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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 56d90dbb65181_FridayMarch4.2016.jpg.3640

    Pela fé Moisés, quando cresceu, negou-se a ser chamado filho da filha de Faraó. — Heb. 11:24.

    A fé de Moisés influenciou sua escolha de carreira. Ele não achou que podia servir a Deus como membro da corte real e então usar sua fortuna e privilégios para ajudar seus irmãos israelitas. Em vez disso, ele estava decidido a amar a Jeová de todo o coração, alma e força. (Deut. 6:5) Essa decisão o poupou de muito sofrimento. Boa parte dos tesouros egípcios que ele deixou para trás foi saqueada — pelos próprios israelitas. (Êxo. 12:35, 36) Faraó foi humilhado e executado. (Sal. 136:15) Moisés, por outro lado, foi poupado e usado por Deus para liderar uma nação inteira para a salvação. Sua vida teve verdadeiro sentido. Se você é um jovem servo de Jeová, escolha uma carreira que lhe possibilite amar a Jeová e servir a ele ‘de todo o seu coração e de toda a sua alma’. Tenha certeza de que agir assim será para ‘o seu bem’. — Deut. 10:12, 13. w14 15/4 1:6-8

  2. 56d908f3efea2_FridayMarch4.2016.jpg.ffda

    By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.—Heb. 11:24.

    Moses’ faith shaped his choice of career. He did not reason that he could serve God as a member of the royal court and then use his wealth and privilege to help his Israelite brothers. Rather, Moses was determined to love Jehovah with all his heart, soul, and strength. (Deut. 6:5) Moses’ decision saved him much heartache. Many of the treasures of Egypt that he gave up were soon plundered—by the Israelites themselves! (Ex. 12:35, 36) Pharaoh was humiliated and executed. (Ps. 136:15) Conversely, Moses was spared and was used by God to lead an entire nation to safety. His life had real meaning. If you are a young servant of Jehovah, choose a career that will enable you to love Jehovah and serve him “with all your heart and all your soul.” You can be confident that such a course will be “for your own good.”—Deut. 10:12, 13. w14 4/15 1:6-8


     1. No Breakfast
    People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
    This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

    2. Overeating
    It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

    3. Smoking
    It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

    4. High Sugar consumption
    Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

    5. Air Pollution
    The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

    6. Sleep Deprivation
    Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

    7. Head covered while sleeping
    Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

    8. Working your brain during illness
    Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

    9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
    Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

    10. Talking Rarely
    Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

  4. Hearing  Deaf  Relationship  Tips.....    /  Video, 14 min.

    Well being from 2 different cultures can cause problems in a relationship. Here are some tips for anyone in a Deaf/Hearing relationship. See what works for us and let us know any of your tips.

    ** Due to a comment I'm addressing the SimCom issue.  This is an older video and now all recent videos are in sign language with voice-over and CC. Hopefully this address the issues with SimCom being used.**

    Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more great videos! Thanks love ya'll!

  5. 56d7cab80f88a_ThursdayMarch3.2016.jpg.4a

    Sie waren ungelehrte und gewöhnliche Menschen (Apg. 4:13)

    Seit einigen Jahren legt Jehovas Organisation bei der biblischen Unterweisung immer mehr Wert auf Einfachheit und Klarheit. Hierzu drei Beispiele. Erstens gibt es den Wachtturm in vereinfachter Sprache. Die vereinfachte Ausgabe hat sich wirklich als Segen für alle erwiesen, die sich mit Sprache oder dem Lesen schwertun. Es ist aufgefallen, dass sich Kinder beim Studium des Wachtturms — durch den wir die geistige Speise hauptsächlich erhalten — mehr beteiligen. Zweitens gibt es die revidierte Ausgabe der englischen Neuen-Welt-Übersetzung. Viele Schrifttexte sind nun kürzer. Der Sinn ist erhalten geblieben oder sogar klarer geworden. Denken wir drittens an unser verbessertes Verständnis in jüngster Zeit, zum Beispiel das klarere Verständnis über den „treuen und verständigen Sklaven“ (Mat. 24:45-47). Solche Wahrheiten kennenzulernen und sie an Neue weiterzugeben ist einfach großartig! w15 15. 3. 1:1, 4-6

  6. 56d7c9ccb5143_ThursdayMarch3.2016.jpg.a8

    C’étaient des hommes sans instruction et des gens ordinaires (Actes 4:13).

    Ces dernières années, l’instruction spirituelle fournie par l’organisation de Jéhovah témoigne de l’importance accordée à la simplicité et à la clarté. En voici trois exemples. Premièrement, la version facile de La Tour de Garde. Elle se révèle un don plein d’amour pour ceux qui se battent avec une langue ou qui ont du mal à lire. Des chefs de famille constatent que, depuis qu’ils s’en servent, leurs enfants s’intéressent davantage à l’étude de cette revue, le principal moyen par lequel nous sommes nourris spirituellement. Deuxièmement, parlons de l’édition révisée des Saintes Écritures. Traduction du monde nouveau. Quantité de versets comportent à présent moins de mots, mais gardent tout leur sens, voire sont plus clairs. Troisièmement, citons les compréhensions affinées récemment, comme celle qui concerne « l’esclave fidèle et avisé » (Mat. 24:45-47). Quel plaisir de découvrir de telles vérités et de les enseigner aux nouveaux ! w15 15/3 1:1, 4-6.

  7. 56d7c672311b8_ThursdayMarch3.2016.jpg.86

    They were uneducated and ordinary men.—Acts 4:13.

    In recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by Jehovah’s organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity. Consider three examples. First, there is the simplified edition of The Watchtower. This edition has proved to be, in effect, a loving gift to those who struggle with language or find reading a challenge. Family heads are finding that their children are now more involved in the study of this journal, the main channel of our spiritual feeding program. Second, there is the revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Many Scriptures now use fewer words, yet their meaning is intact or even clearer. Third, there are the recent refinements in our understanding, such as the clarified understanding of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45-47) What a delight it is to learn such truths and to teach them to new ones! w15 3/15 1:1, 4-6

  8. 56d7c4556cd03_ThursdayMarch3.2016.jpg.a3

    Eles eram homens indoutos e comuns. — Atos 4:13.

    Em anos recentes, a instrução espiritual que recebemos revela que a organização de Jeová tem dado mais ênfase à simplicidade e à clareza. Veja três exemplos. Primeiro, a edição simplificada de A Sentinela. Essa edição é como um presente amoroso que tem ajudado muitos, incluindo os que têm leitura limitada ou dificuldades com o idioma. Chefes de família têm observado que seus filhos agora estão mais envolvidos no estudo de A Sentinela, o principal canal de nosso programa de alimentação espiritual. Segundo, preparou-se a edição revisada da Tradução do Novo Mundo. Muitos versículos agora têm menos palavras; mesmo assim, o sentido foi mantido e até mesmo ficou mais claro. Terceiro, ajustes recentes de nosso entendimento. Por exemplo, ficamos maravilhados com nosso entendimento ajustado sobre “o escravo fiel e discreto”. (Mat. 24:45-47) Como é bom conhecer essas verdades e poder ensiná-las a outros! w15 15/3 1:1, 4-6

  9. 56d67817f064d_WednesdayMarch2-----.jpg.f

    Als der Erzengel Michael mit dem Teufel uneins wurde und sich mit ihm wegen des Leibes Mose auseinandersetzte, wagte er nicht, über ihn in lästernden Worten ein Gericht zu bringen (Jud. 9)

    Als Erzengel Michael wurde Jesus „mit dem Teufel uneins“ und setzte sich mit ihm „wegen des Leibes Mose“ auseinander. Nachdem Moses gestorben war, begrub Jehova ihn an einem unbekannten Ort (5. Mo. 34:5, 6). Was immer der Teufel auch Übles mit dem Leichnam von Moses vorhatte, Michael trat ihm mutig entgegen. Wie ein Nachschlagewerk bemerkt, werden die griechischen Ausdrücke, die mit „uneins wurde“ und „auseinandersetzte“ wiedergegeben wurden, „auch in Verbindung mit Rechtsstreitigkeiten verwendet“. Damit wird wohl vermittelt, dass „Michael das Recht des Teufels auf den Leib Mose anfocht“. Dennoch war sich der oberste Engel bewusst, dass es ihm nicht zustand zu richten. Vielmehr verwies er den Fall an den höchsten Richter, Jehova. Michael überschritt also nicht seine Befugnis. Was für eine demütige Einstellung! w15 15. 2. 1:6

  10. 56d67630379ef_WednesdayMarch2.2016.jpg.4

    Quand Mikaël l’archange eut un différend avec le Diable et qu’il discutait au sujet du corps de Moïse, il n’osa pas porter contre lui un jugement en termes injurieux (Jude 9).

    L’archange Mikaël, c’est-à-dire Jésus, « eut un différend avec le Diable » et « discutait » avec lui. Le débat tournait autour du « corps de Moïse ». Souviens-toi que quand Moïse est mort, Jéhovah l’a enterré dans un lieu inconnu (Deut. 34:5, 6). Quelles qu’aient été les intentions du Diable à l’égard de la dépouille de Moïse, Mikaël a pris une position courageuse. Un ouvrage de référence souligne que les termes grecs traduits par « avoir un différend » et « discuter » sont « aussi utilisés en lien avec un litige » et laissent à penser que « Mikaël “a contesté le droit du Diable” de se servir du corps de Moïse ». Cependant, reconnaissant qu’il ne lui appartenait pas de prononcer un jugement, le Chef des anges a préféré porter l’affaire devant le Juge suprême, Jéhovah. Ainsi, Mikaël n’a pas abusé de son autorité. Quelle humilité ! w15 15/2 1:6.

  11. 56d674ce3002b_WednesdayMarch2.2016.jpg.4

    Quando Miguel, o arcanjo, teve uma controvérsia com o Diabo e disputava acerca do corpo de Moisés, não se atreveu a lançar um julgamento contra ele em termos ultrajantes. — Judas 9.

    Em seu papel celestial como Miguel, o arcanjo, Jesus “teve uma controvérsia com o Diabo”. Eles ‘disputaram acerca do corpo de Moisés’. Você talvez se lembre de que, após a morte de Moisés, Jeová o enterrou num local desconhecido. (Deut. 34:5, 6) Qualquer que fosse a intenção do Diabo para o corpo de Moisés, Miguel mostrou coragem por se opor a ele. De acordo com certa obra de referência, os termos gregos traduzidos “teve uma controvérsia” e “disputava” são “também usados em relação a uma disputa legal” e talvez indiquem “que Miguel ‘contestou o direito do Diabo’ de se apoderar do corpo de Moisés”. Mesmo assim, o Anjo Principal, Miguel, reconheceu que não cabia a ele julgar essa criatura perversa. Ele encaminhou o caso ao Juiz Supremo, Jeová. Por agir assim, Miguel não ultrapassou os limites de sua autoridade. Que humildade! w15 15/2 1:6

  12. 56d672ce97b7a_WednesdayMarch2.2016.jpg.2

    When Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms.—Jude 9.

    As Michael the archangel, Jesus “had a difference with the Devil” and “was disputing” with that wicked one. The issue involved “Moses’ body.” Recall that after Moses died, Jehovah buried the body in an unknown location. (Deut. 34:5, 6) Whatever evil purpose the Devil had in mind for Moses’ remains, Michael took a courageous stand. One reference work notes that the Greek terms rendered “had a difference” and “disputing” are “also used in relation to a legal dispute” and may suggest “that Michael ‘challenged the Devil’s right’ to take Moses’ body.” Yet, the Chief Angel recognized that it was not his place to bring judgment. Rather, he referred the case to the Supreme Judge, Jehovah. Michael thus refrained from overstepping his authority. What a humble attitude! w15 2/15 1:6

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