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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. I  hear  the  *OSCAR  TV*  voices  from  living - room  while  my  postings,  bec. here  its  deep  night !  You  can  watch,  but  I  hear  the  ceremony  ;-)  Sometimes  I  go  watching  ---  Yes,  thats  a  good  question  about  a  female  "Oscar"...  prob. still  not  our  time,  typically  men  world  hahaha....  Women  accept  and  endure,  maybe.  -  It  does  give  a  story  how  the    "Oscar"  was  born...  Btw.  the  Oscar  is  not  of  solid  gold,  I  saw  in  TV  before  a  time !  Enjoy  the  ceremony....  its  going  until  6:15am  in  Germany  and  I  will  hear  and  watch  ;o)  Its  a  funny  show  and  I  feel  near  the  USA !

  2. Richard Branson unveils his $250,000-per-ride spaceship....    // February 22, 2016 / 3:57pm






    Wreckage lies near the site where a Virgin Galactic space tourism rocket, SpaceShipTwo, crashed in the desert near Mojave, Calif.  //  SPACESHIP  1...


    More than a year after a fatal accident during a test flight of a sister ship, Richard Branson unveiled his shiny new $250,000-a ticket Virgin Galactic spacecraft — the VSS Unity.

    “Together, we can make space accessible in a way that has only been dreamt of before now,” the Virgin billionaire said at the unveiling at the Mojave Air & Space Port in California on Friday.

    The silver and white craft — about the size of a private jet — is the first designed to carry passengers to space and back to Earth, and Branson already has eager takers: About 700 people have already signed up, including physicist Stephen Hawking, who named the ship.

    “We are entering a new space age and I hope this will help to create a new unity,” said Hawking in a recorded message. “Space exploration has already been a great unifier.  We seem able to cooperate between nations in space in a way we can only envy on Earth.”

    “It will help bring new meaning to our place on Earth and to our responsibilities as its stewards and it will help us to recognize our place and our future in the cosmos, which is where I believe our ultimate destiny lines,” he added.

    The ship can carry six passengers and two pilots, and Branson has already promised Hawking a free ride once the ship is space-ready.

    The 74-year-old cosmologist, who has ALS and talks through a specialized system hooked up to his cheek, has been training in weightless environments to prepare for his space odyssey.

    “We felt strongly that we should somehow make sure that Stephen remained a permanent part of Unity’s story because so much of what he stands for resonates with what we at Virgin Galactic aspire to be,” the 65-year-old billionaire said. “So the Galactic Girl on the side of our proud Spaceship Unity now carries a banner using an image of Stephen’s eye.”

    Similar to the Enterprise — the ill-fated test flight that broke apart over the Mojave Desert in October 2014, killing the co-pilot and injuring the pilot. The newest spacecraft will be launched from a mothership that lights the rocket’s motor.

    Virgin officials said the new ship has had changes to the safety mechanism that governs it, and will undergo extensive testing on the ground before pilots fire up its rocket, but company honchos have not released a schedule yet for its first blastoff with passengers. The descent mechanism — which mimics the dynamic of a badminton shuttlecock — will remain the same.

    The craft’s flight plan calls for a carrier, called White Knight Two, to ferry it to an altitude of about 50,000 feet, and then release Unity, which will ignite a rocket and travel about 62 miles up, giving passengers a suborbital experience, and a taste of microgravity — floating in space — before gliding back down to Earth.

    ( PS.  We  shall  see,  what  will  bring  us  the  future  and  what  all  happened...)



  3. Not in our lifetime and not in the next.... bec. we belong to live on the Earth ;-)  Its only the nosiness of many rich men !  My thinking is very realisric and it will never have success,  thats my opinion. All rich men are too poor, to pay such of big idea... its really only a dream !


    A  HEART  TOUCHING  STORY❤     ( take a hanky...)

    SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
    DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?"
    SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
    DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
    SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"
    DAD: "If you must know, I make $100 an hour."
    SON: "Oh! (With his head down).
    SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow $50?"
    The father was furious.
    DAD: "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."

    The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
    The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
    After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think:
    Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

    DAD: "Are you asleep, son?"

    SON: "No daddy, I'm awake".
    DAD: "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $50 you asked for."

    The little boy sat straight up, smiling.
    SON: "Oh, thank you daddy!"
    Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

    DAD: "Why do you want more money if you already have some?"

    SON: "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do.

    "Daddy, I have $100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?  Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."
    The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness. It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $100 worth of your time with someone you love? If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family and friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.

    Some things are more important...


  5. 56d15c50d284b_SaturdayFebruary27.2016.jp

    Devias conhecer positivamente a aparência do teu rebanho. — Pro. 27:23.

    A vida dos pastores no Israel antigo não era fácil. Além de precisar suportar calor e frio, eles tinham de proteger seus rebanhos de predadores, quer animais, quer humanos. Eles inspecionavam com regularidade as ovelhas e cuidavam das que estivessem doentes ou feridas. Também davam atenção especial aos filhotes por serem frágeis e não terem a força de uma ovelha adulta. (Gên. 33:13) Em alguns aspectos, os pais cristãos são como pastores, pois demonstram qualidades que são importantes para os pastores literais. Um bom pastor examina de modo detalhado cada ovelha para verificar se ela está saudável. Em sentido figurado, você pode fazer o mesmo com seus filhos. Para isso, precisa levar em conta as ações de seus filhos, bem como os pensamentos e sentimentos deles. Como você pode conseguir isso? Um dos melhores modos é por sempre conversar com eles. w14 15/9 3:1-3

  6. 56d159e8e1a5f_SaturdayFebruary27.2016.jp

    You should know well the appearance of your flock.—Prov. 27:23.

    Shepherds in ancient Israel led a rigorous life. They not only had to endure heat and cold but also had to protect their flocks from predators, both animal and human. Shepherds inspected the sheep regularly and treated any that were sick or injured. They gave special attention to the lambs because they were delicate and lacked the strength of full-grown sheep. (Gen. 33:13) In some respects, Christian parents are like shepherds, displaying qualities that are valuable to literal shepherds. A good shepherd carefully examines each sheep to make sure that it is healthy. In a figurative sense, you can do the same for your children. To do this, you need to consider your children’s actions and also their thoughts and feelings. How can you accomplish that? One of the best ways is to have frequent conversations with your children. w14 9/15 3:1-3

  7. 56d158d14e567_FridayFebruary26.2016.jpg.

    I do not understand what I am doing. For I do not practice what I wish, but I do what I hate.—Rom. 7:15.

    Satan knows that we have sinful tendencies, and he tries to induce us to cater to them. It then becomes a formidable challenge to maintain our integrity. (John 8:44-47) Consider the case of a person who becomes so absorbed in the pleasure of the moment that he ends up doing something wrong that he thought he would never do. What led up to this sad situation? Likely, the individual had gradually been losing sensitivity to Jehovah’s voice. Either he failed to notice the warning signs regarding what was happening to his heart or he chose to ignore them. For example, he might have stopped praying, slowed down in the ministry, or started missing meetings. Eventually, he succumbed to his desire and did what he knew was wrong. We can avoid such a disastrous mistake if we remain alert to any warning signs and act immediately to correct matters. w14 8/15 4:8

  8. 56d1580cbe87b_SaturdayFebruary27.2016.jp

    Du solltest unbedingt das Aussehen deines Kleinviehs kennen (Spr. 27:23)

    Hirte im alten Israel zu sein war anstrengend. Er war Hitze und Kälte ausgesetzt und musste die Herde vor Räubern und wilden Tieren schützen. Er untersuchte die Schafe regelmäßig und versorgte kranke und verletzte. Besonders achtete er auf die Lämmer, denn sie waren anfällig und nicht so kräftig wie ausgewachsene Schafe (1. Mo. 33:13). In mancher Hinsicht gleichen christliche Eltern Hirten. Sie müssen die Eigenschaften eines guten Hirten haben. Ein guter Hirte achtet sorgfältig darauf, dass jedes Schaf gesund ist. Im übertragenen Sinn könnt ihr das auch bei euren Kindern tun. Das ist nur möglich, wenn ihr euch mit dem befasst, was eure Kinder tun, denken und empfinden. Wie ist das zu bewältigen? Mit am besten ist es, oft mit den Kindern zu reden. w14 15. 9. 3:1-3

  9. 56d156d2003e1_FridayFebruary26.2016.jpg.

    Was ich vollbringe, weiß ich nicht. Denn was ich wünsche, das pflege ich nicht zu tun, sondern was ich hasse, das tue ich (Röm. 7:15)

    Satan weiß, dass wir sündige Neigungen haben, und möchte uns dazu bringen, ihnen nachzugeben. Es ist also nicht leicht, die unversehrte Lauterkeit zu bewahren (Joh. 8:44-47). Angenommen, jemand ist von einem momentanen Vergnügen so gefangen genommen, dass er schließlich etwas tut, was er von sich nie erwartet hätte. Wie kam es zu dieser bedauerlichen Situation? Für ihn wurde wahrscheinlich die Stimme Jehovas nach und nach leiser. Entweder hat er nicht bemerkt, dass mit seinem Herzen etwas nicht mehr stimmte, oder er hat Warnsignale bewusst ignoriert. Vielleicht hat er aufgehört zu beten, den Predigtdienst vernachlässigt oder Zusammenkünfte versäumt. Schließlich erlag er seiner Begierde und tat das, wovon er wusste, dass es falsch ist. Wir können so einen schwerwiegenden Fehler vermeiden, wenn wir auf Warnsignale hören und sofort etwas ändern. w14 15. 8. 4:8

  10. 56d154947b78b_SaturdayFebruary27.2016.jp

    Il faut absolument que tu connaisses l’aspect de ton petit bétail (Prov. 27:23).

    Au temps de l’Israël antique, la vie d’un berger était rude. Il devait supporter la chaleur et le froid, mais aussi protéger les troupeaux des prédateurs, humains et animaux. Il inspectait les moutons régulièrement et soignait la bête malade ou blessée. Il accordait une attention particulière aux agneaux, plus fragiles (Gen. 33:13). Sous certains aspects, les parents chrétiens sont comparables à des bergers. Ils doivent en effet manifester des qualités indispensables aux bergers proprement dits. Un bon berger veille sur la santé de chaque mouton en l’inspectant soigneusement. C’est, figurément parlant, ce que vous pouvez faire avec vos enfants. Soyez donc attentifs à la façon dont vos enfants agissent, mais aussi à ce qu’ils pensent ou ressentent. Comment vous y prendre ? Une des meilleures façons consiste à avoir avec eux des conversations fréquentes. w14 15/9 3:1-3.

  11. 56d1539799b21_FridayFebruary26.2016.jpg.

    Ce que j’accomplis, je ne le sais pas. Car ce que je veux, je ne le pratique pas ; mais ce que je hais, c’est ce que je fais (Rom. 7:15).

    Satan sait que nous avons des tendances pécheresses, et il nous pousse à les satisfaire. Rester intègres peut alors relever de l’exploit (Jean 8:44-47). Prenons le cas d’une personne qui pense tellement à profiter de l’instant présent qu’elle en vient à commettre un acte qu’elle n’aurait jamais pensé commettre. Comment en est-elle arrivée là ? Elle est probablement devenue peu à peu insensible à la voix de Jéhovah. Soit elle n’a pas prêté attention aux signaux d’alerte révélant ce qui se passait dans son cœur, soit elle n’en a pas tenu compte. Par exemple, elle a peut-être cessé de prier, ralenti son activité de prédication ou commencé à manquer les réunions. Finalement, elle a cédé à son désir et a fait ce qu’elle savait être mal. Nous pouvons éviter une erreur aussi désastreuse à condition d’être attentifs aux signaux d’alerte et de nous ressaisir immédiatement. w14 15/8 4:8.

  12. I  translated  this  from  my  German  'Mars - post'  today...

    SpaceX founder Elon Musk has even the vision to colonization of Mars. He could imagine to transport in around 15 years, about 80,000 people to Mars, the billionaire said in 2012 in London. Musk is known as Fantast. With its electric sports car company Tesla, he is a pioneer in the industry, and its only founded about ten years ago SpaceX rocket company has become a serious competitor for the European Ariane rocket.


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