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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Its worldly but proper... its still something of *old school* ( Knigge - book )
  2. Do you know ASL - HollyW ?? SL is signing *WORDS* & pictures ! but never dumb blowing kisses....
  3. Warum richtest du deinen Bruder? Oder warum blickst du auch auf deinen Bruder hinab? Denn wir werden alle vor dem Richterstuhl Gottes stehen (Röm. 14:10) http://wol.jw.org/de/wol/dt/r10/lp-x/2016/7/6 Unseren Brüdern und Schwestern grundlos zu misstrauen ist verkehrt (Röm. 14:11, 12; 1. Kor. 13:7). Außerdem würde es unserer geistigen Gesinnung schaden, wenn wir dazu neigten, an der unversehrten Lauterkeit anderer in der Versammlung zu zweifeln. Jeder muss sein eigenes Werk erproben (Gal. 6:4). Wegen unserer sündigen Neigungen kann es immer einmal sein, dass wir nicht ganz aufrichtig sind (Heb. 3:12, 13). Deshalb ist es gut, von Zeit zu Zeit zu überprüfen, warum wir Jehova dienen. Wir könnten uns fragen: Diene ich Jehova aus Liebe und weil ich seine Souveränität anerkenne? Oder sind mir die erhofften Segnungen im Paradies wichtiger? (Offb. 4:11). Es ist gut, die eigenen Handlungen zu überdenken und jede Spur von Heuchelei aus unserem Innern zu entfernen. w14 15. 7. 1:15, 16
  4. Γιατί κρίνεις τον αδελφό σου; Ή και εσύ γιατί περιφρονείς τον αδελφό σου; Διότι όλοι θα σταθούμε μπροστά στη δικαστική έδρα του Θεού.—Ρωμ. 14:10. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2016/7/6 Θα ήταν λάθος να καλλιεργούμε αβάσιμες υποψίες για τους αδελφούς και τις αδελφές μας. (Ρωμ. 14:11, 12· 1 Κορ. 13:7) Εκτός αυτού, αν έχουμε την τάση να αμφισβητούμε την ακεραιότητα των άλλων στην εκκλησία, θα βλάψουμε τη δική μας πνευματικότητα. Ο κάθε Χριστιανός πρέπει να «εξετάζη τα δικά του έργα». (Γαλ. 6:4, Η Καινή Διαθήκη, Ν. Ι. Σωτηροπούλου) Εξαιτίας των αμαρτωλών μας τάσεων, υπάρχει πάντα η πιθανότητα να υιοθετήσουμε άθελά μας χαρακτηριστικά που δεν είναι τόσο ειλικρινή. (Εβρ. 3:12, 13) Γι’ αυτό, από καιρό σε καιρό είναι καλό να εξετάζουμε τα κίνητρα με τα οποία υπηρετούμε τον Ιεχωβά. Ας αναρωτηθούμε: “Λατρεύω τον Ιεχωβά επειδή τον αγαπώ και επειδή αναγνωρίζω την κυριαρχία του; Ή μήπως δίνω περισσότερη βαρύτητα στις υλικές ευλογίες που ελπίζω να απολαύσω στον Παράδεισο;”) (Αποκ. 4:11 Ασφαλώς, όλοι θα ωφεληθούμε αν εξετάζουμε τα δικά μας έργα και αφαιρούμε κάθε ίχνος υποκρισίας από την καρδιά μας. w14 15/7 1:15, 16
  5. Why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.—Rom. 14:10. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/7/6http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/7/6 It would be wrong to entertain baseless suspicions about our brothers and sisters. (Rom. 14:11, 12; 1 Cor. 13:7) What is more, having a tendency to distrust the integrity of others in the congregation would be harmful to our own spirituality. Each Christian should “examine his own actions.” (Gal. 6:4) Because of our sinful inclinations, there is always the potential for inadvertently adopting traits that are less than sincere. (Heb. 3:12, 13) So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. We may ask ourselves: ‘Do I worship Jehovah out of love for him and in recognition of his sovereignty? Or do I place more emphasis on the physical blessings I hope to enjoy in Paradise?’ (Rev. 4:11) Surely we can all benefit from examining our own actions and removing any vestiges of hypocrisy from our heart. w14 7/15 1:15, 16
  6. Thank you for sharing ! I learn ASL and DGS step by step too... have alot SL video's - but cant post them all... little difficult, when its not from youtube --- We have 2 SL categories here, in English and German ;o)
  7. Oohhh.... looks like a JW ORG *Drachen* - its a German word for that - Kiddies like it flying Drachen in Sept. when our first wind is coming ;o)
  8. Oh, thats very difficult! Everyone has other problems.... I had more persons for helping.... its really not so easy ! But with love and listen, we can hear alot and helping too ! DEPRESSION is a very special sickness... needs alot sensibility - I am a person, feeling that - but for others in a cong its more complicated.....
  9. NEW IDEA'S !! maybe helping you ? *AN INTERESTING REPORT* How millionaires under 40 manage their money.... Millionaires under 40 are more likely to hold on to cash, a report found. Alas, there are some people who are lucky enough to be both young and rich. And a report released last month by Capgemini Consulting showed some interesting trends in the strategies young millionaires use to manage their money. In many ways, millionaires under 40 are even more conservative than their boomer counterparts. They are more likely to hold on to cash, less likely to invest in stocks and more prone to stashing money in alternative investments. The findings, combined with other studies on how the younger-than-40 crowd handle their money, may even offer lessons for people who don’t have much wealth yet but are striving for it. Here are some of the money management strategies that stand out among the young and wealthy. They have plenty of cash on hand. Millionaires under 40 held about a third of their total assets in cash, including physical cash and money kept in the bank, like a checking account, according to the report. When asked why it was important for them to have so much cash, 17 percent of young investors said they wanted to be ready to pounce on the right investment opportunities when they arise. Thirty one percent said they wanted money on hand to be able to live the lifestyle they want. (Those vacations, shopping trips and nice meals need to be paid for somehow.) Millennials who are more concerned with paying off their debt and covering the bills may have a hard time relating to that mentality. But some of the motivations pushing young millionaires to have cash in the bank aren’t that different from the reasons encouraging other millennials to build up a cash cushion. About 28 percent of young millionaires said it was important for them to have cash as a way to protect themselves from market volatility, according to Capgemini. It’s in line with other studies suggesting that millennials are nervous about taking on too much risk with their savings, even if they won’t need the money for a while. But there is a cost to holding too much cash, said Greg Popera, a private wealth adviser with Merrill Lynch. People who neglect to invest at least part of their funds in stocks, real estate and other assets may miss out on potentially higher returns over time, he said. They spread their bets. As for the part of their wealth that is being invested, the young and wealthy are not relying too much on any single approach. Roughly 30 percent of their assets were held with wealth managers who could help them build a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other traditional investments. But about 40 percent of their portfolios were split up among less traditional investments including real estate, a business and other alternative investments. That broad category of alternative investments can include gold, hedge funds or other asset classes that are expected to behave differently than the stock market, financial advisers say. For example, while stock markets were plunging on the day after Britain announced it had voted to leave the European Union, the price of gold soared. By branching out into real estate, which can lead to rental income, investors are creating additional income streams that are not tied to the stock market or to their main jobs, financial advisers say. Investing in a business by buying a sizable stake in a company or by starting a small business can boost wealth and lead to big payouts when a business does well. But because such investments always require more risk, business investments tend to make up a smaller portion of the overall portfolio — about 13 percent — when compared to cash. They consult friends and the web. When seeking advice on how to best manage their money, younger millionaires are more likely to turn to family, friends and the internet for guidance than they are to hire a professional when compared to older generations. Consider, among the under 40 group, just 17 percent of assets were with a primary wealth manager, compared to 27 percent for millionaires of all ages in North America. And a separate study from TD Ameritrade found that 28 percent of millennials turn to their friends for financial advice, compared to 15 percent of boomers, who were more likely to turn to a professional. ‘‘More and more we know that for this newer generation, traditional wealth management does not work,’’ said Tej Vakta, senior leader of global capital markets with Capgemini Financial Services. Younger investors were more likely than boomers to say that it was important for their adviser to offer online services that allow them to track or control their investments, Vakta said. But demand for online options is growing among all investors: Sixty-seven percent of millionaires of all ages said this year that they wanted an automated advice option, or a so-called robo-adviser, up from 49 percent in 2015, according to Capgemini. They invest with a purpose. In addition to looking for investments that will boost their portfolios, many young investors — and not just the rich — want to know that their dollars are going toward the social causes that matter to them. Through a strategy known as socially responsible investing, some investors work with an adviser to dedicate a portion of their money to companies they feel are working to advance a certain issue, such as climate change. In other cases, investors will ask their advisers or brokerage firms to exclude industries they don’t want to support, such as alcohol companies, tobacco companies or gun manufacturers. Investors can also use mutual funds or exchange traded funds that offer similar strategies. The approach is particularly common among younger investors. Some 60 percent of millennials and 34 percent of Generation X investors said they wanted to use or were currently using social impact investments, according to a 2015 report from U.S. Trust, a unit of Bank of America. ‘‘It’s a feel good return,’’ said Richard Dale Horn, senior vice president of wealth management for UBS Financial Services. Still, investors should make sure that their efforts to exclude certain industries don’t leave them investing too heavily in any one sector, Horn said, ‘‘I think you have to have a balance.’ ***************************************************
  10. I mean, debts never *good*...
  11. Do you know, on which place this *handing out* happened ? By a convention or in a Bethel, or congregation, or for all people ? Thank you ;-)
  12. How millionaires under 40 manage their money...... ;o) Millionaires under 40 are more likely to hold on to cash, a report found. Alas, there are some people who are lucky enough to be both young and rich. And a report released last month by Capgemini Consulting showed some interesting trends in the strategies young millionaires use to manage their money. In many ways, millionaires under 40 are even more conservative than their boomer counterparts. They are more likely to hold on to cash, less likely to invest in stocks and more prone to stashing money in alternative investments. The findings, combined with other studies on how the younger-than-40 crowd handle their money, may even offer lessons for people who don’t have much wealth yet but are striving for it. Here are some of the money management strategies that stand out among the young and wealthy. They have plenty of cash on hand. Millionaires under 40 held about a third of their total assets in cash, including physical cash and money kept in the bank, like a checking account, according to the report. When asked why it was important for them to have so much cash, 17 percent of young investors said they wanted to be ready to pounce on the right investment opportunities when they arise. Thirty one percent said they wanted money on hand to be able to live the lifestyle they want. (Those vacations, shopping trips and nice meals need to be paid for somehow.) Millennials who are more concerned with paying off their debt and covering the bills may have a hard time relating to that mentality. But some of the motivations pushing young millionaires to have cash in the bank aren’t that different from the reasons encouraging other millennials to build up a cash cushion. About 28 percent of young millionaires said it was important for them to have cash as a way to protect themselves from market volatility, according to Capgemini. It’s in line with other studies suggesting that millennials are nervous about taking on too much risk with their savings, even if they won’t need the money for a while. But there is a cost to holding too much cash, said Greg Popera, a private wealth adviser with Merrill Lynch. People who neglect to invest at least part of their funds in stocks, real estate and other assets may miss out on potentially higher returns over time, he said. They spread their bets. As for the part of their wealth that is being invested, the young and wealthy are not relying too much on any single approach. Roughly 30 percent of their assets were held with wealth managers who could help them build a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other traditional investments. But about 40 percent of their portfolios were split up among less traditional investments including real estate, a business and other alternative investments. That broad category of alternative investments can include gold, hedge funds or other asset classes that are expected to behave differently than the stock market, financial advisers say. For example, while stock markets were plunging on the day after Britain announced it had voted to leave the European Union, the price of gold soared. By branching out into real estate, which can lead to rental income, investors are creating additional income streams that are not tied to the stock market or to their main jobs, financial advisers say. Investing in a business by buying a sizable stake in a company or by starting a small business can boost wealth and lead to big payouts when a business does well. But because such investments always require more risk, business investments tend to make up a smaller portion of the overall portfolio — about 13 percent — when compared to cash. They consult friends and the web. When seeking advice on how to best manage their money, younger millionaires are more likely to turn to family, friends and the internet for guidance than they are to hire a professional when compared to older generations. Consider, among the under 40 group, just 17 percent of assets were with a primary wealth manager, compared to 27 percent for millionaires of all ages in North America. And a separate study from TD Ameritrade found that 28 percent of millennials turn to their friends for financial advice, compared to 15 percent of boomers, who were more likely to turn to a professional. ‘‘More and more we know that for this newer generation, traditional wealth management does not work,’’ said Tej Vakta, senior leader of global capital markets with Capgemini Financial Services. Younger investors were more likely than boomers to say that it was important for their adviser to offer online services that allow them to track or control their investments, Vakta said. But demand for online options is growing among all investors: Sixty-seven percent of millionaires of all ages said this year that they wanted an automated advice option, or a so-called robo-adviser, up from 49 percent in 2015, according to Capgemini. They invest with a purpose. In addition to looking for investments that will boost their portfolios, many young investors — and not just the rich — want to know that their dollars are going toward the social causes that matter to them. Through a strategy known as socially responsible investing, some investors work with an adviser to dedicate a portion of their money to companies they feel are working to advance a certain issue, such as climate change. In other cases, investors will ask their advisers or brokerage firms to exclude industries they don’t want to support, such as alcohol companies, tobacco companies or gun manufacturers. Investors can also use mutual funds or exchange traded funds that offer similar strategies. The approach is particularly common among younger investors. Some 60 percent of millennials and 34 percent of Generation X investors said they wanted to use or were currently using social impact investments, according to a 2015 report from U.S. Trust, a unit of Bank of America. ‘‘It’s a feel good return,’’ said Richard Dale Horn, senior vice president of wealth management for UBS Financial Services. Still, investors should make sure that their efforts to exclude certain industries don’t leave them investing too heavily in any one sector, Horn said. ‘‘I think you have to have a balance.’’ PERHAPS, THIS VERY INTERESTING REPORT CAN HELP YOU...
  13. I posted the same before some days by *post a photo*..... Kurt ;o)
  14. Does God Have a Name? The Bible’s answer..... Humans all have personal names. Wouldn’t it be reasonable for God to have a name? Having and using personal names is a vital part of human friendships. Should it be different when it comes to our friendship with God? In the Bible, God says: “"I am Jehovah. That is my name."” (Isaiah 42:8) Although he also has many titles, such as “"God Almighty,"” “"Sovereign Lord,"” and “"Creator,"” he honors his worshippers by inviting them to address him by his personal name.—Genesis 17:1; Acts 4:24; 1 Peter 4:19. Many translations of the Bible contain God’s personal name at Exodus 6:3. That passage says: “"I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them."” Jehovah is a rendering of God’s name in English that has been used for centuries. While many scholars prefer the spelling “Yahweh,” Jehovah is the form of the name that is most widely recognized. The first part of the Bible was written not in English but in Hebrew, a language that is read from right to left. In that language, the divine name appears as four consonants, יהוה. Those four Hebrew characters—transliterated YHWH—are known as the Tetragrammaton.
  15. My died old granny could only call with a big black phone in the past, sorry, but very good cooking ! hmmm.... tasty !
  16. Not using Mint yet ? Download the free app today and you’ll be budgeting like a boss, before you know it.
  17. Its a swanky car.... maybe for Trump, but he prefers his own air-plane ! WHAT a showoff.... What a crazy world we have ;-(
  18. Deine eigenen Tröstungen begannen meine Seele zu liebkosen (Ps. 94:19) http://wol.jw.org/de/wol/dt/r10/lp-x/2016/7/5 Jehova hat Mitgefühl mit Leidenden (Jes. 49:13). Das Bibelstudium kann uns Jehovas liebevolles Interesse so sehr bewusst machen, dass wir seine tiefe Liebe gern erwidern. Beten wir außerdem häufig, kommen wir dem „Hörer des Gebets“ immer näher (Ps. 65:2). Merken wir, wie er uns erhört, vertieft sich unsere Liebe zu ihm. Vielleicht haben wir erlebt, dass Jehova keine Versuchung zulässt, der wir nicht widerstehen können (1. Kor. 10:13). Wenn wir besorgt sind und ihn anflehen, können wir den unvergleichlichen „Frieden Gottes“ verspüren (Phil. 4:6, 7). Mitunter beten wir im Stillen und stellen — wie Nehemia — fest: Jehova hat uns erhört (Neh. 2:1-6). Wenn wir im Gebet verharren, lieben wir Gott noch mehr und vertrauen noch mehr darauf, dass er uns in Glaubensprüfungen hilft (Röm. 12:12). w14 15. 6. 1:15, 16
  19. Hahahahahaha.... no, but I can swim !
  20. Over the ocean... with a car ?? hahaha.... I need a plane ! But its only a joke ;o)
  21. Here's a look at how banks are hoping to make you a customer for life....
  22. Η παρηγοριά σου άρχισε να χαϊδεύει την ψυχή μου.—Ψαλμ. 94:19. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2016/7/5 Ο Ιεχωβά εκδηλώνει έλεος σε όσους υποφέρουν. (Ησ. 49:13) Μελετώντας τη Γραφή, συνειδητοποιούμε τόσο έντονα το στοργικό ενδιαφέρον του Ιεχωβά για εμάς ώστε υποκινούμαστε να τον αγαπάμε ακόμη πιο βαθιά. Πρέπει επίσης να προσευχόμαστε στον Θεό τακτικά. Οι προσευχές μας μάς φέρνουν όλο και πιο κοντά σε “Αυτόν που ακούει προσευχή”. (Ψαλμ. 65:2) Όταν βλέπουμε ότι ο Θεός απαντάει στις προσευχές μας, η αγάπη μας για αυτόν αυξάνεται. Για παράδειγμα, ίσως έχουμε διακρίνει ότι δεν μας αφήνει να πειραστούμε πέρα από αυτό που μπορούμε να αντέξουμε. (1 Κορ. 10:13) Όταν νιώθουμε ανησυχία και στρεφόμαστε στον Ιεχωβά με ένθερμη δέηση, μπορούμε να αισθανθούμε την ασύγκριτη «ειρήνη του Θεού». (Φιλιπ. 4:6, 7) Μερικές φορές, ίσως κάνουμε μια σιωπηλή προσευχή—όπως ο Νεεμίας—και έπειτα συνειδητοποιούμε ότι ο Θεός μάς απάντησε. (Νεεμ. 2:1-6) Καθώς “εγκαρτερούμε στην προσευχή”, η αγάπη μας για τον Θεό μεγαλώνει, όπως και η πεποίθησή μας ότι θα μας βοηθήσει να αντιμετωπίσουμε οποιεσδήποτε άλλες δοκιμασίες της πίστης.—Ρωμ. 12:12. w14 15/6 1:15, 16
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