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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. BROTHER MARK SANDERSON, ( GB ) Video, 9 min. Accept Change With Faith and Confidence (Heb. 13:17) 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. JW.ORG - http://tv.jw.org/#en/video/VODProgramsEvents/pub-jwbmw_201604_2_VIDEO
  2. Gott ist nicht ungerecht, dass er eure Arbeit vergessen würde (Heb. 6:10) Jehova gedenkt der Arbeit aller, die ihm aus Liebe treu dienen, ganz gleich, ob sie viel oder wenig für ihn tun können. Im ersten Jahrhundert stieß Jesus ein Werk an, das globale Ausmaße erlangen sollte (Luk. 3:21-23; 4:14, 15, 43). Seine Apostel übernahmen die Führung in der Ausdehnung der Predigttätigkeit (Apg. 5:42; 6:7). Einige Christen, wie zum Beispiel Philippus, waren Evangeliumsverkündiger und Missionare in Palästina (Apg. 8:5, 40; 21:8). Paulus und andere reisten über weitere Strecken (Apg. 13:2-4; 14:26; 2. Kor. 1:19). Manche, zum Beispiel Silvanus (Silas), Markus und Lukas, waren auch Abschreiber oder Schreiber (1. Pet. 5:12). Schwestern arbeiteten mit diesen treuen Brüdern zusammen (Apg. 18:26; Röm. 16:1, 2). Die spannenden Erfahrungen all dieser Männer und Frauen machen die Christlichen Griechischen Schriften zu spannendem Lesestoff und lassen erkennen, dass Jehova seiner Diener zum Guten gedachte. w14 15. 9. 5:1-3
  3. Dieu n’est pas injuste pour oublier votre œuvre (Héb. 6:10). Jéhovah se souvient du labeur d’amour de tous ceux qui le servent fidèlement, que leur situation leur permette de faire beaucoup ou peu. Au Ier siècle, Jésus a commencé une œuvre de prédication qui devait atteindre une ampleur mondiale (Luc 3:21-23 ; 4:14, 15, 43). Ses apôtres ont été les moteurs de l’expansion de cette œuvre (Actes 5:42 ; 6:7). Des chrétiens, comme Philippe, ont été évangélisateurs et missionnaires en Palestine (Actes 8:5, 40 ; 21:8). Paul et d’autres se sont rendus plus loin (Actes 13:2-4 ; 14:26 ; 2 Cor. 1:19). Certains, par exemple Silvain (Silas), Marc et Luc, ont aussi été secrétaires ou rédacteurs bibliques (1 Pierre 5:12). Des chrétiennes collaboraient avec ces frères fidèles (Actes 18:26 ; Rom. 16:1, 2). Leurs aventures palpitantes font des Écritures grecques chrétiennes un récit captivant, et montrent que Jéhovah se souvient de ses serviteurs, qu’il est attentif à leurs besoins. w14 15/9 5:1-3
  4. Не неправеден Бог, чтобы забыть ваш труд (Евр. 6:10). Иегова помнит труд любви тех, кто верно служит ему, сколько бы их обстоятельства ни позволяли им делать. Иисус положил начало делу проповеди, которое должно было проводиться по всей земле (Луки 3:21—23; 4:14, 15, 43). Потом этой деятельностью стали руководить апостолы, и она продолжала расширяться (Деян. 5:42; 6:7). Одни христиане, например Филипп, служили проповедниками и миссионерами в Палестине (Деян. 8:5, 40; 21:8). Другие же, такие как Павел, возвещали благую весть на отдаленных территориях (Деян. 13:2—4; 14:26; 2 Кор. 1:19). Некоторые братья, например Силуан (Сила), Марк и Лука, служили переписчиками или участвовали в написании библейских книг (1 Пет. 5:12). С верными братьями плечом к плечу трудились и христианские сестры (Деян. 18:26; Рим. 16:1, 2). Захватывает дух, когда читаешь в Христианских Греческих Писаниях о том, что пережили эти братья и сестры. Происходившее с ними подтверждает, что Иегова помнит своих верных служителей и благословляет их. w14 15/9 5:1—3
  5. Hello.... I had by my start some problems too ;o) I asked for some things, but then i tried alone this and that... and WOW, suddenly step by step all was working ! hahaha - You will work it too, YES !
  6. Deus não é injusto, para se esquecer de vossa obra. — Heb. 6:10. Jeová se lembra do trabalho amoroso feito por todos os que servem fielmente a ele de acordo com suas circunstâncias na vida, quer façam muito, quer pouco. No primeiro século Jesus deu início a uma obra que alcançaria proporções globais. (Luc. 3:21-23; 4:14, 15, 43) Seus apóstolos assumiram a dianteira na expansão dessa obra de pregação. (Atos 5:42; 6:7) Alguns cristãos, como Filipe, serviram como evangelizadores e missionários na Palestina. (Atos 8:5, 40; 21:8) Paulo e outros viajaram a lugares bem distantes. (Atos 13:2-4; 14:26; 2 Cor. 1:19) Alguns — por exemplo, Silvano (Silas), Marcos e Lucas — também serviram como copistas ou escritores. (1 Ped. 5:12) Irmãs cristãs serviram junto com esses irmãos fiéis. (Atos 18:26; Rom. 16:1, 2) Suas empolgantes experiências tornam emocionante a leitura das Escrituras Gregas Cristãs e mostram que Jeová se lembra de modo favorável de seus servos. w14 15/9 5:1-3
  7. A crazy sick world will never get peace... ;-( We need our God for healing !
  8. Bóg nie jest nieprawy, żeby miał zapomnieć o waszej pracy (Hebr. 6:10). Jehowa pamięta pełen miłości trud tych, którzy Mu wiernie służą bez względu na to, czy sytuacja życiowa pozwala im robić dużo czy mało. W I wieku Jezus rozpoczął dzieło, które swym zasięgiem miało objąć całą ziemię (Łuk. 3:21-23; 4:14, 15, 43). Później w nadawaniu rozmachu tej działalności kaznodziejskiej przewodzili apostołowie (Dzieje 5:42; 6:7). Pewni chrześcijanie, tacy jak Filip, usługiwali jako ewangelizatorzy i misjonarze w Palestynie (Dzieje 8:5, 40; 21:8). Paweł i inni podróżowali na odległe tereny (Dzieje 13:2-4; 14:26; 2 Kor. 1:19). Niektórzy — na przykład Marek i Łukasz — napisali księgi biblijne, a inni, jak choćby Sylwan (Sylas), usługiwali jako sekretarze (1 Piotra 5:12). U boku tych wiernych braci wysilały się również chrześcijanki (Dzieje 18:26; Rzym. 16:1, 2). Ich zachwycające przeżycia sprawiają, że Chrześcijańskie Pisma Greckie stają się fascynującą lekturą, oraz dowodzą, że Jehowa życzliwie pamięta o swych sługach. w14 15.9 5:1-3
  9. God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work.—Heb. 6:10. Jehovah remembers the loving labors of all who faithfully serve him, whether their circumstances in life permit them to do much or little. In the first century, Jesus launched a work that was to reach global proportions. (Luke 3:21-23; 4:14, 15, 43) His apostles took the lead in the expansion of this preaching work. (Acts 5:42; 6:7) Some Christians, such as Philip, served as evangelizers and missionaries in Palestine. (Acts 8:5, 40; 21:8) Paul and others traveled farther afield. (Acts 13:2-4; 14:26; 2 Cor. 1:19) Some—for example, Silvanus (Silas), Mark, and Luke—also served as copyists or writers. (1 Pet. 5:12) Christian sisters worked along with these faithful brothers. (Acts 18:26; Rom. 16:1, 2) Their exciting experiences help to make the Christian Greek Scriptures a thrill to read and demonstrate that Jehovah remembers his servants favorably. w14 9/15 5:1-3
  10. Authorities Threaten to Liquidate Witnesses’ National Headquarters in Russia ST. PETERSBURG, Russia—In an unprecedented move, Russian authorities have threatened to close the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation issued a formal warning letter dated March 2, 2016, stating that “the religious association shall be subject to liquidation” if the administrative center fails to eliminate within two months the “committed violations” framed by the government as “extremist.” Yaroslav Sivulskiy, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, states: “This closing of our national entity would include a confiscation of any properties we own and ultimately place a ban on the religious activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Russia.” Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. Ironically, the move comes during the 25th anniversary of the first legal registration of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia: the Administrative Center was registered on March 27, 1991, and was reregistered on April 29, 1999. The threat to close the Witnesses’ national headquarters in Russia, located in the village of Solnechnoye about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of St. Petersburg, is the latest instance of the government’s aggression against the Witnesses. Within the past year, Russian authorities blocked imports of the Witnesses’ religious literature, as well as Russian-language Bibles, and made Russia the only nation in the world to ban the Witnesses’ official website, jw.org. “The anti-extremism laws are being misapplied toward the worship of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia,” comments Mr. Sivulskiy. “Jehovah’s Witnesses are contesting these decisions. We want to freely carry out our worship and our Bible education work peacefully, as we have been doing for 125 years in Russia.” However, Russian authorities have been increasingly hostile to Jehovah’s Witnesses largely due to what has been described as the government’s symbiotic relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church. International media outlets have reported that this “close alliance between the government and the Russian Orthodox Church,” as The New York Times characterized it, appears to fuel aggressive acts and legislation aimed at suppressing the Witnesses’ activities as well as those of other religious minorities in Russia. The Associated Press reported that the government’s “moves against the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia [have] also alarmed religious-freedoms activists.” A report from Reuters stated that such acts are being carried out “against Jehovah’s Witnesses and scores of others caught up in the widening net of criminal prosecutions brought under Russia’s anti-extremism law.” In December 2015, The Independent reported that Russia’s legislation was to help “prevent terrorist attacks and ultranationalist violence.” Yet, it has also been used “to prosecute members of such peaceful faiths” as Jehovah’s Witnesses, as described by The Huffington Post on March 20, 2016. Although the Witnesses are seeking legal redress in both domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights, The Moscow Times of March 25, 2016, reported that Russia passed a new law “giving Russian courts the right to overrule international courts’ decisions.” Visitors in the lobby of the Administrative Center. The Witnesses use the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia to organize and support free Bible education programs for Russian citizens. Experienced ministers at the administrative center also assist and communicate with Witness volunteers in Russia working to provide relief aid for victims of disasters. There are more than 175,000 Witnesses in Russia, a country with a population of over 146,000,000. David A. Semonian, international spokesman for the Witnesses at their world headquarters in New York, states: “It is greatly disappointing to us that the government would even threaten to shut down our branch office in Russia. Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others around the world are taking a keen interest in how this matter develops.” Media Contacts: International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, tel. +1 718 560 5000
  11. Our Russian Sister said, Despite attempts to ban our activities, we are still hard at preaching ! Hello from Russia Thank you... and may Jehovah bless you ALL ❤
  12. Jeová está perto de todos os que o invocam, de todos os que o invocam em veracidade. — Sal. 145:18. Coloque-se no lugar do Rei Asa. Zerá, o etíope, foi atacar Judá com 1 milhão de homens e 300 carros de guerra. (2 Crô. 14:8-13) Como você reagiria ao ver aquele enorme exército? Você tem pouco mais da metade do exército inimigo! A reação de Asa mostrou o grau de sua amizade e confiança em Jeová. Com fervor, ele clamou: “Ajuda-nos, ó Jeová, nosso Deus, porque em ti nos estribamos.” Por que Asa confiava tanto na orientação e proteção de Deus? A Bíblia diz que Asa fez “o que era direito aos olhos de Jeová” e que seu “coração . . . mostrou-se pleno para com Jeová”. (1 Reis 15:11, 14) Nós também precisamos servir a Deus com um coração pleno. Isso é essencial para termos uma relação achegada com ele agora e no futuro. Sem dúvida, somos muito gratos por Jeová ter tomado a iniciativa de nos atrair a ele e nos ajudar a criar e a manter um vínculo achegado com ele! w14 15/8 3:3, 5, 6
  13. Иегова близок ко всем призывающим его, ко всем призывающим его в истине (Пс. 145:18). Представьте себя на месте царя Асы. Против Иуды выступил эфиоп Зара с войском, в котором было миллион воинов и триста колесниц (2 Лет. 14:8—13). Что бы вы почувствовали, увидев это огромное войско? То, как повел себя Аса, показало, что у него с Иеговой были близкие и доверительные отношения. Он горячо воззвал к Богу: «Помоги нам, наш Бог Иегова, ведь мы полагаемся на тебя». Почему Аса был уверен в том, что Бог будет вести и защищать его? В Библии говорится, что «Аса делал то, что было правильно в глазах Иеговы» и что его сердце «было полностью с Иеговой» (1 Цар. 15:11, 14). Мы тоже должны служить Богу от всего сердца. Это необходимо, если мы хотим сохранять близкие взаимоотношения с ним. Как же мы благодарны Иегове за то, что он первым сделал шаги нам навстречу и помогает развивать и сохранять тесные отношения с ним! w14 15/8 3:3, 5, 6
  14. Jehova ist nahe allen, die ihn anrufen, allen, die ihn in Wahrhaftigkeit anrufen (Ps. 145:18) Versetzen wir uns in die Lage Asas. Der Äthiopier Serach rückt mit einer Million Mann und 300 Streitwagen gegen Juda vor (2. Chr. 14:8-13). Wie hätten wir reagiert? König Asas Heer war nur etwa halb so stark. Asa muss mit Jehova eng vertraut gewesen sein. Das ist an seiner Reaktion zu erkennen. Er wandte sich an Jehova und bat ihn inständig: „Hilf uns, o Jehova, unser Gott, denn auf dich stützen wir uns.“ Wieso konnte Asa völlig auf Gottes Leitung und Schutz bauen? In der Bibel heißt es: „Asa ging daran, zu tun, was recht war in den Augen Jehovas“, und: „Asas Herz [war] ungeteilt mit Jehova“ (1. Kö. 15:11, 14). Auch wir müssen Gott mit ungeteiltem Herzen dienen. Das ist unbedingt erforderlich, wenn wir unser enges Verhältnis zu Jehova behalten möchten. Können wir nicht dankbar dafür sein, dass Jehova zuerst etwas getan hat, was uns zu ihm hinzieht und uns hilft, eng mit ihm verbunden zu sein und zu bleiben? w14 15. 8. 3:3, 5, 6
  15. Jehowa jest blisko wszystkich, którzy go wzywają, wszystkich, którzy go wzywają w wierności wobec prawdy (Ps. 145:18). Postaw się na miejscu króla Asy. Przeciw Judzie wyrusza Zerach Etiopczyk z wojskiem liczącym 1 000 000 mężczyzn oraz 300 rydwanów (2 Kron. 14:8-13). Jak byś zareagował na widok tak ogromnej armii? W obliczu niemal dwukrotnej przewagi liczebnej wroga Asa pokazał, że ma bliską i opartą na zaufaniu więź z Jehową. Żarliwie wołał: „Pomóż nam, Jehowo, nasz Boże, gdyż to na tobie się opieramy”. Dzięki czemu Asa bez reszty ufał w Boże kierownictwo i ochronę? W Biblii czytamy, że „czynił Asa to, co słuszne w oczach Jehowy”, i że jego serce „było niepodzielne wobec Jehowy” (1 Król. 15:11, 14). My również powinniśmy służyć Bogu sercem niepodzielnym. Jest to absolutnie konieczne, jeśli mamy cieszyć się bliską więzią z Nim teraz i w przyszłości. Jakże wdzięczni możemy być Jehowie, że przyciąga nas do siebie oraz pomaga nam nawiązać i utrzymywać z Nim zażyłe stosunki! w14 15.8 3:3, 5, 6
  16. Jéhovah est près de tous ceux qui l’invoquent, de tous ceux qui l’invoquent avec fidélité (Ps. 145:18). Mets-toi à la place du roi Asa. Zérah l’Éthiopien sort contre Juda avec un million de soldats et 300 chars (2 Chron. 14:8-13). Comment aurais-tu réagi en voyant une armée aussi impressionnante ? Son armée étant deux fois moins nombreuse, la réaction d’Asa a révélé la relation étroite et empreinte de confiance qu’il entretenait avec Jéhovah. Il l’a supplié : « Secours-nous, ô Jéhovah notre Dieu, car sur toi nous nous appuyons. » Pourquoi ce roi avait-il entièrement confiance dans les conseils et la protection de Dieu ? La Bible dit qu’« Asa se mit à faire ce qui est droit aux yeux de Jéhovah » et que son « cœur [...] fut complet à l’égard de Jéhovah » (1 Rois 15:11, 14). Nous devons, nous aussi, servir Jéhovah d’un cœur complet. C’est indispensable si nous voulons tisser avec lui une relation étroite, dès maintenant et dans l’avenir. Quel bonheur qu’il ait pris l’initiative de nous attirer à lui et de nous aider à nouer et à entretenir un lien étroit avec lui ! w14 15/8 3:3, 5, 6.
  17. Jehovah is near to all those calling on him, to all who call on him in truth.—Ps. 145:18. Put yourself in Asa’s situation. Zerah the Ethiopian has come against Judah with 1,000,000 men and 300 chariots. (2 Chron. 14:8-13) How would you react to the sight of such a huge army? Outnumbered about 2 to 1, King Asa’s reaction demonstrated his close and trusting relationship with Jehovah. He fervently called out: “Help us, O Jehovah our God, for we are relying on you.” What enabled Asa to trust fully in God’s guidance and protection? The Bible says that “Asa did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah” and that his “heart was complete with Jehovah.” (1 Ki. 15:11, 14) We too need to serve God with a complete heart. It is absolutely vital that we do so if we are to enjoy a close relationship with him now and in the future. How thankful we can be that Jehovah has taken the initiative to draw us to him and to help us to form and maintain a close bond with him! w14 8/15 3:3, 5, 6
  18. Interviews und Lebensberichte.... Der blinde Jose Luis Ayala: *Das ist meine Hoffnung* ( JW.ORG ) http://tv.jw.org/#de/video/VODIntExp/pub-jwbls_201604_2_VIDEO
  19. Interviews and Experiences.... Blind Jose Luis Ayala: *This Is My Hope* (JW.ORG ) http://tv.jw.org/#en/video/VODIntExp/pub-jwbls_201604_2_VIDEO
  20. Vós sois as minhas testemunhas. — Isa. 43:10. Uma maneira de os pais israelitas serem testemunhas era por ensinar seus filhos sobre os tratos de Deus com seus antepassados. Por exemplo, quando foi instruído a observar a Páscoa anual, o povo recebeu a seguinte ordem: “Quando os vossos filhos vos disserem: ‘Que significa para vós este serviço?’ então tereis de dizer: ‘É o sacrifício da páscoa a Jeová, que passou por alto as casas dos filhos de Israel no Egito quando feriu os egípcios, mas livrou as nossas casas.’” (Êxo. 12:26, 27) Aqueles pais podiam também falar sobre o que Faraó respondeu quando Moisés lhe pediu para deixar os israelitas adorarem a Jeová no ermo: “Quem é Jeová, que eu deva obedecer à sua voz para mandar Israel embora?” (Êxo. 5:2) No mar Vermelho. Jeová era — e ainda é — o Todo-Poderoso. Além disso, a nação de Israel foi testemunha ocular de que Jeová é o verdadeiro Deus e o Cumpridor de suas promessas. w14 15/7 3:5
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