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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 8.5.  !!!!!!!.jpg

    Why is Vladimir Putin's Russia so afraid of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Russia, with a population of more than 150 million, has a total of 117,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, a Jehovah's Witness for 850 people.
    On Monday, July 17, 2017, the Supreme Court of Russia rejected an appeal for a previous mistake that stripped Jehovah's Witnesses as an extremist group

    As a last resort, Jehovah's Witnesses intend to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. But from now on, the meetings and proclamation of Jehovah's Witnesses are criminal offenses in Russia. The Russian government also has legal authority to liquidate all property of Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization.
    Her biblical interpretations and her work work certainly have criticism. But it is the political neutrality of the group that has raised more suspicion.
    They do not vote, they do not serve in the army or greet the flag.
    Jehovah's Witnesses have no political connections and renounce violence. However, they are an easy target for governments looking for internal enemies as they refuse to submit to the symbols of the government. Many nationalists call them "enemies of the state".
    As a result, they have been persecuted in history many times throughout the world.
    The Russian Supreme Court claims that the country needs protection against unfair religious fanatics.
    But given his commitment to God over all things, Jehovah's Witnesses see themselves as persecuted by those who value the country's loyalty beyond any other principle. They also believe that the Russian government has "trampled on the guarantees of its own laws."

    On April 20, the day the Supreme Court of Russia denied him, Adolf Hitler's birthday is over.

    http://thedailyripple.org/index.php/component/content/article/87-art-music/275975-why-is-vladimir-putin-s-russia-so-afraid-of-jehovah%E2%80% 99s-witnesses

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    You must love your neighbor as yourself.—Matt. 22:39.

    We are all born imperfect. (Rom. 5:12, 19) So at times some in the congregation may hurt us by what they say or do. This can test our love for Jehovah and for his people. What will we do on such occasions? For example, High Priest Eli had two sons who did not uphold Jehovah’s laws. We read: “The sons of Eli were wicked men; they had no regard for Jehovah.” (1 Sam. 2:12) Though their father played a key role in promoting true worship, his two sons committed very serious sins. Eli knew about this and should have disciplined them, but he was lax in that regard. As a result, God adversely judged the household of Eli. (1 Sam. 3:10-14) In time, his descendants would not be allowed to serve as high priests. Had you lived in Eli’s day, how would you have reacted to Eli’s toleration of the sins committed by his sons? Would you have let it stumble you to the point that you would no longer serve God? w16.06 4:5, 6


  3. Lieber Peter, mir geht es ähnlich schlecht.... der Körper gibt unschöne Signale :(  Wenn man nichts unternimmt, wird es nicht besser. Ich hoffe, wir leben noch etwas...

    Und ich hoffe sehr, es ist nichts Ernstes mit Dir?!!

    Ich denke oft an Dich, mit einem schlechten Gewissen ;-(  Ein gutes Zeichen?  So oft wollte ich Dir schreiben....  fühle mich Deiner wertvollen, wirklich schönen Gedichte, einfach nicht gewachsen, so glaube ich.  Das hielt mich wohl vom Schreiben ab...

    Aber die Zeit rennt so schnell dahin >>>>>>  erschreckend !

    Spürte längst Deine Sehnsucht nach einer Antwort, wenigstens einige Zeilen.... :x   Es sollen mehr Zeilen werden, besser per email u.privat.  Oder mal ein Tel.Gespräch?

    Ich muß mir mehr Mühe geben, solange noch Zeit ist ! 

    Für heute ganz liebe Grüße aus dem z.Zt. warmen Stade??? 

    D. A.???

    ( freue mich aber auch auf Deine Zeilen !)  Danke :)



  4. 5566.jpg



    What  for  beautiful  OWLS....  Jehovah  created  -  and  still  much  more :x:)

    More  about  owls....


    Many  sweet  pictures  about  our  clever  owls :D  ENJOY !


     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  5. 7. 5..jpg

    Sexual abuse of children... Â Â Â Â  MORE:  https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=sexual++abuse++of++children
    The organization today released its internal online agreement.
    The position based on the writings of Jehovah's Witnesses on the protection of the child.
    This document is available to members of the community and it is a living document. In short, questions should never be seen or denied badly.
    Reference: dates from 1983 to show the extension of our education to prevention, not to respond to the sexual abuse of children. The best protection is prevention.

    The authority of the state punishes the crimes,  not us.
    Abuse of children is a crime.
    The verification of membership is strictly religious, not a matter of the state.

    We decide who Jehovah's Witnesses may or may not be,  not the state.
    Parents / tutors are solely responsible for the safety of their own child,  not the organization.
    The parents are responsible for their children. I mean, who else should it be?  If a child is arrested for theft, who does he contact?  The old or the parents?  The law is responsible for the parents. Jehovah does that too.
    You can not stress enough. Education starts at home The prevention of child labor starts at home. When parents do their work as parents, the abuse can be kept to a minimum.

    We do not isolate the parents' children for every activity.
    The elderly must be kind to the abuse of the victims.
    The elderly are contacting the branch to ensure compliance with child abuse reporting laws.
    Even if the elderly do not have the legal obligation to provide information, the oldest instructions have to report if a child is at risk. That's a good point. This shows that the older ones do not have the instruction to simply call the branch and leave it that way if they are not binding reporters. In other words, older people need to go beyond their legal obligations when the situation requires it. Therefore, older people should look after the child and their personal well-being. We are a family. We are not in trade relations between us.
    Older people should never punish police and inform parents and victims of their right to report.
    Reports to the police can even be encouraged for certain reasons. At any time during the examination of the elders, the victim can call the police and have them examined. You are not dependent on the other one. One has nothing to do with the other.
    Mental health is never discouraged. Older people do not protect the known authors of sexual abuse of children.
    Jehovah's Witnesses have educated people to protect their children for decades. We care about the protection of children when the world generally ignores the problem or does not understand its scope.

    ( shared by our Brother, Jose Antonio Gutierrez Garcia )

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    *THE FRUIT OF THE WORLD* ( author  unknown )

    Holy Father,  Holy Father,
    A lot of fear is on the ground.
    For since Satan is leading,
    Fear in the world induces it!

    Any balance is bad,
    Saying in fear people:
    Fear of tomorrow,
    That you will not have bread!

    Fear not to lose your job,
    Do not depend on a vice!
    Fear of taking a disease,
    Running at school!

    Fear of typhoon, turn,
    Not to become a prey!
    Fear of high tax,
    Policies worthless!

    Of impostor messengers,
    By junkies, merchants,
    All of the world is afraid,
    Like the hedgehogs!

    Many are afraid of scripture,
    Read with their mouths,
    I flee from Your Holy Name,
    Wandering on this earth!

    Lord of Satan is known,
    That he does not sell "living water"
    He's a "limonade" he sells,
    You drink it!

    Create an addiction,
    A state of drowsiness,
    All those who drink from it,
    She is singing a cuckoo!

    With this "lemonade"
    Which is like a "bump",
    Satan's world induces it,
    In error to sleep!

    "Lemonade" is sold,
    With the lie as it encompasses,
    Things that are not scriptural,
    Valorizing zero parallels!

    If they drink from your water
    THE HOLY DENT would heal!
    He would know you by name,
    And he would save the world!

    They in spirit would wake up,
    Becoming your children,
    Life would not be a nightmare
    Receiving Paradise in Gift!

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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    The Spirit of Sacrifice.....

    When Solomon stood up
    To Jehovah's edifice,
    What marked his behavior?
    The Spirit of Sacrifice !

    When Ezdra read the law,
    And it gives him any clue,
    What do you call him? Is understood:
    The Spirit of Sacrifice!

    When Jehovah out of love,
    He gave his son ex officio,
    What gives us immortality?
    Through the spirit of sacrifice !

    When Jesus died,
    On a pillar of the world vice,
    For us,  From the spirit of sacrifice !

    Today, the followers of Christ,
    Benevol and ex officio,
    It was after Christ
    With a spirit of sacrifice !

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  8. 432160_476020215810210_987152358_n.jpg.a192da85ed30ba903e162a5ded3090d8.jpg


    The truth of God's Word is a joy to behold
    As we live in these last days
    And we watch as all His great plans unfold
    And reveal Jehovah's ways
    This old system is winding down to its death
    And soon will be no more
    Then may each one remaining draw a clean breath
    As Jehovah opens the door
    There the new world is waiting, his purpose fulfilled
    And we joyfully step through
    With our love for our God more deeply instilled
    As each one his vows renews
    Now, imagine yourself right there in the land
    The peace between man and beast
    When Jehovah opens his mighty hand
    And provides to all a feast
    A great spiritual banquet prepared from above
    And poured out over all
    The promise from God, and from Christ, his beloved
    To those who heeded his call
    The physical blessings will all be there too
    The dead restored to life
    The aged, weathered skin will become fresh and new
    And gone, all those who bring strife
    Jehovah shall make all the pain go away
    No more sorrow or tears
    We shall wake with rejoicing at the start of each day
    As we serve him the thousand years
    And our God will satisfy all our desires
    Each request that we implore
    In the paradise home with all we require
    Where we'll live forever more
    Now strengthen your hope for the new world, so grand
    If your will you must revive
    On Jehovah's side now make firm your stand
    And keep that faith alive!
    So imagine the taste of each day so fair
    The sounds, the smells, the feel
    You must be aware, if you want to be there
    You have to make it real!

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  9. tststststststs.jpg




    You're bigger  As my heart,
    I can see,  You see forever!

    Get me out of it all
    Which lead to death
    The Holy Spirit can
    Read in a book!

    Heart a book
    What you read
    Give evil away,
    I know you love me!

    Write with your finger,
    On my heart!
    I do not want to pretend,
    The weather is bad!

    The air in the world,
    It's poisoned
    And Your Holy Name
    Most avoid!

    I Jehovah give you,
    My heart
    I do not want to come back
    For eternity!

    For You are love,
    Ever listen to you
    Write to build
    Speak as many as possible!

    Your Father's Counsel
    I always listen to him
    And remember
    Enlarge God!

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  10. 30515887_1872433196164825_8921227603712666103_n.jpg

    Jehovah sees into the heart.—1 Sam. 16:7.

    Our faith in Jehovah’s ability to read hearts and to draw to himself those whom he chooses should prevent us from judging others, both in our territory and in our congregation. (John 6:44) Accepting Jehovah as our Potter can affect our attitude toward fellow believers. (Isa. 64:8) Do you see your brothers and sisters as God does—not as a finished product, but as a work in progress? He can see the inner person as well as the kind of person one can become in his capable hands. Hence, Jehovah takes a positive view of people and does not focus on temporary imperfections. (Ps. 130:3) We can imitate him by seeing his servants in a positive light. In fact, we can work along with our Potter by supporting our brothers and sisters as they strive to make spiritual advancement. (1 Thess. 5:14, 15) As “gifts in men,” the elders ought to take the lead in this regard.—Eph. 4:8, 11-13. w16.06 1:4-6


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    You will find the knowledge of God.—Prov. 2:5.

    When we base our decisions on Jehovah’s thinking, we draw closer to him. (Jas. 4:8) We enjoy his approval and blessing. This, in turn, strengthens our faith in our heavenly Father. Therefore, let us be guided by Bible laws and principles, for they reveal God’s mind on matters. Of course, we will always have something new to learn about Jehovah. (Job 26:14) With diligent effort, however, we can even now acquire the wisdom, knowledge, and discernment needed to make wise decisions. (Prov. 2:1-5) The ideas and plans of imperfect humans come and go, but the psalmist fittingly reminds us: “The decisions of Jehovah will stand forever; the thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation.” (Ps. 33:11) Clearly, we can make the best personal decisions when our thoughts and actions are in harmony with the thinking of our all-wise God, Jehovah. w16.05 3:17


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    In all the nations, the good news has to be preached first.—Mark 13:10.

    What methods did Jesus and his disciples use to preach the good news? They went to the people wherever they could be found—in public areas and in private homes. The preaching work included searching for deserving ones from house to house. (Matt. 10:11; Luke 8:1; Acts 5:42; 20:20) This systematic method showed impartiality. What has been the record of Jehovah’s Witnesses? They are the only ones who preach that Jesus has been ruling as King since 1914. As Jesus instructed, they place a high priority on the preaching work. The book Pillars of Faith—American Congregations and Their Partners notes: “Jehovah’s Witnesses . . . never forget that their primary task is delivering a spiritual message about the coming end of the world and the necessity for salvation.” Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to deliver that message, using methods that Jesus and his disciples used. w16.05 2:10, 12





    THE  BIBLE  NOT  SAYS,  'Heavenly Father loves us for who we are'....   GOD  has  rules !

    HE  LOVES  ALL  PEOPLE,  BUT  HE  ONLY  ALLOWS,  a man & a woman  to  marry  and  living  together !   NOT  2 men  or  2 women ! 

    GOD  created  the  first  wedlock / marriage  with  Adam & Eve...   and  so  we've  to  do !

    ONLY  Adam & Eve  could  fill  the  earth !   All  other  things  could  not  work  for  that.  ~~  Its  abnormal  and  disgusting !!



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