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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.—Matt. 25:1. Who is the bridegroom of the parable? Clearly, Jesus was talking about himself. Why, on a different occasion, he even referred to himself as the bridegroom! (Luke 5:34, 35) What about the virgins? In the parable, Jesus says that the virgins have the responsibility to be ready with their lamps lit when the bridegroom arrives. Note the similar directions that Jesus gave to his “little flock” of anointed followers: “Be dressed and ready and have your lamps burning, and you should be like men waiting for their master to return from the marriage.” (Luke 12:32, 35, 36) Furthermore, both the apostle Paul and the apostle John were inspired to liken Christ’s anointed followers to chaste virgins. (2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 14:4) Clearly, Jesus intended the parable recorded at Matthew 25:1-13 as counsel and a warning to his anointed followers. w15 3/15 2:2, 4
  2. Thank you my dear sister Blanchie ❤ ;o) Step by step you will find nice stories from me here.... Enjoy !
  3. Baby in China born with 15 fingers and 16 toes.... Baby in China born with 15 fingers and 16 toes ! LOOK THESE PHOTOS..... Hong Hong suffers from the same fate as his mother. A BABY in China has been born with 15 fingers and 16 toes in an extreme case of a rare disease. The three-month-old boy, nicknamed Hong Hong, was born to two migrant workers from the village of Zhongping, in Pingjiang County of China’s central Hunan Province. The child suffers from an extreme case of polydactyly which is a congenital physical anomaly that can occur in humans, dogs, and cats giving them a larger number of digits on their hands and feet. Astonishingly, Hong Hong has two palms on his hands and no thumbs..... Zou Chenglin, Hong Hong’s father, said his wife, who works in a factory in Shenzhen City, in southern Guangdong Province, also has polydactylism ;-( "My wife has one extra finger and toe on each of her hands and feet, so we were worried that our child would inherit the condition,” Zou said. "But after going to three big hospitals in Shenzhen, doctors found no birth defects on our son during scans.” A BABY in China has been born with 15 fingers and 16 toes in an extreme case of a rare disease. The three-month-old boy, nicknamed Hong Hong, was born to two migrant workers from the village of Zhongping, in Pingjiang County of China’s central Hunan Province. The child suffers from an extreme case of polydactyly which is a congenital physical anomaly that can occur in humans, dogs, and cats giving them a larger number of digits on their hands and feet. Astonishingly, Hong Hong has two palms on his hands and no thumbs. The family hopes the public can help raise money... I HOPE FOR THE BABY ! I HOPE FOR ALL - THEY CAN REACH THE *NW* BY JEHOVAH ❤
  4. Baby in China born with 15 fingers and 16 toes ! LOOK THESE PHOTOS..... Hong Hong suffers from the same fate as his mother. A BABY in China has been born with 15 fingers and 16 toes in an extreme case of a rare disease. The three-month-old boy, nicknamed Hong Hong, was born to two migrant workers from the village of Zhongping, in Pingjiang County of China’s central Hunan Province. The child suffers from an extreme case of polydactyly which is a congenital physical anomaly that can occur in humans, dogs, and cats giving them a larger number of digits on their hands and feet. Astonishingly, Hong Hong has two palms on his hands and no thumbs..... Zou Chenglin, Hong Hong’s father, said his wife, who works in a factory in Shenzhen City, in southern Guangdong Province, also has polydactylism ;-( "My wife has one extra finger and toe on each of her hands and feet, so we were worried that our child would inherit the condition,” Zou said. "But after going to three big hospitals in Shenzhen, doctors found no birth defects on our son during scans.” The family hopes the public can help raise money... I HOPE FOR THE BABY ❤ I HOPE FOR ALL - THEY CAN REACH THE *NW* BY JEHOVAH ❤
  5. I had by starting some problems too ! Try and play a little.... and very fast you will work it... By big problems we're always helping you... Enjoy our many pages - we see us, bye bye ;o)
  6. Kim jesteś, żebyś osądzał swego bliźniego? (Jak. 4:12). Pokora powstrzyma nas przed nadużywaniem powierzonej nam władzy. Jeśli uznajemy, że nie jesteśmy upoważnieni do osądzania innych, to nie będziemy ich pochopnie krytykować za błędy ani kwestionować ich pobudek (Łuk. 6:37). Dzięki pokorze nie staniemy się ‛nazbyt prawi’ ani nie będziemy patrzeć z góry na tych, którzy mogą nie mieć takich umiejętności czy przywilejów jak my (Kazn. 7:16.) Pokorni starsi nie próbują górować nad współwyznawcami. Przeciwnie, ‛uważają drugich za wyższych od siebie’ i ‛zachowują się jak pomniejsi’ (Filip. 2:3; Łuk. 9:48). Jeżeli naprawdę jesteśmy uniżeni w sercu, z naszych słów będzie przebijała pokora (Łuk. 6:45). W rozmowach z innymi nie będziemy skupiać się na własnych dokonaniach i przywilejach (Prz. 27:2). Zechcemy raczej doszukiwać się dobra u naszych braci i chwalić ich za zalety, zdolności i osiągnięcia (Prz. 15:23). w15 15.2 1:8, 10
  7. Qui es-tu pour juger ton prochain ? (Jacq. 4:12). L’humilité nous retient d’abuser de notre autorité. Si nous reconnaissons qu’il ne nous appartient pas de juger, nous ne serons pas prompts à critiquer les autres pour leurs fautes ou à mettre en doute leurs mobiles (Luc6 :37). L’humilité nous empêche d’être « juste à l’excès », de mépriser ceux qui n’ont pas les mêmes capacités ou les mêmes avantages que nous (Eccl. 7:16). Un ancien qui est humble ne se croit pas supérieur à ses compagnons chrétiens. Au contraire, il considère « que les autres sont supérieurs » à lui et il « se conduit comme un petit » (Phil. 2:3 ; Luc 9:48). Si nous sommes vraiment humbles de cœur, cela transparaîtra dans nos paroles (Luc 6:45). Nous n’axerons pas nos conversations sur nos succès ou nos atouts (Prov. 27:2). Nous chercherons plutôt ce qu’il y a de bon chez nos frères et sœurs, et les féliciterons pour leurs qualités, leurs capacités ou leurs actions (Prov. 15:23). w15 15/2 1:8, 10.
  8. Quem és tu para julgares o teu próximo? — Tia. 4:12. A humildade nos impede de ultrapassar os limites de nossa autoridade. Se reconhecemos que não temos autoridade para julgar outros, não os criticamos por causa de seus defeitos nem questionamos sua motivação. (Luc. 6:37) A humildade nos ajuda a não ser ‘justos demais’, encarando como inferiores aqueles que não têm as habilidades ou privilégios que nós temos. (Ecl. 7:16) Anciãos humildes não se consideram superiores aos seus irmãos. Em vez disso, esses pastores amorosos ‘consideram os outros superiores’ e ‘se comportam como menores’. (Fil. 2:3; Luc. 9:48) Se realmente tivermos um coração humilde, nossas palavras refletirão isso. (Luc. 6:45) Em nossas conversas, não vamos ficar falando das coisas que fizemos ou dos privilégios que temos. (Pro. 27:2) Em vez disso, vamos prestar atenção ao que há de bom em nossos irmãos e elogiar suas qualidades, habilidades e realizações. — Pro. 15:23. w15 15/2 1:8, 10
  9. Wer bist du, dass du deinen Nächsten richtest? (Jak. 4:12) Demut hält uns davon zurück, unsere Befugnisse zu überschreiten. Wenn wir anerkennen, dass es uns nicht zusteht zu richten, kritisieren wir andere wegen ihrer Fehler nicht vorschnell oder stellen ihre Beweggründe infrage (Luk. 6:37). Demut bewahrt uns davor, „allzu gerecht“ zu sein und auf andere herabzusehen, die vielleicht nicht die gleichen Fähigkeiten oder Vorrechte haben (Pred. 7:16). Ein demütiger Ältester fühlt sich seinen Glaubensbrüdern nicht überlegen. Vielmehr achtet er „die anderen höher“ und benimmt sich „als ein Geringerer“ (Phil. 2:3; Luk. 9:48). Von Herzen kommende Demut spiegelt sich in unseren Worten wider (Luk. 6:45). In Gesprächen rücken wir eigene Leistungen und Vorrechte nicht in den Vordergrund (Spr. 27:2). Stattdessen suchen wir das Gute in unseren Brüdern und Schwestern und loben sie für ihre Fähigkeiten, Leistungen und positiven Eigenschaften (Spr. 15:23). w15 15. 2. 1:8, 10 mwb16 Mai S. 4 - Leben und Dienst: Arbeitsheft (2016)
  10. Кто ты такой, чтобы судить своего ближнего? (Иак. 4:12). Смирение не позволит нам выходить за рамки своих полномочий. Если мы понимаем, что у нас нет права судить, мы не станем критиковать других за ошибки или сомневаться в их мотивах (Луки 6:37). Смирение поможет нам не быть слишком праведными и не смотреть свысока на тех, у кого нет каких-то способностей или почетных обязанностей, которые есть у нас (Эккл. 7:16). Смиренные старейшины не превозносятся над остальными братьями и сестрами. Напротив, эти пастыри считают «других выше себя» и ведут себя как меньшие (Флп. 2:3; Луки 9:48). Если у нас действительно смиренное сердце, это обязательно отразится в нашей речи (Луки 6:45). Мы не станем много говорить о себе: о своих личных достижениях и почетных обязанностях (Прит. 27:2). Скорее, мы будем замечать хорошее в своих единоверцах и хвалить их за сильные стороны, способности и успехи (Прит. 15:23). w15 15/2 1:8, 10
  11. Who are you to be judging your neighbor?—Jas. 4:12. Humility restrains us from overstepping our authority. If we recognize that we are not authorized to sit in judgment, we will not be quick to criticize others for their faults or question their motives. (Luke 6:37) Humility helps us to avoid being “overly righteous,” looking down on those who may not have the abilities or privileges that we have. (Eccl. 7:16) Humble elders do not view themselves as superior to fellow believers. Rather, such shepherds “consider others superior” and conduct themselves as lesser ones. (Phil. 2:3; Luke 9:48) If we are truly lowly in heart, our words will reflect humility. (Luke 6:45) In conversations with others, we will avoid focusing on our own achievements and privileges. (Prov. 27:2) Instead, we will look for the good in our brothers and sisters and commend them for their positive qualities, abilities, and accomplishments.—Prov. 15:23. w15 2/15 1:8, 10
  12. MANY HOURS WALKING..... CART - WITNESSING IN BURUNDI, ÁFRICA May Jehovah bless our Brothers ❤
  13. I'm not a Doc. sister Ann, so I can't give you roughly a perfect answer ! We're all different humans with still more different bodies... I saw in this Article a little first aid by a heart attack. I agree with you, calling also very fast the No. 911 / in USA, for a professional help ! I just saw, your text is from the link you sent to me.... When I would live far from a hospital and the emergency doctor needs long time, then the cayenne - selfmade tea were prob. a fast possibility for a first aid, I hope so ! I know from many TV reports, that take prompt action is so very importend ! The first min. can be lifesaving... Thats my own opinion to that. - Again, every human is different and we must decide always individual / customized to their body. - Thats what I can say to this theme. Thanks !
  14. Stop a Heart Attack in Only 1 Minute ! For more look here : http://www.womendailymagazine.com/stop-a-heart-attack-in-only-1-minute-2/
  15. Stop a Heart Attack in Only 1 Minute ! John Christopher was an American herbalist who has completed many publications on natural healing and herbs. He has also managed to develop 50 herbal formulas that are still used today worldwide. Although he didn’t have a doctorate, he was always known as Dr. Christopher and has had a significant impact in alternative medicine. He claims that cayenne pepper can help you stop a heart attack in only 60 seconds. He also claims that his method works impeccably at saving people’s lives. If a person shows symptoms of a heart attack, getting them to consume a cup of cayenne pepper tea may immediately cease symptoms. Cayenne pepper tea is made from a glass of warm water and 1 tsp. cayenne pepper. Dr. Christopher explains that this method takes only seconds but it works miraculously. Dr. John Christopher stated: “In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in–if they are still breathing–I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around).” More here http://www.womendailymagazine.com/stop-a-heart-attack-in-only-1-minute-2/
  16. Hi Debby, long time nothings heard from you... I hope, you're feeling little besser ? I will try your idea for a new healthy drink. Thank you ! I change my drinks... not always the same. On & off a Smoothie, when I've the right fruits, veggies and herbs at home. I read about cinnamon too. The BEST I take in the last months, is *Chia - seeds* ! WOW, a little wonder - remedy.... My blood - sugar was going down from 6,9 to 6,5 within few weeks ! Look in Internet, so many good things inside these tiny seeds. I put it in nature yoghurt with less honey... thats tasty und little crunchy too. Tell me, what do you think about Chia, ok ? You can write per inbox... The best for you and family ;o)
  17. Будьте благодарными (Кол. 3:15). Нам всегда следует быть начеку, чтобы не потерять признательности за доброту Иеговы. Почему? Из-за нашей унаследованной склонности к неблагодарности. Вспомним, что наши прародители, Адам и Ева, жили в раю. Они ни в чем не нуждались, и у них была возможность жить вечно в мирных условиях (Быт. 1:28). Но Адам и Ева не ценили своих благословений и алчно жаждали большего. В итоге они потеряли абсолютно все (Быт. 3:6, 7, 17—19). Живя в неблагодарном мире, мы тоже можем перестать ценить то, что нам дает Иегова. Возможно, наша дружба с ним станет для нас чем-то привычным. Кроме того, мы можем утратить признательность за честь принадлежать к всемирному братству. Или нас могут поглотить дела этого мира, который вскоре придет к концу (1 Иоан. 2:15—17). Чтобы не допустить этого, нам нужно размышлять о своих благословениях и регулярно благодарить Иегову за чудесную возможность быть частью его народа (Пс. 27:4). w15 15/1 1:5, 8
  18. Mostrai-vos gratos. — Col. 3:15. Por que devemos nos manter alertas ao perigo de perder o apreço pela bondade de Jeová? Porque herdamos a imperfeição, e com isso a tendência de ser ingratos. Pense nisto: nossos primeiros pais, Adão e Eva, foram colocados num jardim paradisíaco. Não lhes faltava nada, e eles tinham a perspectiva de viver para sempre em paz. (Gên. 1:28) Mas, em vez de dar valor às bênçãos que receberam, eles quiseram mais. Por causa disso, eles perderam tudo. (Gên. 3:6, 7, 17-19) Hoje, por viver num mundo ingrato, poderíamos acabar nos esquecendo de tudo que Jeová fez por nós. Poderíamos deixar de dar importância à nossa amizade com ele. Poderíamos parar de valorizar o privilégio de fazer parte de nossa fraternidade mundial. Poderíamos ficar totalmente envolvidos com as coisas deste mundo, que em breve passará. (1 João 2:15-17) Para não cair nesse perigo, precisamos meditar nas bênçãos que recebemos e agradecer regularmente a Jeová pelo privilégio de ser seus servos. — Sal. 27:4. w15 15/1 1:5, 8
  19. Okazujcie się wdzięczni (Kol. 3:15). Dlaczego powinniśmy być wyczuleni na niebezpieczeństwo, jakim jest utrata doceniania dobroci Jehowy? Ponieważ mamy wrodzoną skłonność do niewdzięczności. Pomyślmy: Nasi prarodzice, Adam i Ewa, zostali umieszczeni w rajskim ogrodzie. Wszystkie ich potrzeby były zaspokojone, a oni mieli widoki na życie wieczne w pokojowych warunkach (Rodz. 1:28). Ale nie cenili tego, co otrzymali. Chciwie zapragnęli więcej. W rezultacie stracili wszystko (Rodz. 3:6, 7, 17-19). Otacza nas świat wyzuty z wdzięczności, więc łatwo można zapomnieć o tym, co czyni dla nas Jehowa. Przyjaźń z Nim moglibyśmy zacząć traktować jako coś, co nam przysługuje. Poza tym moglibyśmy przestać cenić przynależność do ogólnoświatowej społeczności braterskiej i dać się pochłonąć sprawom tego świata, który wkrótce przeminie (1 Jana 2:15-17). Aby uniknąć wejścia na tę równię pochyłą, powinniśmy rozmyślać o błogosławieństwach będących naszym udziałem i regularnie dziękować Jehowie za zaszczyt należenia do Jego ludu (Ps. 27:4). w15 15.1 1:5, 8
  20. Montrez-vous reconnaissants (Col. 3:15). Pourquoi veiller à ne pas banaliser la bonté de Jéhovah ? Parce que nous avons hérité d’une tendance à l’ingratitude. Réfléchis à ceci : Nos premiers parents, Adam et Ève, ont été placés dans un jardin paradisiaque. Tous leurs besoins étaient comblés et ils avaient la perspective de vivre à jamais dans la paix (Gen. 1:28). Mais ils n’ont pas attaché de prix à tous ces bienfaits. L’avidité les a poussés à en vouloir davantage. Résultat, ils ont tout perdu (Gen. 3:6, 7, 17-19). Vivant dans un monde ingrat, nous risquons, nous aussi, de commencer à perdre de vue tout ce que Jéhovah a fait pour nous. Nous pourrions banaliser notre amitié avec lui. Nous pourrions sous-estimer l’honneur d’appartenir à une famille chrétienne internationale. Nous pourrions être absorbés par des choses de ce monde, qui est sur le point de disparaître (1 Jean 2:15-17). Pour éviter cette spirale, méditons sur les bienfaits que nous recevons et remercions régulièrement Jéhovah pour l’honneur d’être ses serviteurs (Ps. 27:4). w15 15/1 1:5, 8.
  21. Erweist euch als dankbar (Kol. 3:15) Warum müssen wir uns davor hüten, die Dankbarkeit für Jehovas Güte zu verlieren? Weil wir die Neigung zur Undankbarkeit geerbt haben. Unsere Ureltern Adam und Eva lebten in einem paradiesischen Garten. Für ihre Bedürfnisse war gesorgt und sie hätten für immer in Frieden leben können (1. Mo. 1:28). Aber all das schätzten sie nicht — sie wollten sogar noch mehr. Was war die Folge? Sie verloren alles, was sie hatten (1. Mo. 3:6, 7, 17-19). Inmitten einer undankbaren Welt könnten auch wir den Blick für all das Gute verlieren, das Jehova für uns getan hat. Wir könnten unsere Freundschaft zu ihm für selbstverständlich nehmen. Außerdem könnten wir unsere Wertschätzung dafür verlieren, Teil einer weltweiten Bruderschaft zu sein, und voll und ganz in den Dingen dieser Welt aufgehen, die bald vergehen wird (1. Joh. 2:15-17). Diese Abwärtsspirale lässt sich allerdings vermeiden, wenn wir darüber nachdenken, wie Jehova uns segnet, und wir ihm regelmäßig für das Vorrecht danken, zu seinem Volk zu gehören (Ps. 27:4). w15 15. 1. 1:5, 8
  22. Show yourselves thankful.—Col. 3:15. Why should we remain alert to the danger of losing our appreciation for Jehovah’s goodness? Because we have inherited a tendency to be unthankful. Consider: Our original parents, Adam and Eve, were placed in a paradise garden. All their needs were filled, and they had the prospect of living forever in peace. (Gen. 1:28) But they did not appreciate their blessings. They greedily desired more. As a result, they lost everything. (Gen. 3:6, 7, 17-19) Surrounded by an unthankful world, we too could begin to lose sight of all that Jehovah has done for us. We could begin to take our friendship with him for granted. We might lose appreciation for the privilege that we have to be part of our worldwide brotherhood. We could become absorbed in things of this world that will soon pass away. (1 John 2:15-17) To avoid that downward spiral, we want to meditate on our blessings and regularly thank Jehovah for the privilege we have of being his people.—Ps. 27:4. w15 1/15 1:5, 8
  23. The popular Jehohah's Witnesses - Kingdom Messenger CAR'S of the past ! We can visit and looking on a special mass....
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