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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. A little REMINDER... of our loving anointed Brother *Guy Pierce* from the GB ;o) Just now there are 7 Brothers in our GB in NY.... He passed away on Tuesday, March 18. 2014 - He was 79 years of age... NEW YORK- Guy H. Pierce, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses at their world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, died on Tuesday, March 18. He was 79 years of age. Mr. Pierce served on various committees that supervise activities related to the Witnesses and their international Bible-education work. His organizational responsibilities required that he travel extensively, and he used these occasions to provide encouragement for Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the world. Despite his workload, he was well-known for never being too busy to listen to those needing assistance or advice, and he put others at ease with his warm smile and good sense of humor. His closest associates noted that people from different backgrounds or cultures were naturally drawn to him. In a discourse at a graduation program for full-time ministers, Mr. Pierce made remarks that he was known to exemplify: “Be firm for right principles, but be flexible. Do not look down on those in your assignment because their culture is different.” Guy Hollis Pierce was born in Auburn, California, on November 6, 1934. He was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses on August 14, 1955, at the age of 20. He married a fellow Witness, Penelope (Penny) Wong, on May 30, 1977, and the two raised a family together. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce became full-time Bible instructors (referred to by Witnesses as regular pioneers). Later, he became a traveling minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses, visiting congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the United States to provide spiritual encouragement to other full-time Bible instructors and local congregation members. In 1997, the Pierces were invited to work full-time at the United States branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. On October 2, 1999, Mr. Pierce was announced as a new member of the Governing Body. Mr. Pierce was the chairman for the 129th annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, on the weekend of October 5 and 6, 2013. A total audience of 1,413,676 in 31 countries attended the event either in person or via webcast. According to the Witnesses’ official website, this was the largest gathering of Jehovah’s Witnesses to date. In addition to his wife, Penny, Mr. Pierce is survived by his six children, several grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He will also be fondly remembered by Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world whom he regarded as family. In a statement, his fellow members of the Governing Body commented on “his solid faith and firm stand for Jehovah’s laws and principles,” adding: “Our memories of his courageous and faithful earthly life course will continue to strengthen us for years to come.” He ‘Knew the Way’.... GUY HOLLIS PIERCE, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, finished his earthly course on Tuesday, March 18, 2014. He was 79 years old when his hope to be one of Christ’s resurrected brothers became a reality.—Heb. 2:10-12; 1 Pet. 3:18. Guy Pierce was born in Auburn, California, U.S.A., on November 6, 1934, and was baptized in 1955. He married his beloved wife, Penny, in 1977 and raised a family. His experience as a family man contributed to his fatherly manner. By 1982 he and Penny were busy in the pioneer work, and in 1986 he began 11 years of service as a circuit overseer in the United States. In 1997, Guy and Penny Pierce began to serve as members of the United States Bethel family. Brother Pierce worked in the Service Department, and in 1998 he was appointed as a helper to the Personnel Committee of the Governing Body. Brother Pierce’s appointment as a member of the Governing Body was announced on October 2, 1999, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. In recent years, he served with the Personnel, Writing, Publishing, and Coordinators’ committees. People of varied backgrounds and cultures were drawn to Brother Pierce because of his warm smile and good sense of humor. However, the qualities that especially endeared him to others were his love, his humility, his respect for righteous laws and principles, and his complete faith in Jehovah. To Guy Pierce, there was a greater possibility that the sun would not rise than that Jehovah’s promises would go unfulfilled, and he wanted to share that truth with the whole world. Brother Pierce was tireless in serving Jehovah, rising early in the morning and often working late into the night. His travels to encourage his Christian brothers and sisters took him all over the world, and he was never too busy to spend time with individual Bethel family members and others who sought his fellowship, advice, and assistance. Even after years have passed, fellow believers recall his hospitality, friendship, and Scriptural encouragement. Our brother and dear friend is survived by his wife and six children, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He also had countless spiritual children. A memorial talk for Brother Pierce was given at Brooklyn Bethel on Saturday, March 22, 2014, by Mark Sanderson, a fellow member of the Governing Body. Among other matters, he spoke of Brother Pierce’s heavenly hope and read Jesus’ words: “In the house of my Father are many dwelling places. . . . If I go my way and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will receive you home to myself, so that where I am you also may be. And where I am going, you know the way.”—John 14:2-4. True, we will miss Brother Pierce very much. Yet, we rejoice that he ‘knew the way’ to his permanent ‘dwelling place.’
  2. Our Sisters on all Territories and Islands.... they will find all believers ! Jehovah never forget his loving humans ❤
  3. Thats a very rare pic.... A Brother on stage belongs to the anointed ! I never seen before... Our young anointed Brother had never a duty by the Memorial ❤ Always sitting near us ;o) ( but we've 13 Elders and more for these doings... ) But I know, all Cong.'s are a little different in some things !
  4. Como último inimigo, a morte há de ser reduzida a nada. — 1 Cor. 15:26. Que dizer de Satanás, aquele que deu início a todo o sofrimento que tem afligido a humanidade? Revelação 20:7-15 dá a resposta. Numa prova final pela qual todos os humanos perfeitos passarão, Satanás terá permissão para tentar desencaminhá-los. O Diabo e os que o seguirem serão eliminados permanentemente na “segunda morte”. (Rev. 21:8) Esse tipo de morte nunca será reduzido a nada, visto que os que estiverem nessa condição nunca mais voltarão a viver. Mas “a segunda morte” não é um inimigo para os humanos que amam e servem ao seu Criador. A humanidade aperfeiçoada estará numa condição aprovada por Jeová para a vida eterna, livre de qualquer inimigo. A comissão dada a Adão terá sido executada sem a presença dele. A Terra estará repleta de seus descendentes, que terão o prazer de cuidar dela e se alegrar com suas muitas formas de vida. Que nunca deixemos de ser gratos a Jeová por tudo que ele amorosamente fez e ainda fará para reduzir a nada o último inimigo, a morte! w14 15/9 4:17, 18
  5. Comme dernier ennemi, la mort sera réduite à rien (1 Cor. 15:26). Et Satan, celui qui est à l’origine de tous les malheurs du monde, quel sera son sort ? La réponse se trouve en Révélation 20:7-15. Tous les humains parfaits subiront une épreuve finale durant laquelle Satan aura la permission d’essayer de les égarer. Le Diable et ceux qui iront à sa suite seront éternellement éliminés dans « la deuxième mort » (Rév. 21:8). Étant donné que ceux qu’elle retient seront définitivement privés d’existence, cette mort ne sera jamais réduite à rien. Toutefois, « la deuxième mort » n’est pas l’ennemie des humains qui aiment et servent leur Créateur. Rendue parfaite, l’humanité sera alors pleinement approuvée par Jéhovah et jugée digne de la vie éternelle, tout ennemi ayant disparu. La mission confiée à Adam se sera accomplie sans lui. La terre sera remplie de ses descendants, qui auront plaisir à la surveiller et se délecteront de ses différentes formes de vie. Ne perdons jamais notre admiration pour la façon dont Jéhovah, dans son amour, réduit à rien le dernier ennemi, la mort ! w14 15/9 4:17, 18.
  6. Als letzter Feind wird der Tod zunichtegemacht (1. Kor. 15:26) Wie steht es mit Satan, der alles Elend über die Menschheit gebracht hat? In Offenbarung 20:7-15 finden wir die Antwort. In einer Schlussprüfung für alle vollkommenen Menschen darf Satan versuchen, sie in die Irre zu führen. Der Teufel und seine Anhänger werden für immer aus dem Weg geräumt und enden im „zweiten Tod“ (Offb. 21:8). Dieser Tod wird nie zunichtegemacht, denn alle, die sich in seinen Klauen befinden, sind für immer aus dem Dasein ausgelöscht. Der „zweite Tod“ ist aber für Menschen, die ihren Schöpfer lieben und ihm dienen, kein Feind. Die zur Vollkommenheit gebrachte Menschheit steht dann vor Jehova und hat sein uneingeschränktes Wohlgefallen, was ihr ewiges Leben einträgt. Nirgendwo lauert ein Feind. Der Adam übertragene Auftrag wird ohne ihn ausgeführt werden. Unzählige Nachkommen Adams werden sich dann gern um die Erde kümmern und sich an den vielen Tieren und Pflanzen erfreuen. Verlieren wir nie die Wertschätzung dafür, wie liebevoll Jehova vorgeht, um den Tod, den letzten Feind, zunichtezumachen. w14 15. 9. 4:17, 18
  7. The last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.—1 Cor. 15:26. What about Satan, the one who initially caused all the misery that mankind has experienced? Revelation 20:7-15 provides the answer. In a final test of all perfect humans, Satan will be permitted to try to mislead them. The Devil and those who follow his lead will be eliminated everlastingly in “the second death.” (Rev. 21:8) Because those within its grasp will be forever out of existence, this death will never be brought to nothing. “The second death” is, however, no enemy of humans who love and serve their Creator. Perfected mankind will then stand before Jehovah as fully approved for everlasting life, with no enemies anywhere. The commission given to Adam will have been accomplished without him. The earth will abound with his offspring, who will delight to oversee it and enjoy its many life forms. May we never lose appreciation for the way in which Jehovah lovingly brings the last enemy, death, to nothing! w14 9/15 4:17, 18
  8. 10 Crazy Facts About Human Eyes.... ( you will wonder ) These are the top 10 Facts you probably didn't know about Your eyes. 1. Eyes heal quickly! With proper care, it only takes about 48 hours for the eye to repair a corneal scratch. 80% of vision problems worldwide are avoidable or even curable. 2. Newborns don’t produce tears and they’re color blind at birth. They make crying sounds, but do not produce any tears, tears don’t start flowing until they are about 5-12 weeks old. 3. Doctors have yet to find a way to transplant an eyeball. The optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain is too sensitive to reconstruct successfully. 4. Some people are born with two differently colored eyes. This condition called heterochromia. 5. If your eyes are blue, you share a common ancestor with every other blue-eyed individual in the world. The very first person to ever have blue eyes lived around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. 6. Your eyes are about 1 inch across and weights about 28 grams. 7. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels. 8. Your eyelashes keep dirt out of your eyes and your eyebrows prevent sweat dripping into your eyes. 9. Although the function of tears is to keep eyes clean, scientists don’t understand why we cry when we are upset. 10. While a fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, an iris has 256. This is why retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes.
  9. 30 years is nothings to everlasting life ! Many things not written in the Bible, its not importend for us knowing that... Look more forward and not always back - nobody can give you the right answers, we're all imperfect ! Ask Jehovah in Paradise, then you will get the perfect answers of all... if its still relevant for you ! Jesus also didn't give his apostles all answers - thats not needful !
  10. LOOKS LIKE FOR KIDDIES - BUT ITS FOR ADULTS... hahaha BIG FUN FOR OUR PEOPLE IN THE PAST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOR MANY DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES.... Weekend - tour for the young onces.... etc. // LOOK... its a Cabrio - here, wow ! The Car called "ISETTA" from BMW... A German Car, in the 1950 - years, for 2 people ! ca. around 3000,00 DM ! = 1500,00 Euro's - pretty cheap ;o) For more Info's click here.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_600 We had diff. Models... It was a cute and popular car, bec. so cheap !
  11. DO WE REMEMBER THIS FAMILY ? I enjoyed them all in German TV, back in the "1980 - years"... ;o) DALLAS, yes ! The Ewing - family... Dallas is an American prime time television soap opera that aired on CBS from April 2, 1978, to May 3, 1991. The series revolves around a wealthy and feuding Texan family, the Ewings, who own the independent oil company Ewing Oil and the cattle-ranching land of Southfork. The series originally focused on the marriage of Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes, whose families were sworn enemies with each other. As the series progressed, oil tycoon J.R. Ewing grew to be the show's main character, whose schemes and dirty business became the show's trademark.[1] When the show ended in May 1991, J.R. was the only character to have appeared in every episode. The show was famous for its cliffhangers, including the "Who shot J.R.?" mystery. The 1980 episode "Who Done It" remains the second highest rated prime-time telecast ever.[2] The show also featured a "Dream Season", in which the entirety of the ninth season was revealed to have been a dream of Pam Ewing. After 14 seasons, the series finale "Conundrum" aired in 1991. The show had a relatively ensemble cast. Larry Hagman stars as greedy, scheming oil tycoon J.R. Ewing, stage/screen actress Barbara Bel Geddes as family matriarch Miss Ellie and movie Western actor Jim Davis as Ewing patriarch Jock, his last role before his death in 1981. The series won four Emmy Awards, including a 1980 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series win for Bel Geddes. With its 357 episodes, Dallas remains one of the longest lasting full-hour primetime dramas in American TV history, behind Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (366+ episodes), Bonanza (430 episodes), Law & Order (456 episodes), and Gunsmoke (635 episodes). In 2007 Dallas was included in TIME magazine's list of "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME".[3] Dallas also spawned the spin-off series Knots Landing in 1979 which also lasted 14 seasons. In 2010, TNT announced it had ordered a new, updated continuation of Dallas.[4] The revival series, continuing the story of the Ewing family, premiered on TNT on June 13, 2012, and ran for three seasons, ending its run on September 22, 2014. The Southfork Ranch, home of the Ewing family..... For more Info's click here.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_%281978_TV_series%29
  12. Approchez-vous de Dieu, et il s’approchera de vous (Jacq. 4:8). Dans sa Parole, Jéhovah nous encourage vivement à nous « approche[r] » de lui et promet que, si nous le faisons, « il s’approchera » de nous. Quelle pensée réjouissante ! Pourtant, beaucoup ont du mal à croire que Dieu veut être proche d’eux ; ils se jugent indignes de s’approcher de lui ou pensent qu’il est trop loin d’eux pour cela. Alors, est-il réellement possible d’être intime avec Jéhovah ? En fait, Jéhovah n’est « pas loin de chacun » de ceux qui veulent le trouver ; il est possible de le connaître (Actes 17:26, 27 ; Ps. 145:18). Notre Dieu a prévu que les humains, bien qu’imparfaits, puissent être proches de lui, et il est tout disposé à les accueillir comme amis intimes, ce qui est une immense faveur (Is. 41:8 ; 55:6). Par expérience, un psalmiste a écrit à propos de Jéhovah : « Ô toi qui entends la prière, oui jusqu’à toi viendront des gens de toute chair. Heureux celui que tu choisis et fais approcher » (Ps. 65:2, 4). w14 15/8 3:2, 3.
  13. Chegai-vos a Deus, e ele se chegará a vós. — Tia. 4:8. Jeová nos instrui em sua Palavra a ‘nos achegar’ a ele e promete que, se fizermos isso, “ele se chegará” a nós. Essa é uma ideia muito animadora! Mas muitas pessoas acham que é irrealístico acreditar que Deus quer se achegar a elas; acham que são indignas de se aproximar dele ou que ele está distante demais para que alguém se aproxime dele. Será que é mesmo possível nos achegar a Jeová? O fato é que Jeová ‘não está longe de cada um’ que quer encontrá-lo; é possível conhecê-lo. (Atos 17:26, 27; Sal. 145:18) É do propósito de nosso Deus que até mesmo humanos imperfeitos se acheguem a ele, e ele está pronto e disposto a lhes conceder seu favor por considerá-los seus amigos. (Isa. 41:8; 55:6) Por experiência própria, o salmista pôde escrever o seguinte a respeito de Jeová: “Ó Ouvinte de oração, sim, a ti chegarão pessoas de toda carne. Feliz aquele a quem tu escolhes e fazes chegar perto.” — Sal. 65:2, 4. w14 15/8 3:2, 3
  14. Naht euch Gott, und er wird sich euch nahen (Jak. 4:8) Jehova fordert uns in der Bibel auf, uns ihm zu nahen. Tun wir das, wird er sich uns nahen. Das verspricht er. Ist das nicht ein erhabener Gedanke? Doch für viele ist es unrealistisch zu glauben, Gott wolle ihnen nahe sein. Sie halten sich für unwürdig, sich ihm zu nahen, oder meinen, Gott sei zu weit entfernt. Ist es denn wirklich möglich, Jehova nahe zu sein? Jehova ist einem jeden, der ihn finden möchte, nicht fern. Man kann ihn kennenlernen (Apg. 17:26, 27; Ps. 145:18). Unser Gott möchte, dass ihm Menschen nahestehen. Obwohl wir unvollkommen sind, ist er gern bereit, uns seine Gunst zu gewähren und Freundschaft mit uns zu schließen (Jes. 41:8; 55:6). Aus eigener Erfahrung konnte ein Psalmist zu Jehova sagen: „O Hörer des Gebets, ja zu dir werden Menschen von allem Fleisch kommen. Glücklich ist der, den du erwählst und herzunahen lässt“ (Ps. 65:2, 4). w14 15. 8. 3:2, 3
  15. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.—Jas. 4:8. Jehovah urges us in his Word to “draw close” to him, and he promises us that if we do, “he will draw close” to us. What an uplifting thought that is! Yet, many people think that it is unrealistic to believe that God wants to be close to them; they feel that they are unworthy to approach him or that he is too remote to be approached. Is closeness with Jehovah really possible? The fact is that Jehovah “is not far off from each one” who wants to find him; it is possible to get to know him. (Acts 17:26, 27; Ps. 145:18) Our God purposed that even imperfect humans should be close to him, and he is ready and willing to receive them into his favor as close friends. (Isa. 41:8; 55:6) From personal experience, the psalmist could write about Jehovah: “O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come. Happy is the one whom you choose and bring near.”—Ps. 65:2, 4. w14 8/15 3:2, 3
  16. Satans Grabstein.... "Etwas aus meiner Hirtentätigkeit. Eine kurze Zusammenfassung"... Wir besuchten eine Schwester, die aus gesundheitlichen Gründen den Pionierdienst aufgeben musste. Die einleitende Frage war, was Jesu letzten Worte waren. Sie antwortete richtigerweise: “Es ist vollbracht !“ Richtig, damit hat er einen riesigen Felsbrocken in Satans „Vorgarten“ geworfen. Und jetzt führte ich einen Bibeltext an, den ich einen „wie-jetzt-bibeltext„ nenne... weil man ihn auf Anhieb so nicht versteht. Wir schlugen Kolosser 1:24 auf. 24 Ich freue mich nun in meinen Leiden für euch, und ich ergänze meinerseits in meinem Fleische, was fehlt von den Drangsalen des Christus zugunsten seines Leibes, der die Versammlung ist. Wir haben ihn mehrmals gelesen. Dann kommt folgende Erklärung. Als Jesus sagte, es ist vollbracht, könnte Satan erwidern, dass Jesus nicht alle Drangsale ertragen musste. Als vollkommener Mensch war er nie krank, brauchte keine Gehhilfe, hatte keine Sehschwäche oder Zahnschmerzen, keine wirtschaftliche Not, keine Eheprobleme oder Probleme mit der Familie, ist nie beraubt oder überfallen worden. Und wenn wir ein wenig nachdenken, dann fällt uns sicher noch mehr ein. Und jetzt sagt Paulus, was an den Drangsalen des Christus fehlt, das ergänze ich durch meine Leiden im Fleische, so dass Satan keinen Grund hat, an der Treue der Diener Gottes herumzumäkeln. Mit dem, was auch immer wir erdulden müssen, ergänzen wir, was an den Drangsalen des Christus fehlt. Wir werfen sozusagen weitere Mosaiksteine in den Vorgarten Satans, damit sein „Grabstein“ perfekt wird. Voller Stolz mit dem Blick auf uns gerichtet, kann Jehova dem, der ihn höhnt, eine Antwort geben. Auch wenn das, was wir zu ertragen haben, sehr schwer ist, wenn wir glauben, manchmal nicht mehr die Kraft dazu zu haben, so ist es doch ein großes Vorrecht, dass wir das, was an den Drangsalen des Christus fehlt, ergänzen können. Ihr Lieben, beten wir immer wieder auch für uns um die Kraft von Jehova, die über das Normale hinausgeht. Er ist unser Gott der Rettung und wir vertrauen völlig auf ihn. ( von unserem lieben Bruder Rudi... )
  17. 15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cashew Nuts... Who doesn’t know about cashew nuts ?... Caju is what we call them in India,... We use them mostly in sweets and children love to eat them as they are,... They are full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals which are required for the normal functioning of the body,... They actually belong to Brazil but Portuguese brought them to India in the 16th century,... The kidney shaped or bean shaped nuts have many health benefits, a few of which are presented below,... 1. Prevents Cancer,... Proanthocyanidins are a class of flavonols which fight against tumor cells by stopping them to divide further,... These proanthocyanidins and high copper content in cashew nuts help fight against cancerous cells and keeps you away from colon cancer,... This is one of the major cashew nut benefits. 2. Healthy Heart,... Cashews contain low fat content when compared to other nuts and that too in the oleic acid form which is very healthy for heart,... They are cholesterol free and the antioxidants present keeps you away from heart diseases. 3. Lowers High Blood Pressure,... Cashew nuts lower your blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in them. 4. Helps Hair,... Copper is the mineral which helps your hair get that color,... So if you take cashews which are full of copper content, you can get that black hair that you always wished for. 5. Healthy Bones,... Like calcium, magnesium is also important for bone health which is the main content in cashew nuts. 6. Healthy Nerves,... Magnesium is stored on the bones surface which prevents calcium from entering the nerve cells and thus keeps the blood vessels and muscles relaxed,... Insufficient amount of magnesium can lead calcium to enter the blood vessels leading them to contract,... It also leads to high blood pressure, migraine headache etc. 7. Prevents Gallstones,... Daily intake of cashewnut can reduce the risk of developing gallstones up to 25%. 8. Helps in Weight Loss,... Even though cashew nuts are considered as fats, it contains good cholesterol,... So contrary to popular belief, those who eat cashews at least twice a week gain less weight when compared to those who eat less. 9. Anti-oxidants,... Selenium, copper, magnesium etc. act as co-factors for many enzymes. 10. Helps Digestion,... Cashew nuts help in growth and development, nucleic acid synthesis and digestion. 11. High on Vitamins,... Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin etc,... These vitamins keep you safe from sideroblastic anemia, pellagra, etc. 12. Healthy Gums and Teeth,... As mentioned before, the magnesium content present in cashew nuts is very good for bones,... So it gives healthy teeth as well as strong gums to hold them. 13. Pleasant sleep,... After menopause, these cashew nuts can give you relaxed and pleasant sleep during nights. 14. Free Radicals,... Cashew nuts help our body to utilize iron properly and eliminate free radicals which cause health problems. 15. Macular Degeneration,... Cashew nuts have the ability to filter Sun’s UV rays and protect us from macular degeneration. Now that you know the health benefits of Cashew nuts, ensure that you eat a few once every week I am sure you already love them.
  18. On 26 march 2015.... Armenian government released 70 young prisoners, These brothers were imprisoned because they refused to partake in military service, Jehovah God is hearing all the prayers that we pray about our brothers and sisters in person. *Thanking Jehovah for all he has done for us*
  19. First I thought, whats now in our Librarian's fantastic "Idea Box" again ? ? But after clicking here and there, alot vantages ! Thank you❤️
  20. “Vós sois as minhas testemunhas”, é a pronunciação de Jeová. — Isa. 43:10. Infelizmente, noticiários em todo o mundo têm ignorado ou até mesmo distorcido os fatos mais importantes da história humana. É isso o que acontece com a seguinte declaração do Deus Todo-Poderoso por meio do antigo profeta Ezequiel: “As nações terão de saber que eu sou Jeová.” (Eze. 39:7) Mas o Soberano do Universo não depende dos meios de comunicação. Jeová tem uns 8 milhões de Testemunhas que falam às pessoas sobre ele e seus atos em relação à humanidade desde o passado até hoje. Esse exército de Testemunhas também anuncia o que Deus promete fazer para a bênção futura da humanidade. Por darmos prioridade à nossa obra de testemunho, mostramos ser merecedores do nome que Deus nos deu. É um privilégio levar o nome de Jeová, pois ele é o “Rei da eternidade”. Ele diz: “Este é o meu nome por tempo indefinido e esta é a recordação de mim por geração após geração.” — 1 Tim. 1:17; Êxo. 3:15. w14 15/7 3:2, 3
  21. « Vous êtes mes témoins », c’est là ce que déclare Jéhovah (Is. 43:10). Malheureusement, les médias de ce monde ont amplement passé sous silence, voire déformé, les faits les plus importants de l’Histoire. C’est notamment vrai concernant ce que le Dieu Tout-Puissant a déclaré jadis par l’intermédiaire de son prophète Ézékiel : « Il faudra que les nations sachent que je suis Jéhovah » (Ézék. 39:7). Mais le Maître Souverain de l’univers ne compte pas sur les médias. Il dispose de huit millions de Témoins qui font connaître aux gens de toutes les nations le Dieu qu’il est et ses façons d’agir d’hier et d’aujourd’hui envers les humains. Cette armée de Témoins annonce aussi les bienfaits que Dieu promet d’apporter à l’humanité. En faisant de cette œuvre de témoignage notre priorité, nous agissons en accord avec le nom que Dieu nous a donné. C’est un immense honneur de porter le nom de Jéhovah, car il est « le Roi d’éternité », Celui qui déclare : « C’est là mon nom pour des temps indéfinis et c’est là mon mémorial de génération en génération » (1 Tim. 1:17 ; Ex. 3:15). w14 15/7 3:2, 3.
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