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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Ihr seid es, die Gott lebendig gemacht hat (Eph. 2:1) Wie sehr sich doch junge Diener Jehovas von Jugendlichen im Allgemeinen unterscheiden! Für viele von ihnen dreht sich das Leben nur um sie selbst und das, was sie wollen. Einige Psychologen bezeichnen sie sogar als „Ich-Generation“. Durch ihre Einstellung, die Art, wie sie reden und wie sie sich anziehen, zeigen sie, wie wenig sie von der älteren Generation halten, die scheinbar „sowieso keine Ahnung“ hat. So einer Haltung begegnet man überall. Das macht es jungen Dienern Jehovas schwer, so zu denken wie Jehova und sich von der Welt nicht anstecken zu lassen. Schon im 1. Jahrhundert warnte Paulus seine Mitbrüder vor so einer Einstellung, die sie früher vielleicht selbst hatten. Er legte ihnen nahe, den „Geist, der jetzt in den Söhnen des Ungehorsams wirksam ist“, zu meiden (Eph. 2:2, 3). Sind Jugendliche, die sich das zu Herzen nehmen und mit ihren Glaubensbrüdern zusammenarbeiten, nicht zu loben? (Eph. 4:25). Je mehr wir uns dem Ende dieser alten Welt nähern, umso wichtiger ist es, eng zusammenzuarbeiten. w14 15. 12. 3:3, 4
  2. Dieu [vous] a rendus à la vie (Éph. 2:1). Le contraste entre les jeunes serviteurs de Jéhovah et les jeunes non Témoins est frappant ! Beaucoup de jeunes qui ne servent pas Jéhovah mènent une vie égocentrique, axée sur leurs désirs. Des chercheurs les appellent la « Génération moi ». Leur manière de parler et de s’habiller montre leur mépris pour les générations précédentes, qui, selon eux, ne sont plus « dans le coup ». Cette mentalité est partout. Les jeunes serviteurs de Jéhovah se rendent donc compte qu’il faut fournir de sérieux efforts pour la rejeter et adopter le point de vue de Dieu. Déjà au Ier siècle, Paul avait jugé nécessaire d’exhorter les chrétiens à fuir « l’esprit qui opère maintenant dans les fils de la désobéissance », dans lequel ils « march[aient] jadis » (Éph. 2:2,3). Les jeunes qui comprennent l’importance de rejeter cette mentalité et d’être unis à tous leurs frères et sœurs méritent des félicitations (Éph. 4:25). Plus la fin de ce vieux monde approche, plus il est important d’agir ensemble, dans l’unité. w14 15/12 3:3, 4.
  3. É a vós que Deus vivificou. — Efé. 2:1. Já reparou na enorme diferença que existe entre os jovens que servem a Jeová e os jovens deste mundo? Muitos que não adoram a Jeová levam uma vida egoísta, concentrando-se apenas em seus desejos. Alguns pesquisadores se referem a eles como a “Geração Eu”. Seu modo de falar e se vestir revela falta de respeito pelas pessoas mais velhas. Segundo esses jovens, os mais velhos estão “por fora”. Essa atitude está em todo lugar. Por isso, os jovens cristãos precisam se esforçar bastante para evitá-la e ter o modo de pensar de Deus. Mesmo no primeiro século, Paulo achou necessário aconselhar seus irmãos a não se deixar contaminar pelo “espírito que . . . opera nos filhos da desobediência”, o qual os havia influenciado antes. (Efé. 2:2, 3) Jovens que percebem a necessidade de evitar esse espírito e de estar unidos com todos os seus irmãos merecem elogios. (Efé. 4:25) Quanto mais o fim deste sistema se aproxima, maior é a necessidade de estar unidos. w14 15/12 3:3, 4
  4. God made you alive.—Eph. 2:1. What a contrast there is between young servants of Jehovah and youths of this world! Many who do not serve Jehovah lead a self-centered way of life, focusing only on what they want. Some researchers call them “Generation Me.” By the way they talk and dress, they give evidence of disdain for the older generation, whom they view as not “with it.” That spirit is all around us. Thus, young servants of Jehovah find that it takes real effort to avoid it and to accept God’s view. Even in the first century, Paul found it necessary to urge fellow believers to avoid “the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” and in which they “at one time walked.” (Eph. 2:2, 3) Young ones who see the need to avoid that spirit and to work unitedly with all their brothers are to be commended. (Eph. 4:25) As we approach the end of this old world, working together unitedly will become ever more important. w14 12/15 3:3, 4
  5. You're always welcome dear Blanchie ❤ Jehovah's words mostly helping, yes ;o)
  6. First... his Mom was caring HIM❤ - Now... he is caring his MOM❤ Both are in the congregation, that is LOVE ;o)
  7. A nice addition to our blood - document Abst[iens-toi] [...] du sang (Actes 15:29). La question du sang peut se poser subitement à n’importe lequel d’entre nous. Ou bien un membre de notre famille ou un ami peut du jour au lendemain avoir à décider s’il acceptera ou non une transfusion. Dans ces situations critiques, il faudra aussi prendre des décisions en rapport avec les fractions sanguines et des techniques médicales. Par conséquent, il est très important de faire des recherches et de se préparer à faire face à une urgence. Associée à la prière, une telle préparation nous aidera à prendre fermement position et à ne pas transiger avec notre conscience. Nous ne voulons certainement pas attrister le cœur de Jéhovah en acceptant ce que sa Parole condamne ! Beaucoup de membres du corps médical et d’autres partisans de la transfusion encouragent le don de sang dans l’espoir de sauver des vies. Toutefois, le peuple saint de Jéhovah considère que le Créateur a le droit de dire quel usage faire du sang. Pour Dieu, « n’importe quelle sorte de sang » est sacrée (Lév. 17:10). Soyons déterminés à obéir à sa loi relative au sang. w14 15/11 2:10, 15.
  8. A nice addition to our blood - document... [Persisti] em abster-vos . . . de sangue. — Atos 15:29. Qualquer um de nós, ou algum parente ou amigo, pode se deparar com a questão de aceitar ou não uma transfusão de sangue. Numa situação assim, é preciso também tomar decisões sobre o uso de frações de sangue e procedimentos médicos. Por isso, é muito importante fazer pesquisas e estar preparados para uma possível emergência. Esses passos, acompanhados de oração, nos ajudarão a tomar uma posição firme e a não ceder nesse respeito. Sem dúvida, não queremos entristecer o coração de Jeová por aceitar algo que é condenado em sua Palavra. Muitos profissionais da área médica e outros que defendem as transfusões de sangue fazem apelos para que as pessoas doem sangue na esperança de salvar vidas. Mas o povo santo de Jeová reconhece que o Criador tem o direito de dizer como o sangue deve ser encarado. Para ele, o sangue é sagrado. (Lev. 17:10) Devemos estar decididos a obedecer à sua lei sobre o sangue. w14 15/11 2:10, 15
  9. A nice addition to our blood - document.... Enthaltet euch von Blut (Apg. 15:29) Jeder — wir selbst, ein Familienmitglied oder ein guter Freund — könnte plötzlich mit der Blutfrage konfrontiert werden. In so einer Notsituation stehen auch Entscheidungen über Blutfraktionen und Behandlungsmethoden an. Deshalb ist es sehr wichtig, sich unter Gebet vorzubereiten und sich zu informieren — und zwar vor einem Notfall. Das wird uns helfen, keine Zugeständnisse zu machen und klar Stellung zu beziehen. Sicherlich wollen wir nichts tun, was in der Bibel verurteilt wird, und so Jehova enttäuschen! In der Hoffnung, Leben zu retten, fordern viele Ärzte und andere Befürworter von Bluttransfusionen dazu auf, Blut zu spenden. Für Jehova ist Blut jedoch heilig und sein heiliges Volk erkennt an, dass er das Recht hat zu sagen, wie mit Blut zu verfahren ist (3. Mo. 17:10). Wir sind entschlossen seinem Gesetz über das Blut zu gehorchen. w14 15. 11. 2:10, 15
  10. A nice addition to our blood - document... Keep abstaining . . . from blood.—Acts 15:29. Any one of us could suddenly find ourselves facing the blood issue. Or a family member or dear friend could unexpectedly be confronted with the issue of whether to accept a blood transfusion or not. During such a crisis, decisions also need to be made regarding blood fractions and medical procedures. Therefore, it is very important to do research and prepare for a possible emergency. Along with prayer, such measures will help us to take a firm stand and avoid compromising on the matter. Surely we do not want to sadden Jehovah’s heart by accepting something that his Word condemns! Many medical professionals and other advocates of blood transfusion appeal to people to donate blood in hopes of saving lives. However, Jehovah’s holy people acknowledge that the Creator has the right to say how blood is to be treated. To him, “any sort of blood” is sacred. (Lev. 17:10) We must be determined to obey his law on blood. w14 11/15 2:10, 15
  11. Yes, we stopped with the older words. Since some years we are using New World now. And Paradise, we first using, when the time is coming. After Armageddon, when the New World will start, we will change the old broken world system into a clean new world for all humans, also the many resurrected people, which step by step coming back, so I learned it ! After all our importend exercises, under Jesus' guidance, we're in expectance of the last 'end-trial' - before all loyal JW reaching the real Paradise, our really new home forever. Then our earth is again called PARADISE... new, peaceful and clean, similar to Adam & Eve's times. Nobody of us can say exactly how it all will come, its a little surprise and thats ok. - Humans always nosy of details !
  12. Let's looking forward.... many humans will changing from old, step by step to young in the *NEW WORLD* - After these 1000 years, we can reach the *PARADISE* as young person, like Adam & Eve ! JEHOVAH is able doing that by us ❤ What BIG gifts he has for us.... and NEVER again so old skin, WOW !! ;o) Would we miss our lovely Granny's from now ? We shall see......... ( I STILL FOUND ANOTHER VIDEO FOR WATCHING... NOT BAD - BUT JEHOVAH WILL MAKE IT IN REAL NATURE, TAKES A LITTLE MORE TIME THAN ca. 6 min. ) Step by step its prob. going in real ;o) Enjoy !
  13. Yes, seems thats true ! I heard diff. cases from my girlfirnd. Humans, they're open for that, sensing demonds in their nearness. They hear voices, seeing mystery humans and alot other things.... for me its hokum ! I never saw any of these things in my life. Hahahahaha ;o)
  14. Alle Familien des Erdbodens werden sich bestimmt durch dich segnen (1. Mo. 12:3) Das ist die früheste schriftliche Aufzeichnung über Jehovas Bund mit Abraham. Er trat 1943 v. u. Z. in Kraft, und zwar als der 75-jährige Abraham den Euphrat überquerte, nachdem er Haran verlassen hatte. Jehova wiederholte einige Male, was er Abraham verheißen hatte, und fügte weitere Einzelheiten hinzu (1. Mo. 13:15-17; 17:1-8, 16). Nachdem Abraham bereit gewesen war, seinen kostbaren Sohn zu opfern, und so einen unerschütterlichen Glauben an Gottes Verheißungen erkennen ließ, bekräftigte Jehova den Bund mit einem bedingungslosen Versprechen (1. Mo. 22:15-18; Heb. 11:17, 18). Nach Inkrafttreten des Bundes mit Abraham offenbarte Jehova schrittweise wichtige Einzelheiten über die Nachkommenschaft der Frau: Sie sollte von Abraham abstammen, zahlreich werden, in königlicher Funktion amtieren, alle Feinde vernichten und für viele andere ein Segen sein (1. Mo. 3:15). w14 15. 10. 1:9, 10
  15. Par ton moyen se béniront à coup sûr toutes les familles du sol (Gen. 12:3). Il s’agit là de la première mention écrite de l’alliance abrahamique, l’alliance que Jéhovah Dieu a conclue avec Abraham. Elle est entrée en vigueur en 1943 av. n. è., lorsqu’Abraham, âgé de 75 ans, a quitté Harân et traversé l’Euphrate. À plusieurs reprises, Jéhovah a réitéré sa promesse à Abraham, ajoutant chaque fois des détails (Gen. 13:15-17 ; 17:1-8, 16). Et comme Abraham a manifesté une foi inébranlable dans les promesses divines en se montrant disposé à sacrifier son fils unique, Jéhovah a renforcé son alliance par une promesse inconditionnelle (Gen. 22:15-18 ; Héb. 11:17, 18). Après l’entrée en vigueur de l’alliance abrahamique, Jéhovah a progressivement révélé des détails importants au sujet de la semence de la femme (Gen. 3:15). Cette semence descendrait d’Abraham, serait nombreuse, exercerait une fonction royale, détruirait tous les ennemis de Dieu et serait une bénédiction pour beaucoup. w14 15/10 1:9, 10.
  16. Todas as famílias do solo certamente abençoarão a si mesmas por meio de ti. — Gên. 12:3. Essa é a primeira menção registrada do pacto abraâmico — o pacto que Jeová Deus fez com Abraão. Esse pacto entrou em vigor em 1943 AEC, quando Abraão, então com 75 anos, deixou Harã e atravessou o rio Eufrates. Jeová reafirmou sua promessa a Abraão várias vezes, sempre acrescentando detalhes. (Gên. 13:15-17; 17:1-8, 16) E quando Abraão demonstrou fé inabalável nas promessas de Deus por se dispor a oferecer seu único filho, Jeová reforçou o pacto com uma promessa incondicional. (Gên. 22:15-18; Heb. 11:17, 18) Depois que o pacto abraâmico entrou em vigor, Jeová aos poucos revelou detalhes importantes sobre o descendente da mulher. (Gên. 3:15) O descendente viria da linhagem de Abraão, seria composto por um grande número de pessoas, exerceria uma função de rei, destruiria todos os inimigos e seria uma bênção para muitos. w14 15/10 1:9, 10
  17. All the families of the ground will certainly be blessed by means of you.—Gen. 12:3. This is the earliest recorded account of the Abrahamic covenant—the covenant that Jehovah God made with Abraham. It went into effect in 1943 B.C.E., when 75-year-old Abraham left Haran and crossed the Euphrates River. Jehovah restated his promise to Abraham a number of times, adding further details. (Gen. 13:15-17; 17:1-8, 16) And when Abraham demonstrated unshakable faith in God’s promises by showing willingness to offer up his only son, Jehovah reinforced the covenant with an unconditional promise. (Gen. 22:15-18; Heb. 11:17, 18) After the Abrahamic covenant went into effect, Jehovah gradually revealed important details about the offspring of the woman. (Gen. 3:15) The offspring would descend from Abraham, would be many in number, would have a kingly function, would destroy all enemies, and would be a blessing for many others. w14 10/15 1:9, 10
  18. A wonderful true and right sight / vision you have, Eoin Joyce... perfect, yes ! Thank you very much for your answer ;o) We learned to answer in a good and right way, the father did it, in a very wise way, yes. The reaction from the couple was showing that.... I love such of answers - remembers me to Jesus❤ ( 6, But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have hung around his neck a millstone that is turned by a donkey and to be sunk in the open sea.)
  19. Hallo meine lieben Schwestern / Sisters - Today, Monday, the weather is getting nice warm in north Germany... the sun is already shining to early morning ! Lets enjoy the day ;o) Auf Wiedersehen ❤
  20. "My security man was nearly beheaded in my house today by hired assasins. Please, join me to thank God for saving us from the hands of evil people and horrific death." ;-( VERY SAD !! But much luck for the young Brother... Gabriel OC Nnaji... Amen. Thanks ❤ ( Get well soon, our Brother ! )
  21. The first experiences with *His New Eyes* ;o) A 24—years old man, looking out a moving trains window shouted. "Dad, look. The trees are going backwards, they are moving very fast!" His father simply looked at him smiling, with so much joy on his face. A couple in the nearby seats looked at the young man bewildered and thought to themselves, "He's so grown up yet so childish. He must have a mental disorder for his father not to be bothered." Suddenly the young man exclaimed again, "Dad, look, the clouds are running with us!" The couple could not resist and said to the young man's father, "Why don't you take your son to see a good doctor, maybe a psychiatrist." The man smiled and answered, "Actually, we are just coming from a doctor, a good doctor, but not a psychiatrist. We are just coming from the hospital. My son was blind from birth and he just got his sight today for the very first time❤ His behavior may seem stupid to you, it's more than miracle to me." The couple just sat down there, lost for words, starring at each other with a mixture of tears and shame in their eyes.... You see, everybody on earth has a story. Don't judge people so fast or jump into conclusion about their affairs or their private matters: Why? Because you don't know where they're coming from or what they have had to deal with, neither can you fathoms what they're going through. The TRUTH behind their story might surprise you. Take it easy with others, even if you think you have a perfect life.—Proverbs 25:23, 25.
  22. Kostenfrei habt ihr empfangen, kostenfrei gebt (Mat. 10:8) Die vielen Übersetzungsteams überall auf der Welt zeigen, wie ernst Jehovas Organisation den Auftrag nimmt, die gute Botschaft vom Königreich weltweit zu predigen. Viele Millionen Traktate, Broschüren und Zeitschriften wurden bei weltumspannenden Aktionen kostenfrei an die Öffentlichkeit weitergegeben. Die Kosten werden durch Spenden der Zeugen Jehovas gedeckt. Sie sind davon überzeugt, die Wahrheit gefunden zu haben. Daher bringen sie als eifrige Prediger und Lehrer große Opfer, um die Botschaft zu Menschen anderer Länder und Volksgruppen zu bringen. Viele haben ihr Leben vereinfacht, eine andere Sprache gelernt und sich einer anderen Kultur angepasst, um sich an diesem wichtigen christlichen Werk noch besser beteiligen zu können. Das weltweite Predigen und Lehren ist ein weiterer Grund, warum viele davon überzeugt sind, dass Jehovas Zeugen die wahren Nachfolger Christi Jesu sind. w14 15. 9. 1:10, 11
  23. Vous avez reçu gratuitement, donnez gratuitement (Mat. 10:8). Comme le montre la mise en place de nombreuses équipes de traduction un peu partout dans le monde, l’organisation de Jéhovah prend très au sérieux la mission de prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume sur toute la terre. Des millions de tracts, de brochures et de revues sont distribués gratuitement lors de campagnes mondiales. Les dépenses sont couvertes par les offrandes volontaires des Témoins de Jéhovah. Prédicateurs et enseignants chrétiens zélés, les Témoins de Jéhovah sont si convaincus d’avoir trouvé la vérité qu’ils font de grands sacrifices pour la communiquer à des personnes d’autres nationalités ou ethnies. Beaucoup simplifient leur vie, apprennent une langue et s’adaptent à une culture afin de participer à cette activité capitale. Cette œuvre internationale de prédication et d’enseignement est une autre caractéristique qui convainc beaucoup de gens que les Témoins de Jéhovah sont les véritables disciples de Christ Jésus. w14 15/9 1:10, 11.
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