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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. NEVER, NEVER HE SAID THAT IN THE BIBLE. - We have SO many examples, Jesus is the SON of God, but never the ALMIGHTY GOD !
  2. I read, this bus gets driven by brother *Joel Ton* from The Netherlands... https://www.facebook.com/joel.ton.3
  3. É a nós que Deus as tem revelado por intermédio de seu espírito. — 1 Cor. 2:10. Se você serve a Jeová há décadas, talvez tenha notado uma mudança gradativa no modo como nossas publicações explicam muitas passagens bíblicas. Como assim? No passado, era comum nossas publicações usarem tipos e antítipos para explicar relatos bíblicos. Chamava-se o relato bíblico de “tipo”, e o cumprimento profético de “antítipo”. Por que as coisas mudaram? Como seria de esperar, ao longo dos anos, Jeová tem ajudado “o escravo fiel e discreto” a se tornar cada vez mais discreto, ou prudente. (Mat. 24:45-47) A prudência tem levado o escravo a ser mais cauteloso quanto a dizer que determinado relato bíblico é um drama profético, a menos que haja uma base bíblica clara. É por isso que nossas publicações hoje se concentram mais nas lições simples e práticas sobre fé, perseverança, devoção a Deus e outras qualidades vitais que aprendemos de passagens bíblicas. w15 15/3 1:7, 9, 10, 12
  4. Gott hat sie uns durch seinen Geist geoffenbart (1. Kor. 2:10) Wer Jehova seit Jahrzehnten dient, hat vielleicht eine allmähliche Veränderung in der Art bemerkt, wie viele biblische Erzählungen erklärt werden. Warum ist das so? In der Vergangenheit war es in unseren Veröffentlichungen eher üblich, an die in der Bibel aufgezeichneten Berichte mit der Vorbild-Gegenbild-Methode heranzugehen. Die biblische Erzählung war das prophetische Vorbild und jede Erfüllung davon war das Gegenbild. Warum hat sich das geändert? Wie zu erwarten, hat Jehova dem „treuen und verständigen Sklaven“ über die Jahre geholfen, immer verständiger zu werden (Mat. 24:45-47). Umsicht hat dazu geführt, einen Bibelbericht nicht ohne Weiteres als prophetisches Drama zu bezeichnen, es sei denn, es gibt dafür eine eindeutige biblische Grundlage. Heute konzentriert man sich deshalb in den Veröffentlichungen mehr auf die einfachen und praktischen Lehren in Bezug auf Glauben, Ausharren, Gottergebenheit und andere wichtige Eigenschaften, über die wir etwas lernen können. w15 15. 3. 1:7, 9, 10, 12
  5. C’est à nous que Dieu les a révélées grâce à son esprit (1 Cor. 2:10). Si tu sers Jéhovah depuis des décennies, tu as peut-être observé une évolution dans la manière dont nos publications expliquent certains récits bibliques. Laquelle ? Autrefois, il n’était pas rare que, dans leur analyse d’un récit biblique, nos publications établissent une relation type-antitype. Le type désignait le récit et l’antitype tout accomplissement prophétique du récit. Mais nos publications le font beaucoup plus rarement. Pourquoi ? Parce que, comme on pouvait s’y attendre, Jéhovah a aidé « l’esclave fidèle et avisé » à être de plus en plus sage au fil des années (Mat. 24:45-47). Cette sagesse l’incite à y regarder à deux fois avant de définir un récit biblique comme un drame prophétique, à moins d’être bibliquement fondé à le faire. C’est pourquoi nous constatons qu’aujourd’hui, nos publications tirent plutôt des histoires bibliques un enseignement simple et pratique concernant la foi, l’endurance, l’attachement à Dieu et d’autres qualités fondamentales. w15 15/3 1:7, 9, 10, 12.
  7. It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit.—1 Cor. 2:10. If you have been serving Jehovah for decades, you may have noticed a gradual shift in the way our literature explains many of the narratives recorded in the Bible. How so? In times past, it was more common for our literature to take what might be called a type-antitype approach to Scriptural accounts. The Bible narrative was considered the type, and any prophetic fulfillment of the story was the antitype. Why have things changed? As we might expect, over the years Jehovah has helped “the faithful and discreet slave” to become steadily more discreet. (Matt. 24:45-47) Discretion has led to greater caution when it comes to calling a Bible account a prophetic drama unless there is a clear Scriptural basis for doing so. Thus, we find that our literature today focuses more on the simple, practical lessons about faith, endurance, godly devotion, and other vital qualities that we learn about from Bible accounts. w15 3/15 1:7, 9, 10, 12
  8. An 11-year-old Girl Got a Whole *Foods Contract* for Her Lemonade Business.... *Mikaila Ulmer* holds a bottle of her *BeeSweet* Lemonade.... The Austin, Texas sixth-grader built her lemonade business, BeeSweet Lemonade (soon-to-be “Me & The Bees”), with a 1940s lemonade recipe from her grandmother that uses flaxseed and local honey as sweetener. Ulmer received a $60,000 investment when she appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank with her business. Whole Foods also saw the promise in her lemonade, which supports local bees by using honey. The supermarket chain signed a deal with Ulmer to sell the lemonade in 55 stores across Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. While the lemonade brand highlights the role of bees, Ulmer said she wasn’t always a fan. “When I was four years old, I got stung by two bees in one week,” she told NBC. “It was painful. I was terrified of bees.” But that fear ended up inspiring her to learn more about the insects, and she decided to make her lemonade with local honey. Mikaila Ulmer had received a $60,000 investment on Shark Tank for her BeeSweet lemonade. Not many kids turn their lemonade stands into successful ventures, but 11-year-old Mikaila Ulmer has raised the bar by securing a four-state contract with Whole Foods. CHEERS! Micaila ;o)
  9. via TheWorldNewsOrg via journal.theworldnewsmedia.org I saw a special report about that in German TV... The meat is really especially? the price is very special too ! But thats ok.
  10. I found this recipe for you... its with short cooking - in 17 min. all ready ! ( I will look for the other recipe without cooking...) Strawberry Chia Seed Jam - Super Easy Sunday... Ingredients 2 cups strawberries, destemmed and chopped in half ¼ cup maple syrup (optional) 2 Tbsp Chia Seeds ( Chia - Seeds I got from Internet, 1000gr. ca. 10 Euro ) Water as needed Instructions Place chopped strawberries, chia seeds and maple syrup (if using) into a blender. Blend on medium to high speed until preferred jam consistency is obtained. Add water 1 Tbsp at a time as needed to get things moving. Pour contents of blender into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat until the jam begins to bubble. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 5-7 minutes, or until the jam starts to thicken. Remove from heat and immediately pour into a mason jar. Allow to cool completely and then store in the fridge for up to one week. Nutrition Information Serving size: 2 tbsp Calories: 27 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 5g Sugar: 4g Sodium: 5mg Fiber: 1g Protein: 1g CHIA - SEEDS ARE VERY VERY HEALTHY, ALSO IN YOGHURT etc. etc. / Look in internet... Now, I know I may be a little biased, but my mom’s jam is the best jam I have ever had! We would put it on everything – toast, ice cream, muffins, straight out of the jar on a spoon – basically anything we could, just to get it in our tummies. It was such a treat and was a great family tradition that I have really come to cherish now as an adult. So you can only imagine my surprise as I was making this incredibly easy Strawberry Chia Seed Jam, tried my first spoonful and was instantly reminded of my mom’s jam. It’s always a great feeling when you can replicate a flavour from your childhood and it’s just as delicious as you remember it to be. This was my first time making chia seed jam and I honestly don’t know why I waited so long to ever try it! The chia seeds in this recipe help to create the jelly-like consistency of the jam, all while adding extra protein, fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Who knew jam could be so healthy? And, since the strawberries are so naturally sweet on their own, you really don’t even need to add any sort of sweetener to this jam. I did end up sweetening mine with a touch of maple syrup but next time I’ll probably just omit it and let the wonderful natural sweetness of the fruit shine through. What’s your favourite kind of jam to keep stocked up at home? We love keeping both raspberry and apricot jelly in our fridge at all times. What’s your favourite thing to add jam to? As always, I hope you love this Strawberry Chia Seed Jam as much as I do. ENJOY IT ;o) ( Soon more from using Chia - Seeds..)
  11. Orai incessantemente. Dai graças em conexão com tudo. Pois esta é a vontade de Deus em união com Cristo Jesus com respeito a vós. — 1 Tes. 5:17, 18. Quando mantemos nossas bênçãos sempre vivas na mente e no coração, nos sentimos motivados a orar a Jeová para lhe agradecer. (Sal. 95:2; 100:4, 5) Enquanto muitos encaram a oração como apenas uma maneira de pedir coisas a Deus, nós a usamos para expressar gratidão pelo que temos, e isso deixa Jeová feliz. A Bíblia tem muitos exemplos de belas orações de agradecimento, incluindo as que foram feitas por Ana e Ezequias. (1 Sam. 2:1-10; Isa. 38:9-20) Assim, imite esses servos fiéis de Jeová e não se esqueça de agradecer a ele por suas bênçãos. Fazer isso traz muitos benefícios. Você se sentirá mais feliz, seu amor por Jeová aumentará e você se sentirá cada vez mais próximo dele. — Tia. 4:8. w15 15/1 1:7
  12. Priez constamment. Rendez grâces à propos de tout. C’est là en effet la volonté de Dieu en union avec Christ Jésus en ce qui vous concerne (1 Thess. 5:17, 18). Une fois que les bienfaits dont nous jouissons sont bien clairs dans notre esprit, nous sommes prêts à offrir à Jéhovah des actions de grâces (Ps. 95:2 ; 100:4, 5). Pour beaucoup, la prière ne sert qu’à demander. Nous savons toutefois que Jéhovah aime que nous lui exprimions notre gratitude pour ce que nous avons. La Bible contient quantité de prières d’actions de grâces touchantes, dont celles de Hanna et de Hizqiya (1 Sam. 2:1-10 ; Is. 38:9-20). Alors, imite ces fidèles serviteurs de Dieu, qui avaient un état d’esprit reconnaissant. Oui, remercie Jéhovah pour tout ce qu’il t’accorde. Tu en retireras différents bienfaits : Tu seras revigoré, ton amour pour Jéhovah augmentera et tu t’approcheras toujours plus de lui (Jacq. 4:8). w15 15/1 1:7.
  13. Betet unablässig. Sagt Dank in Verbindung mit allem. Denn dies ist der Wille Gottes in Gemeinschaft mit Christus Jesus euch betreffend (1. Thes. 5:17, 18) Wenn wir in Herz und Sinn fest verankern, wie Jehova uns segnet, werden wir ihm im Gebet gern danken (Ps. 95:2; 100:4, 5). Für viele ist das Gebet bloß ein Mittel, Gott um etwas zu bitten. Wir dagegen wissen jedoch, dass Jehova sich freut, wenn wir für das, was wir haben, dankbar sind. Die Bibel enthält eine Vielzahl von zu Herzen gehenden Dankgebeten, wie das von Hanna und Hiskia (1. Sam. 2:1-10; Jes. 38:9-20). Nehmen wir uns doch diese treuen Diener und ihre Einstellung zum Vorbild! Ja, danken wir Jehova im Gebet für die Segnungen, die er uns schenkt. Wie kommt uns das zugute? Unter anderem werden wir uns besser fühlen, unsere Liebe zu Jehova wird wachsen und wir kommen ihm immer näher (Jak. 4:8). w15 15. 1. 1:7
  14. Pray constantly. Give thanks for everything. This is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.—1 Thess. 5:17, 18. When we have our blessings firmly fixed in mind and heart, we are ready to pray to Jehovah and offer thanksgiving. (Ps. 95:2; 100:4, 5) Many view prayer as merely a way to ask God for things. We, however, know that Jehovah is pleased when we express thanks for what we have. The Bible contains numerous heartwarming prayers of thanksgiving, including those offered by Hannah and Hezekiah. (1 Sam. 2:1-10; Isa. 38:9-20) So imitate those faithful servants who showed a grateful spirit. Yes, thank Jehovah in prayer for the blessings that you have. The benefits from doing so are many. Your spirits will be lifted, you will grow in love for Jehovah, and you will draw ever closer to him.—Jas. 4:8. w15 1/15 1:7
  16. Drinking more coffee a day is linked to a lower risk of liver damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption, experts have found. Drinking two cups a day is linked to a 44 per cent lower risk of liver cirrhosis, while four cups is associated with a 65% lower risk of the potentially fatal condition: Four cups of coffee a day 'counteracts the risk of liver damage linked to drinking excessive alcohol by 65% Two cups of coffee a day lowers risk of liver cirrhosis by 44%, experts say. But three cups is linked to a 56% lower risk, and four cups a 65% lower risk. Cirrhosis is potentially fatal and is caused by drinking excessive alcohol. Experts say, people shouldn't use the findings as an excuse to drink more frothy, sugary lattes topped with whipped cream. They don't know exactly, why coffee is beneficial to the liver. Combined, the studies included 1,990 patients with cirrhosis. In eight of the nine studies analyzed, increasing coffee consumption by two cups a day was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of cirrhosis. In all but one study, the risk of cirrhosis continued to decline as daily cups of coffee climbed. Compared to no coffee consumption, researchers estimated one cup a day was tied to a 22 per cent lower risk of cirrhosis. Cirrhosis kills more than one million people every year worldwide. It can be caused by hepatitis infections, excessive alcohol consumption, immune disorders, and fatty liver disease, which is tied to obesity and diabetes. Dr Kennedy and colleagues did a pooled analysis of average coffee consumption across earlier studies to see how much adding two additional cups each day might influence the odds of liver disease. Drinking four coffees a day could slash the risk of deadly liver damage by 65 per cent, scientists have revealed. In particular, it can help with the effects of overindulging in food and alcohol, they say. A review of nine existing studies, taking in more than 430,000 people, found even two coffees each day was linked to a 44 per cent lower chance of developing liver cirrhosis. Dr Oliver Kennedy of Southampton University, said: 'Cirrhosis is potentially fatal and there is no cure as such. 'Therefore, it is significant that the risk of developing cirrhosis may be reduced by consumption of coffee, a cheap, ubiquitous and well-tolerated beverage.' ( Maybe, its better drinking less alcohol and less coffee ! ) ;o)
  17. Ide . . . e fazei discípulos de pessoas de todas as nações. — Mat. 28:19. Em resultado dessa obra feita pelos seguidores de Jesus, as “boas novas [seriam] pregadas em toda a terra habitada, em testemunho a todas as nações”. (Mat. 24:14) Os discípulos amavam Jesus e as boas novas. Ainda assim, eles talvez se perguntassem como poderiam cumprir essa tarefa diante de tantos desafios. Em primeiro lugar, os discípulos eram poucos. Além disso, Jesus, a quem eles proclamavam como o Filho de Deus, tinha sido assassinado. E, embora fossem encarados como “indoutos e comuns”, eles teriam de declarar uma mensagem contrária aos ensinos dos renomados líderes religiosos, que eram peritos em tradições antigas. (Atos 4:13) Quaisquer que fossem suas preocupações, os discípulos se esforçaram em pregar as boas novas não apenas em Jerusalém e Samaria, mas em todo o mundo conhecido naquela época. Apesar de os discípulos enfrentarem dificuldades, em 30 anos as boas novas haviam sido “pregadas em toda a criação debaixo do céu” e estavam “dando fruto” e “aumentando em todo o mundo”. — Col. 1:6, 23. w15 15/2 3:1, 2, 4
  18. Geht hin und macht Jünger aus Menschen aller Nationen (Mat. 28:19) Die „gute Botschaft vom Königreich“ würde so schließlich von Jesu Nachfolgern „auf der ganzen bewohnten Erde gepredigt werden, allen Nationen zu einem Zeugnis“ (Mat. 24:14). Die Jünger liebten sowohl Jesus als auch die gute Botschaft. Dennoch fragten sie sich wohl, wie sie diesen Auftrag jemals erfüllen sollten. Schließlich waren sie nur wenige. Jesus, den sie als Sohn Gottes verkündeten, war umgebracht worden. Außerdem galten sie als „ungelehrte und gewöhnliche Menschen“ (Apg. 4:13). Und ihre Botschaft widersprach den Lehren der angesehenen religiösen Führer. Welche Bedenken die Jünger auch gehabt haben mögen, sie predigten eifrig die gute Botschaft, und zwar nicht nur in Jerusalem und Samaria, sondern auch in der gesamten damals bekannten Welt. Obwohl sie mit Schwierigkeiten zurechtkommen mussten, war innerhalb von nur 30 Jahren die gute Botschaft „in der ganzen Schöpfung, die unter dem Himmel ist, gepredigt worden“. Sie breitete sich aus und trug „in der ganzen Welt Frucht“ (Kol. 1:6, 23). w15 15. 2. 3:1, 2, 4
  19. Allez [...] et faites des disciples de gens d’entre toutes les nations (Mat. 28:19). Malgré des débuts modestes, la « bonne nouvelle du royaume [finirait par être] prêchée dans toute la terre habitée, en témoignage pour toutes les nations » (Mat. 24:14). Les disciples aimaient Jésus et la bonne nouvelle. Il se peut néanmoins qu’ils se soient demandé comment ils pourraient accomplir leur mission. En effet, ils étaient peu nombreux. Jésus, qu’ils déclaraient être le Fils de Dieu, avait été mis à mort. Ils étaient considérés comme « des hommes sans instruction et des gens ordinaires » (Actes 4:13). Et leur message allait à l’encontre des enseignements d’éminents chefs religieux. Quelles qu’aient pu être leurs inquiétudes, les disciples se sont mis à prêcher la bonne nouvelle non seulement à Jérusalem et en Samarie, mais aussi dans tout le monde connu d’alors. Même s’ils ont rencontré des difficultés, en 30 ans, la bonne nouvelle était déjà « prêchée dans toute la création qui est sous le ciel », si bien que Paul a pu dire : « Elle porte du fruit et croît dans le monde entier » (Col. 1:6, 23). w15 15/2 3:1, 2, 4.
  20. I mean what I wrote... I told from our old system. All humans by catastrophes maybe alike for Jehovah, bec. Brothers & Sisters dying too ! All humans are importend... bec. Jehovah wants rescue all - but thats only a wish.... // we know from the Bible.
  21. Of sure Jehovah is watching the worldwide weather... but HE is doing not much ! Look back to the 26. Dec. 2004, the biggest Disaster, Earthquake & Tsunami in Indian Ocean ! Nearly 230,000 humans died ;-( Bible says, we will get alot of different Catastrophes worldwide, so we have to live with that... sad but true ! To make speculations will bring nothings... Jehovah does make no differences among the humans, bec. also Brothers & Sisters often between all the dead people ;-(
  22. Go . . . and make disciples of people of all the nations.—Matt. 28:19. As Jesus’ followers did that work, eventually the “good news of the Kingdom [would] be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations.” (Matt. 24:14) The disciples loved both Jesus and the good news. Yet, they might well have wondered just how they could possibly carry out their commission. After all, they were few in number. Jesus, whom they proclaimed to be the Son of God, had been put to death. His disciples were viewed as “uneducated and ordinary.” (Acts 4:13) And their message ran counter to the teachings of the prestigious religious leaders. Whatever concerns they may have had, the disciples got busy preaching the good news not only in Jerusalem and Samaria but throughout the then-known world. Although the disciples experienced difficulties, within 30 years the good news was being “preached in all creation under heaven” and was “bearing fruit and increasing in all the world.”—Col. 1:6, 23. w15 2/15 3:1, 2, 4
  23. Le petit deviendra un millier (Is. 60:22). Nous vivons peut-être dans une région qui compte peu de Témoins, ou dans laquelle notre prédication ne produit pas beaucoup de résultats immédiatement observables. Mais nous souvenir que le Royaume peut surmonter tous les obstacles nous donnera la force de persévérer. C’est ce qu’a constaté frère Edwin Skinner. Quand il est arrivé en Inde en 1926, il ne s’y trouvait qu’une poignée d’adorateurs de Jéhovah. Au début, l’œuvre a progressé lentement ; elle a d’ailleurs été qualifiée de « difficile ». Mais frère Skinner a continué à prêcher et a vu le message du Royaume surmonter d’immenses obstacles. En 2013, le pays comptait plus de 37000 Témoins et plus de 108000 personnes ont assisté au Mémorial. L’année où frère Skinner est arrivé en Inde, l’œuvre débutait à peine en Zambie. Aujourd’hui, plus de 170000 proclamateurs s’y activent et, en 2013, 763915 personnes ont assisté au Mémorial, soit un dix-huitième de la population. Quelle croissance extraordinaire ! w14 15/12 1:8, 9.
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