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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Умертвите ваши земные члены в отношении блуда, нечистоты, похоти (Кол. 3:5). Слово «умертвить» означает, что, борясь с безнравственными плотскими желаниями, мы должны действовать решительно. Мы будем избегать всего, что может пробудить в нас влечение к кому-либо, кроме нашего мужа или жены (Иов 31:1). Живя в согласии с волей Бога, мы учимся питать отвращение к нечестию и держаться добра (Рим. 12:2, 9). Облекаясь в новую личность, мы подражаем качествам «Сотворившего ее», то есть самому Иегове (Кол. 3:10). Мужья и жены пожинают обильные благословения, когда укрепляют свою нравственность, облекаясь «в нежные чувства сострадания, доброту, смирение ума, кротость и долготерпение» (Кол. 3:12). Благодаря тому что супруги позволяют «миру Христа» господствовать в их сердцах, в их семье царит гармония (Кол. 3:15). Как прекрасно, когда мужья и жены «нежны друг к другу»! (Рим. 12:10). w15 15/1 4:10, 11
  2. Deaden . . . your body members . . . as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion.—Col. 3:5. The word “deaden” indicates that we must take strong measures to fight against immoral fleshly desires. We will avoid anything that might arouse in us sexual desire for someone other than our mate. (Job 31:1) As we conform our lives to God’s will, we learn to “abhor what is wicked” and “cling to what is good.” (Rom. 12:2, 9) The new personality reflects “the image of the One who created it,” Jehovah himself. (Col. 3:10) What blessings result when husbands and wives fortify their moral defenses by clothing themselves “with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience”! (Col. 3:12) They also enjoy greater marital harmony when they “let the peace of the Christ control [their] hearts.” (Col. 3:15; ftn.) How rewarding it is for couples to “have tender affection for one another”!—Rom. 12:10. w15 1/15 4:10, 11
  3. Yes, this is so amazing... from a beggar to an elder in a congregation !! Jehovah wants all humans, HE is SO just in ALL things ❤ In the NW we can prob. ask this man to his exactly story ;o)
  4. Thank you dear Blanchie and Tennyson ! I appreciate your regulary reading and liking my Daily text, thanks so much ;o) So I know, its not in vain... 2 Daily texts have only 1 view, that is sad ;-( But the english DT have the most readers !
  5. YES... thats really true ! I never heard before from such an extreme story ❤ SO wonderful - where we find real lambs for so big things ? Thats very rare ;o) Thank you MsKitty and JaniceM too !
  6. HA... thats really a big challenge for JW ! With a Helicopter & rope down ;o)
  7. WHAT A JOY ! TO GIVE OUT FIRST AID - CLOTHES FOR THE HUMANS IN ECUADOR ❤ Many many parcels.... enough for ALL ;o)
  8. GREAT, Brother Abolade, at your field services today, conducting a Bible - study with a Benue man and his family, so very interesting, you wrote... Thank you for that - may Jehovah bless you alot and these people too !
  9. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. Чтобы вы больше не поступали, как поступают... другие народы (Эф. 4:17). Если мы принимаем правильные решения, то уже сейчас можем вести полную смысла жизнь и будем достойны наследовать землю, то есть жить вечно. Мы даже представить себе не можем, сколько прекрасных благословений нас ожидает! (Матф. 5:5; 19:29; 25:34). Но Бог не дает благословений всем без исключения. Он чего-то от нас требует (1 Иоан. 5:3, 4). Чтобы в наши дни верно служить Иегове, нужно прилагать усилия, но это того стоит! Как мы рады, что Бог так щедро нас одарил! У нас есть точное знание его Слова и ясное понимание истины о нем и о его намерении. Мы удостоены чести носить его имя и быть его Свидетелями. Бог обещает быть за нас (Пс. 118:7). Так давайте будем все мы, и молодые, и пожилые, проявлять признательность, живя так, чтобы было видно, что мы хотим отдавать Иегове «славу вовеки» (Рим. 11:33—36; Пс. 33:12). w14 15/12 4:19—21
  10. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. Wandelt nicht mehr so weiter, wie auch die Nationen wandeln (Eph. 4:17) Wenn wir uns richtig entscheiden, können wir schon heute ein erfülltes Leben führen und zu denen gehören, die „die Erde erben“ und ewig darauf leben. Wir können uns gar nicht vorstellen, wie viel Gutes uns dann erwartet! (Mat. 5:5; 19:29; 25:34). Natürlich erhalten wir das nicht automatisch. Jehova möchte, dass wir etwas dafür tun (1. Joh. 5:3, 4). Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, ihm heute treu zu dienen! Jehova hat uns so viel gegeben: Wir dürfen sein Wort genau kennen und die Wahrheit über ihn und das, was er vorhat, genau verstehen. Wir dürfen seinen Namen tragen und seine Zeugen sein. Und Jehova ist an unserer Seite (Ps. 118:7). Wie sehr wir, ob alt oder jung, das doch schätzen! Jedem von uns ist es ein Herzensanliegen, durch unseren Lebenswandel Jehova für immer zu loben und zu ehren (Röm. 11:33-36; Ps. 33:12). w14 15. 12. 4:19-21
  11. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. ‛Nie postępujcie już tak, jak postępują narody’ (Efez. 4:17). Jeśli podejmujemy właściwe decyzje, możemy już teraz wieść satysfakcjonujące życie, a w przyszłości ‛odziedziczyć ziemię’, czyli żyć wiecznie. Czeka nas wiele cudownych błogosławieństw, których nawet nie sposób sobie wyobrazić (Mat. 5:5; 19:29; 25:34). To prawda, że Bóg nie da nam tego automatycznie — czegoś od nas wymaga (1 Jana 5:3, 4). Ale warto zdobywać się na wysiłki, by wiernie Mu służyć. Jakiż to wielki zaszczyt otrzymać od Boga tak wiele! Mamy dokładną wiedzę z Biblii i właściwe zrozumienie prawdy o Nim oraz Jego zamierzeniu. Możemy nazywać się od Jego imienia i być Jego Świadkami. Bóg obiecuje, że będzie po naszej stronie (Ps. 118:7). Oby każdy z nas — młody czy stary — doceniał to, pokazując swoim życiem, że gorąco pragnie oddawać Jehowie „chwałę na wieki” (Rzym. 11:33-36; Ps. 33:12). w14 15.12 4:19-21
  12. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. Ne march[ez] plus comme marchent aussi ceux des nations (Éph. 4:17). Si nous prenons les bonnes décisions, nous pouvons mener dès à présent une vie satisfaisante et espérer « hérite[r] de la terre », obtenir la vie éternelle. Les merveilleux bienfaits qui nous attendent sont si nombreux qu’il est difficile de tous les imaginer (Mat. 5:5 ; 19:29 ; 25:34). Évidemment, les dons de Dieu ne sont pas automatiques. Il attend quelque chose de notre part (1 Jean 5:3, 4). Mais le servir fidèlement dès maintenant en vaut vraiment la peine ! Quel honneur d’avoir tant reçu de Dieu ! Nous possédons la connaissance exacte de sa Parole et une claire compréhension de la vérité sur sa personne et sur ses desseins. Nous portons son nom et sommes ses Témoins. Et il nous promet qu’il est avec nous (Ps. 118:7). Que chacun de nous, jeune ou moins jeune, montre qu’il attache du prix à son héritage spirituel. Oui, vivons d’une manière qui témoigne d’un vif désir de rendre à Jéhovah « la gloire pour toujours » (Rom. 11:33-36 ; Ps. 33:12). w14 15/12 4:19-21.
  13. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. Não mais andeis assim como . . . as nações andam. — Efé. 4:17. Se tomarmos as decisões corretas, poderemos ter uma vida satisfatória agora e a esperança de ‘herdar a Terra’, onde teremos vida eterna. Há tantas bênçãos maravilhosas em reserva para nós que nem podemos imaginar. (Mat. 5:5; 19:29; 25:34) É claro que não receberemos essas bênçãos sem esforço. Deus espera algo de nós. (1 João 5:3, 4) Mas com certeza vale a pena servi-lo fielmente agora! É uma grande honra receber tanto de Deus. Temos conhecimento exato de sua Palavra e entendemos a verdade sobre ele e seus propósitos. Temos o privilégio de levar seu nome e ser suas Testemunhas. Deus garante que está do nosso lado. (Sal. 118:7) Que todos nós, jovens ou mais velhos, deixemos claro por nossa maneira de viver que valorizamos nossa herança e desejamos muito dar a Jeová ‘glória para sempre’. — Rom. 11:33-36; Sal. 33:12. w14 15/12 4:19-21
  14. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. You should no longer go on walking just as the nations [do].—Eph. 4:17. If we make the right decisions, we can have a satisfying life now and put ourselves in line to “inherit the earth”—to have everlasting life. There are so many wonderful blessings in store for us that we cannot even imagine them all. (Matt. 5:5; 19:29; 25:34) Granted, God does not give us things automatically. He requires something of us. (1 John 5:3, 4) But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! What a great privilege it is to have received so much from God! We have accurate knowledge of his Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes. We enjoy the privilege of bearing his name and being his Witnesses. God promises us that he is on our side. (Ps. 118:7) May all of us, whether young or old, show our appreciation by living our life in a way that manifests a keen desire to give Jehovah “the glory forever.”—Rom. 11:33-36; Ps. 33:12. w14 12/15 4:19-21
  15. Moisés . . . negou-se a ser chamado filho da filha de Faraó, escolhendo antes ser maltratado com o povo de Deus do que ter o usufruto temporário do pecado. — Heb. 11:24, 25. Moisés recebeu a melhor educação secular disponível em seus dias, mas será que ele a usou para ter uma carreira no Egito, ter destaque ou adquirir bens materiais? Não. Fica claro que Moisés usou sua educação espiritual em harmonia com o cumprimento do propósito de Jeová. Toda a sua atenção se voltava para Jeová e Seu povo. Aos 40 anos, Moisés achou que estava preparado para ajudar a libertar o povo de Deus da escravidão no Egito. (Atos 7:23-25) No entanto, antes que Jeová pudesse lhe dar essa designação, Moisés precisava de algo mais. Ele precisava cultivar qualidades como humildade, paciência, brandura e autodomínio. (Pro. 15:33) Moisés precisava de um treinamento que o preparasse para suportar os desafios e as dificuldades que viriam. w14 15/10 4:11-13
  16. Mojżesz (...) nie chciał być nazywany synem córki faraona, lecz wybrał poniewieranie z ludem Bożym, a nie zaznawanie tymczasowej uciechy z grzechu (Hebr. 11:24, 25). Mojżesz odebrał najlepsze świeckie wykształcenie, jakie było wówczas dostępne. Ale czy spożytkował je, żeby robić karierę w Egipcie, zabiegać o sławę lub dobra materialne? Nie. Wyraźnie widać, że Mojżesz wykorzystał swe duchowe wykształcenie, by popierać zamierzenie Jehowy. Żywo interesował się Jehową i Jego ludem. Gdy miał 40 lat, wydawało mu się, że jest gotowy pomóc w uwolnieniu Izraelitów z niewoli egipskiej (Dzieje 7:23-25). Jednak zanim Jehowa mógł powierzyć mu to zadanie, Mojżesz potrzebował czegoś jeszcze. Musiał rozwinąć takie przymioty, jak pokora, cierpliwość, łagodność czy panowanie nad sobą (Prz. 15:33). Potrzebował również szkolenia, które przygotowałoby go na przyszłe próby i trudności. w14 15.10 4:11-13
  17. Moïse [...] a refusé d’être appelé fils de la fille de Pharaon, choisissant d’être maltraité avec le peuple de Dieu plutôt que d’avoir la jouissance temporaire du péché (Héb. 11:24, 25). Moïse a reçu la meilleure instruction profane de son époque ; mais s’en est-il servi pour favoriser sa carrière en Égypte, devenir célèbre ou amasser des biens ? Non. Manifestement, il s’est servi de son instruction spirituelle pour favoriser le dessein de Jéhovah. Il s’intéressait vivement à Jéhovah et à Son peuple. À 40 ans, il s’est cru prêt à participer à la libération du peuple de Dieu, alors esclave en Égypte (Actes 7:23-25). Pourtant, quelque chose lui manquait pour que Jéhovah puisse lui confier cette mission. Il lui fallait cultiver des qualités comme l’humilité, la patience, la douceur et la maîtrise de soi (Prov. 15:33). Il avait besoin d’une formation qui le préparerait à endurer les épreuves qui l’attendaient. w14 15/10 4:11-13.
  18. Моисей... отказался называться сыном дочери фараона и избрал участь народа Бога — терпеть жестокое обращение, вместо того чтобы иметь временное наслаждение грехом (Евр. 11:24, 25). Моисей получил лучшее светское образование, доступное в его время. Но стал ли он с помощью него стремиться к карьере, славе и богатству в Египте? Нет. Несомненно, Моисей использовал полученное им духовное обучение, чтобы содействовать осуществлению замысла Иеговы. Он проявлял живой интерес к Иегове и его народу. Когда Моисею было 40 лет, он думал, что уже готов участвовать в освобождении Божьего народа от египетского гнета (Деян. 7:23—25). Однако, прежде чем Иегова поручил бы Моисею это задание, тому нужно было развить такие качества, как смирение, терпение, кротость и самообладание (Прит. 15:33). Моисею требовалось обучение, которое подготовило бы его к будущим испытаниям и трудностям. w14 15/10 4:11—13
  19. Moses weigerte sich, der Sohn der Tochter Pharaos genannt zu werden, indem er es sich erwählte, eher mit dem Volk Gottes schlecht behandelt zu werden, als den zeitweiligen Genuss der Sünde zu haben (Heb. 11:24, 25) Moses genoss die bestmögliche weltliche Ausbildung seiner Tage. Nutzte er sie aber, um in Ägypten aufzusteigen, sich einen Namen zu machen oder reich zu werden? Nein. Moses nutzte seine geistige Schulung, um den Vorsatz Jehovas zu unterstützen. Er hatte großes Interesse an Jehova und an dessen Volk. Mit 40 dachte er, er sei bereit, Gottes Volk aus der Knechtschaft Ägyptens zu befreien (Apg. 7:23-25). Doch bevor er dazu von Jehova beauftragt werden konnte, war noch einiges nötig. Moses musste beispielsweise seine Demut, Geduld, Milde und Selbstbeherrschung verbessern (Spr. 15:33). Er musste auf die schwierige Zeit, die vor ihm lag, vorbereitet werden. w14 15. 10. 4:11-13
  20. Moses . . . refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin.—Heb. 11:24, 25. Moses was given the best secular education that was available in his day, but did he use it to advance his career in Egypt, make a name for himself, or acquire material possessions? No. Clearly, Moses used his spiritual education to advance Jehovah’s purpose. He was keenly interested in Jehovah and His people. At 40 years of age, Moses thought that he was ready to help liberate God’s people from Egyptian bondage. (Acts 7:23-25) However, before Jehovah could give him that assignment, Moses needed something more. He needed to cultivate such qualities as humility, patience, mildness, and self-control. (Prov. 15:33) Moses needed training that would prepare him to endure the trials and hardships that lay ahead. w14 10/15 4:11-13
  21. A BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER.... WHAT a big blessing from our God Jehovah ❤ But, read the story ! One Sunday morning, two brothers were preaching on the streets, could not talk to anyone, the brothers decided to talk to a beggar who sat on the bench in the square, who ate trash heaps that were there. The brothers began to talk to him about the hope of a new world where there would be no more misery, there would be no more hunger, no violence, etc. The beggar was very much interested in the message and he accepted a study of the Bible with the brochure "does God require of us? And the brothers made arrangements to continue studying in the same place. When the day came, that beggar I was anxious to see the brothers were falling behind a bit, but came and went with the study. This beggar continued to study for two months ... one Saturday morning, the brothers were doing the preaching from house to house in that same territory when suddenly they saw the beggar also talking with people about the Bible, the brothers went to where the beggar to say that could not be doing this, on the doors, because it was necessary to have a good appearance and fill certain requirements. Then the brothers took him to his home, where he bathed, shaved, cut his hair, nails, teeth brushed, and told them got him right clothes ... This beggar began to attend all meetings, without missing one, he began to participate in the theocratic ministry school; shortly thereafter he made one of his two dreams: he began to preach the good news from house to house. By that time this beggar was an example for all in the congregation and everyone who knew him knew of his history. After studying for 8 months was baptized at an international meeting held at Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil. The brother who had this experience in speech concluded: know what the result of that experience That beggar who became a brother? 'ME !!! and today I am having the privilege of being here telling my own story, for all the brothers. Currently, in addition to serving Jehovah, I have my family, I have my house, I have a son and I serve as an elder in my congregation (... kept the audience not to applaud ...) so brothers have well in mind that in this world we all preach to all kind of people!; We demonstrate Christlike humility and willingness to give help to those in need, knowing that before God we are all beggars....
  22. A BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER... WHAT a blessing from our God Jehovah ❤ but, read the story... One Sunday morning, two brothers were preaching on the streets, could not talk to anyone, the brothers decided to talk to a beggar who sat on the bench in the square, who ate trash heaps that were there. The brothers began to talk to him about the hope of a new world where there would be no more misery, there would be no more hunger, no violence, etc. The beggar was very much interested in the message and he accepted a study of the Bible with the brochure "does God require of us? And the brothers made arrangements to continue studying in the same place. When the day came, that beggar I was anxious to see the brothers were falling behind a bit, but came and went with the study. This beggar continued to study for two months ... one Saturday morning, the brothers were doing the preaching from house to house in that same territory when suddenly they saw the beggar also talking with people about the Bible, the brothers went to where the beggar to say that could not be doing this, on the doors, because it was necessary to have a good appearance and fill certain requirements. Then the brothers took him to his home, where he bathed, shaved, cut his hair, nails, teeth brushed, and told them got him right clothes ... This beggar began to attend all meetings, without missing one, he began to participate in the theocratic ministry school; shortly thereafter he made one of his two dreams: he began to preach the good news from house to house. By that time this beggar was an example for all in the congregation and everyone who knew him knew of his history. After studying for 8 months was baptized at an international meeting held at Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil. The brother who had this experience in speech concluded: know what the result of that experience That beggar who became a brother? 'ME !!! and today I am having the privilege of being here telling my own story, for all the brothers. Currently, in addition to serving Jehovah, I have my family, I have my house, I have a son and I serve as an elder in my congregation (... kept the audience not to applaud ...) so brothers have well in mind that in this world we all preach to all kind of people!; We demonstrate Christlike humility and willingness to give help to those in need, knowing that before God we are all beggars....
  23. http://usat.ly/1WgVESr click on the video - link !! Landmarks Lit Up in Purple to Honor Prince..... Tributes to Prince are springing up across the country, with buildings and bridges lighting up in the color purple to honor the late singer. (April 22)
  24. YES, look into the kiddie faces ;o) HOW they enjoy Caleb & Sophia, thats great ! I REALLY LOVE THIS PICTURE ❤
  25. Sweet siblings, Aveon & Anyla are ready for the ministry in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA. Today, they want give Literature to the humans... and with such a smile, it will really work ;o) Wonderful kiddies we have !
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