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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Prince funeral service will be in Kingdom hall with many celebrities attending...

    Watch  the  story !

    Veröffentlicht am 13.05.2016

    Prince funeral service will be held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many celebrities will attend. Police will assist and control crowd and traffic memorial.


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    ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ •*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤

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    Amazing Story of a Mother...... Mom's love is great  -  she  rescued  her  tiny  Baby ❤

    When Carolyn Isbister put her 20oz baby on her chest for a cuddle, she thought
    that it would be the only chance she would ever have to hold her.
    Doctors had told the parents that baby Rachel only had only minutes to live because her heart was beating once every ten seconds and she was not breathing. Isbister remembers:
    I didn’t want her to die being cold. So I lifted her out of her blanket
    and put her against my skin to warm her up. Her feet were so cold. It was the only cuddle I was going to have with her, so I wanted to remember the moment.” Then something remarkable happened.

    The warmth of her mother’s skin kick started Rachael’s heart into
    beating properly, which allowed her to take little breaths of her own. We couldn’t believe it – and neither could the doctors. She let out a tiny cry.
    The doctors came in and said there was still no hope – but I wasn’t
    letting go of her. We had her blessed by the hospital chaplain,
    and waited for her to slip away. But she still hung on.
    And then amazingly the pink color began to return to her cheeks. She literally was turning from gray to pink before our eyes, and she began to warm up too. The sad part is that when the baby was born, doctors took one look at her and said  ‘no’.

    They didn’t even try to help her with her breathing as they said it
    would just prolong her dying. Everyone just gave up on her,” her
    mom remembered. At 24 weeks a womb infection had led to her premature labor and birth and Isbister (who also has two children Samuel, 10, and Kirsten, 8 ) said, “We were terrified we were going to lose her. I had suffered three miscarriages before, so we didn’t think there was much hope.” When Rachael was born she was grey and lifeless. Ian Laing, a consultant neonatologist at the hospital, said: “All the signs were that the little one was not going to make it and we took the decision to let mum have a cuddle as it was all we could do. Two hours later the wee thing was crying. This is indeed a miracle baby and I have seen nothing like it in my 27 years of practice. I have not the slightest doubt that mother’s love saved her daughter.”

    Rachael was moved onto a ventilator where she continued to
    make steady progress and was tube and syringe fed her mother’s
    pumped breastmilk. Isbister said, “The doctors said that she had proved she was a fighter and that she now deserved some intensive care as there was some hope.
    She had done it all on her own – without any medical intervention or drugs. She had clung on to life – and it was all because of that cuddle. It had warmed up her body and regulated her heart and breathing enough for her to start fighting.

    At 5 weeks she was taken off the ventilator and began breastfeeding on her own. At four months Rachel went home with her parents, weighing 8lbs – the same as any
    other healthy newborn. Because Rachel had suffered from a lack of
    oxygen doctors said there was a high risk of damage to her brain.
    But a scan showed no evidence of any problems and today Rachel is on par with
    her peers. Rachel’s mom tells us, “She is doing so well. When we brought her home,
    the doctors told us that she was a remarkable little girl. And most of all,
    she just loves her cuddles.

    She will sleep for hours, just curled into my chest. It was that first cuddle which saved her life – and I’m just so glad I trusted my instinct and picked her up when I did. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here today.”

    ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ •*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤



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    Approchez-vous de Dieu, et il s’approchera de vous (Jacq. 4:8).

    Jéhovah a exprimé son amour envers la famille humaine en lui créant une magnifique demeure terrestre. Il continue d’exprimer cet amour en entretenant notre vie grâce à ses merveilleux dons matériels (Actes 17:28 ; Rév. 4:11). Plus important encore, il pourvoit à nos besoins spirituels (Luc 12:42). Il nous assure aussi que, lorsque nous le prions, il nous écoute personnellement (1 Jean 5:14). Toutefois, c’est surtout par l’amour qu’il a exprimé en fournissant la rançon que Jéhovah nous attire et que nous nous sentons nous-mêmes attirés par lui (1 Jean 4:9, 10, 19). Il a envoyé son « Fils unique-engendré » sur terre pour que nous puissions être délivrés du péché et de la mort (Jean 3:16). Il a fait en sorte que même les humains ayant vécu avant Christ bénéficient de la rançon. À ses yeux, dès l’instant où il a annoncé la venue d’un Sauveur pour l’humanité, la rançon était pour ainsi dire payée, car il sait que son dessein ne peut échouer (Gen. 3:15). w14 15/8 3:7, 8.


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    Zbliżcie się do Boga, a on zbliży się do was (Jak. 4:8).

    Jehowa okazał miłość rodzinie ludzkiej, stwarzając dla niej piękny ziemski dom. Nadal ją okazuje przez to, że dostarcza nam wszystkiego, co podtrzymuje nasze życie (Dzieje 17:28; Obj. 4:11). Co ważniejsze, Jehowa dba o nasze potrzeby duchowe (Łuk. 12:42). Zapewnia też, że osobiście słucha naszych modlitw (1 Jana 5:14). Jednak najwspanialszym wyrazem Jego miłości, którym pociąga nas do siebie i który nas pociąga do Niego, jest okup (1 Jana 4:9, 10, 19). Jehowa posłał na ziemię swego „jednorodzonego Syna”, byśmy mogli zostać uwolnieni od grzechu i śmierci (Jana 3:16). Umożliwił skorzystanie z dobrodziejstw okupu nawet ludziom, którzy żyli przed czasami Chrystusa. Z punktu widzenia Jehowy okup został niejako zapłacony w momencie, gdy wypowiedział On proroctwo o przyszłym Wybawcy ludzkości — wiedział bowiem, że to, co zamierzył, na pewno się urzeczywistni (Rodz. 3:15). w14 15.8 3:7, 8


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    Chegai-vos a Deus, e ele se chegará a vós. — Tia. 4:8.

    Ao criar nosso lindo lar terrestre, Jeová demonstrou seu amor pela família humana. Ele ainda expressa esse amor por sustentar nossa vida por meio de suas maravilhosas provisões materiais. (Atos 17:28; Rev. 4:11) Mais importante do que isso, Jeová supre nossas necessidades espirituais. (Luc. 12:42) Ele também garante que nos ouve quando oramos a ele. (1 João 5:14) Mas a principal maneira de Deus nos atrair a ele e o maior motivo de nos sentirmos atraídos a ele é o amor que ele demonstrou por meio do resgate. (1 João 4:9, 10, 19) Jeová enviou seu “Filho unigênito” à Terra para nos livrar do pecado e da morte. (João 3:16) Jeová tornou possível que até pessoas que viveram antes de Cristo se beneficiassem do resgate. A partir do momento em que Jeová fez a profecia sobre o futuro Salvador da humanidade, o resgate já estava como que pago de seu ponto de vista, pois ele sabia que seu propósito se cumpriria com certeza. — Gên. 3:15. w14 15/8 3:7, 8



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    Приблизьтесь к Богу, и он приблизится к вам (Иак. 4:8).

    Иегова проявил свою любовь к человеческой семье, подарив ей прекрасный дом — землю. Его любовь и сейчас выражается в том, что он поддерживает нашу жизнь, заботясь о наших физических потребностях (Деян. 17:28; Отк. 4:11). Но более важно то, что он заботится о наших духовных нуждах (Луки 12:42). Также он заверяет нас в том, что лично слушает наши молитвы (1 Иоан. 5:14). Однако величайшее проявление любви Иеговы к людям — это выкуп, благодаря которому он привлекает нас к себе и мы приближаемся к нему (1 Иоан. 4:9, 10, 19). Иегова послал своего «единородного Сына» на землю, чтобы спасти нас от греха и смерти (Иоан. 3:16). Иегова позаботился о том, чтобы даже те, кто жил до Христа, могли получить благословения, связанные с выкупом. С того времени, как Иегова высказал пророчество о будущем Спасителе человечества, он рассматривал выкуп как уже уплаченный, поскольку ничто не могло помешать исполнению Божьего намерения (Быт. 3:15). w14 15/8 3:7, 8


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    Naht euch Gott, und er wird sich euch nahen (Jak. 4:8)

    Jehova hat unsere Heimat, die Erde, wunderschön geschaffen. Sie ist aber nicht der einzige Beweis seiner Liebe zu uns Menschen. Auch alles, was er auf großartige Weise für unsere Lebenserhaltung tut, zeigt, wie sehr er uns liebt (Apg. 17:28; Offb. 4:11). Und was noch wichtiger ist: Jehova befriedigt unsere geistigen Bedürfnisse (Luk. 12:42). Er sichert uns zu, uns zuzuhören, wenn wir zu ihm beten (1. Joh. 5:14). Doch die Liebe, die durch das Loskaufsopfer zum Ausdruck kommt, ist die wichtigste wechselseitige Anziehungskraft zwischen Gott und uns (1. Joh. 4:9, 10, 19). Jehova sandte seinen „einziggezeugten Sohn“ auf die Erde, damit wir von Sünde und Tod befreit werden können (Joh. 3:16). Jehova hat dafür gesorgt, dass auch die Menschen, die vor der Zeit Christi lebten, Nutzen aus dem Lösegeld ziehen können. Schon als Jehova einen Retter für die Menschheit voraussagte, war von seinem Standpunkt aus das Lösegeld so gut wie bezahlt; er wusste, dass sein Vorsatz verwirklicht wird (1. Mo. 3:15). w14 15. 8. 3:7, 8

  8. I  agree...  not  all  things  belong  to  the  internet !

    We  had  today  a  *conference - curcuit*  from  Bethel  to  many  congregations  in  Germany  and  around.  Two  zone - overseers  from  Wallkill  gave  a  talk  and  still  more. The  technology  was  perfect,  but  forbidden,  making  any  private  recordings,  also  make  public,  what  we  have  written  during the  meeting !  Thats  sorry,  but  all  that,  maybe,  has  a  reason....   I  enjoyed  it  very  much  ;o)   Alot  news  we  heard.  Now  they  go  to  another  country  and  then  back  home  into  their  just  different  Bethel - houses.

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    Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.—Jas. 4:8.

    Jehovah showed his love for the human family by creating our beautiful earthly home. He still expresses his love for us by sustaining our life by means of his marvelous physical provisions. (Acts 17:28; Rev. 4:11) More important, Jehovah looks after our spiritual needs. (Luke 12:42) He also assures us that he personally listens as we pray to him. (1 John 5:14) However, the foremost way in which God draws us to himself and we are drawn to him is through the love he expresses by means of the ransom. (1 John 4:9, 10, 19) Jehovah sent his “only-begotten Son” to the earth so that we might be delivered from sin and death. (John 3:16) Jehovah has made it possible even for people who lived before the time of Christ to benefit from the ransom. From the moment Jehovah prophesied about a future Savior for mankind, the ransom was as good as paid from his viewpoint, for he knew that his purpose would not fail.—Gen. 3:15. w14 8/15 3:7, 8


  10. Sorry,  our  "special"  Member...  maybe  you've  no  job ?  bec. you  invested  alot  time  for  in  parts  really  pointless  old  Bible  stories !  Its  absolute  worthless,  counting  and  dicing  with  Jehovah's  word...  Jehovah's  Witnesses  never  Liars !   All  humans  are  imperfect  and  the  GB  always  made  their  mistakes  public  to  rectification...  we  all  know  that !   I  think, long  sussed  out  your  true  reason  for  being  here...  Thats  my  OWN  opinion -  maybe  the  other  Brother  &  Sisters  see  it  differently ?  I  not  await  an  answer,  bec. I  not  reply !

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    Vous vous montrerez saints, car moi, Jéhovah votre Dieu, je suis saint (Lév. 19:2).

    Jéhovah avait commandé aux Israélites d’apprendre à leurs enfants à observer ses normes de sainteté (Deut. 6:6, 7). Quel beau modèle pour les parents chrétiens d’aujourd’hui ! Eux aussi doivent en effet éduquer leurs enfants dans les voies de la sainteté et, de cette façon, les aider à honorer le glorieux nom de Dieu (Prov. 1:8 ; Éph. 6:4). Quand elle était fidèle, la nation d’Israël donnait un bon témoignage à propos du nom de Dieu. Moïse avait dit à cette nation : « Il faudra que tous les peuples de la terre voient que le nom de Jéhovah a été invoqué sur toi, et vraiment ils auront peur de toi » (Deut. 28:10). Malheureusement, l’histoire des Israélites a surtout été une succession d’actes d’infidélité. À maintes reprises, ils sont retournés au culte d’idoles faites à la main. De plus, à l’image des dieux cananéens qu’ils adoraient, ils sont devenus cruels : ils offraient leurs enfants en sacrifice et opprimaient les pauvres. C’est pour nous une puissante incitation à rester saints, à l’exemple du Très-Saint, dont nous portons le nom. w14 15/7 3:6, 7.


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    Macie być święci, ponieważ ja, Jehowa, wasz Bóg, jestem święty (Kapł. 19:2).

    Izraelitom polecono uczyć dzieci przestrzegania Bożych norm świętości (Powt. Pr. 6:6, 7). Jakiż to piękny wzór dla dzisiejszych chrześcijańskich rodziców, którzy podobnie mają pouczać dzieci o drogach świętości i tym samym pomagać im przysparzać chwały wzniosłemu imieniu Boga! (Prz. 1:8; Efez. 6:4). Gdy Izraelici byli wierni, dawali piękne świadectwo o imieniu Boga. Oznajmiono im: „Wszystkie ludy ziemi zobaczą, że imię Jehowy jest wzywane nad tobą, i będą się ciebie lękać” (Powt. Pr. 28:10). Niestety, historia Izraela to w większości doniesienia o niewierności tego ludu. Raz za razem jego członkowie wracali do kultu bożków. I na wzór kananejskich bogów, którym oddawali cześć, stali się okrutni — składali w ofierze własne dzieci i uciskali biednych. Wypływa stąd dla nas ważna lekcja: zawsze starajmy się być święci, naśladując Najświętszego, którego imię nosimy! w14 15.7 3:6, 7


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    Будьте святы, потому что я, ваш Бог Иегова, свят (Лев. 19:2).

    Народу Израиль было дано важное повеление обучать своих детей соблюдать Божьи нормы святости (Втор. 6:6, 7). Это хороший пример для родителей-христиан и в наши дни: они также должны учить своих детей держаться путей святости, чтобы те своим поведением прославляли великое имя Бога (Прит. 1:8; Эф. 6:4). Когда израильтяне были верны Богу, они давали прекрасное свидетельство о его имени. Израилю было сказано: «Все народы земли увидят, что ты называешься именем Иеговы, и будут бояться тебя» (Втор. 28:10). К сожалению, история израильского народа стала скорее примером неверности. Все снова и снова израильтяне обращались к идолам и служили им. Более того, принося в жертву своих детей и притесняя угнетенных, они стали такими же жестокими, как боги Ханаана, которым они поклонялись. Какой важный урок для нас! В святости мы должны всегда стараться подражать Святейшему, чье имя мы носим. w14 15/7 3:6, 7


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    Deveis mostrar-vos santos, porque eu, Jeová, vosso Deus, sou santo. — Lev. 19:2.

    Os israelitas deviam ensinar seus filhos a obedecer às normas divinas de santidade. (Deut. 6:6, 7) Que belo exemplo para os pais cristãos de hoje, que também devem treinar seus filhos nos caminhos da santidade, ajudando-os assim a honrar o glorioso nome de Deus! (Pro. 1:8; Efé. 6:4) Quando os israelitas eram fiéis, eles davam um excelente testemunho ao nome de Deus. Foi-lhes dito: “Todos os povos da terra terão de ver que o nome de Jeová foi invocado sobre ti e hão de ficar com medo de ti.” (Deut. 28:10) Mas a história dos israelitas ficou marcada pela infidelidade. Vez após vez, eles voltavam a praticar a adoração de ídolos. Também, assim como os deuses cananeus que adoravam, eles se tornaram cruéis por sacrificar seus filhos e oprimir os pobres. Isso nos ensina a importância de nos esforçar em ser santos, pois levamos o nome do Santíssimo. w14 15/7 3:6, 7


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    Ihr solltet euch als heilig erweisen, denn ich, Jehova, euer Gott, bin heilig (3. Mo. 19:2)

    Die Israeliten sollten ihre Kinder dazu anhalten, nach dem göttlichen Maßstab der Heiligkeit zu leben (5. Mo. 6:6, 7). Was für ein schönes Muster für Eltern heute. Auch sie müssen ihre Kinder in den Wegen der Heiligkeit unterweisen, damit diese lernen, Gottes heiligen Namen zu ehren (Spr. 1:8; Eph. 6:4). Wenn die Israeliten treu waren, gaben sie ein gutes Zeugnis für den Namen Gottes. Ihnen war gesagt worden: „Alle Völker der Erde werden sehen müssen, dass Jehovas Name über [euch] . . . genannt worden ist, und sie werden sich tatsächlich vor [euch] . . . fürchten“ (5. Mo. 28:10). Doch leider waren die Israeliten meistens untreu. Immer wieder wandten sie sich der Götzenverehrung zu. Außerdem wurden sie so grausam wie ihre kanaanitischen Götter. Sie opferten ihre Kinder und unterdrückten die Armen. Das zeigt eindringlich: Wir müssen uns immer bemühen, heilig zu sein wie der Heiligste, dessen Namen wir tragen. w14 15. 7. 3:6, 7


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    You should be holy, because I, Jehovah your God, am holy.—Lev. 19:2.

    The Israelites were commanded to train their children to observe God’s standards of holiness. (Deut. 6:6, 7) What a fine pattern this sets for Christian parents today, who must likewise train their children in the ways of holiness, thereby helping them to bring honor to God’s glorious name! (Prov. 1:8; Eph. 6:4) When the Israelites were faithful, they gave a fine witness to God’s name. They had been told: “All the peoples of the earth will have to see that Jehovah’s name has been called upon you, and they will be afraid of you.” (Deut. 28:10) Sadly, however, Israelite history was mostly a record of unfaithfulness. Time and again, they returned to the worship of man-made idols. Moreover, like the Canaanite gods they worshipped, they became cruel, sacrificing their children and oppressing the poor. What a powerful lesson this is for us to strive always to be holy in imitation of the Most Holy One, whose name we bear! w14 7/15 3:6, 7


  17. Oh  how  nice...  the  whole  Congregation  has  managed  a  very  *BIG  AID*  for  the  Earthquake - victims  in  ECUADOR !   So  many  parcels  and  big  sacks  they  all   packed....   with  so  much  love,  the  kiddies  too ❤   So  many  helpers,  awww...   What  a  loving  worldwide  BROTHERHOOD  we  are !   But,  look  yourself  ;o)

    Jehovah's  blessing  all  over ! 


  18. I'm  SO  glad,  NO  Burger - shops  in  my  nearness... I'm  not  endangered !  Poor  humans, also  kiddies,  they're  regulars  there  ;-(

    My  burgers  are  selfmade  like  by  Granny's  in  the  past !  Things,  I've  in  my  cooler  coming  in,  first  fresh  ground meat,  diff. spices, herbs, onions, a little  mustard  and  special  ketchup...  Its  curious,  the  taste  is  always  a little  different,  but  wow  ;o)

    The  ground meat - small balls  for  the  recipe  *Königsberger - Klopse*  of  course  different,  working  to  that  special  taste,  hmmm....

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