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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    The Bible is a marvelous gift that Jehovah has provided by means of his holy spirit. (2 Pet. 1:21)*  Take delight in reading it daily, and your love for it and its Author will grow. (Ps. 1:1, 2) Open each study session with prayer, asking for GodÂ’s spirit to direct your thoughts. (Luke 11:13) The Bible contains GodÂ’s thoughts, so as you meditate on what it says, you can make GodÂ’s thinking your thinking. 1f64f.png 

    *21 For prophecy was at no time brought by manÂ’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.



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    All the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction.—Rom. 15:4.

    Have you ever thought about the personal conflicts recorded in the Bible? Consider just the first few chapters of Genesis. Cain kills Abel (Gen. 4:3-8); Lamech kills a young man for striking him (Gen. 4:23); the shepherds of Abraham (Abram) and Lot quarrel (Gen. 13:5-7); Hagar despises Sarah (Sarai), who becomes upset with Abraham (Gen. 16:3-6); Ishmael is against everyone and everyoneÂ’s hand is against him. (Gen. 16:12) Why does the Bible mention such conflicts? Well, one reason is that it helps imperfect humans learn why they need to keep peace. It also shows us the way we can do this. We benefit from reading Bible accounts about real people struggling with real problems. We learn about the results of their efforts and may thus be able to apply such points to some situations we encounter in life. Indeed, all of this helps us to consider how we should or should not deal with similar issues. w16.05 1:1, 2


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    Todas las cosas que fueron escritas en tiempo pasado fueron escritas para nuestra instrucción (Rom. 15:4).

    ¿Alguna vez ha pensado en los conflictos que hubo entre personajes bíblicos? Tan solo en los primeros capítulos de Génesis encontramos varios: Caín asesina a Abel (Gén. 4:3-8); Lamec mata a un joven por haberlo golpeado (Gén. 4:23); los pastores de Abrahán (Abrán) y los de Lot se pelean (Gén. 13:5-7); Agar desprecia a Sara (Sarai), quien a su vez se enoja con Abrahán (Gén. 16:3-6); Ismael tiene problemas con todo el mundo, y todo el mundo está en contra de él (Gén. 16:12). ¿Por qué menciona estos conflictos la Biblia? Porque eso nos ayuda a ver por qué debemos mantener la paz y nos muestra cómo lograrlo. Desde luego, nos beneficia leer cómo personas reales, imperfectas igual que nosotros, lucharon con problemas reales. Descubrimos que sus esfuerzos tuvieron buenos resultados y aprendemos lecciones que podemos poner en práctica. En realidad, esos relatos nos enseñan qué cosas debemos hacer y qué cosas debemos evitar en situaciones parecidas. w16.05 1:1, 2


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    They helped the people to understand what was being read.—Neh. 8:8.

    A few years ago, most congregations considered the book Draw Close to Jehovah at the Congregation Bible Study. Did not that study of God’s qualities, along with the heartfelt comments of your brothers and sisters, strengthen your love for your heavenly Father? We also increase our knowledge of God’s Word by paying careful attention to talks, demonstrations, and Bible readings. Meetings teach us to apply Bible principles in all aspects of our life. (1 Thess. 4:9, 10) The Watchtower Study, for example, is tailored to the needs of God’s people. Has a Watchtower Study motivated you to reevaluate your goals, to forgive a fellow Christian, or to improve the quality of your prayers? The midweek meeting educates us for the ministry. We learn how to preach the good news and how to teach Scriptural principles effectively.—Matt. 28:19, 20. w16.04 3:4, 5


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    Continuaron dando entendimiento en la lectura (Neh. 8:8).

    Hace unos años, casi todas las congregaciones analizaron el libro Acerquémonos a Jehová en el Estudio Bíblico de la Congregación. Estudiar las cualidades de Dios y escuchar los comentarios que los hermanos dieron desde el corazón fortaleció el amor que sentimos por nuestro Padre celestial, ¿no es cierto? Así mismo, aprendemos mucho sobre la Palabra de Dios cuando escuchamos con atención los discursos, las demostraciones y la lectura de la Biblia. Las reuniones también nos enseñan a poner en práctica los consejos de la Biblia en todo aspecto de la vida (1 Tes. 4:9, 10). Por ejemplo, el Estudio de La Atalaya se adapta a las necesidades del pueblo de Dios. ¿Recuerda alguna ocasión en la que esa reunión lo haya motivado a revisar sus objetivos en la vida, a perdonar a un hermano o a mejorar sus oraciones? Por otra parte, la reunión de entre semana nos enseña a predicar las buenas nuevas y a ser buenos maestros de las Escrituras (Mat. 28:19, 20). w16.04 3:4, 5


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    Zeugen Jehovas:  Justiz in Brasilien ordnet Bluttransfusion bei Neugeborenem an 1f625.png

    Die Justiz von São José do Rio Preto (brasilianischer Bundesstaat São Paulo) hat am Dienstag (24) die Bluttransfusion bei einem Neugeborenen angeordnet. Die Eltern des Säuglings sind Mitglieder der Zeugen Jehovas und hatten das Verfahren abgelehnt. Jehovas Zeugen lehnen jede Art des „Gebrauchs von Blut“ als Nahrungsmittel- oder als Medikamentenzusatz und seit 1944 auch als Bluttransfusion ab. Die Verwendung von Bluthauptbestandteilen (Blutplasma, Blutplättchen, roten und weißen Blutkörperchen) wird ebenso verworfen wie die Blutspende und die präoperative Eigenblutspende.

    Laut Ärzten des Krankenhauses „Santa Casa“ wurde bei dem kleinen Jungen Magenbluten und schwere Anämie diagnostiziert. Für die Mediziner war klar, dass das Baby ohne Bluttransfusion sterben würde. Die Mutter des Kindes wurde unterrichtet und lehnte das Vorhaben schriftlich ab. „Obwohl ich alle Risiken und die Schwere kenne, erlaube ich keine Transfusionen“, schrieb die Kindesmutter.

    Die Direktion des Krankenhauses schaltete die Justiz ein, ein Richter akzeptierte das Ersuchen und stellte fest, dass eine Verzögerung der Behandlung irreversible Schäden verursachen oder zum Tod des Babys führen könnte. „Das Recht auf Leben ist verfassungsmäßig garantiert und soll in erster Linie vom Staat geschützt werden“, so die Begründung des Richters unter anderem. Das Krankenhaus führte die Bluttransfusion durch und bezeichnet den Gesundheitszustand des Babys als stabil. 1f64f.png:x

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    “Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead.”—PHIL. 3:13.

    Paul made many wrong as well as wise choices. He was perhaps approached by brothers in the various congregations he visited, brothers meeting him for the first time, saying, ‘So you’re Paul—you’re the one who persecuted us!’—Acts 9:21.
    Paul realized, however, that it was only by GodÂ’s undeserved kindness that he was able to carry out his ministry.

    You may have committed some grievous sin after coming to know Jehovah. Perhaps you may think this puts you in a different category to Paul. Is Jehovah's mercy and undeserved kindness any less?

    I too can echo these words, as can you:
    "This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these, I am foremost. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy so that by means of me as the foremost case, Christ Jesus might demonstrate all his patience, making me an example to those who are going to rest their faith on him for everlasting life."

    We all must follow the divine formula for acquiring peace of mind: “He that is covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but he that is confessing and leaving them will be shown mercy.”

    If past wrongs trouble you, rectify them to the extent that you can and then believe Jehovah’s assurance that he has forgiven you!—Ps. 86:5.
    Then leave it behind you my dears, and enjoy the mercy of the one who forgives in a large way.

    Agape ?

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    The Ammonites were subdued.—Judg. 11:33.

    Jephthah realized that he would need God’s help to free Israel from the Ammonites. He promised Jehovah that if He gave him the victory, he would offer to Jehovah, as “a burnt offering,” the first one who came out of his house when he returned home from the battle. (Judg. 11:30, 31) What did that offering involve? The sacrificing of humans is something detestable to Jehovah. Thus, it is clear that Jephthah did not intend to sacrifice anyone literally. (Deut. 18:9, 10) Under the Mosaic Law, a burnt offering was given entirely to Jehovah, so Jephthah evidently meant that he would devote the person to the exclusive service of God. This promise implied permanent service at the tabernacle. Jehovah accepted Jephthah’s terms and blessed him with a resounding victory. (Judg. 11:32) When Jephthah returned from battle, who went out to meet him but his beloved daughter, his only child! Then came the test. Would he keep his word? w16.04 1:11-13


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    Prisoners in the Camp

    During the first year, the camp held about 4,800 prisoners. Initially the internees were primarily German Communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists, and other political opponents of the Nazi regime. Over time, other groups were also interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, as well as "asocials" and repeat criminal offenders. During the early years relatively few Jews were interned in Dachau and then usually because they belonged to one of the above groups or had completed prison sentences after being convicted for violating the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.

    MORE  HERE : https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/dachau

  10. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.....

    American forces liberated more than 60,000 prisoners from Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945. When they arrived, soldiers found railcars filled with bodies and emaciated prisoners. After all Colonel Alexander Zabin had seen of war, Dachau was something worse:

    “It is all a horrible memory, a nightmare I can never hope to forget. I wish that all the people back home could walk through this place. Then they would realize that any sacrifice they have made - even the loss of their loved ones - was not made in vain. To liberate this camp alone was sufficient reason for our war with Germany.”  (Film by Colonel Alexander Zabin)

    Learn more: http://bit.ly/2JBtbEI

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