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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 1800352_10204104032794928_7506342522112263408_n.jpg

    In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.—2 Tim. 3:1.

    he Bible foretold that wicked conduct would prevail in “the last days.” Human wrongdoing has become so widespread that these truly are “critical times.” Throughout mankind’s history, however, the “Sovereign Lord Jehovah” has shown favor to men and women who have trusted in him, have obeyed his laws, and have submitted to him as their Ruler. (Ps. 71:5) When God destroyed the violent ancient world by means of the Flood in the days of Noah, very few humans survived. If Noah’s brothers and sisters were still alive at that time, they too died in the floodwaters. (Gen. 5:30) But as many women as men survived the Deluge. The survivors were Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives. They were preserved because they feared God and did his will. The billions of humans now living descended from those eight individuals who had Jehovah’s backing.—Gen. 7:7; 1 Pet. 3:20. w14 8/15 1:8, 9


  2. THE  2  GOATS !!.jpg

    THE  WISE  GOAT.... ;o)

    Over a river there was a very narrow bridge. One
    day a goat was crossing this bridge. Just at the
    middle of the bridge he met another goat. There
    was no room for them to pass.
    "Go back," said one goat to the other, "there is no
    room for both of us".
    "Why should I go back?", said the other goat.
    "Why should not you go back?"
    " You must go back", said the first goat, "because
    I am stronger than you."
    "You are not stronger than I", said the second goat.
    "We will see about that", said the first goat, and
    he put down his horns to fight.
    "Stop!", said the second goat. " If we fight, we shall
    both fall into the river and be drowned. Instead.
    I have a plan...  I shall lie down, and you may walk
    over me."
    Then the wise goat lay down on the bridge, and
    the other goat walked lightly over him. So they
    passed each other, and went on their ways.

    Make up in other terms. Even if you think you are
    right, no matter what, make sure you tell them you
    are sorry, because you are most likely to be at
    fault for something. Jesus said at Matthew
    5:38-42; "Do not resist him that is wicked; but
    whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the
    other also to him...."  Keep the focus on resolving
    the problem and not on being right.

    Apologize -  and offer to move forward.
    Peacemakers look for ways to bring people
    together, to resolve difference, to unite divided
    heart. (Matthew 5:9)


  3. THE  HORSE  AND  THE  GOAT.......jpg

    THE  HORSE  AND  THE  GOAT......

    There was a famer who had a horse and a goat.
    One day, the horse became ill. So he called
    veterinarian, who said, "Well, your horse has a
    virus. He must take this medicine for three days.
    I'll come back on the third day and he's not
    better, we're going to have to kill him." Nearby,
    the goat listened closely to their conversation.
    The next day, they gave the horse the medicine
    and left. The goat approached the horse and said,
    "Hey horse! Be strong, my friend. Get up or else
    they're going to kill you!" On the second day, they
    again gave the horse the medicine and left. The
    goat came back and said, "Come on buddy, get
    up or else you're going to die! Come on, I'll help
    you get up..... Let's go! One, two, three....."
    On the third day, they came to give the horse the
    medicine and the veterinarian said, "Unfortunately,
    we're going to have kill him tomorrow. Otherwise,
    the virus might spread and infect the other
    horses." After they left. The goat approached the
    horse and said, "Listen pal, it's now or never! Get
    up, come on! Have courage! Come on..... Get
    up..... Please...... Get up..... Yes that's it,
    slowly....... Great! Come on, one, two, three .....
    Great, good. Now faster, come on...... Thank
    you...... Fantastic! Run, run more! Yes! Yes! Yes!
    You did it, you're a champion!  I love you ❤
    All of a sudden, the owner came back, saw the
    horse running in the field with goat and began
    shouting, "its a miracle! My horse is cured...
    We must have a grand party."  So he called his
    servant,  "Moses, kill and prepare the goat!"   ;-(

    (  A very  bad  experience  for  the  goat....)

  4. 1521519_473615326080882_1156197384_n.jpg


    Die feste Grundlage Gottes bleibt bestehen und hat dieses Siegel (2. Tim. 2:19)

    In der Veranschaulichung des Paulus in 2. Timotheus 2:19 ist die Rede von einer steinernen Grundlage mit einer Inschrift, die an einen Siegelabdruck erinnert. In alter Zeit war es nicht ungewöhnlich, auf einem Grundstein eine Inschrift anzubringen, vielleicht den Namen des Erbauers oder Besitzers. Paulus war der erste Bibelschreiber, der diese Veranschaulichung gebrauchte. Das Siegel auf der „festen Grundlage Gottes“ trägt zwei Inschriften. Erstens: „Jehova kennt die, die ihm gehören“, und zweitens: „Jeder, der den Namen Jehovas nennt, lasse ab von Ungerechtigkeit.“ Dabei kommen uns die Worte aus 4. Mose 16:5 in den Sinn. Was können wir dem von Paulus erwähnten Siegel entnehmen? Für diejenigen, die zu Gott gehören, können Jehovas Werte und Grundsätze mit zwei grundlegenden Wahrheiten zusammengefasst werden. 1. Jehova liebt die, die loyal zu ihm stehen, und 2. Jehova hasst Ungerechtigkeit. w14 15. 7. 1:8, 9


  5. 1521519_473615326080882_1156197384_n.jpg


    Le solide fondement de Dieu tient debout, portant ce sceau (2 Tim. 2:19).

    L’image employée par Paul en 2 Timothée 2:19 évoque des fondations sur lesquelles un message aurait été imprimé au moyen d’un sceau. Dans l’Antiquité, il n’était pas rare de faire figurer une inscription sur les fondations d’un édifice, par exemple le nom de son constructeur ou de son propriétaire. Paul a été le premier rédacteur biblique à utiliser cette image. Le sceau figurant sur « le solide fondement de Dieu » comporte deux déclarations. Premièrement : « Jéhovah connaît ceux qui lui appartiennent », deuxièmement : « Que tout homme qui nomme le nom de Jéhovah renonce à l’injustice. » Voilà qui nous rappelle les paroles de Nombres 16:5. Quel enseignement peut-on dégager des déclarations de ce « sceau » ? Pour ceux qui appartiennent à Jéhovah, les valeurs et les principes divins se résument à deux vérités fondamentales : 1) Jéhovah aime ceux qui lui sont fidèles, 2) Jéhovah déteste l’injustice. w14 15/7 1:8, 9.


  6. 1521519_473615326080882_1156197384_n.jpg


    The solid foundation of God remains standing, having this seal.—2 Tim. 2:19.

    Paul’s word picture recorded at 2 Timothy 2:19 depicts a foundation with a message on it, as if imprinted with a seal. In ancient times, it was not uncommon to display an inscription on a building’s foundation, perhaps showing who built it or who owned it. Paul was the first Bible writer to use this particular illustration. The seal on “the solid foundation of God” has two pronouncements. First, “Jehovah knows those who belong to him” and second, “Let everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.” This reminds us of what we read at Numbers 16:5. What lesson can we learn from the “seal” in Paul’s word picture? For those who belong to God, Jehovah’s values and principles can be summed up in two fundamental truths: (1) Jehovah loves those who are loyal to him, and (2) Jehovah hates unrighteousness. w14 7/15 1:8, 9


  7. 1521519_473615326080882_1156197384_n.jpg


    O sólido alicerce de Deus fica de pé, tendo este selo. — 2 Tim. 2:19.

    A figura de linguagem usada por Paulo em 2 Timóteo 2:19 descreve um alicerce que tem um selo, ou seja, uma inscrição. Nos tempos antigos, era comum que os alicerces de prédios tivessem um selo, talvez para identificar o construtor ou o proprietário. Paulo foi o primeiro escritor bíblico a usar essa ilustração. O selo no “sólido alicerce de Deus” contém duas declarações. A primeira: “Jeová conhece os que lhe pertencem”, e a segunda: “Todo aquele que menciona o nome de Jeová renuncie à injustiça.” Isso nos faz lembrar o que lemos em Números 16:5. Que duas verdades podemos aprender da ilustração de Paulo sobre o “selo”? Para aqueles que pertencem a Deus, os valores e princípios de Jeová podem ser resumidos assim: (1) Jeová ama os que são leais a ele, e (2) Jeová odeia a injustiça. w14 15/7 1:8, 9


  8. 9 minutes ago, Tennyson said:

    Thank you  , rich spiritually and healthy in the eating  .Agape

    Thank  you  Tennyson,  I  appreciate  that  you  like  my  'Daily texts'  &  my   'Texto  do  dia'   too...   yes,  thank  you  very  much  my  Brother  ;o)   Agape

  9. Jehovah’s celestial chariot.jpg



    Durch ihn haben wir Leben und bewegen uns und existieren (Apg. 17:28)

    Weshalb sollten wir Gott lieben? Unter anderem, weil Jehova unser Schöpfer ist und für uns sorgt. Jehova hat uns eine wunderschöne Heimstätte gegeben — die Erde (Ps. 115:16). Von ihm erhalten wir Nahrung und andere lebensnotwendige Dinge. Deshalb konnte Paulus zu den götzendienerischen Einwohnern Lystras sagen, dass sich der lebendige Gott „nicht ohne Zeugnis gelassen hat, indem er Gutes tat, da er . . . Regen vom Himmel und fruchtbare Zeiten gab und . . . [das] Herz mit Speise und Fröhlichkeit erfüllte“ (Apg. 14:15-17). Darüber hinaus hat Gott die Beseitigung von Sünde und Tod, unserem Erbe von Adam, ermöglicht (Röm. 5:12). Er „empfiehlt seine eigene Liebe zu uns dadurch, dass Christus für uns starb, während wir noch Sünder waren“ (Röm. 5:8). Zweifellos fließt unser Herz über vor Liebe zu Jehova, der Sündenvergebung für uns ermöglicht, wenn wir bereuen und Glauben an Jesu Loskaufsopfer ausüben (Joh. 3:16). w14 15. 6. 1:9, 10


  10. Jehovah’s celestial chariot.jpg



    Par lui nous avons la vie et nous nous mouvons et nous existons (Actes 17:28).

    Pourquoi devrions-nous aimer Jéhovah ? Entre autres raisons parce qu’il est notre Créateur et Celui qui pourvoit à nos besoins. Il nous a donné une magnifique demeure terrestre (Ps. 115:16). Il nous fournit également la nourriture et d’autres choses nécessaires à notre maintien en vie. C’est pourquoi Paul a pu dire aux habitants idolâtres de Lystres : « Le Dieu vivant [...] ne [s’est] pas laissé lui-même sans témoignage en ce qu’il a fait du bien, vous donnant du ciel pluies et saisons fécondes, comblant vos cœurs de nourriture et de gaieté » (Actes 14:15-17). De plus, il a rendu possible l’élimination du péché et de la mort légués par Adam (Rom. 5:12). En effet, « Dieu nous recommande son propre amour en ce que — alors que nous étions encore pécheurs — Christ est mort pour nous » (Rom. 5:8). Nul doute que notre cœur déborde d’amour pour Jéhovah, qui a permis que nous obtenions le pardon de nos péchés si nous sommes repentants et exerçons la foi dans le sacrifice rédempteur de Jésus (Jean 3:16). w14 15/6 1:9, 10.


  11. 4 minutes ago, Blanchie DeGrate said:

    Always be kind and respect to others. ?


    4 minutes ago, Blanchie DeGrate said:

    Always be kind and respect to others. ?

    Yes,  we  daily  do  that  Blanchie  ;o)  I  love  humans  like  you❤  Many  humans  still  have  to  learn  that...   But  Jehovah  will  give  alot  time  for  that,  how  nice !

  12. Jehovah’s celestial chariot.jpg



    Por meio dele temos vida, e nos movemos, e existimos. — Atos 17:28.

    Porque devemos amar a Jeová? Uma razão é que Jeová é nosso Criador e Provisor. Ele nos deu um maravilhoso lar terrestre. (Sal. 115:16) Ele também nos dá alimento e outras coisas que precisamos para viver. Por essa razão, Paulo pôde dizer aos idólatras habitantes de Listra: “O Deus vivente . . . não se deixou sem testemunho, por fazer o bem, dando-vos chuvas do céu e estações frutíferas, enchendo os vossos corações plenamente de alimento e de bom ânimo.” (Atos 14:15-17) Também, Deus tornou possível o livramento do pecado e da morte herdados de Adão. (Rom. 5:12) De fato, “Deus recomenda a nós o seu próprio amor, por Cristo ter morrido por nós enquanto éramos ainda pecadores”. (Rom. 5:8) Jeová perdoa nossos pecados se nos arrependemos e exercemos fé no sacrifício de resgate de Jesus. Sem dúvida, essa provisão nos faz sentir profundo amor e gratidão por Jeová. — João 3:16. w14 15/6 1:9, 10


  13. Jehovah’s celestial chariot.jpg


    By him we have life and move and exist.—Acts 17:28.

    Why should we love God? One reason is that Jehovah is our Creator and our Provider. He has given us our splendid earthly home. (Ps. 115:16) He also provides food and other things we need in order to sustain our life. Therefore, Paul could tell the idolatrous residents of Lystra that “the living God . . . did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness.” (Acts 14:15-17) Also, God has made possible the removal of the sin and death we inherited from Adam. (Rom. 5:12) Indeed, “God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) Undoubtedly, our heart overflows with love for Jehovah because he has made it possible for us to receive forgiveness of our sins if we are repentant and exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.—John 3:16. w14 6/15 1:9, 10



  14. 7 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

    Same thing.


    Jesus is referred to in the Bible AS Jehovah God.


    The Apostle Thomas called Jesus God.John 20:27-29: 2. The Apostle Peter called Jesus God.2 Peter 1:1: 3.The Apostle John called Jesus God.John 1:1-3, 4.God the Father called Jesus God.Hebrews 1:8: 5. God the Father called Jesus God. 6.Isaiah the Prophet said the Messiah would be God.Isaiah 9:67. The Jews who crucified Jesus understood Him to be saying that He was equal with God.John 5:18: 8.Jesus called Himself "I AM", the Old Testament name for God (Exodus 3:14).John 8:58-59. 9.Jesus calls Himself "the Alpha and Omega," the title of Almighty God.Revelation 22:12-13. 10. Like God (Gen. 1:1) Jesus created.Colossians 1:16-1711. Like God, Jesus forgives sin.Mark 2:5-7, 10-11:12. Like God, Jesus gives eternal life.John 10:27-28: 13. Like God, Jesus received, receives and will receive worship.Matthew 14:32-33. 14. Jesus said that only God was good; and Jesus was good. John 10:11: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."John 10:11: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."Jesus was as good as they come. He was "sinless," "holy," "righteous," "innocent," "undefiled," and "separate from sinners." (Hebrews 7:26) That's pretty good! 15. Like God, Jesus can be present in more than one place at the same time.Matthew 18:20: 16. One of Jesus' titles is "God with us."Matthew 1:23. 17. Jesus' blood is called God's blood.Acts 20:28: 18. Jesus has the same nature as God.Hebrews 1:3a: 19. Jesus spoke as God.Jesus did not speak as one of God's prophets: "thus says the Lord," but as God: "I say to you."Matthew 5:27-29. 20. Like God (Psalm 136:3), Jesus is called the Lord of Lords and King of kings.Revelation 17:14. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. ( WHEN WAS GOD PIERCED? ). And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel (means God Among Us). 


    But  fact  is :  Jesus  is  in spite  of  everything,  the  SON  of  the  *Almighty  God*  and  that  means,  he  is  inferior  his  Father  Jehovah !  Whatever  you  will  tell  me,  Jesus  maybe  titled  as  a  God,  yes,  thats  true  and  right  -  bec. Satan  is a  *God*  too !  The  God  our  current  systems...  but  after  the  1000 years,  Jesus  will  give  back  his  current  power  to  his  Almighty  Father  -  and  he  will  do  it  with  love,  bec. Jesus  loves  him Then  Jehovah  is  again  the  ONE  and  ONLY  God  for  all  creatures !

  15. 42 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    I have a question then, If Jesus is another kind of God, then what do you make of Isaiah 43:10? 

    "Before Me there was no God formed and there will be none after Me"




    In some  Bibletranslations,  Jesus were  titled  as  "God"...  in other  Bibles  they  said,  Jesus  was  "one  God"...   /  thats  what  I  meant !

    NWT,  According  John  1: 1,  ... and  the  Word  was  a  god  -  our  Insight - book  explains  this  exact.  -  A  son  is  NEVER  also  the  father !  Jesus  is  of  course  inferior  to  Jehovah.  When  Satan  is  titled  as  a  God...  then  its  more  applicable  for  Jesus,  says  the  Insight - book,  also  a  good  reason,  Jesus  is  one  God, or  a  mightier  God,  but  NEVER  the  Almighty  God !  -  Read  more  by  Book  No.1,  Jesus  Christ...

    We  very  clear  see  in,  ( Gen. 17:1,  -  Isa. 45:18,  -  Ps. 83:18 )  Jehovah,  our  God,  is  ONE  Jehovah !

    I've  all  in  German - language  here,  so  its  little  difficult  and  time-consuming  for  me,  I'm  sorry  -  Thanks !



  16. 303592_430452860330245_740036385_n.jpg

    Alles, was ihr wollt, dass euch die Menschen tun, sollt auch ihr ihnen ebenso tun (Mat. 7:12)

    Was heißt es, sich im Predigtdienst nach der Goldenen Regel zu richten? Zeigen wir persönliches Interesse an den Wohnungsinhabern. Respektieren wir ihre Wohnung, ihr Haus oder ihr Grundstück. Gehen wir in den Dienst, wenn die meisten zu Hause und bereit sind, uns zuzuhören. Und leiten wir uns so ein, dass die Botschaft gut aufgenommen wird. Es lohnt sich wirklich, im Gebiet alle so zu behandeln, wie wir selbst behandelt werden möchten. Seien wir freundlich und rücksichtsvoll! So lassen wir unser Licht leuchten, unterstreichen den Wert biblischer Grundsätze und ehren unseren himmlischen Vater (Mat. 5:16). Andere fühlen sich dann vielleicht eher zur Wahrheit hingezogen (1. Tim. 4:16). Ob sie die Königreichsbotschaft hören möchten oder nicht — wir haben ein gutes Gefühl, denn wir haben unser Bestes getan und unseren Dienst völlig durchgeführt (2. Tim. 4:5). w14 15. 5. 2:17, 18


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