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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.”—Jas. 1:13.

    We may become impatient when a trialsome period seems to have no end. Suppose you are driving a car on a highway and get stuck in traffic. Trying to find another route, you might get lost or end up taking more time to reach your destination than you would had you patiently remained on course. Similarly, if you stick to the paths outlined in God’s Word, in time you will arrive at your destination. Jehovah may hold off from intervening in our trials because he wants us to receive vital training. (1 Pet. 5:6-10) No, God does not cause trials. “Your adversary, the Devil,” is causing most adversities. Yet, God can use a difficult situation to help us grow spiritually. He sees our suffering, and “because he cares” for us, he will make sure that it will continue only for “a little while.” Do you appreciate Jehovah’s watchful care when you suffer trials, confident that he will provide a way out?—2 Cor. 4:7-9. w14 4/15 5:15, 16


  2. Thanks  for  your  frankness / openess  Kurt !  thats  going  confirm  with  my  guesswork ;o)  So,  your  title  is  little  wrong,  yes ?  bec. its  only  ONE  JW  child  and  not  Jehovah's  happy  people....

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    Achupallas, Ecuador -  The  '94- year'  old  Manuel Jesús  was  so  smiling  about  his  Memorial  -  Invitation,  in  his  own  language  "Quichua"  -  getting  from  our  sister !  He  was  walking  up  and  down  on  the  road  in  his  neighborhood,  with  a  very  happy  face ;o)  // so  the  sister.

    What  a  cool  Grandpa....




    YEHOVAH, YAHWEH, YHWH,      יהוה

    A  beautiful  picture  of  Jehovah's  TETRAGRAMMATON

    The tetragrammaton (from Greek Τετραγράμματον, meaning "(consisting) of four letters")[1][2] is the Hebrew theonym יהוה, commonly transliterated into Latin letters as YHWH. It is one of the names of God, the Holy Father of the Israelites used in the Hebrew Bible.[3][4][5] The name may be derived from a verb that means "to be", "to exist", "to cause to become", or "to come to pass".[1][6]

    The books of the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible (with the exception of Esther and Song of Songs) contain the Hebrew word יהוה. Religiously observant Jews and those who follow conservative Jewish traditions do not pronounce יהוה, either aloud or to themselves in silence, nor do they read aloud transliterated forms such as Yahweh or Yahuveh; instead the word is substituted with a different term, whether used to address or to refer to the God of Israel. Common substitutions for Hebrew forms are hakadosh baruch hu ("The Holy One, Blessed Be He"), Adonai ("The Lord"),[7] or HaShem ("The Name").



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    My Last Conversation With Prince, R.I.P.    ( Neil Strauss,  April 21, 2016 )

    I just heard moments ago the tragic news that Prince, one of the greatest recording and live artists of our time, passed away.

    Over the years of writing about music,  I’ve interviewed him, seen him perform big and small shows,  and even run afoul of him.

    The following obituary of sorts is from my last encounter with him, when the tables got turned. Instead of me interviewing Prince, somehow he started interviewing me.  However, his questions were often more revealing about his character than answers would be in a normal interview.

    The location was a Los Angeles club, where Prince sat with his entourage in a roped-off section, sporting a pencil-thin mustache, and a 80s puffy black shirt with vertical white vents. Suddenly, he started barraging me with questions, carefully evaluating each answer, as if he were giving me a test.

    Because  Prince  doesn’t  allow  reporters  to  record  his  voice,  the following is paraphrased and reconstructed from notes made at the time.

    Prince: So what else do you do?
    Me: I also write books.

    What are they about?
    The last one was called The Game. I spent two years studying the techniques of the world’s greatest pick up artists.

    What were the others about?
    I wrote books about people in entertainment. I did one with Motley Crue, another with Jenna Jameson, and some others about music.

    So you write rock books?
    I guess I mostly write about the dark side.

    Why the dark side?
    Because it’s more interesting.

    But the light side can be interesting too.
    I suppose it can be. I never thought of that.

    Do you believe in God?
    I definitely believe in something greater than ourselves, but it depends on how you define God. (pause) Why did you ask that question?

    Because it lets me know what someone is about. If you think about it, the light side can be just as interesting as the dark side.
    Maybe I should write a book about that.

    If you want to write a book about a mystery, I have one for you. Do you like mysteries?
    I love mysteries. That’s what storytelling is all about.

    Have you ever studied the Bible?
    I’ve read the Bible, but never studied it.

    What do you mean by the Bible?
    The old and new testaments.

    Which version of the Bible did you read?
    The King James.

    The New World version is the most accurate version. It’s also the best. It doesn’t have the thee’s and thou’s. It’s just ordinary language. Do you pray?
    I don’t pray. I’ve meditated though.

    Why not?
    I wasn’t raised to.

    Are your parents religious?
    Yes, but they didn’t really practice.

    What did they do?
    It was more important as a community to them.

    Why is that important?
    Perhaps as a sense of identity?

    Isn’t that racism?
    I don’t think it’s about race. It does seem to be an unfortunate trait of human nature though to make divisions and pick sides, whether it’s shirts versus skins or different sports teams.

    Want to hear the mystery?
    I’m ready.

    The mystery is  (long, dramatic pause): Why has the name God been slowly removed from the Bible?
    What do you mean?

    They have slowly taken the name God out of the Bible and replaced it with Lord. Do you know why?
    Probably to give themselves more power?

    It’s about power, and people wanting to control others.

    Why do you think they want power?
    I don’t know. I think the problem with organized religion is that people who go to worship often need a conduit to God, or an authority telling them what’s right and wrong. And that authority is sometimes abused.

    But you need an authority, otherwise who are you responsible to?
    You’re responsible to yourself.

    And the being who created the world and the trees and the oceans, you just ignore?   Oh, I thought you meant a human authority.

    You can be responsible to God. Gratitude is very important.

    (Prince begins talking in a hushed voice about the death of his father, and how it was hard for him. The club, unfortunately, is loud, and I’m not able to make out every word he says.)

    Everyone has a rock bottom. We know what the rock bottom is.

    But what’s the limit to happiness?
    Has anyone reached the rock top?  I wonder what that would be.

    From here, the discussion turns to Jehovah’s Witnesses, 9/11, violence in society, and a dozen other related subjects. At one point, he gestures to his band, the New Power Generation, and the rest of his entourage, and explains . . .

     We like to talk like this. We can talk forever about what’s wrong, but we like to think about solutions. Most people don’t want to talk about politics and religion. They say, “Let’s talk about something else.”
    But what else is there? That’s what our civilization is about.

    That’s right.
    So let me ask you something: Do you think God is looking after each and every individual, or does he sometimes have to harm an individual in order to serve the greater good of the universe?

    When everyone recognizes Jehovah’s name, then everyone will be happy because everyone will know what to do and how to do it.
    Really ?   -  That’s it.

    It’s really that simple.


    Prince -  Jehovah`s Witness Died...  Remembering our dear brother Prince ❤

    R.I.P.  //  REST  IN  PEACE.....    or    RESURRECTION  IN  PARADISE....  ;o)


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    Siehe, ich bin bei euch alle Tage bis zum Abschluss des Systems der Dinge (Mat. 28:20)

    Die Gesalbten gehen im größten Predigtwerk aller Zeiten führend voran. Jesus ist zweifellos bei ihnen und führt sie. Die voraussichtlichen Schafe, deren Zahl ständig wächst, betrachten es als Vorrecht, Christi Brüder nicht nur beim Predigen, sondern auch auf praktische Weise zu unterstützen. Unter anderem geschieht das durch Spenden und die Mithilfe beim Bau von Königreichssälen, Kongresssälen und Zweigbüros. Außerdem gehorchen sie denen loyal, die mit der Führung beauftragt sind (Heb. 13:17). Bald werden die Engel die vernichtenden Winde loslassen, mit denen die große Drangsal beginnt. Dies wird geschehen, nachdem der Überrest der Brüder Christi seine endgültige Versiegelung erhalten hat (Offb. 7:1-3). Bevor dann Harmagedon ausbricht, werden die Gesalbten in den Himmel aufgenommen (Mat. 13:41-43). Hoffst auch du, als Schaf eingestuft zu werden? Dann ist jetzt die Zeit, Christi Brüder loyal zu unterstützen! w15 15. 3. 4:16-18


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    Estou convosco todos os dias, até à terminação do sistema de coisas. — Mat. 28:20.

    Os ungidos estão tomando a liderança na maior campanha de pregação da História. Sem dúvida, Jesus está com eles, orientando seus esforços. O número cada vez maior de prospectivas ovelhas considera um privilégio apoiar os irmãos de Cristo não apenas na obra de pregação, mas também de outras maneiras. Por exemplo, elas fazem contribuições financeiras e ajudam a construir Salões do Reino, Salões de Assembleias e instalações de filiais, além de obedecer fielmente àqueles designados para tomar a liderança. (Heb. 13:17) Em breve, os anjos soltarão os ventos destrutivos da grande tribulação. Isso ocorrerá depois que todos os irmãos de Cristo ainda na Terra tiverem recebido sua selagem final. (Rev. 7:1-3) Antes do início do Armagedom, os ungidos serão levados para o céu. (Mat. 13:41-43) Então, para os que esperam ser julgados ovelhas, agora é a hora de apoiar lealmente os irmãos de Cristo. w15 15/3 4:16-18


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    Ja jestem z wami przez wszystkie dni aż do zakończenia systemu rzeczy (Mat. 28:20).

    Pomazańcy przewodzą w największej w dziejach kampanii głoszenia. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że Jezus jest z nimi i kieruje ich działaniami. Rosnąca liczba przyszłych symbolicznych owiec poczytuje sobie za zaszczyt możliwość wspierania braci Chrystusa nie tylko w działalności kaznodziejskiej, lecz również na inne praktyczne sposoby. Na przykład nie szczędzą pomocy finansowej ani fizycznej przy wznoszeniu Sal Królestwa, Sal Zgromadzeń oraz Biur Oddziałów, a także lojalnie podporządkowują się osobom wyznaczonym do sprawowania przewodnictwa (Hebr. 13:17). Wkrótce aniołowie uwolnią niszczycielskie wichry wielkiego ucisku. Stanie się to, gdy już wszyscy bracia Chrystusa przebywający na ziemi otrzymają ostateczne opieczętowanie (Obj. 7:1-3). Zanim wybuchnie Armagedon, pomazańcy zostaną zabrani do nieba (Mat. 13:41-43). Dlatego teraz jest pora, by osoby spodziewające się, że będą zaliczone do owiec, lojalnie wspierały braci Chrystusa. w15 15.3 4:16-18


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    Je suis avec vous tous les jours jusqu’à l’achèvement du système de choses (Mat. 28:20).

    Les oints sont le fer de lance de la plus grande campagne de prédication de l’Histoire. Il ne fait aucun doute que Jésus est avec eux, qu’il les guide. Les brebis potentielles, dont le nombre s’accroît, s’estiment honorées de soutenir les frères de Christ en prêchant, mais aussi d’autres manières. Notamment en faisant des contributions financières, en participant à la construction de Salles du Royaume, de Salles d’assemblées et de Béthels, et en obéissant fidèlement aux frères nommés à la tête de l’œuvre (Héb. 13:17). Bientôt, les anges vont libérer les vents destructeurs de la grande tribulation. Avant cet évènement, tous les frères de Christ encore sur terre auront été définitivement scellés (Rév. 7:1-3). Et avant qu’Har-Maguédôn n’éclate, les oints auront été emportés au ciel (Mat. 13:41-43). C’est donc maintenant que les humains qui espèrent être déclarés brebis doivent soutenir fidèlement les frères de Christ. w15 15/3 4:16-18.


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    Я с вами во все дни до завершения этой системы вещей (Матф. 28:20).

    Помазанники возглавляют самую грандиозную проповедническую работу в истории. Иисус поддерживает их и руководит ими. Растущее число христиан, которые в будущем могут быть признаны овцами, почитают за честь поддерживать братьев Христа не только участием в деле проповеди, но и другими способами. Например, делая пожертвования, помогая в строительстве Залов Царства, Залов конгрессов и филиалов. Они верно следуют указаниям тех, кто назначен осуществлять руководство (Евр. 13:17). Вскоре ангелы отпустят разрушительные ветры великого бедствия. Это произойдет после того, как последний из живущих на земле братьев Христа будет окончательно отмечен печатью (Отк. 7:1—3). До начала Армагеддона помазанники будут взяты на небо (Матф. 13:41—43). Поэтому сейчас особенно важно, чтобы все, кто надеются быть причисленными к овцам, верно поддерживали братьев Христа. w15 15/3 4:16—18


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    I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.—Matt. 28:20.

    The anointed are spearheading the greatest preaching campaign in history. Without a doubt, Jesus is with them, guiding their efforts. The growing number of prospective sheep count it a privilege to support Christ’s brothers not only in the preaching work but also in other practical ways. For example, they give financial contributions and help to build Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and branch facilities, and they loyally obey those appointed to take the lead. (Heb. 13:17) Soon the angels will unleash the destructive winds of the great tribulation. This will occur after all the remaining ones of Christ’s brothers left on earth have received their final sealing. (Rev. 7:1-3) Before Armageddon breaks out, anointed ones will be taken to heaven. (Matt. 13:41-43) Therefore, now is the time for those who hope to be judged as sheep to support Christ’s brothers loyally. w15 3/15 4:16-18


  12. Curious... I never seen, that JW or our children put the right hand on the left heart area by a ceremony - only "world-people" doing that, example in the USA ! So I am puzzling, if these kids really JW kids ? Only the brother in front is NOT doing that ! Seems, he IS a JW child?

    So, the picture title maybe not correct I think.

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    Du wirst tatsächlich die Milch der Nationen saugen (Jes. 60:16)

    Viele Erfindungen der vergangenen 200 Jahre trugen dazu bei, unseren Auftrag, Jünger zu machen, zu erfüllen (Mat. 28:19, 20). Gemäß der Prophezeiung Jehovas würde sein Volk „die Milch der Nationen saugen“. Wir haben also Erfindungen der Nationen, wie die moderne Technik, weise genutzt, um Bibeln und biblische Veröffentlichungen in vielen Sprachen herzustellen. Der Segen Jehovas ist wirklich deutlich zu erkennen. Natürlich ist Jehova nicht auf unsere Hilfe angewiesen, um sein Vorhaben zu verwirklichen. Doch unser liebevoller himmlischer Vater erlaubt uns, seine Mitarbeiter zu sein, und so unsere Liebe zu ihm und zu unserem Nächsten zu zeigen (1. Kor. 3:9; Mar. 12:28-31). Nutzen wir also unsere Möglichkeiten, uns am wichtigsten Werk auf der Erde — der Verkündigung der Königreichsbotschaft — zu beteiligen. Wie dankbar wir Jehova doch sind, der das weltweite Lehrwerk leitet und segnet! w15 15. 2. 4:16, 17


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    Ты будешь сосать молоко народов (Ис. 60:16).

    Различные технические достижения последних 200 лет помогают нам исполнять повеление подготавливать учеников (Матф. 28:19, 20). В Библии предсказывалось, что народ Иеговы будет «сосать молоко народов». Во исполнение этого пророчества мы мудро используем достижения человечества, чтобы выпускать Библию и библейские публикации на множестве языков. У нас есть все основания полагать, что Бог нас благословляет. Конечно, Иегова может исполнить свой замысел и без нашей помощи. Но наш любящий Бог позволяет нам быть его сотрудниками и тем самым проявить свою любовь к нему и ближним (1 Кор. 3:9; Мар. 12:28—31). Давайте и дальше пользоваться всеми возможностями, чтобы участвовать в провозглашении вести о Царстве — самой важной работе на земле. Как же мы благодарны Иегове за то, что он руководит делом проповеди и благословляет его! w15 15/2 4:16, 17


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    Tu téteras le lait des nations (Is. 60:16).

    Beaucoup d’inventions des 200 dernières années nous ont aidés, d’une façon ou d’une autre, à remplir notre mission de faire des disciples (Mat. 28:19, 20). Conformément à la prophétie selon laquelle le peuple de Jéhovah « téter[ait] le lait des nations », nous faisons un bon usage des ressources des nations. Nous nous servons notamment des outils et techniques modernes pour produire des bibles et des publications bibliques dans quantité de langues. Non, les preuves de la bénédiction divine ne manquent pas. Évidemment, Jéhovah ne dépend pas de notre aide pour accomplir ses desseins. Pourtant, en Père aimant, il nous permet d’être ses « compagnons de travail », nous offrant ainsi la possibilité de manifester notre amour pour lui et pour notre prochain (1 Cor. 3:9 ; Marc 12:28-31). Tirons parti de toutes les occasions de proclamer le message du Royaume, l’œuvre la plus importante sur terre. Par-dessus tout, montrons à Jéhovah que nous lui sommes profondément reconnaissants de diriger et de bénir notre œuvre mondiale d’enseignement ! w15 15/2 4:16, 17.


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    Będziesz ssać mleko narodów (Izaj. 60:16).

    W ciągu minionych dwóch stuleci powstało wiele wynalazków, które pomagają nam wywiązywać się z zadania czynienia uczniów (Mat. 28:19, 20). W ramach urzeczywistniania się proroctwa, które zapowiadało, że lud Jehowy będzie „ssać mleko narodów”, mądrze wykorzystujemy osiągnięcia narodów, na przykład w dziedzinie techniki, aby wydawać Biblię i publikacje biblijne w wielu językach. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że cieszymy się Bożym błogosławieństwem. Rzecz jasna realizując swoje zamierzenie, Jehowa nie jest zdany na naszą pomoc. Niemniej pozwala nam być Jego „współpracownikami”, dzięki czemu możemy dowieść swojej miłości do Niego i do bliźnich (1 Kor. 3:9; Marka 12:28-31). Wykorzystujmy więc nasze możliwości, by brać udział w najważniejszym dziele na ziemi — w rozgłaszaniu orędzia o Królestwie. A przede wszystkim okazujmy wdzięczność za to, że Jehowa kieruje naszym ogólnoświatowym dziełem nauczania i mu błogosławi! w15 15.2 4:16, 17


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    Realmente sugarás o leite de nações. — Isa. 60:16.

    Algumas invenções dos últimos 200 anos nos ajudaram a cumprir nossa comissão de fazer discípulos. (Mat. 28:19, 20) Em cumprimento da profecia de que o povo de Jeová beberia “o leite de nações”, temos feito uso sábio dos recursos das nações, como a tecnologia moderna, para produzir a Bíblia e publicações bíblicas em muitos idiomas. Fica claro que Deus está abençoando nossa obra. É óbvio que Jeová não precisa de nossa ajuda para realizar seus propósitos. Mesmo assim, nosso amoroso Pai celestial permite que sejamos seus “colaboradores”, pois assim podemos mostrar nosso amor a ele e ao nosso próximo. (1 Cor. 3:9; Mar. 12:28-31) Que mostremos o quanto somos gratos por Jeová nos guiar e abençoar nossa obra mundial de ensino. Que aproveitemos as oportunidades que temos de proclamar a mensagem do Reino, a obra mais importante do mundo! w15 15/2 4:16, 17


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