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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. I  read  a  msg. from  our  common  sister  Sier Wang....  She  would  say,  that  she  is  in  safety  after  the  Earthquake !

    She  is  living  in  Kaohsiung...  only  39 km  away,  thats  not  much !  I  sent  her  a  comment  ;o)

  2. hypothyroidism-and-insomnia.png.65731109thyroid-adrenaline-spike.png.061ffbf22c6sleep-quote.png.1f3fc888fbd0cef6271607c4

    And more and more research is coming to light today showing just how important sleep is…

    Including a more recent study showing how irregular sleep patterns have been linked to higher rates of cancer.

    Sleep issues are one of the top complaints I hear from my clients.

    In fact, 36% of my clients claimed insomnia as one of their primary thyroid symptoms. That’s more than 1 out of every 3!

    Yet many of my clients have seen drastic improvements not only in their ability to sleep better and longer, but also in their quality of sleep.

    I’ll show you how you can too in just a moment.

    You see, like many thyroid symptoms, insomnia is a bit of a Catch-22.

    Your hypothyroidism disrupts your ability to sleep, yet you need good quality sleep in order to overcome your thyroid issues.

    So, what’s the solution?

    It’s simple…

    If your bath water is scolding hot, do you just give up and throw in the towel?

    Of course not…

    You simply compensate by adding cold water until the water temperature becomes just right.

    And like many thyroid symptoms, we fix sleep issues in much the same way.

    With my clients, we pinpoint exactly what imbalances exist that are causing their sleep issues and then compensate for those imbalances.

    Today, I’m going to show you 3 simple ways to compensate for your hypothyroidism and have you sleeping better, longer, and waking up feeling much more refreshed.

    How to Stop Waking Up and Get Back To Sleep Faster

    Night waking and not being able to get back to sleep can be stressful in itself.

    But you might not realize that it’s the stress caused by your thyroid issues that are keeping you awake in the first place.

    Imagine this…

    If you woke up to the sound of breaking glass in your home could you just roll over and go back to sleep?

    Most definitely not!

    Odds are you might think someone was trying to break in.

    If you got out of bed to find that it was only your cat that knocked a glass off the table, would you then be able to go right back to sleep?

    Not by a long shot!

    When you are under stress and adrenaline is pumping through your veins, the last thing your body wants to do is sleep.

    And when you become hypothyroid, the same exact response occurs inside your body every night… but it’s not caused by broken glass or any other disturbance.

    Your ability to sleep and stay asleep depends largely on the health of your liver.

    In a previous article on How to Heal Your Thyroid By Healing Your Liver, I covered the importance of liver health in overcoming hypothyroidism.

    I showed how when you become hypothyroid, your liver loses the ability to produce and store glycogen.

    Glycogen is a form of sugar your body relies on, especially at night when you don’t eat for a long period of time, to prevent your blood sugar from crashing.

    And because you don’t store glycogen and don’t eat anything while you sleep, this makes you prone to low blood sugar when sleeping.

    This drop in blood sugar triggers the activation of your stress response, where we oftentimes see surges of adrenaline.

    And it’s these surges of adrenaline that wake you up and prevent you from going back to sleep.

    I’ve had many clients report waking up almost jumping out of bed, breathing heavily, and with heart palpitations… as if they were having a panic attack.

    Think you’re going to roll over and get right back to sleep after that?
    Drop Your Adrenaline with Salted Orange Juice

    This one simple little trick I learned from Dr. Raymond Peat has made one of the biggest differences in helping my clients improve their sleep.

    Research shows (contrary to popular belief), both sugar and salt help to suppress and regulate your body’s stress response.

    This combination of sugar and salt can be used therapeutically to help prevent the rise of adrenaline at night and to suppress adrenaline if or when it does rise.

    In other words, it can help you sleep better and longer, and if you do wake in the middle of the night it can help you to get back to sleep faster and easier.

    Before going to bed, simply mix 1/8 tsp. (0.6 ml) of salt into 3 to 4 ounces (90 to 120 ml) of orange juice.

    Sip on just one ounce (30 ml) before going to sleep and keep the rest within arm’s reach by your bedside.

    If you find yourself waking in the middle of night, don’t get out of bed. Just reach for and sip another ounce (30 ml) of the salted orange to help you get back to sleep.

    (NOTE: Want to learn more about how to use salted orange juice to boost your thyroid? Use this super simple 3 Food Triple-Thyroid-Boosting Daily Protocol. You can find it here.)

    3 Food Triple-Thyroid-Boosting Daily Protocol

    Addressing your high nighttime adrenaline is always a step in the right direction, but for some it’s still not enough.

    Maybe your problem is not so much insomnia.

    Maybe your problem has more to do with sleep quality and never waking up feeling rested.
    How to Stop Hibernating and Start Sleeping Deeply

    Are you sleeping or are you hibernating?

    Unfortunately for most hypothyroidism sufferers, it’s the latter of the two.

    And this is why you might feel tired no matter how much sleep you get.

    Hypothyroidism affects sleep in ways other than just keeping you awake.

    It affects your ability to achieve deep restful sleep too.

    We’ve all heard of hibernation.

    In order for many animals to survive the harsh winter months, they go into a state of hibernation in order to lower their metabolism, conserve energy, and survive the cold.

    But hibernation is not a form of restful sleep.

    As Dr. Raymond Peat points out…

        “Torpor [hibernation] is the opposite of restful sleep, and with aging, depression, hypothyroidism, and a variety of brain syndromes, sleep tends toward the hypothermic torpor.”

    In other words, hypothyroidism is known to promote a hibernation-like state of sleep that prevents you from reaching the deep sleep state that you need to wake up feeling refreshed.

    Instead you wake up feeling like you never went to sleep in the first place.

    And it has everything to do with your metabolism.

    When you become hypothyroid, your otherwise healthy oxidative metabolism becomes impaired preventing your body from producing the essential nutrient carbon dioxide.

    And when your carbon dioxide level falls, your serotonin production rises.

    (Side Note: Serotonin is not the happy neurotransmitter many would have you believe but that’s a topic for another day).

    And it’s this rise in serotonin that decreases energy production, lowers body temperature, and promotes torpor, or this hibernation-like state of sleep.

    Simply put… without deep regenerative sleep, your chances of improving your thyroid health are slim to none.

    So what can you do?
    Suppress Serotonin and Hibernation with Bag Breathing

    If this restless state of sleep occurs because of a lack of carbon dioxide, then an easy way to improve deep restful sleep is to increase your carbon dioxide retention.

    There are a number of ways to do this, but I find the most effective and simple way is to use bag breathing.

    By breathing in and out of a paper bag you are effectively breathing back in a higher concentration of carbon dioxide.

    Doing this on and off for a few minutes is typically enough to build up enough carbon dioxide to have a temporary therapeutic effect.

    (IMPORTANT: Do NOT continue past the point of discomfort. Yes, you still need oxygen.)

    But this is not a permanent solution. Over time, your levels will decline again.

    So, this can also be done multiple times a day but should be used prior to bed to help improve sleep quality.

    It can also be used to improve some causes of sleep apnea.

    These two quick fixes alone have proven to be extremely effective.

    But there’s still one more I would like to share with you which can provide even greater results.
    How to Sleep Soundly When Your Cells Are Just Too Tired

    You might think that more tired you become, the better you should sleep.

    And from a logical standpoint that makes perfect sense.

    But since when has anything regarding hypothyroidism made perfect sense?

    Well, actually it does when you think about it.

    When you’re hypothyroid and you can’t get thyroid hormone (T3) to your cells, then your cells can’t properly energize and produce the energy they need to function efficiently.

    (Note: I’ve covered a number of reasons why you can’t get thyroid hormone to your cells in detail in this previous article on How We Overcome Hypothyroidism When All Else Fails.)

    And when you cells can’t properly energize, they actually have a difficult time relaxing.

    When your cells can’t relax, it impairs your ability to relax and sleep.

    But most people who use thyroid hormone (T3) are not taking advantage of its full potential.

    And using it the right way can oftentimes make all the difference.
    Relax Your Cells with Thyroid Hormone

    Most hypothyroidism sufferers who use T3, use it during the day.

    But what about nighttime?

    T3 has a relatively short half-life, meaning that when you take it, it only remains active in your body for a short period of time.

    Oftentimes by nighttime, any T3 you’ve taken earlier in the day is no longer active and your cells become weakened and agitated.

    Using T3 properly and even in small amounts before bed can help to restore energy production allowing your cells to relax and you to sleep.

    Plus, thyroid hormone is known to suppress the stress response (including adrenaline) as well as stimulate oxidative metabolism to increase carbon dioxide concentration in your body.

    So, its therapeutic effects on sleep are far reaching.

    (Warning: It’s important that this is done properly. Some people respond negatively to T3 due to certain nutritional deficiencies and in this case, T3 can make you more sensitive to the effects of adrenaline, which will have the opposite effect on your sleep. So, if you are unsure of how you will respond, then it’s best to experiment with this on a night you can afford to miss some sleep if you’re among the small percentage of those who do.)

    So there you have it…

    Three simple ways to start sleeping better, longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.

    But more importantly, these are three ways to help you compensate for your thyroid related sleep issues so that you can actually create the balance needed for your body and thyroid to heal.

    Don’t let your sleep issues get in your way.

    Starting using these three simple tips today and see just how big of a difference they can make in your life.

    The Super Simple Way to Start Your Day Right Feeling Calm, Clear, and Full of Energy!

    Tom Brimeyer is the founder of Forefront Health and the creator of the popular Hypothyroidism Revolution program series. Specializing in thyroid and metabolism disorders, Tom's work has impacted over 50,000 people spanning more than 60 countries. Tom is also a highly sought after practitioner who runs a successful health consulting practice where he continues to help clients across the globe to take back control of their lives from their devastating health conditions.

     There are actually a number of studies that have shown that orange juice is an ideal food for diabetes.


            This has a lot to do with its high potassium and magnesium content, which are essential to blood sugar regulation.

            There’s actually a lot of research regarding the benefits of fructose (fruit sugar) with diabetes and long before insulin was developed in a lab, doctors used to treat diabetes with fructose. Diabetes is an issue where the body has difficulty metabolizing glucose which is the predominant sugar of choice by the body. But… Fructose (fruit sugar) has two benefits.

            1. It doesn’t require insulin to be used by the cells so it bypasses that entire issue.

            2. It actually improves the body’s utilization of glucose as well.

            When you inject insulin, you help get the sugar to the cells but you’re not helping the underlying metabolic issue which the fructose actually helps with.

            With that being said… diabetics really need to cut out grains from their diet because grains are digested and broken down directly into glucose which they can’t handle properly. Instead they need to focus on getting plenty of fruit fructose) in their diet which will really help improve their blood sugar and glucose utilization.   

    Adrenaline also naturally rises at night, oftentimes peaking at 2am or 3am in the morning.

    This natural rise in adrenaline coupled with the low blood sugar can induce a very dramatic adrenaline spike with some pretty intense and scary reactions.

    Addressing your high nighttime adrenaline is always a step in the right direction, but for some it’s still not enough.

    Maybe your problem is not so much insomnia.

    Maybe your problem has more to do with sleep quality and never waking up feeling rested.

    How to Stop Hibernating and Start Sleeping Deeply

    Are you sleeping or are you hibernating?

    Unfortunately for most hypothyroidism sufferers, it’s the latter of the two.

    And this is why you might feel tired no matter how much sleep you get.

    Hypothyroidism affects sleep in ways other than just keeping you awake.

    It affects your ability to achieve deep restful sleep too.

    We’ve all heard of hibernation.

    In order for many animals to survive the harsh winter months, they go into a state of hibernation in order to lower their metabolism, conserve energy, and survive the cold.

    But hibernation is not a form of restful sleep.

    As Dr. Raymond Peat points out…

        “Torpor [hibernation] is the opposite of restful sleep, and with aging, depression, hypothyroidism, and a variety of brain syndromes, sleep tends toward the hypothermic torpor.”

    In other words, hypothyroidism is known to promote a hibernation-like state of sleep that prevents you from reaching the deep sleep state that you need to wake up feeling refreshed.

    Instead you wake up feeling like you never went to sleep in the first place.

    And it has everything to do with your metabolism.

    When you become hypothyroid, your otherwise healthy oxidative metabolism becomes impaired preventing your body from producing the essential nutrient carbon dioxide.

    And when your carbon dioxide level falls, your serotonin production rises.

    (Side Note: Serotonin is not the happy neurotransmitter many would have you believe but that’s a topic for another day).

    And it’s this rise in serotonin that decreases energy production, lowers body temperature, and promotes torpor, or this hibernation-like state of sleep.

    Simply put… without deep regenerative sleep, your chances of improving your thyroid health are slim to none.

    So what can you do?

    Suppress Serotonin and Hibernation with Bag Breathing

    If this restless state of sleep occurs because of a lack of carbon dioxide, then an easy way to improve deep restful sleep is to increase your carbon dioxide retention.

    There are a number of ways to do this, but I find the most effective and simple way is to use bag breathing.


    By breathing in and out of a paper bag you are effectively breathing back in a higher concentration of carbon dioxide.

    Doing this on and off for a few minutes is typically enough to build up enough carbon dioxide to have a temporary therapeutic effect.

    (IMPORTANT: Do NOT continue past the point of discomfort. Yes, you still need oxygen.)

    But this is not a permanent solution. Over time, your levels will decline again.

    So, this can also be done multiple times a day but should be used prior to bed to help improve sleep quality.

    It can also be used to improve some causes of sleep apnea.

    These two quick fixes alone have proven to be extremely effective.

    But there’s still one more I would like to share with you which can provide even greater results.

    How to Sleep Soundly When Your Cells Are Just Too Tired

    You might think that more tired you become, the better you should sleep.

    And from a logical standpoint that makes perfect sense.

    But since when has anything regarding hypothyroidism made perfect sense?

    Well, actually it does when you think about it.

    When you’re hypothyroid and you can’t get thyroid hormone (T3) to your cells, then your cells can’t properly energize and produce the energy they need to function efficiently.

    (Note: I’ve covered a number of reasons why you can’t get thyroid hormone to your cells in detail in this previous article on How We Overcome Hypothyroidism When All Else Fails.)

    And when you cells can’t properly energize, they actually have a difficult time relaxing.

    When your cells can’t relax, it impairs your ability to relax and sleep.

    But most people who use thyroid hormone (T3) are not taking advantage of its full potential.

    And using it the right way can oftentimes make all the difference.

    Relax Your Cells with Thyroid Hormone

    Most hypothyroidism sufferers who use T3, use it during the day.

    But what about nighttime?

    T3 has a relatively short half-life, meaning that when you take it, it only remains active in your body for a short period of time.

    Oftentimes by nighttime, any T3 you’ve taken earlier in the day is no longer active and your cells become weakened and agitated.

    Using T3 properly and even in small amounts before bed can help to restore energy production allowing your cells to relax and you to sleep.

    Plus, thyroid hormone is known to suppress the stress response (including adrenaline) as well as stimulate oxidative metabolism to increase carbon dioxide concentration in your body.

    So, its therapeutic effects on sleep are far reaching.

    (Warning: It’s important that this is done properly. Some people respond negatively to T3 due to certain nutritional deficiencies and in this case, T3 can make you more sensitive to the effects of adrenaline, which will have the opposite effect on your sleep. So, if you are unsure of how you will respond, then it’s best to experiment with this on a night you can afford to miss some sleep if you’re among the small percentage of those who do.)

    So there you have it…

    Three simple ways to start sleeping better, longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.

    But more importantly, these are three ways to help you compensate for your thyroid related sleep issues so that you can actually create the balance needed for your body and thyroid to heal.

    Don’t let your sleep issues get in your way.

    Starting using these three simple tips today and see just how big of a difference they can make in your life.




  3. 56b55d66b1ade_SaturdayFebruary6.2016.jpg

    Die feste Grundlage Gottes bleibt bestehen und hat dieses Siegel: „Jehova kennt die, die ihm gehören“ und: „Jeder, der den Namen Jehovas nennt, lasse ab von Ungerechtigkeit“ (2. Tim. 2:19)

    Zur Zeit des Paulus übernahmen einige, die sich zum Christentum bekannten, Irrlehren, blieben aber trotzdem mit der Versammlung verbunden. Oberflächlich betrachtet mögen diese Abtrünnigen nicht von anderen in der Versammlung zu unterscheiden gewesen sein. Doch sie stellten für die Treuen eine Gefahr dar: Wölfe im Schafspelz, die den Glauben einiger untergruben (2. Tim. 2:16-18). Paulus war sich sicher: Jehova kann erkennen, wer ihm heuchlerisch dient und wer ihm wirklich gehorcht. Diese starke Überzeugung zeigte sich, als er unter Inspiration an Timotheus schrieb. Abtrünnige hatten bereits in der Versammlung geistigen Schaden angerichtet. Nachdem Paulus das erwähnt hatte, schrieb er, was im heutigen Tagestext steht. w14 15. 7. 1:3, 4

  4. 56b55c3ac2792_SaturdayFebruary6.2016.jpg

    The solid foundation of God remains standing, having this seal, “Jehovah knows those who belong to him,” and, “Let everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.”—2 Tim. 2:19.

    In the apostle Paul’s day, certain professed Christians adopted false teachings; yet, they continued to associate with the congregation. To the casual observer, these brothers might not have been different from others in the congregation. But their apostasy presented a danger to faithful Christians. These wolves in sheep’s clothing began “subverting the faith of some.” (2 Tim. 2:16-18) Paul was sure that Jehovah could recognize hypocritical worship, and he was likewise convinced that Jehovah could identify those who are obedient to Him. Paul manifested his strong conviction when writing under inspiration to Timothy. After referring to the spiritual harm that brothers were already inflicting upon some within the congregation, Paul wrote the words of today’s text. w14 7/15 1:3, 4

  5. 56b55b0138d57_SaturdayFebruary6.2016.jpg

    Le solide fondement de Dieu tient debout, portant ce sceau : « Jéhovah connaît ceux qui lui appartiennent », et : « Que tout homme qui nomme le nom de Jéhovah renonce à l’injustice » (2 Tim. 2:19).

    Aux jours de l’apôtre Paul, de prétendus chrétiens avaient adopté des enseignements erronés ; pourtant, ils fréquentaient toujours la congrégation. Pour un simple observateur, ces apostats n’étaient peut-être pas différents des autres membres de la congrégation. Mais leur apostasie mettait les chrétiens fidèles en danger. Ces loups en vêtements de brebis « boulevers[aient] la foi de quelques-uns » (2 Tim. 2:16-18). Paul était persuadé que Jéhovah est tout aussi capable de déceler un culte hypocrite que de reconnaître ceux qui lui obéissent. Cette intime conviction ressort d’une de ses lettres à Timothée. Après avoir parlé du mal que les apostats faisaient déjà à certains membres de la congrégation, il a écrit les paroles du texte d’aujourd’hui. w14 15/7 1:3, 4.

  6. ZIKA VIRUS - Was wir bislang wissen.htm

    Moskitos übertragen das gefährliche Zika-Virus

    Es kommt schleichend daher, oft gar nicht schlimm. Leichtes Fieber, Kopfschmerzen, Hautausschläge. Ähnlich wie bei Malaria treten die Symptome meist erst zwölf Tage nach dem Moskitostich auf. Doch die Spätfolgen des plötzlich gehäuft in Süd- und Mittelamerika auftauchenden, ursprünglich aus Uganda stammenden Zika-Virus könnten fatal sein: Drohen Babys Schädelfehlbildungen, wenn Schwangere über einen Moskitostich mit dem Zika-Virus infiziert wurden?

    Nach Angaben des Instituts Oswaldo Cruz in Rio de Janeiro wurde das Virus zuletzt bei zwei Frauen im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Paraíba nachgewiesen, deren Föten nach Ultraschalluntersuchungen Mikrozephalie aufwiesen: Sie haben viel zu kleine Schädel, was in der Regel zu geistiger Behinderung führt. Bisher gelten als Ursachen für die Fehlbildung zum Beispiel Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft oder bestimmte Infektionen.
    Zika-Virus wird von Stechmücken übertragen

    Brasilien hat nun sogar den Gesundheits-Notstand ausgerufen. Das bedeutet, dass die Gesundheitsämter angewiesen sind, besondere Vorbeuge-, Dokumentations- und Aufklärungsmaßnahmen zu treffen. In diesem Jahr wurden vor allem im Nordosten des Landes bereits 399 Fälle von Mikrozephalie festgestellt, davon allein 268 im Bundesstaat Pernambuco mit der Hauptstadt Recife. Der bisherige Rekord in den letzten fünf Jahren lag bei 175 Fällen 2012.
    Bei den meisten Anti-Viren-Mitteln ist Vorsicht geboten
    Das Gesundheitsministerium des fünftgrößten Landes der Welt warnt zugleich vor voreiligen Schlüssen: "Die aktuellen Daten lassen noch keinen eindeutigen Schluss zu, dass es eine Beziehung gibt zwischen der Zika-Infektion und Mikrozephalie." Das Zika-Virus wird von der Stechmückenart Aedes aegypti übertragen wie auch die Dengue- und Chikungunya-Viren. Ursprünglich stammt der Erreger aus Zika in Uganda und spielte anderswo bisher kaum eine Rolle, nur vereinzelt in Afrika und Asien.

    Gúbio Soares vom biologischen Institut der Universität Bahia in Salvador sieht die Fußball-WM 2014 als Ursache für das Auftauchen des Virus in Lateinamerika. "Die WM hat Menschen aus der ganzen Welt angelockt. Wir glauben, dass er von außen hier angekommen ist", sagte er der Zeitung "Globo".
    Wie können Touristen einer Infektion vorbeugen?

    Fälle werden derzeit auch aus Chile, Kolumbien und Mexiko gemeldet. Dort werden kubanische Migranten quasi unter Generalverdacht gestellt. Seit immer mehr von ihnen unterwegs sind, haben die Behörden an der Südgrenze Mexikos die Kontrollen in Chiapas deutlich verstärkt. "Die Migrationsströme machen das Einschleppen von Zika in unser Land sehr wahrscheinlich", meint der Gesundheitsminister von Chiapas, Francisco Paniagua Morgan. Bisher ist allerdings kein einziger Fall von Migranten, die das Zika-Virus einschleppten, gemeldet worden.

    Was können Touristen aus Deutschland tun, um einer Infektion vorzubeugen? Reisende, insbesondere Schwangere, sollten auf sehr sorgfältigen Mückenschutz achten, betont das Centrum für Reisemedizin (CRM) in Düsseldorf. "Charakteristisch für eine Infektion mit Zika-Viren ist das Auftreten eines knotig-fleckigen Hautausschlages, begleitet von Fieber, Kopf- und Gelenkschmerzen sowie einer Bindehautentzündung", sagt Tomas Jeline vom CRM.

    Auch wenn das Zika-Virus nicht lebensbedrohlich ist: Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ist alarmiert. Die Staaten der Region müssten den Schutz vor dem Virus verstärken und die Bevölkerung umfassend über die Gefahren informieren, fordert die WHO. Aber die Ungewissheit über den Zusammenhang mit den zu kleinen Schädeln bei Neugeborenen zeigt auch: Das Virus ist bisher kaum erforscht.

    Übertragen wird das Zika-Virus von der Mückenart Aedes aegypti, aber möglicherweise auch durch Speichel. Das brasilianische Institut Fundação Oswaldo Cruz teilte mit, man habe das Virus in Speichel- und Urinproben nachgewiesen. Es empfahl Schwangeren, bis auf weiteres niemanden mit Zika-Symptomen zu küssen.

    In Deutschland haben bereits 15 Menschen das Zika-Virus aus Lateinamerika eingeschleppt. Das teilte das Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin mit. Das Institut in Hamburg ist das Zika-Referenzlabor in Deutschland. Am Mittwoch waren erst 5 Fälle aus Deutschland bekannt.

    Um die Verbreitung in den USA einzudämmen, hat die amerikanische Gesundheitsbehörde CDC derweil Rückkehrern aus betroffenen Gebieten geraten, Kondome zu benutzen oder ganz auf Sex zu verzichten. Die Empfehlung richtet sich vor allem an Männer, deren Partnerinnen schwanger sind. Anfang der Woche hatten Behörden in Texas erstmals einen Fall bestätigt, bei dem das Zika-Virus durch Sexualkontakte weitergegeben wurde.
    Virus verursacht Fehlbildungen und Lähmungen:

    Der Erreger des Virus steht im Verdacht, bei einer Infizierung von Schwangeren Fehlbildungen bei Babys im Mutterleib auszulösen (Mikrozephalie). Die Kinder kommen mit einem zu kleinen Schädel auf die Welt. Inzwischen sind in Rio de Janeiro aber auch mehrere schwere Fälle der Lähmungskrankheit Guillain-Barré bekannt geworden. Wie die Zeitung "O Globo" berichtet, behandelt das Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro seit Januar 16 Fälle. Zwei Patienten, die sich mit Zika infiziert hatten, befänden sich in sehr ernstem Zustand. In Kolumbien sollen nach Angaben der Regierung bereits drei Menschen infolge der Lähmung gestorben sein.

    Typische Symptome dieser entzündlichen Erkrankung der Nerven sind Lähmungen, die meist an den Händen oder Füßen beginnen. Auch die Atemwege können lahmgelegt werden. Bei den meisten Patienten bilden sich die Symptome später wieder zurück.

    Freitag, 05. Februar 2016
    USA empfehlen Enthaltsamkeit  Zika-Virus: 15 Infizierte in Deutschland

    Das Zika-Virus ist sexuell übertragbar und vor allem für schwangere Frauen gefährlich. Auch in Deutschland gibt es Infizierte. Die Gesundheitsbehörden der USA raten Risikogruppen derweil zu Kondomen - oder zur Enthaltsamkeit !







    At sundown on March 23, 2016, millions around the world will gather at Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses and other places to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ, and to hear a free bible discourse that explains how his death benefits us. This day corresponds to Nisan 14 based on the lunar calendar. The Passover was an annual event, and only celebrated once a year. The evening before his death, Jesus instituted a new meal to replace the Passover. Jesus said, at Luke 22:19, “…Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” This is the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s Death, not his resurrection or birth. This is the only celebration commanded by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is the most important day of the year! Everyone is invited! Go to this web address to find a Kingdom Hall near you....  jw.org

  8. 56b42492e8c5d_Jehovahscelestialchariot.j

    Brother Lett’s opening talk was an enthusiastic discussion of Jehovah’s celestial chariot as described in the Bible book of Ezekiel. This colossal, glorious vehicle pictures God’s organization, with Jehovah in complete control. Its heavenly part, composed of spirit creatures, moves with lightning speed—the speed of Jehovah’s own thoughts, Brother Lett said. The earthly part of Jehovah God’s organization is likewise on the move. Brother Lett noted a number of exciting developments in the visible part of God’s organization in recent years.
    For instance, a number of branches are being merged and consolidated, which will allow many who were formerly serving in Bethel homes in those countries to focus on the preaching work. Brother Lett urged the audience to keep praying that the Governing Body, as the representative of the slave class, continue to be not only faithful but also wise, or discreet.—Matt. 24:45-47.

  9. 56b4207fc9b51_BROTHERLSCHGERRIT-amembero

     BROTHER LÖSCH, GERRIT (a member of the Governing Body, )
    * At the New Assembly Hall in Villa Hermosa, Tabasco Mexico he was Speaking in in fluent Spanish, &  gave the dedication talk,
    “Worship the God of Truth!”
    Just like Song #126 Says
    ~ What happy faces we see,
    And what good friends we've come to be!
    And how we'll cherish these memories
    For eternity!
    We saw your spirit, O Lord,
    In how we worked with one accord.
    And how we've added fame to your name;
    What a grand reward !

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    Dieu [...] n’habite pas dans des temples faits à la main (Actes 17:24).

    Est-il vain de chercher Dieu ? Non, car il veut que nous le trouvions. C’est ce que l’apôtre Paul a expliqué à des personnes réunies à l’Aréopage. Sur une colline voisine plus élevée se voit nettement le Parthénon, un temple dédié à Athéna, déesse protectrice de l’Athènes antique. Imagine que tu aies été présent : Paul parle du « Dieu qui a fait le monde et toutes les choses qui s’y trouvent », puis explique que ce Dieu « n’habite pas dans des temples faits à la main ». Il ajoute : « [Dieu] a fait d’un seul homme toutes les nations des hommes, pour habiter sur toute la surface de la terre, et il a établi les temps fixés et les limites assignées de la demeure des hommes, pour qu’ils cherchent Dieu, si toutefois ils le cherchent à tâtons et le trouvent réellement, bien qu’en fait il ne soit pas loin de chacun de nous » (Actes 17:25-27). Oui, on peut trouver Dieu. Plus de sept millions et demi de Témoins de Jéhovah l’ont « trouv[é] réellement », et l’aiment sincèrement. w14 15/6 1:5.

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    God . . . does not dwell in handmade temples.—Acts 17:24.

    Is it futile to search for God? No, for he wants us to find him. The apostle Paul made that clear when he gave a witness to a group assembled on the Areopagus. That took place within sight of the Parthenon—a temple dedicated to Athena, the patron goddess of ancient Athens. Imagine that you are there as Paul speaks about “the God who made the world and all the things in it” and then explains that He “does not dwell in handmade temples.” The apostle adds that God “made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell, so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.” (Acts 17:25-27) Yes, people can find God. Over seven and a half million Witnesses of Jehovah ‘really have found him’—and they truly love him. w14 6/15 1:5

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    Gott wohnt nicht in Tempeln, die mit Händen gemacht sind (Apg. 17:24)

    Ist die Suche nach Gott vergeblich? Nein, Gott möchte sogar von uns gefunden werden. Der Apostel Paulus machte das deutlich, als er in Athen auf dem Areopag Zeugnis ablegte. Das war unweit des Parthenon, eines Tempels der Athene, der Schutzgöttin der Stadt. Stellen wir uns vor, wir wären dabei gewesen, als Paulus sagte: „Der Gott, der die Welt und alles, was darin ist, gemacht hat, . . . wohnt nicht in Tempeln, die mit Händen gemacht sind. . . . Er hat aus e i n e m Menschen jede Nation der Menschen gemacht, damit sie auf der ganzen Erdoberfläche wohnen, und er verordnete die bestimmten Zeiten und die festgesetzten Wohngrenzen der Menschen, damit sie Gott suchen, ob sie ihn wohl tastend fühlen und wirklich finden mögen, obwohl er tatsächlich einem jeden von uns nicht fern ist“ (Apg. 17:25-27). Man kann Gott also finden. Mehr als siebeneinhalb Millionen Zeugen Jehovas haben ihn gefunden — und lieben ihn. w14 15. 6. 1:5


    Nuestro nuevo folleto de la Asamblea,
    en relación con un desastre - Alerta
    Los que pueden, puede haber existencias -
    de lo contrario seguramente ayudar a nuestros hermanos

    El esclavo ha aconsejado disponer de una mochila de emergencia con varias de las cosas que se ven en la foto. ¿Acaso alguien acusa al esclavo de que no confía en Jehova, que proveerá necesidades? No lo creo. De hecho en varias partes de la Biblia se habla de hacer provisión ante emergencias. Varios discursos del cuerpo gobernante alertan de que la gran tribulación traerá muchas limitaciones en las provisiones básicas y que padeceremos los testigos. ¿Es malo por tanto , ademas de disponer de la mochila, de tener alguna provisión adicional? No lo es. El que algunos no pueden permitírselo no obliga a que los que si pueden, no lo hagan. Incluso habrá que compartir lo que unos tengan con los que no tengan. Lo que la Biblia llama un IGUALAR.

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    When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, it is foolish and humiliating.—Prov. 18:13.

    Before delving into a discussion of the Bible’s viewpoint on a certain topic, we do well to try to determine what our listener really believes. Otherwise, we might spend a lot of time refuting an idea that he never believed in the first place! (1 Cor. 9:26) Tactful questions can help us to learn why a person believes what he does. For instance, what if someone we meet in the ministry says that he does not believe in God? It might be easy to assume that the person has been influenced by secular views, such as the theory of evolution. (Ps. 10:4) However, some people have lost faith in God because of the intense suffering they have personally seen or experienced. They may find it hard to reconcile such suffering with the existence of a loving Creator. Therefore, well-thought-out questions may help us to determine the best way to assist the person.—Prov. 20:5. w14 5/15 1:3, 5

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    Wenn irgendeiner auf eine Sache eine Erwiderung gibt, ehe er sie angehört hat, so ist es ihm Torheit und Demütigung (Spr. 18:13)

    Bevor wir mit jemand eingehend darüber sprechen, was die Bibel zu einem bestimmten Thema sagt, sollten wir versuchen zu klären, was er wirklich glaubt. Sonst verbringen wir vielleicht viel Zeit damit, etwas zu widerlegen, wovon er sowieso nicht überzeugt ist (1. Kor. 9:26). Mit taktvollen Fragen finden wir leichter heraus, warum jemand etwas glaubt. Nehmen wir an, jemand sagt, er glaube nicht an Gott. Daraus könnten wir vorschnell schließen, der Betreffende sei von Ansichten wie der Evolutionstheorie beeinflusst (Ps. 10:4). Doch einige haben vielleicht den Glauben an Gott verloren, weil sie großes Leid gesehen haben oder selbst davon betroffen waren. Dieses Leid mit der Existenz eines liebevollen Schöpfers zu vereinbaren, fällt ihnen schwer. Durch gut durchdachte Fragen mögen wir daher erfahren, wie wir jemand am besten helfen können (Spr. 20:5). w14 15. 5. 1:3, 5

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