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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 56b9721a33206_TUESDAY9.FEBRUARY2016.jpg.

    Sollte Gott wirklich gesagt haben: Ihr dürft nicht von jedem Baum des Gartens essen? (1. Mo. 3:1)

    Nachdem Jehova die Erde zu einer schönen Wohnstätte für die Menschen gemacht hatte, beschloss er dreierlei: Er wird den Menschen in seinem Bilde erschaffen, die Menschen sollen das Paradies auf die ganze Erde ausweiten und sie mit gerechten Nachkommen füllen und kein Mensch darf vom Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse essen (1. Mo. 1:26, 28; 2:16, 17). Nach seiner Erschaffung musste sich der Mensch nur an die beiden letzten Beschlüsse halten. So würde der Vorsatz Gottes verwirklicht werden. Satan, der Teufel, stiftete zu einer Rebellion an und versuchte so auf niederträchtige Weise, Gottes Vorsatz zu vereiteln. Dabei konzentrierte er sich auf die Anordnung Gottes, gegen die er am leichtesten vorgehen konnte: die, die von den Menschen Gehorsam forderte. Er verführte Eva, die erste Frau, dazu, vom Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse zu essen (1. Mo. 3:1-5; Offb. 12:9). Damit focht Satan das Recht Gottes an, über die Schöpfung zu herrschen. w14 15. 10. 1:4, 5


  2. 56b9710dd8ff0_TUESDAY9.FEBRUARY2016.jpg.

    Est-ce vrai que Dieu a dit que vous ne devez pas manger de tout arbre ? (Gen. 3:1).

    Après avoir rendu notre magnifique planète habitable par l’homme, Jéhovah a formulé trois décrets concernant les humains : il allait créer les humains à son image ; les humains devraient étendre le Paradis à toute la terre et la remplir de leur descendance juste ; les humains auraient interdiction de manger de l’arbre de la connaissance du bon et du mauvais (Gen. 1:26, 28 ; 2:16, 17). Une fois l’homme créé, il suffisait que les deuxième et troisième décrets soient respectés pour que le dessein de Dieu s’accomplisse. Mais dans une tentative ignoble visant à contrecarrer le dessein de Dieu, Satan le Diable a suscité une rébellion. Comment ? En faisant en sorte que soit enfreint le décret sur lequel il avait le plus facilement prise, celui qui réclamait l’obéissance de l’homme. Par une tentation, il a incité la première femme, Ève, à désobéir à l’interdiction relative à l’arbre de la connaissance du bon et du mauvais (Gen. 3:1-5 ; Rév. 12:9). Ce faisant, Satan a contesté le droit de Dieu de régner sur sa création. w14 15/10 1:4, 5.

  3. 56b96d1cc18f3_TUESDAY9.FEBRUARY2016.jpg.

    É realmente assim que Deus disse, que não deveis comer de toda árvore? — Gên. 3:1.

    Depois de preparar nosso belo planeta para ser habitado pelos humanos, Jeová pronunciou três decretos relacionados às criaturas humanas: nosso Deus criaria a humanidade à sua imagem; os humanos deveriam estender o Paraíso por toda a Terra e povoá-la com sua descendência justa; e os humanos foram proibidos de comer da árvore do conhecimento do que é bom e do que é mau. (Gên. 1:26, 28; 2:16, 17) Após a criação do homem, relacionada ao primeiro decreto, tudo o que se precisava para que o propósito de Deus se realizasse era a observância dos outros dois decretos. Numa tentativa maligna de frustrar o propósito de Deus, Satanás, o Diabo, instigou uma rebelião. Ele fez isso por voltar sua atenção para o decreto que era mais fácil de ele influenciar: o decreto que exigia obediência da parte do homem. Ele tentou a primeira mulher, Eva, a desobedecer a ordem que envolvia a árvore do conhecimento do que é bom e do que é mau. (Gên. 3:1-5; Rev. 12:9) Ao fazer isso, Satanás desafiou o direito de Deus governar Sua criação. w14 15/10 1:4, 5

  4. Oh  yes....  hahaha  -   I  still  have  another  one  in  silver....  I  post  it  here  ;o)

    Only  Mobile  Homes  for  USA... sorry  -    I  think  its  forbidden  in  Germany  ;-(


  5. 56b86c6f05af8_CAMPINGMOBILEGOLDEN2500.00


    A  FUNNY  HOLIDAY !!  THE  DRIVER'S  ALWAYS  CHANGING....   ((  But  the  price  is  not  nice...  2,500.000 $  awww  ;-(  ))

    IN  THE  *NW*  WE  HAVE  A  BETTER  IDEA...  ;o))

  6. A Simple Gesture...

    Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a small tape recorder.

    Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry part of the burden. As they walked Mark discovered the boy’s name was Bill, that he loved video games, baseball and history, and that he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend.
    They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talk, then Mark went home. They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated from junior high school.

    They ended up in the same high school where they had brief contacts over the years. Finally the long awaited senior year came and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.
    Bill reminded him of the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill.

    “You see, I cleaned out my locker because I didn’t want to leave a mess for anyone else. I had stored away some of my mothers sleeping pills and I was going home to commit suicide. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I realized that if I had killed myself, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more,

    you saved my life.”

    - John W. Schlatter (true story)
    New World Translation Gal. 6:10   So, then, as long as we have the opportunity, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.


  7. A glass of Milk, paid in Full...

    One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

    Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk.
    He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”
    “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.”
    He said, “Then I thank you from my heart.”
    As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

    Year’s later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
    Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
    Dressed in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the case.

    After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room.
    She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She began to read the following words:

    “Paid in full with one glass of milk."

    "Signed, Dr. Howard Kelly.”

    Author Unknown

    So,  our  heavenly  Father  is.   We  can  read  in  Hebrews...

    (Hebr. 6 : 10 ) 10 For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.

    (  its  a  story  -  can  bring  tears  in  your  eyes... ;o)

  8. Four Burning Candles...

    In a room there were four candles burning. The ambiance was so soft you could hear them talking.
    The first one said, “I am PEACE, however nobody can keep me lit. I believe I will go out.”
    It’s flame rapidly diminishes and goes out completely.

    The second one says, “I am FAITH. Most of all I am no longer indispensable, so it does not make any sense that I stay lit any longer.”
    When it finished talking a breeze softly blew on it putting it out.

    Sadly, the third candle spoke in its turn. “I am LOVE. I have not gotten the strength to stay lit. People put me aside and don’t understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them.” And waiting no longer it goes out.

    Suddenly a child entered the room and saw three candles not burning.

    “Why are you not burning you are supposed to stay lit till the end.”

    Saying this the child began to cry. Then the fourth candle said, “Don’t be afraid, while I am still burning we can re-light the other candles,

    I am HOPE.”

    With shining eyes, the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other candles  ;o)


                        I  found  the  video  to  that  nice  illustration... 

  9. WHY  WORRY ?

    Just think about it: Jehovah could have chosen anyone he wanted to serve Him. But He reads HEARTS, and out of all the people on this planet, He chose you. Look at it this way –

    You walk into an antique shop. You look around and you see something you like. You turn it over and the price tag is $1,000. So you walk up to the till and you offer the shop owner $10. Imagine how he would react! Now think of us. Jehovah PAID a dear price for you with the blood of His Son's sacrifice.

    We are  PRICELESS  to Jehovah. You know that Jehovah would not pay the price if we were not worth it. Now, how do you think Jehovah feels if we place a much smaller price tag on ourselves? He would be insulted!

    You are a very special person, priceless, hand-picked out of all the world of mankind personally by Jehovah to know the truth and to serve the greatest person in the universe. And He did all of this while we were still imperfect and unworthy of this honor.
    You keep on hanging in there. Remember, Jehovah NEVER forgets his people and neither do we. When you feel buffeted by the world and of little value, think of yourself as a hundred dollar bill. Would you accept a gift of a crisp new note? Of course! What if the bill were not new, but slightly used? Still, just as good, right? What if you found the bill in the mud? Still, worth a hundred, right? But what if it's tattered and smudged and the corners are worn? Is it worth any less? Not at all! Whether bright and new or battered and beaten, a hundred is still a hundred.

    And we are precious to Jehovah and to our brothers, whether things are going fine or we have been through the mill. It's not the outer appearance or the current condition that determines worth, but what backs us up that gives us our value.

    Our currency is backed by the First Universal Bank of Jehovah. And you will remain just as valuable as ever, as long as you stay in circulation.

    So keep enduring, and one day we will all be in 'mint' condition.


  10. 56b83ef491247_JEHOVAHSNAME-ARCHOLOGY.jpg

    The fragmentary Tel Dan stela, containing the Tel Dan inscription (or “House of David” inscription) provided the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible. The Aramean king who erected the stela in the mid-eighth century B.C. claims to have defeated the “king of Israel” and the “king of the House of David.” Photo: The Israel Museum, Jerusalem/Israel Antiquities Authority (photograph by Meidad Suchowolski).

    Tel Dan inscription references the “House of David”
    Biblical Archaeology Society Staff   •  12/08/2015


    Few modern Biblical archaeology discoveries have caused as much excitement as the Tel Dan inscription—writing on a ninth-century B.C. stone slab (or stela) that furnished the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible.

    The Tel Dan inscription, or “House of David” inscription, was discovered in 1993 at the site of Tel Dan in northern Israel in an excavation directed by Israeli archaeologist Avraham Biran.

    The broken and fragmentary inscription commemorates the victory of an Aramean king over his two southern neighbors: the “king of Israel” and the “king of the House of David.” In the carefully incised text written in neat Aramaic characters, the Aramean king boasts that he, under the divine guidance of the god Hadad, vanquished several thousand Israelite and Judahite horsemen and charioteers before personally dispatching both of his royal opponents. Unfortunately, the recovered fragments of the “House of David” inscription do not preserve the names of the specific kings involved in this brutal encounter, but most scholars believe the stela recounts a campaign of Hazael of Damascus in which he defeated both Jehoram of Israel and Ahaziah of Judah.
    Our free eBook Ten Top Biblical Archaeology Discoveries brings together the exciting worlds of archaeology and the Bible! Learn the fascinating insights gained from artifacts and ruins, like the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem, where the Gospel of John says Jesus miraculously restored the sight of the blind man, and the Tel Dan inscription—the first historical evidence of King David outside the Bible.

    What made the Tel Dan inscription one of the most exciting Biblical archaeology discoveries for scholars and the broader public was its unprecedented reference to the “House of David.” The stela’s fragmented inscription, first read and translated by the renowned epigrapher Joseph Naveh, proved that King David from the Bible was a genuine historical figure and not simply the fantastic literary creation of later Biblical writers and editors. Perhaps more important, the stela, set up by one of ancient Israel’s fiercest enemies more than a century after David’s death, still recognized David as the founder of the kingdom of Judah.

    The “House of David” inscription had its skeptics, however, especially the so-called Biblical minimalists, who attempted to dismiss the “House of David” reading as implausible and even sensationalistic. In a famous BAR article, Philip Davies argued that the Hebrew term bytdwd referred to a specific place (akin to bytlhm for Bethlehem) rather than the ancestral dynasty of David. Such skepticism aside, however, most Biblical scholars and archaeologists readily accepted that the Tel Dan stela had supplied the first concrete proof of a historical King David from the Bible, making it one of the top Biblical archaeology discoveries reported in BAR.

    Even though the “House of David” inscription has confirmed the essential historicity of King David from the Bible, scholars have reached little consensus about the nature and extent of his rule. Was David the great king of Biblical lore who founded his royal capital at Jerusalem and established an Israelite kingdom? Or was David a ruler of only a tribal chiefdom, as Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University contends? Questions like these often arise from Biblical archaeology discoveries and lie at the heart of the complex relationships among archaeology, history and the Bible.

  11. 56b8138372884_MondayFebruary8.2016.jpg.1

    We do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh.—2 Cor. 10:3.

    True Christians, who have their conscience trained by the Bible, do not learn war or participate in warfare. As a result of holding to this Christian position, thousands of Witnesses, young and old, male and female, have been persecuted. Many have suffered in forced-labor camps and prisons. During the Nazi era in Germany, some were even murdered. Regardless of the vicious persecution they faced in Europe, the Witnesses never forgot their commission to preach the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom. They faithfully did so—in prisons, in concentration camps, and in exile. The strict neutrality of Jehovah’s Witnesses has convinced thousands of observers around the globe that the Witnesses practice genuine love of God and of neighbor. (John 13:35) In other words, they are practicing true Christianity. w14 9/15 1:2-4

  12. 56b8122c260e5_MondayFebruary8.2016.jpg.3

    Nous ne faisons pas la guerre selon ce que nous sommes dans la chair (2 Cor. 10:3).

    Les vrais chrétiens, dont la conscience est éduquée par la Bible, n’apprennent ni ne font la guerre. Parce qu’ils sont restés fidèles à cette position chrétienne, des milliers de Témoins, jeunes et âgés, hommes et femmes, ont été persécutés. Beaucoup ont souffert dans des camps de travaux forcés ou dans des prisons. En Allemagne, pendant la période nazie, certains ont même été exécutés. Malgré la persécution cruelle qu’ils ont subie en Europe, les Témoins n’ont jamais oublié leur mission : prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume de Jéhovah. Ils l’ont remplie avec fidélité, que ce soit en prison, dans les camps de concentration ou en exil. Cette stricte neutralité a convaincu des milliers d’observateurs à travers le monde que les Témoins de Jéhovah pratiquent le véritable amour de Dieu et du prochain (Jean 13:35). En d’autres termes, ils pratiquent le véritable christianisme. w14 15/9 1:2-4.

  13. 56b811001291f_MondayFebruary8.2016.jpg.9

    Unsere Kriegführung erfolgt nicht gemäß dem, was wir im Fleische sind (2. Kor. 10:3)

    Wahre Christen, deren Gewissen biblisch geschult ist, weigern sich, den Krieg zu lernen, und beteiligen sich nicht daran. Wegen dieser christlichen Haltung wurden Tausende Zeugen Jehovas verfolgt — Jung und Alt, Männer und Frauen. Viele litten in Zwangsarbeitslagern und Gefängnissen. Während der NS-Herrschaft in Deutschland wurden einige sogar getötet. Auch wenn Jehovas Zeugen in Europa grausam verfolgt wurden, vergaßen sie nie ihren Auftrag, die gute Botschaft vom Königreich Jehovas zu predigen. Das taten sie treu — im Gefängnis, im Konzentrationslager und in der Verbannung. Die strikte Neutralität der Zeugen Jehovas hat Tausende überall auf der Welt davon überzeugt, dass sie aus echter Liebe zu Gott und zum Nächsten handeln (Joh. 13:35). Oder anders ausgedrückt: Sie praktizieren das wahre Christentum. w14 15. 9. 1:2-4

  14. 56b80f1326e88_MondayFebruary8.2016.jpg.f

    Não travamos combate segundo o que somos na carne. — 2 Cor. 10:3.

    Os cristãos verdadeiros, que têm a consciência treinada pela Bíblia, não aprendem a guerra nem participam nela. Em resultado dessa posição cristã, milhares de Testemunhas de Jeová, jovens e idosos, homens e mulheres, foram perseguidas. Muitas delas sofreram em campos de trabalhos forçados e prisões. Durante a era nazista na Alemanha, algumas chegaram a ser executadas. Apesar da cruel perseguição que enfrentaram na Europa, as Testemunhas de Jeová nunca se esqueceram de sua comissão de pregar as boas novas do Reino de Jeová. Elas fizeram isso fielmente — em prisões, em campos de concentração e em exílio. A absoluta neutralidade das Testemunhas de Jeová tem convencido milhares de observadores em todo o mundo de que elas demonstram o verdadeiro amor a Deus e ao próximo. (João 13:35) Em outras palavras, elas colocam em prática o verdadeiro cristianismo. w14 15/9 1:2-4

  15. *SUPERBOWL  2016*  ---   KICK  OFF  TIME  IN  GERMANY  VERY  LATE...  at  0:30am !  BEFORE =  INFO'S  &  SPECTACLE ;o)

    STARTING  HERE  at  11:15pm !  THAT  MEANS,  IN  THE  USA  KICK  OFF  AT  AFTERNOON...  a  nice  time !  ITS  GOING

    5 - 6  hours....  WOW !!   I  HOPE  IT  WILL   BE  FAIR  GAMES  ;o)

  16. We can watch  it  again  from  Germany  too !  ;o)   Some photo's  for  the  attunement.....  MUCH  FUN  FOR  ALL !








    Its  not  my  FAV.  SPORT  -  but  I  will  watch  for  a  little FUN  -  by  posting  and  thinking  to  you  ALL  from  Germany !


    Par un seul homme le péché est entré dans le monde et par le péché la mort (Rom. 5:12).

    Adam et Ève ont péché tous les deux, mais c’est Adam qui en a été tenu pour responsable. Le premier couple humain a été amené à penser qu’il n’avait pas besoin de Jéhovah comme Dirigeant. Cette prise de position a soulevé la question fondamentale de la souveraineté : Qui a le droit de gouverner ? Pour apporter une réponse définitive, Dieu a laissé exister quelque temps une domination indépendante de lui. Il savait qu’elle était vouée à l’échec et que l’Histoire le prouverait. Au cours des siècles, cette domination a entraîné la société humaine dans un malheur après l’autre. Rien qu’au siècle dernier, les guerres ont fait environ 100 millions de morts, parmi lesquels des millions d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants innocents. La preuve est déjà amplement faite qu’« il n’appartient pas à l’homme qui marche de diriger son pas » (Jér. 10:23). Conscients de cette réalité, nous acceptons Jéhovah pour Dirigeant (Prov. 3:5, 6). w14 15/8 1:4, 5.


    Durch  e i n e n  Menschen ist die Sünde in die Welt gekommen und durch die Sünde der Tod (Röm. 5:12)

    Zwar sündigten sowohl Adam als auch Eva, doch Adam wurde dafür verantwortlich gemacht. Das erste Ehepaar war auf den Gedanken gebracht worden, es käme auch ohne Jehova als Herrscher aus. So wurde die bedeutende Souveränitätsfrage aufgeworfen: Wer hat das Recht zu herrschen? Um diese Frage ein für alle Mal zu klären, ließ Gott andere für eine Zeit lang unabhängig von ihm herrschen. Wie er wusste, würde es sich zeigen, dass eine von ihm unabhängige Herrschaft fehlschlägt. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte brachte die Menschenherrschaft immer wieder Unheil mit sich. Allein im letzten Jahrhundert starben etwa 100 Millionen Menschen in Kriegen — darunter Millionen unschuldige Männer, Frauen und Kinder. Es gibt also überwältigende Beweise für die Aussage: „Es steht nicht bei dem Mann, der da wandelt, auch nur seinen Schritt zu richten“ (Jer. 10:23). Uns ist das bewusst und wir ordnen uns Jehova als unserem Herrscher unter (Spr. 3:5, 6). w14 15. 8. 1:4, 5


    Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin.—Rom. 5:12.

    Both Adam and Eve sinned, but Adam was held responsible for their wrongdoing. The first human pair were led to think that they did not need Jehovah as their Ruler. That raised this vital question of sovereignty: Who has the right to rule? To provide an answer for all eternity, God allowed rule independent of him to continue for a time. He knew that experience would prove that rule independent of him would fail. Over the centuries, such rulership has plunged human society into one calamity after another. In the past century alone, about 100,000,000 people died in wars—and that includes millions of innocent men, women, and children. So there already is mounting evidence that “it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” (Jer. 10:23) Realizing that fact, we acknowledge Jehovah as our Ruler.—Prov. 3:5, 6. w14 8/15 1:4, 5


    Por intermédio de um só homem entrou o pecado no mundo, e a morte por intermédio do pecado. — Rom. 5:12.

    Tanto Adão como Eva pecaram, mas Adão foi responsabilizado pelo que fizeram. O primeiro casal humano foi levado a achar que não precisava de Jeová como seu Governante. Isso levantou uma questão de máxima importância: quem tem o direito de governar, ou seja, de exercer soberania? Para dar uma resposta definitiva, Deus permitiu que, por um tempo, a humanidade governasse a si mesma de modo independente. Deus sabia que isso provaria que qualquer governo que não dependesse dele fracassaria. Ao longo dos séculos, essa forma de governo tem lançado a sociedade humana numa calamidade após outra. Só nos últimos cem anos, cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas morreram em guerras, incluindo milhões de inocentes: homens, mulheres e crianças. Assim, não faltam provas de que “não é do homem que anda o dirigir o seu passo”. (Jer. 10:23) Reconhecendo isso, aceitamos Jeová como nosso Governante. — Pro. 3:5, 6. w14 15/8 1:4, 5

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