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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.—Acts 14:22. Does it shock you that you can expect to face “many tribulations” before you gain the prize of everlasting life? Likely not. Whether you are new in the truth or you are a longtime servant of Jehovah, you know that hardship is an aspect of life in Satan’s world. (Rev. 12:12) Besides difficulties that are “common to men”—problems that affect all imperfect humans—Christians face an additional type of tribulation. (1 Cor. 10:13) What is it? Intense opposition because of their steadfast obedience to God’s laws. Jesus told his followers: “A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20) Who is behind such opposition? Ultimately, it is Satan, whom the Bible describes as “a roaring lion” who is “seeking to devour” God’s people. (1 Pet. 5:8) Satan will use any means he can to try to break the integrity of Jesus’ disciples. w14 9/15 2:1, 2
  2. The newest technology for that theme - soon for selling ! Maybe a big helper ;o)
  3. *FANS OF NATURE* Male Brain Vs Female Brain.... Have you ever wondered why you and your partner can walk away from a conversation with completely different understandings of what was discussed? Now there's proof that neither one of you is crazy -- you're just different ! New scientific research has found subtle differences betw. the brains of men & women. The studies, which include both physical imaging and psychological research, are leading to greater understanding of the differences between the sexes. While it's not completely clear how the structural differences in male and female brains affect their function, scientists theorize that the most likely impact is upon the way men and women process information. One difference between men and women's brains is size. Men's brains on average are 10 percent bigger than women's and have 4 percent more cells. But before all you men claim superiority for having a bigger brain, you'll need to know that women's brains contain more nerve cells and cellular connections, which allows their smaller, more compact brains to be more efficient and effective. Men's brains tend to perform tasks predominantly with the left-side, which is the logical/rational side of the brain. Women, on the other hand, use both sides of their brains because a woman's brain has a larger corpus callosum, which means women can transfer data between the right and left hemispheres faster than men. While this does not mean that women are more likely to be in their "right mind," it does illuminate why Martians tend to approach communication more often with a task-oriented "let's fix the problem" state of mind, while Venusians tend to be more creative and aware of feelings in their communication style. A new book that recently hit the market proclaims that women are much better than men when it comes to remembering the emotional times of their life. According to the new book "The Female Brain" by author Lou Ann Brizendine, women tend to remember the emotional events of their lives better than men because women's brains are structured differently and contain a different set of chemicals than their male counterparts. The book cited scientific studies that used PET and MRI scans to support this conclusion. The authors also cited over 60 pages of references to support her findings. In this regard, the book said that the main difference between men and women is that women's brains had a larger hippocampus, which is the organ in the brain that stores emotions and produces memory formation. Women's brains also have larger areas for language than men. The book said that these differences are more pronounced during the eighth week of pregnancy when the female brain experiences a testosterone surge. On the other hand and not surprisingly, men were found to have larger brain areas for aggression and action. Brizendrine also revealed that men's brains also have 2½ times more space than women's brains for the sexual drive. Here are some of the other interesting revelations in the book: Men experience love at first sight more easily than women, according to the chapter on "Love and Trust" Women are more attracted to "symmetrical" men because such men are said to give them better and more frequent orgasm, according to the chapter on sex and citing the results of a study involving 86 sexually active 22 year old couples. Handsome and symmetrical men tend to be more unfaithful and cheat more often than men with "less well-balanced bodies." On the last item, it appears that women now face a tough choice: to either have a great sex life with a handsome, symmetrical partner who will likely cheat on them or settle for a "less well-balanced" male who will be faithful but lousy in bed. ( Everyone take their own results... we're all too different !)
  4. FANS OF NATURE ! Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon 1. Boosts you're immune system Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure. 2. Balances pH Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health. 3. Helps with weight loss Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day. 4. Aids digestion The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—thewaves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract. 5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy. 6. Clears skin The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. 7. Hydrates the lymph system This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of it's proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration ! CHEERS FOR THE HEALTH ;o)
  5. FANS OF NATURE ! Cute baby hedgehogs❤ When hedgehogs are born their spines are just below the skin, so they don't cause their mother pain. They are blind at first, but after about 2 weeks their spines begin to show more, and their eyes open. Hedgehogs also have baby teeth, just like humans. These fall out by about week 3. Hedgehogs leave their nests when they are about 4 to 5 weeks old, and they then must learn to fend for themselves. 1 out of 5 hedgehogs die before they leave the nest. THEY ARE POPULAR LITTLE ANIMALS ;o)
  6. Let our ❤ BROTHERLY LOVE❤ continue.... Our young ones, singing together ! ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
  7. Also a helper for us ! A sweet picture... By a campaign, kitty knocked at the doors, giving tracts to the people LOL ;o)
  8. I drink it very rare.... since I know, its only water with alot bad stuffs inside and poisonous for our body ;-( Its a Satan's drink - around the world people like these brown *soup* and the promotion is vast... the price too !! We've so much other delicious drinks... not really need Coca - Cola, NO ! Cheers ;o)
  9. Sara obéissait à Abraham, l’appelant « seigneur » (1 Pierre 3:6). On imagine mal Sara, l’épouse respectueuse d’Abraham, exprimant des plaintes sérieuses au moment de quitter le confort de la ville d’Our pour un autre pays, où ils allaient vivre sous des tentes en résidents temporaires. Parlons aussi de Rébecca, un merveilleux don de Jéhovah fait à Isaac. Elle s’est avérée une excellente épouse. Il n’est pas surprenant que son mari « en [soit tombé] amoureux et [...] [ait été] réconforté après la perte de sa mère » (Gen. 24:67). Quelle joie de compter aujourd’hui parmi nous des femmes craignant Dieu, semblables à Sara et à Rébecca ! Durant leurs années d’esclavage en Égypte, les Israélites sont devenus très nombreux, si bien que Pharaon a ordonné de tuer à la naissance tous les garçons hébreux. Mais note comment les accoucheuses hébreues Shiphra et Poua ont réagi : ayant une crainte révérencielle de Jéhovah, elles ont courageusement refusé de tuer les bébés. Jéhovah les a donc récompensées en leur accordant de fonder leur propre famille (Ex. 1:15-21). w14 15/8 1:10, 11.
  10. Sara costumava obedecer a Abraão, chamando-o de “senhor”. — 1 Ped. 3:6. É difícil imaginar Sara, a respeitosa esposa de Abraão, com uma atitude ‘queixosa’ quando eles deixaram os confortos de Ur e se tornaram residentes temporários vivendo em tendas em outro país. Pense também em Rebeca, que era uma bênção da parte de Jeová e se tornou uma excelente esposa. Não é de surpreender que seu marido, Isaque, tenha ‘se enamorado dela e encontrado consolo depois da perda de sua mãe’. (Gên. 24:67) E como é bom ter hoje em nosso meio mulheres fiéis que são como Sara e Rebeca! Durante os anos em que foram escravos no Egito, os israelitas aumentaram bastante em número, e Faraó decretou que todos os meninos hebreus fossem mortos no momento em que nascessem. Mas pense nas parteiras hebreias Sifrá e Puá. De modo corajoso, elas se recusaram a matar os bebês porque tinham temor reverente de Jeová. Ele, por sua vez, as recompensou com suas próprias famílias. — Êxo. 1:15-21. w14 15/8 1:10, 11
  11. Сарра повиновалась Аврааму, называя его господином (1 Пет. 3:6). Трудно представить, чтобы Сарра, уважавшая своего мужа, Авраама, постоянно жаловалась, когда они оставили комфортную жизнь в Уре и стали жить в шатрах как временные жители в чужой земле. Ревекка тоже была настоящим даром от Иеговы и стала прекрасной женой. Неудивительно, что ее муж, Исаак, «полюбил ее и нашел утешение после потери матери» (Быт. 24:67). Как же мы счастливы, что сегодня среди нас есть верные Богу женщины, подобные Сарре и Ревекке! Когда израильтяне, находясь в египетском рабстве, становились все многочисленнее и многочисленнее, фараон повелел убивать рождавшихся у них мальчиков. Но еврейки Шифра и Фуа испытывали благоговейный страх перед Богом. Проявив мужество, они не стали убивать младенцев. За это Иегова даровал им семьи (Исх. 1:15—21). w14 15/8 1:10, 11
  12. Sara pflegte Abraham zu gehorchen, indem sie ihn „Herr“ nannte (1. Pet. 3:6) Sara, die respektvolle Frau Abrahams, hatte sich wohl kaum ernsthaft beklagt, als sie das komfortable Ur verließen und als zeitweilig Ansässige in einem fremden Land in Zelten lebten. Oder denken wir an Rebekka. Sie war ein Geschenk von Jehova, eine ausgezeichnete Ehefrau. Isaak gewann sie lieb und fand Trost, nachdem er seine Mutter verloren hatte (1. Mo. 24:67). Auch unter uns gibt es gottesfürchtige Frauen wie Sara und Rebekka. Freuen wir uns nicht darüber? Da die Israeliten in der ägyptischen Knechtschaft stark an Zahl zunahmen, legte Pharao fest, dass alle neugeborenen hebräischen Jungen getötet werden sollten. Wie reagierten die Hebammen Schiphra und Pua auf Pharaos Befehl? Aus Ehrfurcht vor Jehova widersetzten sie sich mutig dem Kindermord. Deshalb belohnte er sie mit eigenen Familien (2. Mo. 1:15-21). w14 15. 8. 1:10, 11
  13. Sara (...) okazywała posłuszeństwo Abrahamowi, nazywając go „panem” (1 Piotra 3:6). Trudno sobie wyobrazić, żeby Sara — okazująca szacunek swemu mężowi, Abrahamowi — głośno utyskiwała, gdy opuścili wygodne Ur i jako tymczasowi osiedleńcy zamieszkali w namiotach w obcej ziemi. Pomyślmy też o Rebece, która była darem od Jehowy dla Izaaka i stała się wspaniałą żoną. Nic dziwnego, że jej mąż „pokochał ją i znalazł (...) pocieszenie po stracie swej matki” (Rodz. 24:67). Również obecnie bardzo się cieszymy, że są pośród nas oddane Bogu kobiety, które przypominają Sarę i Rebekę! Kiedy Izraelici podczas pobytu w niewoli egipskiej rozrośli się liczebnie, faraon zarządził, żeby wszyscy nowo narodzeni hebrajscy chłopcy byli uśmiercani. Zastanówmy się jednak, jak postąpiły Hebrajki Szifra i Pua. Odważnie sprzeciwiły się dzieciobójstwu, ponieważ odczuwały zdrową bojaźń przed Jehową. Dlatego On obdarzył je rodzinami (Wyjścia 1:15-21). w14 15.8 1:10, 11
  15. Gabriel, with the Bible in his hand... He is a wonderful 7 years old publisher. He exactly shows the Bible - scripture to the tract ! May Jehovah bless his big bravery ❤
  16. FINISHED THE ELDER - SCHOOL IN ITALY All Brother's smiling and full of elan ;o) May Jehovah bless you all for your hard work !
  17. WHAT A BROTHERLY LOVE ❤ Protecting each other ! Sweet guys on the Philippines ;o)
  18. Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.—1 Pet. 3:6. It is hard to imagine that serious cries of complaint would have come from the lips of Abraham’s respectful wife, Sarah, when they left the comforts of Ur and became temporary residents living in tents in another land. Consider also Rebekah, who was a blessed gift from Jehovah and became an excellent wife. It is no surprise that her husband, Isaac, “fell in love with her, and . . . found comfort after the loss of his mother.” (Gen. 24:67) And how glad we are today that we have in our midst godly women who are like Sarah and Rebekah! During their years of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites increased greatly in number, and Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew male babies were to be destroyed at birth. However, consider the Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah. Because they had reverential fear of Jehovah, they courageously refused to practice infanticide. He therefore rewarded them with their own families.—Ex. 1:15-21. w14 8/15 1:10, 11
  19. WOW - what a loving Irish - Setter doggie MOM... ;o) So many Babies, hahaha - I can't count them all, maybe 23, 24 ? Tell me in a comment - Thanks !
  20. Awww... 6 sweet pics - Sarah's 1. LOVE ❤ she cuddles with her first own Bible ;o) So happy, she finally got it, yeah !
  21. Warm greetings to our *JW - siblings* around the Earth ❤ We are a mixed, happy group from VENEZUELA ;o) preaching in the mountais !
  22. Burzą wiarę niektórych (2 Tym. 2:18). Tymoteusz i inni wierni chrześcijanie zapewne byli zaniepokojeni postępowaniem odstępców znajdujących się w ich gronie. Niektórzy bracia mogli zadawać sobie pytanie, dlaczego takim ludziom pozwala się pozostawać w zborze. Wierne osoby być może się zastanawiały, czy Jehowa rzeczywiście odróżnia ich niezachwianą lojalność wobec Niego od obłudnej religijności odstępców (Dzieje 20:29, 30). Paweł swoim listem bez wątpienia umocnił wiarę Tymoteusza, ponieważ przypomniał mu o tym, co się wydarzyło, gdy wierny Aaron został oczyszczony z zarzutów, a obłudny Korach i jego stronnicy zostali zdemaskowani, odrzuceni i unicestwieni. Paweł niejako mówił, że choć w zborze pojawią się fałszywi chrześcijanie, Jehowa rozpozna tych, którzy naprawdę do Niego należą — tak jak to zrobił za dni Mojżesza (Liczb 26:10). Jehowa nigdy się nie zmienia i jest godny zaufania. Nienawidzi nieprawości i w stosownym czasie zatwardziałym grzesznikom wymierzy sprawiedliwość. w14 15.7 1:3, 10-12
  23. Ils bouleversent la foi de quelques-uns (2 Tim. 2:18). Timothée et d’autres chrétiens fidèles s’inquiétaient probablement des agissements des apostats qui se trouvaient parmi eux. Certains ne comprenaient peut-être pas pourquoi on les tolérait dans la congrégation. D’autres se demandaient peut-être si Jéhovah faisait vraiment la distinction entre leur fidélité et le culte hypocrite des apostats (Actes 20:29, 30). Paul a sans nul doute fortifié la foi de Timothée par sa lettre, qui rappelait qu’Aaron avait été justifié alors que Qorah et ses partisans avaient été démasqués, rejetés et supprimés. L’apôtre affirmait en quelque sorte que, même s’il y avait de faux chrétiens parmi les vrais, Jéhovah reconnaîtrait ceux qui lui appartenaient, comme à l’époque de Moïse (Nomb. 26:10). Jéhovah ne change pas. On peut se fier à lui. Il déteste l’injustice et, en temps voulu, il juge les transgresseurs non repentants. w14 15/7 1:3, 10-12.
  24. Estão subvertendo a fé que alguns têm. — 2 Tim. 2:18. É bem provável que Timóteo e outros irmãos fiéis estivessem preocupados com as ações dos apóstatas que havia em seu meio. Alguns cristãos talvez não entendessem por que se permitia que essas pessoas continuassem na congregação. Talvez se perguntassem se Jeová realmente distinguia entre a firme lealdade desses cristãos e a adoração hipócrita dos apóstatas. (Atos 20:29, 30) A carta de Paulo sem dúvida fortaleceu a fé de Timóteo. Paulo o lembrou do resultado daquela rebelião: ficou evidente que o fiel Arão tinha a aprovação de Jeová, e os hipócritas Corá e seus companheiros foram expostos, rejeitados e destruídos. Portanto, Paulo estava dizendo que mesmo que houvesse falsos cristãos na congregação, Jeová reconheceria os que realmente pertenciam a ele, assim como havia reconhecido nos dias de Moisés. (Núm. 26:10) Jeová nunca muda; podemos confiar nele. Ele odeia a injustiça e na hora certa julgará os pecadores não arrependidos. w14 15/7 1:3, 10-12
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