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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Curious... I never seen, that JW or our children put the right hand on the left heart area by a ceremony - only "world-people" doing that, example in the USA ! So I am puzzling, if these kids really JW kids ? Only the brother in front is NOT doing that ! Seems, he IS a JW child? So, the picture title maybe not correct I think.
  2. Hahaha... I like that kind of humor ! ;o)
  3. What a loving embracement ❤ awww.... A DAD JUST BAPTIZED HIS OWN 9 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER ! I love this picture..... Her sweet laughing, what a JOY ;o)
  4. Beautiful ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ •*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ Jehovah created ALL things ❤❤❤
  5. Du wirst tatsächlich die Milch der Nationen saugen (Jes. 60:16) Viele Erfindungen der vergangenen 200 Jahre trugen dazu bei, unseren Auftrag, Jünger zu machen, zu erfüllen (Mat. 28:19, 20). Gemäß der Prophezeiung Jehovas würde sein Volk „die Milch der Nationen saugen“. Wir haben also Erfindungen der Nationen, wie die moderne Technik, weise genutzt, um Bibeln und biblische Veröffentlichungen in vielen Sprachen herzustellen. Der Segen Jehovas ist wirklich deutlich zu erkennen. Natürlich ist Jehova nicht auf unsere Hilfe angewiesen, um sein Vorhaben zu verwirklichen. Doch unser liebevoller himmlischer Vater erlaubt uns, seine Mitarbeiter zu sein, und so unsere Liebe zu ihm und zu unserem Nächsten zu zeigen (1. Kor. 3:9; Mar. 12:28-31). Nutzen wir also unsere Möglichkeiten, uns am wichtigsten Werk auf der Erde — der Verkündigung der Königreichsbotschaft — zu beteiligen. Wie dankbar wir Jehova doch sind, der das weltweite Lehrwerk leitet und segnet! w15 15. 2. 4:16, 17
  6. Ты будешь сосать молоко народов (Ис. 60:16). Различные технические достижения последних 200 лет помогают нам исполнять повеление подготавливать учеников (Матф. 28:19, 20). В Библии предсказывалось, что народ Иеговы будет «сосать молоко народов». Во исполнение этого пророчества мы мудро используем достижения человечества, чтобы выпускать Библию и библейские публикации на множестве языков. У нас есть все основания полагать, что Бог нас благословляет. Конечно, Иегова может исполнить свой замысел и без нашей помощи. Но наш любящий Бог позволяет нам быть его сотрудниками и тем самым проявить свою любовь к нему и ближним (1 Кор. 3:9; Мар. 12:28—31). Давайте и дальше пользоваться всеми возможностями, чтобы участвовать в провозглашении вести о Царстве — самой важной работе на земле. Как же мы благодарны Иегове за то, что он руководит делом проповеди и благословляет его! w15 15/2 4:16, 17
  7. Tu téteras le lait des nations (Is. 60:16). Beaucoup d’inventions des 200 dernières années nous ont aidés, d’une façon ou d’une autre, à remplir notre mission de faire des disciples (Mat. 28:19, 20). Conformément à la prophétie selon laquelle le peuple de Jéhovah « téter[ait] le lait des nations », nous faisons un bon usage des ressources des nations. Nous nous servons notamment des outils et techniques modernes pour produire des bibles et des publications bibliques dans quantité de langues. Non, les preuves de la bénédiction divine ne manquent pas. Évidemment, Jéhovah ne dépend pas de notre aide pour accomplir ses desseins. Pourtant, en Père aimant, il nous permet d’être ses « compagnons de travail », nous offrant ainsi la possibilité de manifester notre amour pour lui et pour notre prochain (1 Cor. 3:9 ; Marc 12:28-31). Tirons parti de toutes les occasions de proclamer le message du Royaume, l’œuvre la plus importante sur terre. Par-dessus tout, montrons à Jéhovah que nous lui sommes profondément reconnaissants de diriger et de bénir notre œuvre mondiale d’enseignement ! w15 15/2 4:16, 17.
  8. Będziesz ssać mleko narodów (Izaj. 60:16). W ciągu minionych dwóch stuleci powstało wiele wynalazków, które pomagają nam wywiązywać się z zadania czynienia uczniów (Mat. 28:19, 20). W ramach urzeczywistniania się proroctwa, które zapowiadało, że lud Jehowy będzie „ssać mleko narodów”, mądrze wykorzystujemy osiągnięcia narodów, na przykład w dziedzinie techniki, aby wydawać Biblię i publikacje biblijne w wielu językach. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że cieszymy się Bożym błogosławieństwem. Rzecz jasna realizując swoje zamierzenie, Jehowa nie jest zdany na naszą pomoc. Niemniej pozwala nam być Jego „współpracownikami”, dzięki czemu możemy dowieść swojej miłości do Niego i do bliźnich (1 Kor. 3:9; Marka 12:28-31). Wykorzystujmy więc nasze możliwości, by brać udział w najważniejszym dziele na ziemi — w rozgłaszaniu orędzia o Królestwie. A przede wszystkim okazujmy wdzięczność za to, że Jehowa kieruje naszym ogólnoświatowym dziełem nauczania i mu błogosławi! w15 15.2 4:16, 17
  9. Realmente sugarás o leite de nações. — Isa. 60:16. Algumas invenções dos últimos 200 anos nos ajudaram a cumprir nossa comissão de fazer discípulos. (Mat. 28:19, 20) Em cumprimento da profecia de que o povo de Jeová beberia “o leite de nações”, temos feito uso sábio dos recursos das nações, como a tecnologia moderna, para produzir a Bíblia e publicações bíblicas em muitos idiomas. Fica claro que Deus está abençoando nossa obra. É óbvio que Jeová não precisa de nossa ajuda para realizar seus propósitos. Mesmo assim, nosso amoroso Pai celestial permite que sejamos seus “colaboradores”, pois assim podemos mostrar nosso amor a ele e ao nosso próximo. (1 Cor. 3:9; Mar. 12:28-31) Que mostremos o quanto somos gratos por Jeová nos guiar e abençoar nossa obra mundial de ensino. Que aproveitemos as oportunidades que temos de proclamar a mensagem do Reino, a obra mais importante do mundo! w15 15/2 4:16, 17
  10. You will actually drink the milk of nations.—Isa. 60:16. Many inventions of the past 200 years have helped us to accomplish our commission to make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20) In fulfillment of the prophecy that Jehovah’s people would “drink the milk of nations,” we have made wise use of resources of the nations, such as modern technology, in order to produce the Bible and Bible literature in many languages. Clearly, we have strong evidence of God’s blessing. Of course, Jehovah does not rely on our help to accomplish his purposes. Yet, our loving heavenly Father allows us to be his “fellow workers,” thus enabling us to show our love for him and for our neighbor. (1 Cor. 3:9; Mark 12:28-31) May we take advantage of our opportunities to proclaim the Kingdom message, the most important work on earth. By all means, let us show how thankful we are that Jehovah has guided and blessed our global teaching work! w15 2/15 4:16, 17
  11. Its ok. your opinion... but you've to accept other opinions too ! For some things we've all our conscience. Its the same by the blood questions, many JW have a little different opinion for their own body, we know that and its ok. Thats also a case of our own conscience and no other brother or sister has to say anything against that ! Satan has nothings to do with my decisions, only Jehovah. Many JW watching *STAR WARS* and similar movies too... We got a conscience from Jehovah and we can use it. Thats my last word to this discuss theme ! PS. My son was playing in the past often the character figure Dagobert Duck, from Mickey Mouse... Today he is a good, successful Banker, but also a JW ! Wish you a nice day ;o)
  12. WOW, never heard.... thats clever & very interesting ! I love little sweetly fragrant ;o) Will more inform me. My favorite is the *Frangipani* in white / yellow - a phenomenal fragrance ! Frangipani is drop-dead fragrant... huuuii >>>>>>> Can't stop when I've a blossom, hahaha ;o) Its growing on the Maldives, Hawaii etc.
  13. THE SHOE - BOX A nice story❤ A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about. For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totalling $95,000. He asked her about the contents. 'When we were to be married,' she said, ' my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.' The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two Precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two Times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with Happiness. 'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?' 'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.' A Prayer Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods; Because Lord, if I pray for Strength it gets me through this day and many others. ★ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ★ ℒℴѵℯ★
  14. THE SHOE - BOX - A nice story ❤ A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about. For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totalling $95,000. He asked her about the contents. 'When we were to be married,' she said, ' my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.' The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two Precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two Times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with Happiness. 'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?' 'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.' A Prayer Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods; Because Lord, if I pray for Strength it gets me through this day and many others. ★ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ★ ℒℴѵℯ★
  15. As a doll or in bigger ? Btw. - everybody has an own conscience ! A Clown or Superman maybe ok. - but not Soldiers or war - toys ! And better NOT to the Kingdom Hall....
  16. Preaching to people, who speak Maya in San Mateo, Guatemala... Its really a world - wide preaching - work !
  17. 3 year old *Jake* helping out with letter writing territory in Jupiter, Florida. His first wonderful steps by the congration - work !
  18. Three originally, nice and funny Pioneer Sisters in Ecuador... Really so beautiful dresses ❤ One is from South Korea, another from France, the last one from Alausí, Ecuador ;o)
  19. Ertötet die Glieder eures Leibes in Bezug auf Hurerei, Unreinheit, sexuelle Gelüste (Kol. 3:5) Das Wort „ertöten“ zeigt ganz klar, dass wir drastische Maßnahmen ergreifen müssen, um gegen unmoralische Wünsche anzukämpfen. Wir werden alles vermeiden, was ein sexuelles Verlangen für jemand anders als unseren Ehepartner wecken könnte (Hiob 31:1). Je mehr wir unser Leben nach Gottes Willen ausrichten, desto mehr werden wir das Böse verabscheuen und am Guten festhalten (Röm. 12:2, 9). Die neue Persönlichkeit spiegelt die Persönlichkeit Jehovas wider, nach dessen Bild sie geschaffen ist (Kol. 3:10). Wie gut es doch ist, wenn Ehemänner und Ehefrauen ihre moralische „Abwehr“ stärken, indem sie sich „mit der innigen Zuneigung des Erbarmens, mit Güte, Demut, Milde und Langmut“ kleiden (Kol. 3:12). Die Ehe wird auch harmonischer, wenn sie sich von dem „Frieden des Christus“ leiten lassen (Kol. 3:15). Wie schön, wenn Ehepaare „innige Zuneigung zueinander“ haben (Röm. 12:10). w15 15. 1. 4:10, 11
  20. Amortecei . . . os membros do vosso corpo . . . com respeito a fornicação, impureza, apetite sexual. — Col. 3:5. A palavra “amortecer” — no sentido de “tornar como que morto” — indica que devemos tomar fortes medidas para combater desejos imorais. Evitaremos qualquer coisa que possa despertar em nós desejos sexuais por alguém que não é nosso cônjuge. (Jó 31:1) À medida que harmonizamos a vida com a vontade de Deus, aprendemos a odiar “o que é iníquo” e a nos apegar “ao que é bom”. (Rom. 12:2, 9) A nova personalidade reflete “a imagem Daquele que a criou”, o próprio Jeová. (Col. 3:10) Maridos e esposas fortalecem seu casamento quando se revestem “das ternas afeições de compaixão, benignidade, humildade mental, brandura e longanimidade”. (Col. 3:12) Eles também ficam mais unidos quando deixam ‘a paz do Cristo dominar seus corações’. (Col. 3:15) É muito gratificante quando os dois demonstram ‘terna afeição um pelo outro’. — Rom. 12:10. w15 15/1 4:10, 11
  21. Faites [...] mourir les membres de votre corps [...], pour ce qui est de la fornication, de l’impureté, des désirs sexuels (Col. 3:5). L’expression « faites mourir » indique que nous devons combattre énergiquement les désirs charnels immoraux. Nous devons être déterminés à fuir tout ce qui risque d’éveiller chez nous du désir pour une personne autre que notre conjoint (Job 31:1). Quand nous conformons notre vie à la volonté de Dieu, nous apprenons à « [avoir] en aversion ce qui est mauvais » et à « [nous] attache[r] à ce qui est bon » (Rom. 12:2, 9). La personnalité nouvelle reflète « l’image de Celui qui l’a créée », c’est-à-dire de Jéhovah lui-même (Col. 3:10). Quand ils renforcent leurs défenses morales en se revêtant des « tendres affections de la compassion, ainsi que de bonté, d’humilité, de douceur et de patience », que de bienfaits des conjoints récoltent ! (Col. 3:12). S’ils laissent « la paix du Christ dirig[er] [leurs] cœurs », leur vie de couple n’en est que plus harmonieuse (Col. 3:15). Et quand ils éprouvent l’un pour l’autre « une tendre affection », quelle satisfaction ils en retirent ! (Rom. 12:10). w15 15/1 4:10, 11.
  22. Zadajcie śmierć członkom waszego ciała, (...) jeśli chodzi o rozpustę, nieczystość, żądzę seksualną (Kol. 3:5). Zwrot „zadajcie śmierć” wskazuje, że zwalczanie niemoralnych pragnień cielesnych wymaga naprawdę stanowczych działań. Będziemy wystrzegać się wszystkiego, co mogłoby rozbudzić w nas pożądanie osoby niebędącej naszym partnerem małżeńskim (Hioba 31:1). Gdy dostosowujemy życie do woli Bożej, uczymy się ‛mieć wstręt do tego, co niegodziwe, i lgnąć do tego, co dobre’ (Rzym. 12:2, 9). Nowa osobowość odzwierciedla przymioty „Tego, który ją stworzył” — czyli samego Jehowy (Kol. 3:10). Kiedy mąż i żona przyodziewają się „w tkliwe uczucia: współczucie, życzliwość, uniżenie umysłu, łagodność i wielkoduszną cierpliwość”, wzmacniają się pod względem moralnym i zaznają wspaniałych błogosławieństw od Jehowy (Kol. 3:12). A gdy pozwalają, by ‛pokój Chrystusowy władał w ich sercach’, cieszą się większą harmonią w małżeństwie (Kol. 3:15). Ileż zadowolenia i przyjemności sprawia im przejawianie wobec siebie ‛tkliwych uczuć’! (Rzym. 12:10). w15 15.1 4:10, 11
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