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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 303592_430452860330245_740036385_n.jpg

    Todas as coisas, . . . que quereis que os homens vos façam, vós também tendes de fazer do mesmo modo a eles. — Mat. 7:12.

    Quais são algumas maneiras de seguirmos a Regra de Ouro em nosso ministério? Damos atenção individualizada às pessoas com quem falamos. Mostramos respeito pela casa e pelos bens do morador. Também nos esforçamos em participar no ministério nos horários em que é mais provável que as pessoas estejam em casa e dispostas a nos atender. E apresentamos nossa mensagem de um modo que seja bem recebida no território local. Tratar as pessoas de nosso território como gostaríamos de ser tratados resulta em muitos benefícios. Por agirmos de maneira bondosa e respeitosa, deixamos brilhar nossa luz, destacamos o valor dos princípios bíblicos e damos glória ao nosso Pai celestial. (Mat. 5:16) Podemos atrair mais pessoas à verdade pelo modo como as abordamos. (1 Tim. 4:16) Quer as pessoas aceitem a mensagem do Reino, quer não, temos a satisfação de saber que estamos fazendo o máximo para realizar nosso ministério. — 2 Tim. 4:5. w14 15/5 2:17, 18


  2. 303592_430452860330245_740036385_n.jpg

    Tout ce que vous voulez que les hommes fassent pour vous, de même vous aussi, vous devez le faire pour eux (Mat. 7:12).

    Comment appliquer la Règle d’or dans notre ministère ? Entre autres, en traitant chaque interlocuteur comme une personne à part entière ; en respectant son domicile et ses biens ; en nous efforçant de prêcher à des moments où les gens sont le plus susceptibles d’être chez eux et d’être réceptifs à notre message ; et en présentant notre message de façon à ce qu’il soit bien perçu par les gens de la région. Traiter les gens de notre territoire comme nous aimerions être traités est source de nombreux bienfaits. En agissant d’une façon aimable et pleine de considération, nous faisons briller notre lumière, nous mettons en évidence la valeur des principes bibliques et nous rendons gloire à notre Père céleste (Mat. 5:16). Par notre façon d’aborder les gens, nous en attirerons peut-être davantage à la vérité (1 Tim. 4:16). Enfin, que notre interlocuteur accepte ou non le message du Royaume, nous avons la satisfaction de savoir que nous faisons de notre mieux pour accomplir notre ministère (2 Tim. 4:5). w14 15/5 2:17, 18.


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    All things . . . that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them.—Matt. 7:12.

    What are some ways in which we follow the Golden Rule in our ministry? We treat each householder as an individual. We show respect for the householder’s home and other property. We endeavor to participate in the ministry at times when householders are most likely to be at home and receptive. And we introduce our message in a way that is well-received in the local territory. Many benefits come from treating those in our territory as we would like to be treated. By acting in a kind and considerate manner, we are letting our light shine, are underscoring the value of Scriptural principles, and are giving glory to our heavenly Father. (Matt. 5:16) We may attract more people to the truth by the way we approach them. (1 Tim. 4:16) Whether those to whom we preach accept the Kingdom message or not, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are doing our best to accomplish our ministry.—2 Tim. 4:5. w14 5/15 2:17, 18


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    Lektion 21: Geduld machtʼs leichter !

    Jehova ist geduldig. Wie schafft man es, auch geduldig zu sein ?



    Lektion 12: Philipp und Sophia im Bethel

    Was für tolle Sachen sehen Philipp und Sophia im Bethel? Worauf freust du dich schon, wenn du ins Bethel kommst?



    VIEL  SPASS  !!  ;o)

  5. Exact, there is only ONE God, Jehovah, you say it !  Jesus was never an atheist, thats ludicrous ! Of course, Jesus was there before Abraham... bec. he was living alone with his father for 'trilliards'  of years in Heaven - nobody knows how long, but very very long. Jehovah, his father, made Jesus, his first created person, called his firstborn son Jesus and after, all other things were coming into existence. First the universe, with myriards of angels, planets, stars, etc. etc. and later the earth with all we learned and much more.  -  Of sure you can tell me the perfect Bible scriptures to that, I see your big engagement...  I hope, you will find another person here, to discuss this and that ;o)  My time is limited, sorry. Enjoy our great website here !  Wish you a nice day ??☀️

  6. Jesus  maybe  was  another  kind  of  God....  but  NOT  the  Creator  of  all  alone  and  not  making  himself,  haha,  do  you  believe  that ?  Jesus  was  the  first  one  the  Almighty  God  created,  all  other  things  they  created  together,  yes. -  Jesus  was  called  with  some  different  names,  also  God...  But  he  never  wanted  be  the  Almighty  God,  he  always  wanted  calling  by  the  son  of  God.

    "My  father  is  greater  than  me"....  /  he  prayed  to  his  father !  When  Jesus  were  God,  he  never  had  to  pray...  When  Jesus  was  on  Earth  -  his  father  was  in  Heaven.  HE  gave  Jesus  into  Maria...  only  ONE  could  do  that  with  Jesus !  Jesus  was  praying  SO  strong  to  his  father,  that  his  sweat  became  to  blood...

    I  don't  have  any  problem  with  brainwashing...  to  some  things,  I've  my  own  opinion !  Not  nice,  you  wrote  that  ;-(   I  try  doing  nothings  automatically.  My  brain  is  not  manipulable.  ---   Seems,  that  theme  is  one  of  your  big  hobbies ?  ;o)   God  was  giving  himself  a  special  name !  Look  into  the  Bible  and  tell  me,  how  often  he  did....  I'm  sure  you  know  that !

    Gnite  from  Germany.....

  7. -  LITTLE  MOSES   IN  A  BASKET.jpg


    Moses achtete die Schmach des Christus für größeren Reichtum als die Schätze Ägyptens (Heb. 11:26)

    Moses war der „Christus“ oder „Gesalbte“, weil ihn Jehova beauftragt hatte, Israel aus Ägypten herauszuführen. Moses wusste, wie schwierig und schmachvoll der Auftrag war. Ein Israelit hatte ihn früher einmal verhöhnt: „Wer hat dich zum Fürsten und Richter über uns gesetzt?“ (2. Mo. 2:13, 14). Und Moses selbst fragte Jehova: „Wie wird Pharao jemals auf mich hören?“ (2. Mo. 6:12). Wie half ihm Jehova? 1. Jehova versicherte Moses: „Es wird sich erweisen, dass ich mit dir bin“ (2. Mo. 3:12). 2. Er flößte Moses Vertrauen ein und erklärte ihm einen Aspekt der Bedeutung seines Namens: „Ich werde mich erweisen, als was ich mich erweisen werde“ (2. Mo. 3:14). 3. Er verlieh Moses Macht, Wunder zu wirken — ein Beweis dafür, dass Moses wirklich von ihm beauftragt war (2. Mo. 4:2-5). 4. Jehova gab Moses mit Aaron einen Partner und Sprecher an die Seite (2. Mo. 4:14-16). w14 15. 4. 1:9, 10


  8. -  LITTLE  MOSES   IN  A  BASKET.jpg


    [Moisés] estimava o vitupério do Cristo como riqueza maior do que os tesouros do Egito. — Heb. 11:26.

    Moisés foi comissionado como o “Cristo”, ou “Ungido”, no sentido de ter sido escolhido por Jeová para guiar Israel para fora do Egito. Moisés sabia que cumprir essa comissão seria difícil, que envolveria até “vitupério”. Um israelita havia dito numa ocasião anterior com desdém: “Quem te designou príncipe e juiz sobre nós?” (Êxo. 2:13, 14) Mais tarde, o próprio Moisés perguntou a Jeová: ‘Como é que Faraó irá me escutar?’ (Êxo. 6:12) Como Jeová o ajudou? Primeiro, Jeová garantiu a Moisés: “Mostrarei estar contigo.” (Êxo. 3:12) Segundo, Jeová lhe inspirou confiança por explicar um aspecto do significado de seu nome: “Mostrarei Ser o Que Eu Mostrar Ser.” (Êxo. 3:14) Terceiro, Jeová concedeu a Moisés poderes milagrosos que provavam que ele realmente havia sido enviado por Deus. (Êxo. 4:2-5) Quarto, Jeová deu a Moisés um companheiro e porta-voz, Arão, para ajudá-lo a cumprir sua designação. — Êxo. 4:14-16. w14 15/4 1:9, 10


  9. -  LITTLE  MOSES   IN  A  BASKET.jpg

    Moses, the stone tablets & the Tetragrammaton.jpg

    [Moïse] a considéré l’opprobre du Christ comme une richesse plus grande que les trésors de l’Égypte (Héb. 11:26).

    Moïse était mandaté comme le « Christ », ou l’« Oint », en ce que Jéhovah l’avait choisi pour mener Israël hors d’Égypte. Il savait que s’acquitter de cette mission serait difficile, et serait même un « opprobre ». Un Israélite lui avait précédemment demandé avec mépris : « Qui t’a établi prince et juge sur nous ? » (Ex. 2:13, 14). Plus tard, Moïse lui-même a demandé à Jéhovah : « Comment Pharaon m’écoutera-t-il ? » (Ex. 6:12). Comment Jéhovah l’a-t-il aidé ? Premièrement, Jéhovah a promis à Moïse : « Je serai avec toi » (Ex. 3:12). Deuxièmement, il lui a donné confiance en lui expliquant ainsi un aspect de la signification de son nom : « Je deviendrai ce qu’il me plaît de devenir » (Ex. 3:14, note). Troisièmement, il lui a donné le pouvoir de faire des miracles, ce qui prouverait qu’il était son envoyé (Ex. 4:2-5). Quatrièmement, il lui a fourni un aide et porte-parole, Aaron (Ex. 4:14-16). w14 15/4 1:9, 10.


  10. -  LITTLE  MOSES   IN  A  BASKET.jpg


    [Moses] considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt.—Heb. 11:26.

    Moses was commissioned as “the Christ,” or “Anointed One,” in that he was selected by Jehovah to lead Israel out of Egypt. Moses knew that carrying out this commission would be difficult, even a “reproach.” One of the Israelites had earlier sneered: “Who appointed you as a prince and a judge over us?” (Ex. 2:13, 14) Later, Moses himself asked Jehovah: “How will Pharaoh ever listen to me?” (Ex. 6:12) How did Jehovah help Moses? First, Jehovah assured Moses: “I will prove to be with you.” (Ex. 3:12) Second, Jehovah inspired confidence by explaining one aspect of the meaning of his name: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become.” (Ex. 3:14) Third, he endowed Moses with miraculous power that proved that Moses was indeed sent by God. (Ex. 4:2-5) Fourth, Jehovah gave Moses a partner and spokesman, Aaron, to help him carry out his assignment.—Ex. 4:14-16. w14 4/15 1:9, 10


  11. 15 minutes ago, Jesus.defender said:

    That’s exactly how Jesus’ original audience seemed to take it when He said, “I and the Father are one.” In fact, the Jews were ready to kill Him right there! Why? “Because you,” they said, “a mere man, claim to be God” (John 10:33).

    On another occasion, He used the personal name of Israel’s God–the name revealed to Moses (Exodus 3:14)–to refer to Himself. And He even used the Torah for context, so no one would misunderstand Him: “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). This would be about wild as telling a Muslim, “I am your God, Allah.” Don’t try that in Saudi Arabia! It’s no wonder the Jews tried to stone Him to death. That was the exact penalty for blasphemy under the Jewish legal system. It was pretty clear to everyone there  that He was saying, “I am Israel’s God.”

    Why Jesus is God? The Apostle Thomas called Jesus God.John 20:27-29: 2. The Apostle Peter called Jesus God.2 Peter 1:1: 3.The Apostle John called Jesus God.John 1:1-3, 4.God the Father called Jesus God.Hebrews 1:8: 5. God the Father called Jesus God. 6.Isaiah the Prophet said the Messiah would be God.Isaiah 9:67. The Jews who crucified Jesus understood Him to be saying that He was equal with God.John 5:18: 8.Jesus called Himself "I AM", the Old Testament name for God (Exodus 3:14).John 8:58-59. 9.Jesus calls Himself "the Alpha and Omega," the title of Almighty God.Revelation 22:12-13. 10. Like God (Gen. 1:1) Jesus created.Colossians 1:16-1711. Like God, Jesus forgives sin.Mark 2:5-7, 10-11:12. Like God, Jesus gives eternal life.John 10:27-28: 13. Like God, Jesus received, receives and will receive worship.Matthew 14:32-33. 14. Jesus said that only God was good; and Jesus was good. John 10:11: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."John 10:11: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."Jesus was as good as they come. He was "sinless," "holy," "righteous," "innocent," "undefiled," and "separate from sinners." (Hebrews 7:26) That's pretty good! 15. Like God, Jesus can be present in more than one place at the same time.Matthew 18:20: 16. One of Jesus' titles is "God with us."Matthew 1:23. 17. Jesus' blood is called God's blood.Acts 20:28: 18. Jesus has the same nature as God.Hebrews 1:3a: 19. Jesus spoke as God.Jesus did not speak as one of God's prophets: "thus says the Lord," but as God: "I say to you."Matthew 5:27-29. 20. Like God (Psalm 136:3), Jesus is called the Lord of Lords and King of kings.Revelation 17:14. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. ( WHEN WAS GOD PIERCED? ). And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel (means God Among Us). 

    John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    John 1:14, "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."

    John 8:58 "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." Crossreference with Exodus 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

    John 10:33 "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God."

    John 20:28 "And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God."

    Collossians 2:9 "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

    Hebrews 1:8 "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: "

    Matthew 4:10 "Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Crossreference with Matthew 2:2, Matthew 2:11, Matthew 28:9.

    Isaiah 44:6 "Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." Crossreference with Revelation 1:17 "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he." and Revelation 1:8 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

    NEVER,  NEVER  HE  SAID  THAT  IN  THE  BIBLE. -  We   have  SO  many  examples,  Jesus  is  the  SON  of  God,  but  never  the  ALMIGHTY  GOD !

  12. !!!!§§.jpg

    É a nós que Deus as tem revelado por intermédio de seu espírito. — 1 Cor. 2:10.

    Se você serve a Jeová há décadas, talvez tenha notado uma mudança gradativa no modo como nossas publicações explicam muitas passagens bíblicas. Como assim? No passado, era comum nossas publicações usarem tipos e antítipos para explicar relatos bíblicos. Chamava-se o relato bíblico de “tipo”, e o cumprimento profético de “antítipo”. Por que as coisas mudaram? Como seria de esperar, ao longo dos anos, Jeová tem ajudado “o escravo fiel e discreto” a se tornar cada vez mais discreto, ou prudente. (Mat. 24:45-47) A prudência tem levado o escravo a ser mais cauteloso quanto a dizer que determinado relato bíblico é um drama profético, a menos que haja uma base bíblica clara. É por isso que nossas publicações hoje se concentram mais nas lições simples e práticas sobre fé, perseverança, devoção a Deus e outras qualidades vitais que aprendemos de passagens bíblicas. w15 15/3 1:7, 9, 10, 12


  13. !!!!§§.jpg

    Gott hat sie uns durch seinen Geist geoffenbart (1. Kor. 2:10)

    Wer Jehova seit Jahrzehnten dient, hat vielleicht eine allmähliche Veränderung in der Art bemerkt, wie viele biblische Erzählungen erklärt werden. Warum ist das so? In der Vergangenheit war es in unseren Veröffentlichungen eher üblich, an die in der Bibel aufgezeichneten Berichte mit der Vorbild-Gegenbild-Methode heranzugehen. Die biblische Erzählung war das prophetische Vorbild und jede Erfüllung davon war das Gegenbild. Warum hat sich das geändert? Wie zu erwarten, hat Jehova dem „treuen und verständigen Sklaven“ über die Jahre geholfen, immer verständiger zu werden (Mat. 24:45-47). Umsicht hat dazu geführt, einen Bibelbericht nicht ohne Weiteres als prophetisches Drama zu bezeichnen, es sei denn, es gibt dafür eine eindeutige biblische Grundlage. Heute konzentriert man sich deshalb in den Veröffentlichungen mehr auf die einfachen und praktischen Lehren in Bezug auf Glauben, Ausharren, Gottergebenheit und andere wichtige Eigenschaften, über die wir etwas lernen können. w15 15. 3. 1:7, 9, 10, 12


  14. !!!!§§.jpg

    C’est à nous que Dieu les a révélées grâce à son esprit (1 Cor. 2:10).

    Si tu sers Jéhovah depuis des décennies, tu as peut-être observé une évolution dans la manière dont nos publications expliquent certains récits bibliques. Laquelle ? Autrefois, il n’était pas rare que, dans leur analyse d’un récit biblique, nos publications établissent une relation type-antitype. Le type désignait le récit et l’antitype tout accomplissement prophétique du récit. Mais nos publications le font beaucoup plus rarement. Pourquoi ? Parce que, comme on pouvait s’y attendre, Jéhovah a aidé « l’esclave fidèle et avisé » à être de plus en plus sage au fil des années (Mat. 24:45-47). Cette sagesse l’incite à y regarder à deux fois avant de définir un récit biblique comme un drame prophétique, à moins d’être bibliquement fondé à le faire. C’est pourquoi nous constatons qu’aujourd’hui, nos publications tirent plutôt des histoires bibliques un enseignement simple et pratique concernant la foi, l’endurance, l’attachement à Dieu et d’autres qualités fondamentales. w15 15/3 1:7, 9, 10, 12.


  15. !!!!§§.jpg

    It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit.—1 Cor. 2:10.

    If you have been serving Jehovah for decades, you may have noticed a gradual shift in the way our literature explains many of the narratives recorded in the Bible. How so? In times past, it was more common for our literature to take what might be called a type-antitype approach to Scriptural accounts. The Bible narrative was considered the type, and any prophetic fulfillment of the story was the antitype. Why have things changed? As we might expect, over the years Jehovah has helped “the faithful and discreet slave” to become steadily more discreet. (Matt. 24:45-47) Discretion has led to greater caution when it comes to calling a Bible account a prophetic drama unless there is a clear Scriptural basis for doing so. Thus, we find that our literature today focuses more on the simple, practical lessons about faith, endurance, godly devotion, and other vital qualities that we learn about from Bible accounts. w15 3/15 1:7, 9, 10, 12


  16. An  11-year-old  Girl  Got  a  Whole  *Foods Contract*  for  Her  Lemonade Business....


    *Mikaila Ulmer*  holds  a  bottle  of  her  *BeeSweet*  Lemonade....


    The Austin, Texas sixth-grader built her lemonade business, BeeSweet Lemonade (soon-to-be “Me & The Bees”), with a 1940s lemonade recipe from her grandmother that uses flaxseed and local honey as sweetener. Ulmer received a $60,000 investment when she appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank with her business.

    Whole Foods also saw the promise in her lemonade, which supports local bees by using honey. The supermarket chain signed a deal with Ulmer to sell the lemonade in 55 stores across Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. While the lemonade brand highlights the role of bees, Ulmer said she wasn’t  always a fan.

    “When I was four years old, I got stung by two bees in one week,” she told NBC. “It was painful. I was terrified of bees.” But that fear ended up inspiring her to learn more about the insects, and she decided to make her lemonade with local honey.

    Mikaila Ulmer had received a $60,000 investment on  Shark Tank  for her BeeSweet lemonade.

    Not many kids turn their lemonade stands into successful ventures, but  11-year-old Mikaila Ulmer  has  raised the  bar  by  securing  a  four-state  contract  with   Whole Foods.

    CHEERS!  Micaila  ;o)

  17. 59 minutes ago, TheWorldNewsOrg said:

    This steakhouse has cows raised on appetite-stimulating beer, massages and classical music https://t.co/fhK3nMWVzI http://pic.twitter.com/oxZM15csLR

    — Financial Times (@FT) April 4, 2016

    via TheWorldNewsOrg

    via journal.theworldnewsmedia.org

    I saw a special report about that in German TV... The meat is really especially? the price is very special too !  But thats ok.

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