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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Hahahahahaha.... very expensive massage, flying to USA for that ;o)
  2. You comforted and soothed me.—Ps. 94:19. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/7/5 Jehovah shows mercy to those who suffer. (Isa. 49:13) Bible study can make us so keenly aware of Jehovah’s loving concern for us that we are inclined to respond with deep love for him. Also, we should pray to God regularly. Our prayers draw us ever closer to the “Hearer of prayer.” (Ps. 65:2) When we discern that God is answering our prayers, our love for him deepens. For instance, we may have seen that he does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. (1 Cor. 10:13) If we have anxiety and turn to Jehovah in earnest supplication, we may well experience the incomparable “peace of God.” (Phil. 4:6, 7) At times, we may say a silent prayer—as Nehemiah did—and come to realize that it is being answered. (Neh. 2:1-6) As we “persevere in prayer,” our love for God grows and so does our confidence that he will help us to cope with further tests of faith.—Rom. 12:12. w14 6/15 1:15, 16
  3. For the ears I saw that video by youtube... But by thousands of hours, Sarah of sure can tell, if its ok. so..... thanks !
  4. A Budget is a quantitative expression of a plan for a defined period of time. It may include planned sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets, liabilities and cash flows. It expresses strategic plans of business units, organizations, activities or events in measurable terms. A budget (derived from old French word bougette, purse) is a quantified financial plan for a forthcoming accounting period. A budget is an important concept in microeconomics, which uses a budget line to illustrate the trade-offs between two or more goods. In other terms, a budget is an organizational plan stated in monetary terms. We all need a little Budget... you too ! Do you know *low budgets* movies ? They're making with few money ! That are my idea's to your question. I'm sure, you're better informed... PS. Money has NO priority by JW....
  5. I know a JW couple from Switzerland. They were gone with their 3 childs for 5 years to one of the inhabited Islands of far away TONGA... long years ago. They started with others, searching humans for JEHOVAH and stayed there until the first KD HALL was ready?❤️ After 5 years, they were gone back home. But in the last years, Brothers & Sisters alot grown on the little Island. Meanwhile they have 3 Congregations there ! Tonga has together ca. 170 Islands, the most are uninhabitated, similar to the Maldives. But there we can only preach in secret, sorry. But I did it. My maldivian holiday friends got literature in english from me. Sending in a parcel is forbidden ! I did what I could do... by 99% Moslems its very hard & difficult ;-( But Jehovah knows that all, HE has his own perfect idea's ;o)
  6. Ich will meinen Mund zu Gleichnissen auftun (Mat. 13:35) http://wol.jw.org/de/wol/dt/r10/lp-x/2016/7/4 Manche glauben, Satan sei Herr über die Hölle. Folgende Veranschaulichung könnten wir bei Eltern verwenden: „Angenommen, Ihr Kind lässt sich nichts mehr von Ihnen sagen und macht viele schlimme Sachen. Wie würden Sie reagieren?“ Wahrscheinlich würden Eltern ihr Kind zurechtweisen (Spr. 22:15). Wir könnten dann fragen, was sie tun würden, wenn das Kind auf alle ihre Bemühungen nicht eingeht. Die meisten Eltern werden sagen, ihnen bleibe schließlich keine andere Wahl, als das Kind zu bestrafen. Darauf könnten wir erwidern: „Was, wenn Sie mitbekämen, dass ein ganz übler Mensch Ihr Kind beeinflusst hat und es deswegen auf Abwege geraten ist?“ Ohne Zweifel wären die Eltern zornig auf ihn. Damit sie zum richtigen Schluss kommen, könnten wir fragen: „Würden Sie ausgerechnet ihn beauftragen, Ihr Kind zu bestrafen?“ Die Antwort ist natürlich Nein. Somit steht fest: Gott würde ganz bestimmt nicht Menschen, die unter satanischem Einfluss böse gehandelt haben, vom Teufel bestrafen lassen. w14 15. 5. 1:12, 14
  7. Θα ανοίξω το στόμα μου με παραβολές.—Ματθ. 13:35. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2016/7/4 Μερικοί πιστεύουν ότι έχει ανατεθεί στον Σατανά να είναι το «αφεντικό» της κόλασης. Θα μπορούσαμε να τους κάνουμε την εξής ερώτηση: «Φανταστείτε ότι το παιδί σας επαναστατεί και κάνει ένα σωρό άσχημα πράγματα. Πώς θα αντιδρούσατε;» Ο γονέας πιθανόν να έλεγε ότι θα προσπαθούσε να το συνετίσει. (Παρ. 22:15) Αλλά τι θα έκανε αν, παρ’ όλες τις προσπάθειές του, το παιδί δεν τον άκουγε; Οι περισσότεροι γονείς θα έλεγαν ότι τελικά ίσως να μην είχαν άλλη επιλογή από την τιμωρία. Κατόπιν, μπορούμε να ρωτήσουμε: «Τι θα κάνατε αν διαπιστώνατε ότι το παιδί σας επαναστατεί επειδή το επηρεάζει κάποιος κακός άνθρωπος;» Σίγουρα, ο γονέας θα θύμωνε πολύ με εκείνον. Για να τονίσουμε το σημείο, μπορούμε να τον ρωτήσουμε: «Ξέροντας ότι ένας κακός άνθρωπος έχει επηρεάσει το παιδί σας, θα ζητούσατε από εκείνον να το τιμωρήσει εκ μέρους σας;» Ασφαλώς, θα απαντούσε αρνητικά. Είναι λοιπόν ολοφάνερο ότι ο Θεός δεν θα έβαζε τον Σατανά να τιμωρήσει τους ανθρώπους για τα άσχημα πράγματα που κάνουν υπό την επιρροή του ίδιου του Διαβόλου! w14 15/5 1:12, 14
  8. Lussier Denis.... Go to google for informing by some good links or Wikipedia !! My girlfriend was always happy after my foot - reflex - massage. Her colon was working very good ! She has big problems in that region... You really can believe me ! All our organs you can find again by the feet, hands, ears and eyes, thats fact ! After a footreflexzonesmassage you are feeling so great ! You never will miss that... Always starting with the right side, not the heart - side... The video's I saw by youtube, were all wrong, sorry... And when the person says *ouch* on a special foot - point, the Masseur has to stop on that spot, very careful ! Every leg / foot ca. 20 min. Thats the reason we had to learn it ! But the effect is phenomenal ;o) I had my last massage in a Spa - resort on the Maldives. The Asia - ladies are the best !!
  9. The pics from Jammy's link - and my own books too ;-) Its really not easy to learn, needs a very good knowledge about our organs and alot training ! The eyes also a mirror of our organs.... mostly using from Chinese Doc's !
  10. I will open my mouth with illustrations.—Matt. 13:35. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/7/4 Some believe that Satan is “in charge” of hellfire. We could ask them: “Imagine that your child has become very rebellious and is doing many bad things. How would you react?” Likely, the parent would say that he would correct his child. (Prov. 22:15) But what would he do if the child rejected all efforts to help him? Most parents would say that eventually they would have no choice but to punish the child. We could then ask, “What if you found out that an evil person had influenced your child to become so rebellious?” No doubt, the parent would be angry with such a person. Driving home the point of the illustration, we might ask the parent, “Knowing that an evil individual had influenced your child, would you ask that person to punish your child for you?” The answer, of course, would be no. Clearly, then, God would not use Satan to punish the very same people who have been influenced by the Devil himself to do bad things! w14 5/15 1:12, 14
  11. I learned that by the feet... but I know, it does work also by ears and hands ! Jehovah put our organ - points on different body - places, thats perfect ;o) To the feet, the ears, hands and our eyes... wonderful. My foot-reflex-massage always worked by my best girlfriend ! She often said, I have *golden hands* hahaha - But I did it really with dedication - maybe that was the success. Thank you for the link, Jammy !
  12. I like your engagement Michael... but we're living in a special world - end time, its going more and more to down now.... Hillary and Trump are so fighting, but Trump has lost alot, bec his big lies about his false telling to his donates. Not millions, only thousends he gave, I read.....
  13. Soon  I'm  in  Holiday  my  good  friends...  my  tablet  and  laptop  always  want  coming  with  me,  LOL, AGAPE  LOVE.jpg so  we  have  contact  daily too !  I  think, middle  of  July....  tell  you  in  time !  For  all  a  very  nice  weekend !  from  far  away  Germany....  I  think  to  you  all  ❤

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tennyson Naidoo
    3. Bible Speaks

      Bible Speaks

      Queen Esther:

      Have a good holiday! I will try to keep trying to respond here with encouragement for all!



    4. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Thank you all ! The date is between middle and end of July, bec. camping and the weather. But I am of sure daily here for looking and little posting too, I think so, haha ;o)  

  14. LOOK AT THIS..... about nature, 2 carots so tight together as in love ❤ awww.... thats really rare ! I love that photo ! Never want eat them.... NO !!
  15. Sonntag, 3. Juli 2016 Wenn wir auf das hoffen, was wir nicht sehen, so erwarten wir es weiterhin mit Ausharren (Röm. 8:25) http://wol.jw.org/de/wol/dt/r10/lp-x/2016/7/3 Wir betrachten kein Jahr im Dienst für Jehova als verloren. Was man sieht, ist zeitlich; was man nicht sieht, ist ewig. Davon sind wir überzeugt (2. Kor. 4:16-18). Glauben ermöglicht uns, den „überzeugenden Beweis von Wirklichkeiten [wahrzunehmen], obwohl man sie nicht sieht“ (Heb. 11:1; Fn.). Ein physischer Mensch erkennt nicht den hohen Wert des Dienstes für Jehova. Ihm sind geistige Schätze „Torheit“ (1. Kor. 2:14). Wir aber haben die Aussicht, ewig zu leben und bei der Auferstehung dabei zu sein — etwas, was der Welt verborgen bleibt. Heute halten die meisten unsere Hoffnung für völligen Unsinn. Sie sind wie die Philosophen, die Paulus seinerzeit als dummen „Schwätzer“ betrachteten (Apg. 17:18). Wir leben in einer ungläubigen Welt und müssen für unseren Glauben kämpfen. Flehen wir zu Jehova, dass unser „Glaube nicht nachlasse“ (Luk. 22:32). w14 15. 4. 1:17-19
  16. Κυριακή 3 Ιουλίου 2016 Αν ελπίζουμε για αυτό που δεν βλέπουμε, εξακολουθούμε να το περιμένουμε με υπομονή.—Ρωμ. 8:25. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2016/7/3 Δεν θεωρούμε ότι τα χρόνια μας στην υπηρεσία του Ιεχωβά πήγαν χαμένα. Αντίθετα, είμαστε πεπεισμένοι ότι «αυτά που βλέπονται είναι προσωρινά, αυτά όμως που δεν βλέπονται είναι αιώνια». (2 Κορ. 4:16-18) Η πίστη μάς επιτρέπει να διακρίνουμε τη «φανερή απόδειξη πραγματικοτήτων, τις οποίες όμως δεν βλέπουμε». (Εβρ. 11:1) Ο φυσικός άνθρωπος δεν βλέπει την ανεκτίμητη αξία της υπηρεσίας του Ιεχωβά. Για ένα τέτοιο άτομο, οι πνευματικοί θησαυροί «είναι ανοησία». (1 Κορ. 2:14) Εμείς, ωστόσο, ελπίζουμε να απολαύσουμε την αιώνια ζωή και να δούμε με τα μάτια μας την ανάσταση—πράγματα που δεν μπορεί να δει ο κόσμος. Όπως οι φιλόσοφοι στις ημέρες του Παύλου τον έλεγαν αδαή «φλύαρο», οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι σήμερα πιστεύουν ότι η ελπίδα που κηρύττουμε είναι σκέτη ανοησία. (Πράξ. 17:18) Εφόσον ο κόσμος γύρω μας είναι άπιστος, πρέπει να αγωνιζόμαστε για να κρατάμε δυνατή την πίστη μας. Κάντε δέηση στον Ιεχωβά ώστε “να μην εξαντληθεί η πίστη σας”.—Λουκ. 22:32. w14 15/4 1:17-19
  17. But the big match today was without bad incidents by Germany vs Italy..... I am happy, *finally* we've won after SO long time against Italy, in an EM or WM.... hahahahaha The knot is finally broken... tralalalalaaa ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
  18. I like it too - Ross, thank you ;o)
  19. If we hope for what we do not see, we keep eagerly waiting for it with endurance.—Rom. 8:25. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/7/3 We do not view any years in Jehovah’s service as wasted time. Rather, we are convinced that “the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.” (2 Cor. 4:16-18) Faith allows us to discern “the convincing evidence of realities that are not seen.” (Heb. 11:1; ftn.) A physical person does not see the precious value of serving Jehovah. To such a person, spiritual treasures “are foolishness.” (1 Cor. 2:14) We, however, hope to enjoy everlasting life and witness the resurrection, things unseen by the world. Like the philosophers of Paul’s day who called him an ignorant “chatterer,” most people today think that the hope we preach is sheer nonsense. (Acts 17:18) Since we are surrounded by a faithless world, we must fight to maintain our faith. Supplicate Jehovah that “your faith may not give out.”—Luke 22:32. w14 4/15 1:17-19
  20. STARTING IN BABY - AGE ❤ ;o) ( like Timothy... ) LIKE HELPING BY GOING IN THE SERVICE..... PIONEER - SPIRIT AS YOUNG GIRL - BY A BIG CONVENTION.... LITTLE SISTER WANTS TRYING 30 PIONEER HOURS --- THATS GREAT !! I read in one of our last Yearbooks about a little girl, she had 10 Bible studies... was speaking with alot of her school - mates in the pauses / breaks ! What for mature kiddies we have, awww... A big joy for Jehovah ❤
  21. A similar photoshoped picture I saw with Barack Obama, our little yellow book in his hand... After short time, I saw the same photoshoped pic 4 times in smaller, but now he had 4 different things in his hand. Never believe all what you see on pics ! I already saw so many different photo -fakes in internet, thats very sad, but it does give alot good programs for that. We're living in a bad, sick world... every day new horror and mean lies around the globe. The Bible is warning us !
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