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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 21 minutes ago, traras said:

    What happened to the cover page?


    I've  prob. the  same  problem....  every  day  its  more  times  away :-(   maybe,  only  by  some  cover  pages...  admin.  said,  he  don't  know  what  to  do ?  A  bad  situation !  grrrrrrr.      Try  ask  him  once  more...

  2. 56c1190b2663a_MondayFebruary15.2016.jpg.

    The Israelites became terrified.—Ex. 14:10.

    Was this predicament unexpected? Not at all. Jehovah had foretold: “[Pharaoh] will chase after them, and I will glorify myself by means of Pharaoh and all his army.” (Ex. 14:4) Nevertheless, the Israelites saw only what appeared to their physical eyes—the impassable Red Sea in front of them, Pharaoh’s swift war chariots behind them, and an 80-year-old shepherd to lead them! They felt trapped. Yet, Moses did not waver. Why not? Because his eyes of faith saw something far more powerful than a sea or an army. He could “see the salvation of Jehovah,” and he knew that Jehovah would fight for the Israelites. (Ex. 14:13, 14) Moses’ faith inspired God’s people. “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land,” the Bible says, “but when the Egyptians attempted it, they were swallowed up.” (Heb. 11:29) Thereafter, “the people began to fear Jehovah and to put faith in Jehovah and in his servant Moses.”—Ex. 14:31. w14 4/15 2:15, 16

  3. 56c117d2d85f7_MondayFebruary15.2016.jpg.

    Les fils d’Israël eurent très peur (Ex. 14:10).

    Cette situation était-elle prévisible ? Absolument. Jéhovah avait dit : « [Pharaon] les poursuivra et je me glorifierai par le moyen de Pharaon et de toutes ses forces militaires » (Ex. 14:4). Mais les Israélites ne regardaient qu’avec leurs yeux physiques. Et que voyaient-ils ? Devant, l’infranchissable mer Rouge, derrière, les chars rapides de Pharaon et, pour les guider, un berger octogénaire ! Ils se sentaient piégés. Pourtant, Moïse n’a pas flanché. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’avec les yeux de la foi, il voyait quelque chose de beaucoup plus puissant qu’une mer ou qu’une armée. Il « voy[ait] le salut de Jéhovah » et savait que Jéhovah combattrait pour son peuple (Ex. 14:13, 14). Sa foi a stimulé celle des autres Israélites. « Par la foi, ils ont traversé la mer Rouge comme on marche sur une terre ferme, dit la Bible, mais, en s’y risquant, les Égyptiens ont été engloutis » (Héb. 11:29). Par la suite, « le peuple se mit à craindre Jéhovah et à avoir foi en Jéhovah et en Moïse son serviteur » (Ex. 14:31). w14 15/4 2:15, 16.

  4. 56c11610a0be1_MondayFebruary15.2016.jpg.

    Die Söhne Israels gerieten in große Furcht (2. Mo. 14:10)

    Kamen die Ägypter überraschend? Keinesfalls! Schließlich hatte Jehova ihren Angriff auf die Israeliten vorausgesagt: „[Pharao] wird ihnen gewiss nachjagen, und ich werde mich durch Pharao und alle seine Streitkräfte verherrlichen“ (2. Mo. 14:4). Allerdings nahmen die Israeliten nur das wahr, was sie sahen: vor ihnen das unüberwindliche Rote Meer, hinter ihnen Pharaos schnelle Streitwagen und einen 80-jährigen Schafhirten als Führer. Sie glaubten sich in der Falle. Doch Moses ließ sich nicht erschüttern. Mit den Augen des Glaubens sah er etwas weit Mächtigeres als das Meer und ein Heer. Er sah „die Rettung Jehovas“ und wusste, Jehova würde für die Israeliten kämpfen (2. Mo. 14:13, 14). Gottes Volk ließ sich von Moses’ Glauben anspornen. „Durch Glauben gingen sie durchs Rote Meer wie über trockenes Land; als aber die Ägypter denselben Versuch machten, wurden sie verschlungen“ (Heb. 11:29). Daraufhin begann das Volk, „Jehova zu fürchten und an Jehova und an Moses, seinen Knecht, zu glauben“ (2. Mo. 14:31). w14 15. 4. 2:15, 16

  5. 56c112bbcf166_MondayFebruary15.2016.jpg.

    Os filhos de Israel ficaram muito amedrontados. — Êxo. 14:10.

    Será que essa dificuldade era inesperada? De forma alguma. Jeová havia predito: “Faraó certamente irá no encalço deles, e eu obterei glória para mim por meio de Faraó e todas as suas forças militares.” (Êxo. 14:4) No entanto, os israelitas viram apenas o que era visível aos seus olhos: o intransponível mar Vermelho diante de si, os velozes carros de guerra de Faraó vindo atrás e um pastor de 80 anos de idade os conduzindo. Eles se sentiram encurralados. Mas Moisés não vacilou. Por que não? Porque seus olhos de fé viram algo mais poderoso do que um mar ou um exército. Ele podia ‘ver a salvação da parte de Jeová’ e sabia que Jeová lutaria pelos israelitas. (Êxo. 14:13, 14) A fé de Moisés motivou o povo de Deus. “Pela fé passaram através do mar Vermelho como em terra seca”, diz a Bíblia, “mas, quando os egípcios se aventuraram nele, foram tragados”. (Heb. 11:29) Depois disso, “o povo começou a temer a Jeová e a ter fé em Jeová e em Moisés, seu servo”. — Êxo. 14:31. w14 15/4 2:15, 16

  6. 56c023f8bd029_SundayFebruary14.2016.jpg.

    C’est bien, esclave bon et fidèle ! (Mat. 25:21).

    Dans les quatre exemples rapportés en Matthieu 24:45 à 25:46, Jésus met l’accent sur ce qui caractériserait ses véritables disciples dans les derniers jours. Dans celui de l’esclave fidèle, Jésus souligne que le petit groupe d’oints ayant la responsabilité de nourrir ses domestiques durant les derniers jours devrait être fidèle et avisé. Dans celui des vierges, il montre que tous ses disciples oints devraient être préparés et vigilants, sachant qu’il vient, mais ne sachant ni quel jour ni à quelle heure. Dans celui des talents, il montre que les oints devraient être vaillants dans leur façon d’assumer leurs responsabilités chrétiennes. Quant au dernier exemple, celui des brebis et des chèvres, il l’adresse aux humains ayant l’espérance terrestre. Il souligne qu’il leur faudrait se montrer fidèles et soutenir pleinement ses frères sur terre. w15 15/3 3:3.

  7. 56c0229b9ca81_SundayFebruary14.2016.jpg.

    Well done, good and faithful slave!—Matt. 25:21.

    In the four illustrations recorded at Matthew 24:45 to 25:46, Jesus highlights traits that would distinguish his true followers in these last days. In the illustration involving the faithful slave, Jesus highlights the need for the small group of anointed ones entrusted with feeding his domestics during the last days to be faithful and discreet. In the parable of the virgins, Jesus stresses that all his anointed followers would need to be prepared and to be vigilant, knowing that Jesus is coming but not knowing the day or the hour. In the parable of the talents, Jesus shows that the anointed would need to be diligent in carrying out their Christian responsibilities. Jesus directs the final illustration, the parable of the sheep and the goats, to those with an earthly hope. He emphasizes that they would have to be loyal and give full support to Jesus’ anointed brothers on earth. w15 3/15 3:3

  8. 56c020a243706_SundayFebruary14.2016.jpg.

    Wohlgetan, du guter und treuer Sklave! (Mat. 25:21)

    n allen vier Gleichnissen aus Matthäus 24:45 bis 25:46 betont Jesus Erkennungsmerkmale seiner treuen Nachfolger in den letzten Tagen. In dem Gleichnis von dem treuen Sklaven unterstreicht Jesus ein Erfordernis für die kleine Gruppe der Gesalbten, die seine Hausknechte in den letzten Tagen mit Speise versorgen soll: das Erfordernis, treu und verständig zu sein. In dem Gleichnis von den Jungfrauen betont Jesus das Erfordernis für alle seine gesalbten Nachfolger, vorbereitet und wachsam zu sein. Er wird kommen, das wissen sie; sie kennen aber weder Tag noch Stunde. In dem Gleichnis von den Talenten legt Jesus den Gesalbten nahe, ihren christlichen Verpflichtungen fleißig nachzukommen. Das letzte Gleichnis, das von den Schafen und Ziegenböcken, richtet Jesus an diejenigen, die die Aussicht auf ewiges Leben auf der Erde haben. Wie er betont, müssen sie loyal sein und seine gesalbten Brüder auf der Erde voll und ganz unterstützen. w15 15. 3. 3:3


  9. 56bfd85ccf3ee_SundayFebruary14.2016.jpg.

    Muito bem, escravo bom e fiel! — Mat. 25:21.

    Nas quatro ilustrações registradas em Mateus 24:45 a 25:46, Jesus destacou características que identificariam seus seguidores verdadeiros nestes últimos dias. Na ilustração sobre o escravo fiel — o pequeno grupo de ungidos encarregado de alimentar os domésticos nos últimos dias —, Jesus deixou claro que esse grupo precisaria ser fiel e discreto, ou prudente. Na parábola das virgens, Jesus enfatizou que todos os seus seguidores ungidos teriam de estar preparados e vigilantes, pois, embora soubessem que ele viria, não saberiam nem o dia nem a hora. Na parábola dos talentos, Jesus mostrou que os ungidos precisariam ser diligentes ao cumprir suas responsabilidades cristãs. Na última ilustração, a parábola das ovelhas e dos cabritos, Jesus se referiu aos que têm esperança terrestre. Ele destacou que estes teriam de ser leais e dar total apoio aos irmãos ungidos de Cristo na Terra. w15 15/3 3:3

  10. 8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    *** w09 12/15 p. 24 par. 20 The Messiah! God’s Means of Salvation ***
    Since 1914 we have been living in the period of Christ’s pa·rou·siʹa, or presence. Although his presence as King of God’s Kingdom is invisible, it is obvious from the fulfillment of prophecies. (Rev. 6:2-8) *** end of quote ***

    The most complete official explanation was in the February 15, 2008 Watchtower, where it is also presented as the equivalent of the "synteleia" (conclusion), the "generation" that sees the sign, the "last days," etc.. Portions of that article are re-quoted here. This was written before the single life-time "generation" was recently extended so that it could mean TWO overlapping lifetimes:


    *** w08 2/15 pp. 21-25 Christ’s Presence—What Does It Mean to You? ***


    NEARLY two thousand years ago, a question was raised by four of Jesus’ apostles in a private conversation with their Master on the Mount of Olives. They asked: “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matt. 24:3) In that question, the apostles used two very interesting expressions, “your presence” and “the conclusion of the system of things.” To what do those expressions refer?

    2 To take the second expression first, consider the term “conclusion,” the translation of the Greek word syn·teʹlei·a. In the New World Translation, this word is consistently rendered “conclusion,” whereas a related Greek word, te’los, is translated “end.” The difference in the meaning of these two words can be illustrated by describing a talk given at the Kingdom Hall. The conclusion of the talk is the last section, in which the speaker spends a little time reminding the audience of what he has been discussing and then shows how that information applies to them. The end of the talk is when the speaker walks off the platform. In a similar way, Biblically speaking, the term “the conclusion of the system of things” refers to the period of time leading up to and including its end.

    3 What of the “presence” that the apostles asked about? This is the translation of the Greek word pa·rou·siʹa. Christ’s pa·rou·siʹa, or presence, started with Jesus’ installation as King in heaven in 1914 and continues on to include the “great tribulation,” during which he comes to destroy the wicked. (Matt. 24:21) Many different things, including “the last days” of this wicked system of things, the gathering of the chosen ones, and their resurrection to heavenly life, occur during this presence of Jesus. (2 Tim. 3:1; 1 Cor. 15:23; 1 Thess. 4:15-17; 2 Thess. 2:1) It could be said that the period constituting “the conclusion of the system of things” (syn·teʹlei·a) corresponds to or runs parallel with the period called Christ’s presence (pa·rou·siʹa).

    An Extended Period of Time

    4 The fact that the word pa·rou·siʹa refers to an extended period of time harmonizes with what Jesus said with regard to his presence. (Read Matthew 24:37-39.) Notice that Jesus did not liken his presence to the relatively short period of time during which the Flood occurred in Noah’s day. Rather, he compared his presence to the much longer period of time that led up to the Flood. Included therein were Noah’s building of the ark and his preaching work, right up until the time that the Flood finally arrived. Those events occurred over many decades. In a similar way, Christ’s presence includes the events leading up to and including the great tribulation.—2 Thess. 1:6-9.

    5 Other Bible prophecies make it evident that Christ’s presence refers to an extended period of time and not merely to his coming to destroy the wicked. The book of Revelation portrays Jesus as riding on a white horse and being given a crown. (Read Revelation 6:1-8.) After being crowned as King in 1914, Jesus is pictured as going “forth conquering and to complete his conquest.” The account then shows that he is followed by riders seated on different-colored horses. These prophetically represent war, food shortages, and pestilence, all of which have occurred over the extended period of time that is referred to as “the last days.” We are seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy in our lifetime.


    9 Jesus went on to say that his disciples would see the sign just as clearly as they would see “lightning, by its flashing, [which] shines from one part under heaven to another part.” (Read Luke 17:24-29.) It is of interest to note that Matthew 24:23-27 directly links the same point with the sign of Christ’s presence.

    The Generation Seeing the Sign

    10 Previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, “this generation” mentioned at Matthew 24:34 meant . . . . the wicked “generation” of unbelievers who would see both the features that would characterize “the conclusion of the system of things” (syn·teʹlei·a) and the system’s end (teʹlos).

    11 . . . Since Jesus did not use negative qualifiers when speaking to them about “this generation,” the apostles would no doubt have understood that they and their fellow disciples were to be part of the “generation” that would not pass away “until all these things [would] occur.”

    . . .

    13 . . . . So Jesus must have been referring to his disciples when he made the statement: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”

    14 Unlike unbelievers, Jesus’ disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its significance. They would “learn” from the features of that sign and “know” their true meaning. . . .

    15 . . . As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day “generation” of contemporaries that will not pass away “until all these things occur.” . . .

    “Keep on the Watch”

    16 More is needed, though, than merely recognizing the sign. Jesus went on to say: “What I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.” (Mark 13:37) This is of utmost importance to all of us today whether of the anointed or of the great crowd. Nine decades have passed since Jesus was installed as King in heaven in 1914. As challenging as it may be, we must prove ourselves ready and keep on the watch. Understanding that Christ is present invisibly in Kingdom power helps us to do that. It also alerts us to the fact that soon he will come to destroy his enemies “at an hour that [we] do not think likely.”—Luke 12:40.

    17 Our understanding of the meaning of Christ’s presence helps to intensify our feelings of urgency. We know that Jesus is already present and has been reigning invisibly as King in heaven since 1914. Soon he will come to destroy the wicked and bring about vast changes to this entire globe. . . .


    The meaning of pa·rou·siʹa is seen from the contrast that is made between the “presence” and “absence” of the apostle Paul both at 2 Corinthians 10:10, 11 and at Philippians 2:12. For a detailed discussion, see Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2, pages 676-9.

    See The Watchtower, November 1, 1995, pages 11-15, 19, 30, 31.

    The time period during which “this generation” lives seems to correspond to the period covered by the first vision in the book of Revelation. (Rev. 1:10–3:22) This feature of the Lord’s day extends from 1914 until the last of the faithful anointed ones dies and is resurrected.—See Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! page 24, paragraph 4.

    . . .
    *** end of quote ***


    In the above we can see the beginning of the reasoning that would finally require the changing of the definition of the generation that corresponded to the time of the parousia. The logic was that the time was urgent because 9 decades had passed. This was already pushing the limits of what Jesus might have meant by a reasonable generation length, or lifespan.

    This "generation" change was one of the biggest shifts in doctrine about the parousia since the first time that it was first determined that the parousia must have started in 1914. Fortunately, we are able to find and compare the logic and reasoning that provided the basis for that particular shift in definition, too:

    The latest 2015 Watchtower Library CD, gives the reference in the Scripture Index for Matthew 24:27

    *** dx30-85 Matthew ***
    24:27   w75 275; w74 750; ka 320; ad 1068, 1336; g63 6/22 27; g62 5/8 8; nh 258; w50 239; el 222; w49 217-218; w40 253; g34 3/14 381-382

    Looking up that reference we find the following:

    *** quoting Watch Tower's reference in g34, p.381-382 ***

    "Prior to 1914 and years thereafter we thought that our Lord's return dated from 1874; and we took it for granted that the parousia or presence dated from that time. . . . For some time now many have believed that the things mentioned in the great prophecy of Matthew twenty-four have application since 1914 and not before. It necessarily follows, then, that the presence or parousia of Christ, the "nobleman", could not be before 1914." *** end of quote ***





    WOW, thats a perfect Librarian answer !  *Booaah*  very very good ;-)

  11. 56beed85b7607_PhelicityandhermotherVeron

    Phelicity and her mother Veronica, who is in the U.S. while her daughter receives treatment.

    Phelicity's last, potentially life-saving operation in the U.S. was not successful, but she remains positive

    'Our little darling's journey is coming to an end': The heartbreaking story of a young girl's dying wish to return home to Australia from an intensive care unit in the U.S.

        Phelicity Sneesby, 13, is in the U.S., dying from a congenital heart disease
        But the Ballina, NSW teen wants to come home to be with her family
        She was in the U.S. for potentially life-saving, but unsuccessful treatment
        A special flight home will cost US$150,000, which her parents don't have
        But kind strangers have raised more than the required money.

    A dying 13-year-old's 'final wish' is nothing more than to return to her home from the hospital where she is being treated.

    But for Phelicity Sneesby, who is suffering from a congenital heart defect, getting home is easier said than done - she is being treated at a specialist unit in the U.S., and home is Ballina, in New South Wales.

    Phelicity, whose father Ben says 'knows she is probably coming home to die', just wants to swim in a pool with her sisters and have a meal with her family, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.    ;-))  

    But until thousands of generous strangers stepped in, the US$150,000 cost of a special medical flight home looked unmanageable for the family.

    She and her family have been travelling back and forth between NSW and the U.S. for most of her life so she could have the best treatment for hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which she was born with.

    It affects blood flow, meaning she essentially only has half a heart.

    The teen, who has had 28 operations so far, has also developed a condition that depletes protein from her intestines and affects her immune system - meaning she has little time left.

    Her latest trip to the U.S. was for potentially life-saving surgery, but to no avail.

    Her dad, Ben, has already returned home to Australia in a bid to return to work and help the family pay its bills.

    Her mother, Veronica, stayed by Phelicity's bedside in the cardiac intensive care unit at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio.

    She wrote on the Go Fund Me page to tell the more than 2,600 people who had donated that 'You are all making me cry right now....thank you'.

    Once they get her back to Australia, they intend to admit her to hospital in Brisbane, hoping she will get better, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

    If her condition does not improve, however, they will bring her home again.

    'You can't live like that,' Mr Sneesby said.

    But the family remains positive.

    Her father told the Sydney Morning Herald that despite it all, she was 'one of the most positive people' he had ever met'.

    'Our little darling's journey is coming to an end,' he wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday.

    'For years we have done everything possible to keep her alive, but there is nothing left to do.'

    Getting Phelicity home was not so easy, as she required a special medical flight worth US$150,000 (about AU$212,00) -money her family does not have.

    Mr Sneesby said the family was 'mortgaged up to the hilt', the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

    But a Go Fund Me campaign was set up by a family friend on Tuesday.

    In what is perhaps a silver lining in an otherwise sad story, in less than five days, the campaign raised more than the required amount.

    That means Phelicity should be able to come home !



    I  not  wanted  post  the  sad  pic's  of  her  in  Hospital !










  12. CUANTO GOZO Tiene El Pueblo Del DIOS Verdadero!! Para Los Siervos De Jehová No Hay Excusas Ni Pretextos Para Servirle Con CORAZÒN COMPLETO. ACELERAMOS EL PASO Porque El Dia De JEHOVÁ Se Acerca!! Sean ANIMOSOS, Y Sea Fuerte Su Corazón, Todos Ustedes Los Que Esperan A Su DIOS JEHOVÁ. Sal.31:24 JW.ORG Querido Hno.Reciba Nuestro Amor  AGAPE

  13. I  found  that :  Jesus had promised to be with his followers in their meeting together (Mt 18:20), and he also assured them that he would be ‘with them’ in their discipling work “all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Mt 28:19, 20) The pa·rou·siʹa of Matthew 24:3 and related texts, of course, must signify something beyond this. It clearly relates to a special presence, one involving and affecting all earth’s inhabitants and inseparably connected with Jesus’ expression of full authority as King anointed by God.


  14. Thats  right !  -   I  just  was  thinking....  but  all  the  others  between  80  and  over  90  already  in  Heaven....  But  I  thought,  Samuel  Herd  was  still  little  younger...  But  alot  JW  looking  younger,  hahaha  ;o)

  15. Hahahahahahaha.....   why  men  sometimes  SO  complicated  -  and  often  SO  easy  to  understand ?   Thats  really  a  phenomenon.......        But  women,  I  believe,  its  similar  in  different  points... ;o)   We're  all  so  imperfect,  grrrrrr.

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