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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. You're bigger As my heart, I can see, You see forever! Get me out of it all Which lead to death The Holy Spirit can Read in a book! Heart a book What you read Give evil away, I know you love me! Write with your finger, On my heart! I do not want to pretend, The weather is bad! The air in the world, It's poisoned And Your Holy Name Most avoid! I Jehovah give you, My heart I do not want to come back For eternity! For You are love, Ever listen to you Write to build Speak as many as possible! Your Father's Counsel I always listen to him And remember Enlarge God!  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  2. TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 6 de maio 2018
  3. TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 6 de mayo 2018
  4. Jehovah sees into the heart.—1 Sam. 16:7. Our faith in JehovahÂ’s ability to read hearts and to draw to himself those whom he chooses should prevent us from judging others, both in our territory and in our congregation. (John 6:44) Accepting Jehovah as our Potter can affect our attitude toward fellow believers. (Isa. 64:8) Do you see your brothers and sisters as God does—not as a finished product, but as a work in progress? He can see the inner person as well as the kind of person one can become in his capable hands. Hence, Jehovah takes a positive view of people and does not focus on temporary imperfections. (Ps. 130:3) We can imitate him by seeing his servants in a positive light. In fact, we can work along with our Potter by supporting our brothers and sisters as they strive to make spiritual advancement. (1 Thess. 5:14, 15) As “gifts in men,” the elders ought to take the lead in this regard.—Eph. 4:8, 11-13. w16.06 1:4-6 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/5/6
  5. You will find the knowledge of God.—Prov. 2:5. When we base our decisions on JehovahÂ’s thinking, we draw closer to him. (Jas. 4:8) We enjoy his approval and blessing. This, in turn, strengthens our faith in our heavenly Father. Therefore, let us be guided by Bible laws and principles, for they reveal GodÂ’s mind on matters. Of course, we will always have something new to learn about Jehovah. (Job 26:14) With diligent effort, however, we can even now acquire the wisdom, knowledge, and discernment needed to make wise decisions. (Prov. 2:1-5) The ideas and plans of imperfect humans come and go, but the psalmist fittingly reminds us: “The decisions of Jehovah will stand forever; the thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation.” (Ps. 33:11) Clearly, we can make the best personal decisions when our thoughts and actions are in harmony with the thinking of our all-wise God, Jehovah. w16.05 3:17 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/5/5
  6. In all the nations, the good news has to be preached first.—Mark 13:10. What methods did Jesus and his disciples use to preach the good news? They went to the people wherever they could be found—in public areas and in private homes. The preaching work included searching for deserving ones from house to house. (Matt. 10:11; Luke 8:1; Acts 5:42; 20:20) This systematic method showed impartiality. What has been the record of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses? They are the only ones who preach that Jesus has been ruling as King since 1914. As Jesus instructed, they place a high priority on the preaching work. The book Pillars of Faith—American Congregations and Their Partners notes: “JehovahÂ’s Witnesses . . . never forget that their primary task is delivering a spiritual message about the coming end of the world and the necessity for salvation.” JehovahÂ’s Witnesses continue to deliver that message, using methods that Jesus and his disciples used. w16.05 2:10, 12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/5/4
  7. NOOOO.... my dear funny Brother,  I never would do that !!  Thanks for your honest answer,  you're a professional, I know I know, we can bring that all on a wall screen....  but under the skin?  not possible ! AND,  btw.  the technic is changing every year.... hahaha   I just imagine, the body is full with different Smartphone screens and the newest were on the last free place, the back or similar....  You was right, its a kind of hoax,. but looking nice !  I just saw your funny but clear video, thank you so much, JTR? Now I understand the trick....  but many people believe to that I think ! AGAIN, THANK YOU???
  8. QUESTION: Why did Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34) ANSWER: Jesus had not lost faith in his heavenly Father. God abandoned Jesus to his enemies by taking away His protection so that Christ's integrity might be fully tested. God allowed him to face trials on his own. Jesus suffered so much emotional distress that "his sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground"! (Luke 22:44) Despite everything he suffered, and although Satan made an all-out effort to turn him away from Jehovah, Jesus proved faithful to his God. And by crying out as he did, Jesus also fulfilled - Psalm 22:1. Watchtower 2011 8/15 pp. 12-16 par. 16
  9. Song 134, old No.  'See Yourself When All is New' (vocals) from *Sing to Jehovah* Song book. ~~ wonderful - Enjoy !  ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ? ? ? ? ?.? ?. ? ? ? ? Visit JW.ORG to know more....
  10. What a crazy world with plenty sick people Poor people with all these terrible sicknesses !Â
  11. The Cicret Bracelet Turns Your Arm Into a Screen, WOW !! REAL or NOT ?   What do you think about that  ( and the power.... never charging ?)  COOL.... BUT NOT DANGEROUS ? Anyone knowing more ?
  12. Ants are Awesome | Lessons from Ants..... for JW ? Ants are awesome and can be quite inspiring to us humans, as shown in this incredible video "Lessons from Ants" which teaches us Team Work, Working Together, Making the Impossible Possible, and pushing ourselves to accomplish great things. Created by 5th Grader for a homework assignment at Eastwood Elementary, as an entry for the PTA Reflections contest 2013 - 2014 with the theme  "Dream, Believe, Inspire,"  this video has went on to win multiple awards at local and regional levels.
  13. Faith and love  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? Faith and love together, It helps us to persevere, Unprecedented energy gathers, And the stumbling block of the world is over! We did not leave the world worn, In "troubled waters" where death is waiting! Love is the bond between brothers, And the faithful Jehovah does his part! Faith in Jehovah "moves the mountains" Jehovah's love gives power, Satan's system to face him, With evidence, persecution, and chimeras! As the trout that swims to the spring, In crystalline, cool "cold waters" In the eyes we have the lack of immortality, And do not drink water from dry fountains! We love the Father who is "love"! Satan can scream like a lion! Jehovah, "is eternal immortality," Jehovah is the only God!
  14. The world as a whole...... The world as a whole can not be saved! It lies in the power of the wicked, She has no mother and no father She wandered about God! Of humanity, there is acute lack, He is proud, arrogant, and distant, Jehovah's Witnesses do not listen, And to the abyss slip into the slope! Forms believe in false gods, The Bible does not value, And some scholars give the atheists, And the witnesses treat with contempt! Satan cultivated a lie in the world, And the world behaves as such, "Jehovah has been estranged from Your Name, And now it is great suffering! " Gather injustice, dramatic wars, Lie, poverty, much trouble! Children left in the street without mothers, Extremely wealthy, the world skid! Collects unjustified crimes, And the injustices that shout in the sky, It harbors consequences to sins, You live by the herd, which is gone and perish! Some people are glowing, By the Holy Spirit, and Jehovah calls them, The generous Jehovah gives him love, And tender protection as a mother! ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  15. TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 5 de maio 2018
  17. TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 4 de mayo de 2018
  18. TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 4 de maio 2018
  19. With love from Guiuan Congregation, Samar, Philippines  Â
  20. The NEW WORLD is just around the corner >>>>>>>>>> ONLY a little while ~~~~~~~   JEHOVAH IS WORKING AT HIS PLAN Â
  21. A Kingdom song ?  ENJOY  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  22. ENJOY ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  23. hahahahahahahaaaaaaa..... Jehovah's Creation  sooo funny THANK YOU JEHOVAH  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  24. Happy to be Free ! ~ RELEASE FROM PRISON Brother Teymur Ahmedov after a year in prison for exercising his right to freedom of religion and a month of treatment in a hospital in Almaty. He has safely returned home to the city of Astana in Kazakhstan! Now his condition has improved but he still is sick, we will pray for him and for his health! Please see JW.ORG for more information about the ordeal of Teymur. Video shared by his family.
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