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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. A PERFECT *EXAMPLE PICTURE* FOR ALL HUMANS !! YES.... We are *LIGHT* in the darken world, what about you ?
  2. Durch ihn haben wir Leben und bewegen uns und existieren (Apg. 17:28) Weshalb sollten wir Gott lieben? Unter anderem, weil Jehova unser Schöpfer ist und für uns sorgt. Jehova hat uns eine wunderschöne Heimstätte gegeben — die Erde (Ps. 115:16). Von ihm erhalten wir Nahrung und andere lebensnotwendige Dinge. Deshalb konnte Paulus zu den götzendienerischen Einwohnern Lystras sagen, dass sich der lebendige Gott „nicht ohne Zeugnis gelassen hat, indem er Gutes tat, da er . . . Regen vom Himmel und fruchtbare Zeiten gab und . . . [das] Herz mit Speise und Fröhlichkeit erfüllte“ (Apg. 14:15-17). Darüber hinaus hat Gott die Beseitigung von Sünde und Tod, unserem Erbe von Adam, ermöglicht (Röm. 5:12). Er „empfiehlt seine eigene Liebe zu uns dadurch, dass Christus für uns starb, während wir noch Sünder waren“ (Röm. 5:8). Zweifellos fließt unser Herz über vor Liebe zu Jehova, der Sündenvergebung für uns ermöglicht, wenn wir bereuen und Glauben an Jesu Loskaufsopfer ausüben (Joh. 3:16). w14 15. 6. 1:9, 10
  3. Par lui nous avons la vie et nous nous mouvons et nous existons (Actes 17:28). Pourquoi devrions-nous aimer Jéhovah ? Entre autres raisons parce qu’il est notre Créateur et Celui qui pourvoit à nos besoins. Il nous a donné une magnifique demeure terrestre (Ps. 115:16). Il nous fournit également la nourriture et d’autres choses nécessaires à notre maintien en vie. C’est pourquoi Paul a pu dire aux habitants idolâtres de Lystres : « Le Dieu vivant [...] ne [s’est] pas laissé lui-même sans témoignage en ce qu’il a fait du bien, vous donnant du ciel pluies et saisons fécondes, comblant vos cœurs de nourriture et de gaieté » (Actes 14:15-17). De plus, il a rendu possible l’élimination du péché et de la mort légués par Adam (Rom. 5:12). En effet, « Dieu nous recommande son propre amour en ce que — alors que nous étions encore pécheurs — Christ est mort pour nous » (Rom. 5:8). Nul doute que notre cœur déborde d’amour pour Jéhovah, qui a permis que nous obtenions le pardon de nos péchés si nous sommes repentants et exerçons la foi dans le sacrifice rédempteur de Jésus (Jean 3:16). w14 15/6 1:9, 10.
  4. Yes, we daily do that Blanchie ;o) I love humans like you❤ Many humans still have to learn that... But Jehovah will give alot time for that, how nice !
  5. Por meio dele temos vida, e nos movemos, e existimos. — Atos 17:28. Porque devemos amar a Jeová? Uma razão é que Jeová é nosso Criador e Provisor. Ele nos deu um maravilhoso lar terrestre. (Sal. 115:16) Ele também nos dá alimento e outras coisas que precisamos para viver. Por essa razão, Paulo pôde dizer aos idólatras habitantes de Listra: “O Deus vivente . . . não se deixou sem testemunho, por fazer o bem, dando-vos chuvas do céu e estações frutíferas, enchendo os vossos corações plenamente de alimento e de bom ânimo.” (Atos 14:15-17) Também, Deus tornou possível o livramento do pecado e da morte herdados de Adão. (Rom. 5:12) De fato, “Deus recomenda a nós o seu próprio amor, por Cristo ter morrido por nós enquanto éramos ainda pecadores”. (Rom. 5:8) Jeová perdoa nossos pecados se nos arrependemos e exercemos fé no sacrifício de resgate de Jesus. Sem dúvida, essa provisão nos faz sentir profundo amor e gratidão por Jeová. — João 3:16. w14 15/6 1:9, 10
  6. By him we have life and move and exist.—Acts 17:28. Why should we love God? One reason is that Jehovah is our Creator and our Provider. He has given us our splendid earthly home. (Ps. 115:16) He also provides food and other things we need in order to sustain our life. Therefore, Paul could tell the idolatrous residents of Lystra that “the living God . . . did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness.” (Acts 14:15-17) Also, God has made possible the removal of the sin and death we inherited from Adam. (Rom. 5:12) Indeed, “God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) Undoubtedly, our heart overflows with love for Jehovah because he has made it possible for us to receive forgiveness of our sins if we are repentant and exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.—John 3:16. w14 6/15 1:9, 10
  7. Thanks for that wonderful video. Its always so fascinating, how humans positive changed their life by study the Bible. Yes, its never too late for this step. Jehovah will bless alot?❤️
  8. But fact is : Jesus is in spite of everything, the SON of the *Almighty God* and that means, he is inferior his Father Jehovah ! Whatever you will tell me, Jesus maybe titled as a God, yes, thats true and right - bec. Satan is a *God* too ! The God our current systems... but after the 1000 years, Jesus will give back his current power to his Almighty Father - and he will do it with love, bec. Jesus loves him❤ Then Jehovah is again the ONE and ONLY God for all creatures !
  9. In some Bibletranslations, Jesus were titled as "God"... in other Bibles they said, Jesus was "one God"... / thats what I meant ! NWT, According John 1: 1, ... and the Word was a god - our Insight - book explains this exact. - A son is NEVER also the father ! Jesus is of course inferior to Jehovah. When Satan is titled as a God... then its more applicable for Jesus, says the Insight - book, also a good reason, Jesus is one God, or a mightier God, but NEVER the Almighty God ! - Read more by Book No.1, Jesus Christ... We very clear see in, ( Gen. 17:1, - Isa. 45:18, - Ps. 83:18 ) Jehovah, our God, is ONE Jehovah ! I've all in German - language here, so its little difficult and time-consuming for me, I'm sorry - Thanks !
  10. Alles, was ihr wollt, dass euch die Menschen tun, sollt auch ihr ihnen ebenso tun (Mat. 7:12) Was heißt es, sich im Predigtdienst nach der Goldenen Regel zu richten? Zeigen wir persönliches Interesse an den Wohnungsinhabern. Respektieren wir ihre Wohnung, ihr Haus oder ihr Grundstück. Gehen wir in den Dienst, wenn die meisten zu Hause und bereit sind, uns zuzuhören. Und leiten wir uns so ein, dass die Botschaft gut aufgenommen wird. Es lohnt sich wirklich, im Gebiet alle so zu behandeln, wie wir selbst behandelt werden möchten. Seien wir freundlich und rücksichtsvoll! So lassen wir unser Licht leuchten, unterstreichen den Wert biblischer Grundsätze und ehren unseren himmlischen Vater (Mat. 5:16). Andere fühlen sich dann vielleicht eher zur Wahrheit hingezogen (1. Tim. 4:16). Ob sie die Königreichsbotschaft hören möchten oder nicht — wir haben ein gutes Gefühl, denn wir haben unser Bestes getan und unseren Dienst völlig durchgeführt (2. Tim. 4:5). w14 15. 5. 2:17, 18
  11. Todas as coisas, . . . que quereis que os homens vos façam, vós também tendes de fazer do mesmo modo a eles. — Mat. 7:12. Quais são algumas maneiras de seguirmos a Regra de Ouro em nosso ministério? Damos atenção individualizada às pessoas com quem falamos. Mostramos respeito pela casa e pelos bens do morador. Também nos esforçamos em participar no ministério nos horários em que é mais provável que as pessoas estejam em casa e dispostas a nos atender. E apresentamos nossa mensagem de um modo que seja bem recebida no território local. Tratar as pessoas de nosso território como gostaríamos de ser tratados resulta em muitos benefícios. Por agirmos de maneira bondosa e respeitosa, deixamos brilhar nossa luz, destacamos o valor dos princípios bíblicos e damos glória ao nosso Pai celestial. (Mat. 5:16) Podemos atrair mais pessoas à verdade pelo modo como as abordamos. (1 Tim. 4:16) Quer as pessoas aceitem a mensagem do Reino, quer não, temos a satisfação de saber que estamos fazendo o máximo para realizar nosso ministério. — 2 Tim. 4:5. w14 15/5 2:17, 18
  12. Tout ce que vous voulez que les hommes fassent pour vous, de même vous aussi, vous devez le faire pour eux (Mat. 7:12). Comment appliquer la Règle d’or dans notre ministère ? Entre autres, en traitant chaque interlocuteur comme une personne à part entière ; en respectant son domicile et ses biens ; en nous efforçant de prêcher à des moments où les gens sont le plus susceptibles d’être chez eux et d’être réceptifs à notre message ; et en présentant notre message de façon à ce qu’il soit bien perçu par les gens de la région. Traiter les gens de notre territoire comme nous aimerions être traités est source de nombreux bienfaits. En agissant d’une façon aimable et pleine de considération, nous faisons briller notre lumière, nous mettons en évidence la valeur des principes bibliques et nous rendons gloire à notre Père céleste (Mat. 5:16). Par notre façon d’aborder les gens, nous en attirerons peut-être davantage à la vérité (1 Tim. 4:16). Enfin, que notre interlocuteur accepte ou non le message du Royaume, nous avons la satisfaction de savoir que nous faisons de notre mieux pour accomplir notre ministère (2 Tim. 4:5). w14 15/5 2:17, 18.
  13. All things . . . that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them.—Matt. 7:12. What are some ways in which we follow the Golden Rule in our ministry? We treat each householder as an individual. We show respect for the householder’s home and other property. We endeavor to participate in the ministry at times when householders are most likely to be at home and receptive. And we introduce our message in a way that is well-received in the local territory. Many benefits come from treating those in our territory as we would like to be treated. By acting in a kind and considerate manner, we are letting our light shine, are underscoring the value of Scriptural principles, and are giving glory to our heavenly Father. (Matt. 5:16) We may attract more people to the truth by the way we approach them. (1 Tim. 4:16) Whether those to whom we preach accept the Kingdom message or not, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are doing our best to accomplish our ministry.—2 Tim. 4:5. w14 5/15 2:17, 18
  14. Jehovah is really in control of his works ! Its like a good technical global networking....
  15. Lektion 21: Geduld machtʼs leichter ! Jehova ist geduldig. Wie schafft man es, auch geduldig zu sein ? https://www.jw.org/de/bibel-und-praxis/familie/kinder/werde-jehovas-freund/kinderfilme/geduld-machts-leichter/ Lektion 12: Philipp und Sophia im Bethel Was für tolle Sachen sehen Philipp und Sophia im Bethel? Worauf freust du dich schon, wenn du ins Bethel kommst? https://www.jw.org/de/bibel-und-praxis/familie/kinder/werde-jehovas-freund/kinderfilme/philipp-sophia-im-bethel/ VIEL SPASS !! ;o)
  16. Prob. a HOAX, yes ! I miss some photos or a little video from that all....
  17. PS. Trust Jesus, yes... but MORE, trust Jehovah, the only ONE God !
  18. Exact, there is only ONE God, Jehovah, you say it ! Jesus was never an atheist, thats ludicrous ! Of course, Jesus was there before Abraham... bec. he was living alone with his father for 'trilliards' of years in Heaven - nobody knows how long, but very very long. Jehovah, his father, made Jesus, his first created person, called his firstborn son Jesus and after, all other things were coming into existence. First the universe, with myriards of angels, planets, stars, etc. etc. and later the earth with all we learned and much more. - Of sure you can tell me the perfect Bible scriptures to that, I see your big engagement... I hope, you will find another person here, to discuss this and that ;o) My time is limited, sorry. Enjoy our great website here ! Wish you a nice day ??☀️
  19. Jesus maybe was another kind of God.... but NOT the Creator of all alone and not making himself, haha, do you believe that ? Jesus was the first one the Almighty God created, all other things they created together, yes. - Jesus was called with some different names, also God... But he never wanted be the Almighty God, he always wanted calling by the son of God. "My father is greater than me".... / he prayed to his father ! When Jesus were God, he never had to pray... When Jesus was on Earth - his father was in Heaven. HE gave Jesus into Maria... only ONE could do that with Jesus ! Jesus was praying SO strong to his father, that his sweat became to blood... I don't have any problem with brainwashing... to some things, I've my own opinion ! Not nice, you wrote that ;-( I try doing nothings automatically. My brain is not manipulable. --- Seems, that theme is one of your big hobbies ? ;o) God was giving himself a special name ! Look into the Bible and tell me, how often he did.... I'm sure you know that ! Gnite from Germany.....
  20. Moses achtete die Schmach des Christus für größeren Reichtum als die Schätze Ägyptens (Heb. 11:26) Moses war der „Christus“ oder „Gesalbte“, weil ihn Jehova beauftragt hatte, Israel aus Ägypten herauszuführen. Moses wusste, wie schwierig und schmachvoll der Auftrag war. Ein Israelit hatte ihn früher einmal verhöhnt: „Wer hat dich zum Fürsten und Richter über uns gesetzt?“ (2. Mo. 2:13, 14). Und Moses selbst fragte Jehova: „Wie wird Pharao jemals auf mich hören?“ (2. Mo. 6:12). Wie half ihm Jehova? 1. Jehova versicherte Moses: „Es wird sich erweisen, dass ich mit dir bin“ (2. Mo. 3:12). 2. Er flößte Moses Vertrauen ein und erklärte ihm einen Aspekt der Bedeutung seines Namens: „Ich werde mich erweisen, als was ich mich erweisen werde“ (2. Mo. 3:14). 3. Er verlieh Moses Macht, Wunder zu wirken — ein Beweis dafür, dass Moses wirklich von ihm beauftragt war (2. Mo. 4:2-5). 4. Jehova gab Moses mit Aaron einen Partner und Sprecher an die Seite (2. Mo. 4:14-16). w14 15. 4. 1:9, 10
  21. [Moisés] estimava o vitupério do Cristo como riqueza maior do que os tesouros do Egito. — Heb. 11:26. Moisés foi comissionado como o “Cristo”, ou “Ungido”, no sentido de ter sido escolhido por Jeová para guiar Israel para fora do Egito. Moisés sabia que cumprir essa comissão seria difícil, que envolveria até “vitupério”. Um israelita havia dito numa ocasião anterior com desdém: “Quem te designou príncipe e juiz sobre nós?” (Êxo. 2:13, 14) Mais tarde, o próprio Moisés perguntou a Jeová: ‘Como é que Faraó irá me escutar?’ (Êxo. 6:12) Como Jeová o ajudou? Primeiro, Jeová garantiu a Moisés: “Mostrarei estar contigo.” (Êxo. 3:12) Segundo, Jeová lhe inspirou confiança por explicar um aspecto do significado de seu nome: “Mostrarei Ser o Que Eu Mostrar Ser.” (Êxo. 3:14) Terceiro, Jeová concedeu a Moisés poderes milagrosos que provavam que ele realmente havia sido enviado por Deus. (Êxo. 4:2-5) Quarto, Jeová deu a Moisés um companheiro e porta-voz, Arão, para ajudá-lo a cumprir sua designação. — Êxo. 4:14-16. w14 15/4 1:9, 10
  22. [Moïse] a considéré l’opprobre du Christ comme une richesse plus grande que les trésors de l’Égypte (Héb. 11:26). Moïse était mandaté comme le « Christ », ou l’« Oint », en ce que Jéhovah l’avait choisi pour mener Israël hors d’Égypte. Il savait que s’acquitter de cette mission serait difficile, et serait même un « opprobre ». Un Israélite lui avait précédemment demandé avec mépris : « Qui t’a établi prince et juge sur nous ? » (Ex. 2:13, 14). Plus tard, Moïse lui-même a demandé à Jéhovah : « Comment Pharaon m’écoutera-t-il ? » (Ex. 6:12). Comment Jéhovah l’a-t-il aidé ? Premièrement, Jéhovah a promis à Moïse : « Je serai avec toi » (Ex. 3:12). Deuxièmement, il lui a donné confiance en lui expliquant ainsi un aspect de la signification de son nom : « Je deviendrai ce qu’il me plaît de devenir » (Ex. 3:14, note). Troisièmement, il lui a donné le pouvoir de faire des miracles, ce qui prouverait qu’il était son envoyé (Ex. 4:2-5). Quatrièmement, il lui a fourni un aide et porte-parole, Aaron (Ex. 4:14-16). w14 15/4 1:9, 10.
  23. [Moses] considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt.—Heb. 11:26. Moses was commissioned as “the Christ,” or “Anointed One,” in that he was selected by Jehovah to lead Israel out of Egypt. Moses knew that carrying out this commission would be difficult, even a “reproach.” One of the Israelites had earlier sneered: “Who appointed you as a prince and a judge over us?” (Ex. 2:13, 14) Later, Moses himself asked Jehovah: “How will Pharaoh ever listen to me?” (Ex. 6:12) How did Jehovah help Moses? First, Jehovah assured Moses: “I will prove to be with you.” (Ex. 3:12) Second, Jehovah inspired confidence by explaining one aspect of the meaning of his name: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become.” (Ex. 3:14) Third, he endowed Moses with miraculous power that proved that Moses was indeed sent by God. (Ex. 4:2-5) Fourth, Jehovah gave Moses a partner and spokesman, Aaron, to help him carry out his assignment.—Ex. 4:14-16. w14 4/15 1:9, 10
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