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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 56ca7c0f2a014_SundayFebruary21.2016.jpg.

    Wir mussten einfach fröhlich sein und uns freuen, denn dieser dein Bruder war tot und kam zum Leben (Luk. 15:32)

    Ist das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn nicht ein großer Ansporn für alle, die die Wahrheit verlassen haben, unverzüglich zu Jehova zurückzukehren? Da ihr Glaube jedoch sehr gelitten hat, sind sie wahrscheinlich am Ende ihrer Kräfte. Und der Weg zurück erscheint ihnen womöglich unangenehm und schwer. Aber die Mühe lohnt sich, denn auch der Himmel freut sich über ihre Rückkehr (Luk. 15:7, 11-32). Wir wollen bestimmt nie „allzu gerecht“ werden und einen reuevollen Sünder nicht willkommen heißen. Das würde unserer Freundschaft zu Jehova nämlich nur schaden (Pred. 7:16). Wer die Versammlung verlassen hat, sollte als „verlorenes Schaf“ betrachtet werden, nicht als hoffnungsloser Fall (Ps. 119:176). Begegnen wir also jemandem, der sich entfernt hat, aber nicht ausgeschlossen ist — werden wir ihm dann nicht liebevoll praktische Hilfe anbieten, damit er zurückkehren kann? Ob nun ausgeschlossen oder nicht, werden wir nicht in jedem Fall sofort die Ältesten informieren, damit sie passende Hilfe anbieten können? Ganz bestimmt, wenn wir Jesu Gleichnis verstanden haben. w14 15. 12. 2:12, 14, 15

  2. 56ca79e4ddfe9_SundayFebruary21.2016.jpg.

    Il fallait bien se donner du bon temps et se réjouir, parce que ton frère que voilà était mort et il a pris vie (Luc 15:32).

    L’exemple du fils prodigue est un puissant encouragement, pour ceux qui ont quitté la vérité, à revenir à Jéhovah sans tarder ! Peut-être sont-ils épuisés spirituellement et éprouvent-ils des difficultés et une certaine honte à revenir. Mais l’effort en vaut la peine : à leur retour, même les cieux se réjouiront ! (Luc 15:7, 11-32). Surtout, gardons-nous d’être « juste à l’excès », d’être justes au point de ne pas vouloir accueillir les pêcheurs repentants. Nous amènerions sur nous la « désolation » spirituelle (Eccl. 7:16). Autre enseignement : Considérons celui qui quitte la congrégation comme « une brebis perdue » plutôt qu’une cause perdue (Ps. 119:176). Que ferons-nous si nous rencontrons quelqu’un qui s’est éloigné de la congrégation ? S’il n’est pas excommunié, lui proposerons-nous affectueusement de l’aider à revenir ? Dans tous les cas, informerons-nous rapidement les anciens pour qu’ils lui apportent l’aide nécessaire ? C’est une façon d’appliquer avec sagesse ce que nous enseigne l’exemple de Jésus. w14 15/12 2:12, 14, 15.

  3. 56ca7854a51d3_SundayFebruary21.2016.jpg.

    We just had to celebrate and rejoice, for your brother was dead but has come to life.—Luke 15:32.

    The illustration of the prodigal son is a strong incentive for those who have left the truth to return to Jehovah without delay! They may be spiritually exhausted, and the way back may seem to be embarrassing and difficult. But it is worth the effort—even the heavens will rejoice when they return. (Luke 15:7, 11-32) Never would we want to be so “overly righteous” that we refuse to welcome repentant sinners back. This would result only in spiritual “ruin.” (Eccl. 7:16) We can learn another lesson from this. Someone who leaves the congregation should be viewed as “a lost sheep,” not a lost cause. (Ps. 119:176) If we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return? Will we promptly inform the elders so that they can offer appropriate help? We will if we wisely apply the lesson we learn from Jesus’ illustration. w14 12/15 2:12, 14, 15

  4. 56ca7578ab23a_SundayFebruary21.2016.jpg.

    Nós simplesmente tivemos de nos regalar e alegrar, porque este teu irmão estava morto, e voltou a viver. — Luc. 15:32.

    Para os que abandonaram a verdade, a ilustração do filho pródigo é um belo incentivo para que voltem a Jeová sem demora. Eles talvez estejam exaustos em sentido espiritual, e o caminho de volta pode parecer embaraçoso e difícil. Mas vale a pena — afinal, até mesmo os céus se alegram quando alguém nessa situação volta. (Luc. 15:7, 11-32) Nunca devemos ser ‘justos demais’ e nos recusar a acolher de volta pecadores arrependidos. Isso só nos prejudicaria espiritualmente. (Ecl. 7:16) Podemos aprender outra lição dessa ilustração. Alguém que deixa a congregação deve ser visto como uma ovelha perdida, não como um caso perdido. (Sal. 119:176) Se você encontrar alguém que se afastou da congregação, o que acha de bondosamente lhe oferecer ajuda prática, caso ele não esteja desassociado? De qualquer forma, quer a pessoa esteja desassociada, quer não, devemos sem demora falar com os anciãos para que eles tomem as medidas necessárias para ajudá-la. Se agirmos assim, estaremos colocando em prática o que aprendemos da ilustração do filho pródigo. w14 15/12 2:12, 14, 15

  5. 56ca6f497be2e_SouthCarolinaWomanbearstwi

    Myrtle Beach | A South Carolinian family made headlines today after giving birth to twins and naming them  Donald and Trump.

    The birth of the twins occurred this morning at Grand Strand Medical Center, only hours before South Carolina’s Republican voters will show up to the polls across the state to cast ballots in the GOP’s third presidential nominating contest.

    “We weren’t planning on naming them after Donald Trump at first, but it is clearly a divine sign that our next president shows up in our state on the day my little sunshines are born” explained Latifa Huxley, proud mother of the two. “Donald Trump is a bright, wealthy, successful man with strong moral values that represents what America is all about. This man is a symbol of the greatness of what America once was and shall be again” she told local reporters, visibly emotional.


    A divine sign

    Both parents strongly believe the timing of the South Carolina GOP primary with the birth of their twins is no coincidence.

    “It is truly a blessing and a God-given sign” says Damian Huxley, father of the twins. “After all the division Obama has brought upon this country, it is a great privilege to have my children born on this auspicious day,” he explains with pride. “I don’t care if my president is black or white, all I know is that Trump is a man of his word and we believe him when he says that he will make America great again,” he adds.

    The time for change

    Although Donald Trump was not available for comments, Donald Trump’s campaign supervisor, Adam Goldberg, was enthused by the news.

    “I think Americans are ready for real change. Eight years of Obama in the White House  has left the American dream in shambles and Americans want a president that will unite the country and make things better as they used to be. These twin babies will one day be very proud to be named after a great man and a great leader that will spare no expense to make America great again,” he told reporters when joined by phone.

    Recent polls show Donald Trump maintaining a wide lead in the South Carolina primary  with Ted Cruz and  Marco Rubio in a fight for second place.





    IN  AN  ARABIAN  GROUP ❤    ( I  translated  for  you  all  very  fast  by  Google...)  She  wrote :

    I would like to share this experience today:

    In May 1985, I have to be baptized and since about  1 year  I am in Belgium in the  Arab. group.

    The Society encourages again anyone who can to support the foreign language field. The Oriental region is one of the areas where the work is not free. Therefore, it is a special occasion the people who spend a while in Europe, to bring the good news in more detail.

    Today we again had a recording of a lecture from an Arabic-speaking country (see photo). And we had a guest. She came from Tunisia and was very touched by our hospitality. She has scrupulously followed the publication cited texts in the Bible. Even the Watchtower study she replied freely (at her first meeting here)  And even corrected our answers has it in Arabic. We had a great mood ! It was easy, cheerful and we also laughed a lot. Our Elder did not know whom he should first take it. The turnout was so contagious. After the meeting, we all sat around them and they told us that their questions were never answered in their faith. Also in the mosque nobody came towards them. She felt isolated. Here they experienced the exact opposite. She felt like a family because everyone YOUR came because she misses her family home, which unfortunately does not seek contact with her. Also to their questions, they will gradually finally answers.

    Such rare "Highlights" repeatedly show that it is worthwhile to work in difficult areas. Jehovah can really grow in his time. And for those people who are really looking for God, every effort is worth, no matter to how long and how hard we work for it and also take upon ourselves !






    Eine  SEHR  schöne  u. neue  ERFAHRUNG  unserer  SCHWESTER  *Nabd Alqalb* ❤

    ( aber  lest  selbst...)   Sie  schreibt :

    Ich  möchte gern diese Erfahrung von heute teilen:

    Im Mai 1985 habe ich mich taufen lassen und seit ca. 1 Jahr bin ich in Belgien in der arabischen Gruppe.

    Die Gesellschaft ermuntert immer wieder jeden, der es kann, das fremdsprachige Gebiet zu unterstützen. Das orientalische Gebiet gehört zu den Gebieten, in denen das Werk nicht frei ist. Daher ist es eine besondere Gelegenheit dessen Menschen, die eine Weile in Europa verbringen, auch die gute Botschaft näher zu bringen.

    Heute hatten wir wieder eine Aufzeichnung eines Vortrags aus einem arabisch sprechenden Land (siehe Foto). Und wir hatten einen Gast. Sie kam aus Tunesien und war sehr von unserer Gastfreundschaft berührt. Sie hat gewissenhaft in der Bibel die genannten Schrifttexte verfolgt. Sogar beim Wachtturmstudium hat sie frei geantwortet (und das bei ihrem ersten Versammlungsbesuch!) und unsere Antworten hat sie sogar auf Arabisch korrigiert. Wir hatten eine großartige Stimmung! Es war locker, fröhlich und wir haben auch viel dabei gelacht. Unser Studienleiter wusste nicht, wen er zuerst daran nehmen sollte. Die Beteiligung war so ansteckend. Nach der Zusammenkunft saßen wir alle um sie herum und sie erzählte uns, dass ihre Fragen nie in ihrem Glauben beantwortet wurden. Auch in der Moschee kam niemand auf sie zu. Sie fühlte sich isoliert. Bei uns erlebte sie genau das Gegenteil. Sie fühlte sich wie in einer Familie, weil jeder ZU IHR kam, denn sie vermisst ihre Familie daheim, die leider keinen Kontakt zu ihr sucht. Auch auf ihre Fragen findet sie nach und nach endlich Antworten.

    Solche seltenen „Highlights“ zeigen immer wieder, dass es sich lohnt, auch in schwierigen Gebieten zu arbeiten. Jehova lässt es wirklich zu seiner Zeit wachsen. Und für solche Menschen, die wirklich nach Gott suchen, ist jede Mühe wert, egal wie lange und wie hart wir dafür arbeiten und auch auf uns nehmen müssen.


  8. Death and Sorrows are Temporary Things

    Death and Sorrows are Temporary Things

    We can't live in misery when we have a Hope Greater than what we are going through

    When dealing with trying times just remember it's our Heavenly Father in prayer

    we need to always turn to  All the things we endure are only Temporary things
    There is coming a time which Forever Peace he will surely bring.

    The sadness of heart or spirit will be a thing of the past,
    Nothing that we are going through now was ever meant to last.

    Take Happiness in the Hope of what God’s Kingdom will bring,
    In that Day tears of sadness will be replaced by the Joyful songs we will sing.

    Thank you Father, in time you will be reliving our Hearts from All the Temporary things.


    •1 Thessalonians 4:13, 14
    ◦13 Moreover, brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who are sleeping in death, so that you may not sorrow as the rest do who have no hope. 14 For if we have faith that Jesus died and rose again, so too God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in death through Jesus

  9. 56c92427891b3_SaturdayFebruary20.2016.jp

    Enthaltet euch von Blut (Apg. 15:29)

    Wie Gott Blut betrachtet, verstehen wir besser, wenn wir uns ansehen, wie der Hohe Priester im alten Israel das Blut von Tieren am jährlichen Sühnetag verwendete. Blut war einem besonderen Zweck vorbehalten, nämlich um die Sünden derer zu sühnen, die Jehovas Vergebung suchten. Das Blut des Stieres und des Bockes wurde auf und vor den Deckel der Bundeslade gespritzt (3. Mo. 16:14, 15, 19). Dadurch war es Jehova möglich, die Sünden der Israeliten zu vergeben. Außerdem gebot Jehova jedem, der ein Tier zum Verzehr tötete, das Blut auszugießen und es mit Staub zu bedecken, „denn die Seele [oder das Leben] von jeder Art Fleisch ist sein Blut“ (3. Mo. 17:11-14). All das ist im Einklang mit Jehovas Gebot, das er schon Noah und seinen Nachkommen gegeben hatte (1. Mo. 9:3-6). Selbst zur Lebenserhaltung hatte Jehova Gott den Verzehr von Blut untersagt. w14 15. 11. 2:10, 11

  10. 56c922ab79d9d_SaturdayFebruary20.2016.jp

    Keep abstaining . . . from blood.—Acts 15:29.

    The use of animal blood by ancient Israel’s high priest on the annual Atonement Day helps us to understand God’s view of blood. Blood was reserved for special use. It was to make atonement for the sins of those seeking Jehovah’s forgiveness. The blood of the bull and the goat was to be spattered toward and before the cover of the ark of the covenant. (Lev. 16:14, 15, 19) This action opened the way for Jehovah to forgive the sins of the Israelites. In addition, Jehovah decreed that if a man killed an animal for food, he was to pour out its blood and cover it with dust, “for the life of every sort of flesh is its blood.” (Lev. 17:11-14) All of this is in harmony with Jehovah’s earlier command to Noah and his descendants concerning blood. (Gen. 9:3-6) Jehovah God had prohibited the consuming of blood to sustain life. w14 11/15 2:10, 11

  11. 56c920c41ee23_SaturdayFebruary20.2016.jp

    Abst[iens-toi] [...] du sang (Actes 15:29).

    L’emploi que le grand prêtre de l’Israël antique faisait d’un sang animal le jour annuel des Propitiations nous permet de comprendre le point de vue de Jéhovah sur le sang. Le sang était réservé à un usage particulier. Il servait à faire propitiation pour les péchés de ceux qui recherchaient le pardon de Jéhovah. Il fallait faire l’aspersion du sang du taureau et du bouc vers et devant le couvercle de l’arche de l’alliance (Lév. 16:14, 15, 19). Grâce à ce rituel, Jéhovah pouvait pardonner les péchés des Israélites. De plus, il avait décrété que, si un homme tuait un animal pour se nourrir, il devait en verser le sang et le couvrir de poussière, « car l’âme de toute sorte de chair est son sang » (Lév. 17:11-14). Tout cela est conforme à l’ordre relatif au sang que Jéhovah avait donnée précédemment à Noé et à ses descendants (Gen. 9:3-6). Jéhovah Dieu avait interdit à ses serviteurs de consommer du sang pour entretenir leur vie. w14 15/11 2:10, 11.

  12. 56c91dd304dbe_SaturdayFebruary20.2016.jp

    [Persisti] em abster-vos . . . de sangue. — Atos 15:29.

    O uso de sangue animal pelo sumo sacerdote no Dia da Expiação, uma ocasião anual, nos ajuda a entender o conceito de Deus sobre o sangue. O uso do sangue era restrito a um propósito especial: fazer expiação dos pecados dos que buscavam o perdão de Jeová. O sangue do novilho e o do carneiro deviam ser aspergidos em direção à tampa da arca do pacto e diante da tampa. (Lev. 16:14, 15, 19) Essa ação abria caminho para que Jeová perdoasse os pecados dos israelitas. Além disso, Jeová decretou que, se um homem matasse um animal para comer, ele deveria derramar o sangue e cobri-lo com pó, “pois a alma de todo tipo de carne é seu sangue”. (Lev. 17:11-14) Tudo isso está em harmonia com a ordem que Jeová tinha dado a Noé e seus descendentes a respeito do sangue. (Gên. 9:3-6) Jeová Deus havia proibido o consumo de sangue para sustentar a vida. w14 15/11 2:10, 11

  13. The Obstacles in Our Path...

    In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way.
    Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand.
    Moral of the story: Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one’s condition.

    Author Unknown

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