το παιδί ή τα παιδιά σας ώστε να αποδείξουν στον εαυτό τους ότι η οδός του Ιεχωβά είναι η καλύτερη οδός ζωής. (Ρωμ. 12:2) Όλοι οι αληθινοί Χριστιανοί θέλουν να μιμούνται τον Υπέρτατο Ποιμένα. (Εφεσ. 5:1· 1 Πέτρ. 2:25) Ιδιαίτερα οι γονείς χρειάζεται να γνωρίζουν ποια είναι η εμφάνιση του ποιμνίου τους—των πολύτιμων παιδιών τους—και να κάνουν ό,τι καλύτερο μπορούν για να τα οδηγήσουν στις ευλογίες που τους επιφυλάσσει ο Ιεχωβά. w14 15/9 3:17, 18

  7. Early starting with Jehovahs word....jpg

    Early starting with Jehovahs word...

    PREACHING  LITTLE  BOY  -----------  WOW  !!.jpg

    6 year old Brooks, from Florida, is ready for the ministry❤

    My son, do not forget my teaching, and may your heart observe my commandments.—Prov. 3:1.


    In time, your children will have to make a personal decision as to whom they will serve. Do not think that they will simply absorb your faith through some sort of osmosis. They must make the truth their own. If it seems that a child has a problem doing that, why not go back to basics? Help him or her to reason on such questions as: “How do I know that God exists? What convinces me that Jehovah God really values me? Why do I believe that Jehovah’s standards are truly for my good?” Show yourself to be a good shepherd by patiently guiding your child or children in proving that Jehovah’s way is the best way of life. (Rom. 12:2) All true Christians want to be imitators of the Supreme Shepherd. (Eph. 5:1; 1 Pet. 2:25) Parents in particular need to know the appearance of their flock—their precious children—and do all they can to guide them toward the blessings Jehovah has for them. w14 9/15 3:17, 18

  8. 19 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I found this link... Helen wrote a this book about her religion..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_in_My_Darkness.         and here is a link which tells one more about this religion:. http://www.thelordsnewchurch.com/online_books/english/Helen_Keller_-_Introduction_to_True_Christian_Religion.pdf

    Thank  you  very  much,  sister  Arauna !

  9. 13 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    I think that this picture says it all. The universe, our beautiful Earth in our solar system and man...........all creations of the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, Jehovah.


    18 hours ago, Arauna said:

    To get serious for a moment::-  Our universe is a physical universe, consisting of matter which was created by means of Jehovah's dynamic energy.   Jehovah cannot enter into our physical universe because he is too great.   He lives in the highest heavens in a spiritual dimension which is unfathomly beyond our physical universe. Our universe is subject to time and space.   The dimension where Jehovah lives has no time and space and hence - no matter.  We cannot fathom what it is like because it is beyond our comprehension.  We can however look at the stars in our part of the physical universe and see the dynamic energy and wisdom of Jehovah. Angels can move through our universe at the speed of light..... but if we (consisting of matter)  tried to move at the speed of light -  we would disintegrate.  We also cannot see Jehovah and live because his energy will instantly kill us.  Yea - the earth is truly a little dust particle on a scale and yet Jehovah cares about each individual.

    I  agree  with  all  you  wrote,  yes !   For  all  humans  its  like  a  wonder,  we're  too  tiny.

  10. 3 hours ago, Uwe Rügenhagen said:

    Thank YOUU, Queenie Dear :-) :-)
    The rear view mirror  is broken
    & illustrates the old system.
    Mostly I use them in SirVice,
    if nou wunn is interested in our literature.
    A  glossy postcard not ONE refused
    the last 16 years since I´m back in Germany :-)
    Since  1999  I created  nearly 500 different motives.
    For THIZZ  one   I was inspired by Bro. Sanderson
    who said this  a fjoo month ago  on JW-Broadcast. :-)
    My first German  theocratique picture postcard
    was THIZZ one below >>>>>>>>>>..
    ( after a comment from a German Sissy in
    2000 or so..where she said.
    "I soo do not like ironing...
    But listening to a talk or a drama...I get wings"... ;-)
    I put her wirds in a rhyme..& it looks like thizz now since than ;-)

    Bügeln -Ohne Subscr-Orig.JPG

    Yes,  my  theocratic  girlfriend  is  mostly  doing  that  by  all  her  home-works...

    another  girlfriend  always  ironing  by  watching  TV  or  music.....

    I  am  not  ironing  since  ca. 15 years...  YES !   haha   ---  ironing  is  really  boring !  With  a  trick,  our  clothes  always  pretty  smooth  after  washing  and  drying.  I  not  need  my  flat-iron  ;o)

  11. 13 minutes ago, Uwe Rügenhagen said:

    What I found out about the measures of the Arc was:
    "If we conservatively assume that
    a cubit was 18 inches (U.S.),
    we can conclude that the ark was about
    450 feet (U.S.) long,
    .75 feet (U.S.) wide, and
    45 feet (U.S.) high.
    The interesting thing about Noah's ark
    its construction, was on a 1:6 ratio.
    Naval architecture reveals that this is
    for an ocean - going vessel.
    It could have easily survived even big ocean waves
    and would be next to impossible to capsize.
    The total volume of Noah's Ark was roughly 1.5 million cubic feet,
    (not like on that pic:1.396,000 cubic feet),
    which is equal to the total capacity of more
    than 570 standard stock cars used on a typical railroad."
    A few years ago we had a speaker from Hamburg
    here in Muensterdonia .
    In his younger years he was working for a
    Container-Ship Company  in the construction bureau
    near the Harbour of Hamburg.
    He once asked an older  drawer of these  objects,
    why they always used that ratio of 1.6 in their drawings
    for the containers for the ships.The older man replied:
    ”It´s an old ratio..must be as old as Noah´s arc.
    It´s the “UNSINKABLE-factor”.

    What JEHOVAH God had Noah make, would be nothing less
    than the BIGGEST ship of its kind for many, many years
    until man began to build even bigger ships in the late 1800's A.D.!
    And as we  know today, ships became bigger & bigger & more luxurious.
    And a lot of theeze "unsinkable Luxurious Liners"
    do not exist  no more.
    They been build by engineers  & high educated people.
    But The Arc was build by laymen...
    with JEHOVAH in their back

    But the engineers  had forgotten one simple,
    natural formula ..the God-given 1: 6 ratio...
    You only know them from  movies like "Titanic" and others.
    And their names no one  remembers today.
    But that simple but LIFE-SAVING ratio 1 : 6
    and NOAH`s & JEHOVAH´s name ALWAYS will remain (Y)  :-)


    WOW....  my  dear  Brother,  thats  great  your  detailed  comment  here !  Thank  you  very  much  for  that  ;o)   Yes,  our  God  JEHOVAH  is  omniscient  &  omnipotent !  We  are  all  so  tiny....  but  many  thinking,  they  are  SO  big,  haha

  12. 7 hours ago, Peter Kutzer-Salm said:

    I stopped smoking one year before I was baptisted- 36 years ago. It was a great experience with Jehova. A longer story . good for duty.


    I made the same experience before 20 years... Together with Jehovah it was very easy for me. We can't do anything in secret, bec. Jehovah is watching all, that helped me alot ! Smoking is so stupid !

  13. 5 hours ago, Uwe Rügenhagen said:

    A sweet Sissy said this 2 years ago in my English Congregation, Queenie .
    I immediately had to create this post-card :-)
    The message :
    "You are only allowed to give 10 likes per day.
    You cannot give any more likes today." 
    still remains this morning... :-(
    The may count  that from a Youroppean server...

    Yes, a very nice card idea ;o)  But a stupid server count machine ;-( 

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