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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. This is so beautiful and touching, just imagine this is only possible because of Jehovah !!  He made this wonderful breathtaking creation that each one of us Mother's feel and go through.

    What a miracle from  our God  Jehovah ❤   ENJOY  IT  ;o)

    ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ •*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤

  2. DT  SA  !!.jpg

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    Ο Ιησούς [μιλούσε] στα πλήθη με παραβολές.—Ματθ. 13:34.

    Τα απλά παραδείγματα είναι συνήθως τα καλύτερα. Λόγου χάρη, όταν εξηγούμε σε κάποιον οικοδεσπότη ότι ο Θεός είναι ανώτερος από τον Ιησού, μπορούμε να αναφέρουμε ότι τόσο ο Θεός όσο και ο Ιησούς χρησιμοποίησαν έναν συγκεκριμένο βαθμό συγγένειας για να περιγράψουν τη σχέση τους. Ο Θεός αναφέρθηκε στον Ιησού ως Γιο του, και ο Ιησούς τον αποκάλεσε Πατέρα του. (Λουκ. 3:21, 22· Ιωάν. 14:28) Στη συνέχεια, μπορούμε να ρωτήσουμε: «Αν θέλατε να μου δείξετε ότι δύο άτομα είναι ίσα, ποια οικογενειακή σχέση θα χρησιμοποιούσατε;» Εκείνος μπορεί να αναφέρει τα αδέλφια—ίσως μάλιστα δίδυμα. Αν κάνει κάτι τέτοιο, θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε ότι αυτή η σύγκριση φαίνεται πολύ λογική. Κατόπιν, ίσως ρωτήσουμε: «Αν εσείς και εγώ μπορούμε να σκεφτούμε αμέσως ένα τέτοιο παράδειγμα, δεν θα είχε σκεφτεί ο Ιησούς—ο Μεγάλος Δάσκαλος—την ίδια σύγκριση; Αντιθέτως, αποκάλεσε τον Θεό Πατέρα του. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, τον παρουσίασε ως μεγαλύτερο και με περισσότερη εξουσία από τον ίδιο». w14 15/5 1:12, 13


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    Jesus redete durch Gleichnisse zu den Volksmengen (Mat. 13:34)

    Die einfachsten Gleichnisse oder Veranschaulichungen sind oft die besten. Wir könnten einem Wohnunginhaber zum Beispiel sagen, dass sowohl Gott als auch Jesus ein Beispiel aus dem Bereich der Familie heranzogen, um ihr Verhältnis zueinander zu beschreiben. Gott bezeichnete Jesus als seinen Sohn und Jesus sprach von Gott als seinem Vater (Luk. 3:21, 22; Joh. 14:28). Wir könnten dann fragen: „Wenn Sie mir erklären wollten, dass zwei Personen auf gleicher Stufe stehen, an welches Verwandtschaftsverhältnis würden Sie dann denken?“ Vielleicht kommt er auf Geschwister oder sogar auf Zwillinge. Wir könnten dann darauf hinweisen, wie logisch dieser Vergleich ist, und sagen: „Wenn wir ohne Weiteres auf diesen Vergleich kommen, wäre dann Jesus — der große Lehrer — nicht noch viel eher darauf gekommen? Doch er sprach von Gott als seinem Vater. Jesus wollte damit sagen, Gott sei älter und mächtiger als er.“ w14 15. 5. 1:12, 13


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    JESUS   PREACHING  !!.jpg

    The Return of Christ,  What Happens  - What Will Jesus Do  -  Bible Questions Answered.jpg

    Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations.—Matt. 13:34.

    Simple illustrations are often the best kind to use. For example, when explaining to a householder that God is superior to Jesus, we can mention that both God and Jesus used a family reference when describing their relationship. God referred to Jesus as his Son, and Jesus spoke of God as his Father. (Luke 3:21, 22; John 14:28) Next, we might ask: “If you wanted to teach me that two people are equal, what type of family relationship would you use to illustrate the point?” The person may mention siblings—even twins. If he does, we could point out how natural that comparison seems to be. Then we might ask: “If you and I could come up with this illustration so readily, would not Jesus—the Great Teacher—have thought of the same comparison? Instead, he spoke of God as being his Father. Jesus thus portrayed God as being older and having more authority than he had.” w14 5/15 1:12, 13



    Always stay at Jehovah's table.     With  a  beautiful  picture !

    JEHOVAH'S LOVING KINDNESS !  talk by Br Daniel Sydlik - A Member of the Governing Body

     I tell you now we are going to talk about something ....You know very little about if you will ever ........   understand it..   We are going to talk about Jehovah's loving kindness !

    He said: There is a new king in Israel and it's king David.. Now usually whenever there is a new king, it's a joyful time for the new king and a horrible time for the old king because all the boys in the family of the old king would be wiped out for fear they would come back for revenge or reprisal. But it's a new king in Israel . And David did something that was shocking. No other king had done this before. It's unprecedented.

    Turn to second Samuel chapter 9. Look at verse 1. This is what David said and he is picturing Jehovah God. "and David proceeded to say is there anyone left over from the house of Saul that I may exercise loving kindness to him for the sake of Jonathan?"

    He is looking for someone of that household to show loving kindness to.

    Next verse: "Now the house of Saul had a servant whose name was Ziba. So they called him to David, and the king then said to him: 'Are you Ziba?' to which he said: 'I am your servant.'

    Now what Ziba is telling him is: I am your man. I have served in a house of royalty. I know what goes on in the house of a king. I know how to run the house of a king. I know who belongs here.

    Vs. 3 'Is there nobody of the house of Saul anymore, that I may exercise toward him the loving-kindness of God?' (You see it's Jehovah's loving kindness)

    At this Ziba said to the king: 'There is yet a son of Jonathan, lame in the feet.'

    Vs 4 Then the king said to him: 'Where is he?' So Ziba said to the king: 'Look! He is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel at Lo-debar.' ...

    Brother Sidlik said: Lodebar! that was the ghetto... No one but cripples and undesirables live there. No one else wanted to live there. Zi'ba is saying: Now hold on king! Don't go too far! I know what belongs in the house of royalty. The only one who's left of the house of Jonathan is his son. He's a cripple, he doesn't belong here. In fact he lives in Lodebar.

    David said: That's the man that I am looking for. You go and get him and you bring him to this house. That's who I'm looking for to show loving kindness to. It's the loving kindness of God. Me·phibo·sheth was crippled because his nurse dropped him accidentally and from then on he was lame in both of his feet. The king is telling Zi'ba 'that's the man, go and get him because that's the man I am looking for.'

    Next brother Sydlik picks up a bell and says 'dinner time in David's house.'

    At dinner time at David's house who would you expect to see? Who dines at the table of a king? It would be David and all of his children.

    Now beauty ran in David's family. His son Absalom was so good looking that they cut his hair only once a year and his hair alone weighed 5lbs. The Bible says that no man was as beautiful as Absalom. And he was sitting at David's table and it's dinner time at the king's table.

    He had a sister named Tamar. The Bible says she was so good looking that her own brother raped her and beautiful Tamar was also at David's table.

    Who else was at David's table? There was wise Solomon probably reading a book. There were David's 2 nephews Abishi and Joab, mighty warriors, courageous men. The Bible says Joab was cute! And they both take their seat at the table.

    Then the next person comes in. It's a cripple! IN WALKS A CRIPPLE! With all of this beauty at the table, in walks a cripple!!!

    That's when brother Sydlik lowered the boom on us... no one will ever forget that talk because it demonstrated Jehovah loving kindness.

    He told us we are all crippled brothers. Adam and Eve dropped every one of us... we are all crippled......... We are all messed up.

    We have frailties and infirmities we don't want anyone to know. We make it hard on each other to stay at the table because we look at each other and say 'he doesn't belong at this table.' We are hard on each other. We make it hard to sit at the table. We say things like 'I know he's not coming to the table". "She needs to quit ". We look at a brother and say 'he's not gonna make it'. You see we are hard on each other at that table. And we live in Lodebar. No mater how much you pay for your mortgage, we are living in a filthy world. It's beneath Jehovah. It's the ghetto.

    Now Mephibosheth, he couldn't understand how the king wanted him to sit at his table.

    Isn't that the way we are? We can't appreciate Jehovah's loving kindness. We can't understand it. There are things about us we don't want anyone to know. We compromised. We capitulated. We went back at times and we don't want anybody to know that. We don't understand Jehovah's loving kindness.

    We tell people 'there are things about me you just don't know'. And when we receive commendation we tell people 'if you really knew how I was you wouldn't say that, so now I feel worse.'

    Did you know that there are some people who serve God yet pray that they can just die?

    We feel we are not worthy to be at Jehovah's table... We can't understand Jehovah's loving kindness. Mephibosheth, he couldn't understand it and many times he would look around the table and say to David 'let me leave, I can't measure up'.

    And David would say 'stay at the table'. Mephibosheth looked at Tamar's beauty and asked to leave the table and David said 'stay at the table'. He looked at wise Solomon and said 'let me leave the table' and David said 'stay at the table'.

    He looked at mighty Joab and felt unworthy and asked to leave but David said 'stay at the table'.

    Now in Israel , one of the "worst" things was to be a dog. Mephibosheth said at second Samuel chap 9 vs.. 8 'And he said what is your servant that you have turned your face to the dead dog! Such as I am. I am not even a dog. I am a dead dog... why are you showing loving kindness to me?'

    Do you ever feel that way? You see, if you only knew the love that Jehovah has for us, if you could only understand the work and effort and appreciation the faithful slave has for you, If you could only appreciate that it's not just a group of men printing literature in a building, they recognize the loving kindness of God.

    Sure, you have done wrong and you have been disciplined. You have had hard times. Regardless of what you have done, regardless of how you feel...  just stay at Jehovah table. Jehovah is not limited.  He's not like humans...

    As humans we remember things and we will never let you live it down. We say things like, 'I know what he did in 1983 and I knew him back in the day'. Girl... .. Jehovah's not that way. Manasseh did what was bad on a grand scale. He sinned against Jehovah. Jehovah not only restored him, he forgave him and made him king again. That's the God we serve! Jehovah says: 'don't be mindful of what these humans keep against you.' Jehovah says: 'I am not that way....' A struggling person is not a bad person ... We are just struggling. That's all. You are not bad.. Just remain faithful and stay at Jehovah's table.

    40,000 a year become inactive. They leave Jehovah's table. Are we making it hard for them to stay at Jehovah's table? Many try to come back. At the Memorial, are we making it hard for them to stay at God's table? Are we making them feel like a dead dog? You see we are all crippled brothers ... Adam and Eve dropped everyone of us. Let's make it comforting and encouraging to stay at Jehovah's table. Regardless of what you've done, regardless of how you feel never think Jehovah won't  forgive you, because  Jehovah is actively looking for people   like us to show loving kindness to.

    Now the thing about this table is they would usually have these long skirts like table cloths and the skirt would cover everything below the table. It would cover everybody's legs. When Mephibosheth as a cripple sat at the table it would cover his legs and he would be just like everyone else. All his frailties and infirmities were covered as long as he stayed at Jehovah's table !!

    That skirt pictures the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ .... Jehovah's telling us that I have you covered at this table. Don't leave, just stay at the table. You have all the covering... You have all you need .... I don't even see your frailties. I have been looking for people like you to show loving kindness to.

    2nd Samuel chap 9 vs.. 11: very encouraging, 'So Ziba said to the king: 'In accord with all that my lord the king commands for his servant is the way that your servant will do; but Mephibosheth is eating at my table like one of the sons of the king.' It was Jehovah loving kindess.

    VS 13 'And Mephibosheth himself was dwelling in Jerusalem , for it was constantly at the table of the king that he was eating; and he was lame in both of his feet.'

    Mephibosheth stayed at that table. He stayed at God's table. Mephibosheth said 'sure: I have had hard times and I am a cripple and I don't even understand this loving kindness, but he said I'll never leave this table.'

    And the Bible says he never left the table although he was lame in both of his feet. You see the skirt covered his legs. It covered his problems, covered all of his sins.

    Lovers of God, don't leave. We are almost home. Jehovah says 'you are covered at this table. I love you. Don't ever doubt it....' Jehovah says 'why have you ended a sentence with a question mark when I have ended it with a period?' He's telling us that his son died for us and he's been looking for people like us to show loving kindness to.

    Always stay at Jehovah's table. —

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    Έφτασε ο γαμπρός.—Ματθ. 25:10.

    Η προφητεία του Ιησού που καταγράφεται στα κεφάλαια 24 και 25 του Ματθαίου κάνει οχτώ αναφορές στον “ερχομό” του. Σε όλες αυτές τις περιπτώσεις, το πρωτότυπο ελληνικό κείμενο χρησιμοποιεί τύπους του ρήματος ἔρχομαι. Σε κάθε μία από αυτές, ο Ιησούς αναφερόταν στον καιρό κατά τον οποίο θα έρθει, στη διάρκεια της μεγάλης θλίψης, για να εκτελέσει κρίση και κατόπιν να καταστρέψει το παγκόσμιο σύστημα πραγμάτων. Προφανώς, λοιπόν, η παραβολή των δέκα παρθένων εφαρμόζεται στις τελευταίες ημέρες, αλλά αποκορυφώνεται στη διάρκεια της μεγάλης θλίψης. (Ματθ. 25:1-13) Ποιο είναι το βασικό μήνυμα της παραβολής; Θυμηθείτε τα συμφραζόμενα. Ο Ιησούς μόλις είχε αναφερθεί στον “πιστό και φρόνιμο δούλο” του. (Ματθ. 24:45-47) Αυτός ο δούλος θα ήταν μια μικρή ομάδα χρισμένων αντρών που θα ηγούνταν μεταξύ των ακολούθων του Χριστού στη διάρκεια των τελευταίων ημερών. Ο Ιησούς προειδοποίησε αυτούς τους άντρες ότι έπρεπε να παραμείνουν πιστοί. Στη συνέχεια, έπαψε να εστιάζει σε εκείνους και αφηγήθηκε αυτή την παραβολή για να συμβουλέψει όλους τους χρισμένους ακολούθους του “να είναι σε εγρήγορση” ώστε να μη χάσουν την πολύτιμη ανταμοιβή τους. w15 15/3 2:5, 6



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    The bridegroom came.—Matt. 25:10.

    Jesus’ prophecy recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25 contains eight references to his “coming”; in each case, a form of the same Greek word is used. In every instance, Jesus was referring to the time during the great tribulation when he will come to carry out the judging work and then the destruction of this world system of things. Evidently, then, this parable of the ten virgins applies during the last days, but its climax comes during the great tribulation. (Matt. 25:1-13) What is the parable’s basic message? Remember the context. Jesus had just discussed his “faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45-47) That slave would prove to be a small group of anointed men who would take the lead among Christ’s followers during the last days. Jesus warned those men that they must remain faithful. Next, he broadened his focus and gave this parable to admonish all his anointed followers to “keep on the watch” lest they miss out on their precious reward. w15 3/15 2:5, 6


  8. Yes,  that  were  great !  But  I  see  regular  a  special  TV  report  of  very  old  things. Similar  to  antiques...  its  very  rare  to  get  a  such  a  special  one !  But  I  learn  alot  by  that  TV  report...  SO  interesting, yes  ;o)

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