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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Its very simple sister @Cos..... Our funny brother Rook is sometimes joking :D  And of sure, he is daily reading in the Bible??? We are all special, little different JW....  thats normal in all countries, bec. we are imperfect people, with the same goal ! Thank you...

    Best wishes and greetings from far away Germany??? Agape!

  2. A SKILLED CARPENTER/BUILDER  builds a beautiful house "one nail at a time."

    ( perhaps  making  such  a  house  in  the  NW... ? )

    In a similar way, a skilled Bible teacher teaches Bible truths  "one simple truth at a time."

    One simple truth I like to teach early on is the difference between everlasting life and immortality.  Few people in Christendom have the slightest clue as to the difference between the two.

    For example,  Adam was created as a perfect human.  He had before him the prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth if  he had just remained faithful to Jehovah God.  But Adam did not have immortality,  so therefore, he died as a result of his unfaithfulness. That comes as no surprise, as no creature that Jehovah has created had immortality when created.

    No, not even Jehovah's precious son, Christ Jesus.  He was not created already having immortality. Jesus took on immortality the instant he ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of his Father, Jehovah. Having immortality means one cannot die. Having everlasting life means one will live as long as they remain faithful, which could be forever if they so choose.

    So obviously, Satan, who was created as a perfect angelic creature, and all his demons do not have immortality either, and they are under a death sentence now.

    Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Lot and many other faithful servants of Jehovah of ancient times do not have immortality either. They are asleep in death awaiting their resurrection.....  they all will have set before them the prospect of everlasting life.

    Now a question...   Today, April 21, 2018...    Who has immortality as of today?    DO  YOU  KNOW ?

    ( Yes, angels are mortals. -  Only Jehovah God,  Jesus Christ  and  the 144,000  are  immortal )

    ( Thank you,  Brother  Roger B. Elder )

  3. 571955a79b69c_Jehovahscelestialchariot.jpg.c890d48a64e091a53f4898bc62acf118.jpg



    Jehovah's Kingdom is a real government.

    Enthroned as King in 1914, Jesus Christ is a powerful, just, wise and merciful King. Isaiah 9:6,7; 11:1-3.

    Jesus' life and example while on earth form the basis for a perfect law, "the law of the Christ." Galatians 6:2, 1 Peter 2:21.

    Jesus will have 144,000 corulers who will share in administering his just reign over the earth. A key objective of his rule is to reconcile humans to God, so his corulers will also serve as priests for that purpose. Revelation 14:1; 20:6.

    As leader of Jehovah's vast army of mighty angels, Jesus commands the most powerful military force ever to exist. It will soon wage war on all wickedness. Psalms 45:1, 3-5; Revelation 19:11, 14-16.

    God's Kingdom will soon fulfill Gods promises to provide all these blessings and more......Psalms 72:16,  Isaiah 2:3; 33:24,  35:6; 65:21.

    ( Thank you  Brother  Roger B. Elder )

  4. 30705950_600821693601576_5498185055696899473_n.jpg

    Calling  wandering  sons....

    Come! Jehovah awaits you,
    Make a wise choice,
    He stretches out his right hand,
    Climb to Him, step by step,
    A New World awaits you,
    A holy, pure, straight life!

    Eternal life is not a dream!
    Jehovah is the one who promised,
    Eternal Youth in Paradise!
    It's your chance, not a miss,
    For the ruins of life,
    Do not give it a chance to your youth!

    Snap out! The world is for a moment!
    Do not make the decision swiftly!
    Jehovah is the Creator,
    And man is the "traveler"
    What gives life to your leg!

    Fight Satan! Stay firm!
    For Jehovah the Supreme!

    Only the Bible is Truth,
    IAR the rest is pulled by the hair!
    There are only two ways in the world:
    For the good, for the wicked!

    Satan is the broad way:
    "Large waves broken off at sea,
    Missing, without mating,
    Life at will,
    Broken by the waves of the sea! "
    Of Jehovah's Strait Way
    "Ferry with Jehovah Catarg"
    With a captain who sees in the sea,
    Obstacles, and rocky cliffs,
    And the Satan with thousands of faces!
    Ioan 17: 17

    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  5. poem    event  ---------------.jpg


    We enjoy,
    By a "bob"
    From eternity,
    And we relish it

    Satan meschin,
    The mesh,
    Eternal torment
    Of course,
    What the world
    Push it!

    A fly
    How much does it,
    What bites her slowly,
    And he devours it

    Jehovah says,
    "The Source of Life I Am!"
    Come back to me,
    Do not be ashamed,
    And you will have eternity
    Clear Days !!


  6. 30713794_600821536934925_8547462158175766464_n.jpg

    *Selfless love*

    From the sky, dew,
    Sun, snowflakes,
    Blessing that rains,
    "the blind of the world" to see them!
    Stuffed fruits, all,
    Vegetables and vegetables,
    They are not patented people,
    There are no inventions from the world!

    They are pure love,
    Altruistic, glorious,
    Brain, nose, ears, or mouth,
    What makes us beautiful life!

    So eternal Jehovah is,
    The greatest altruist!
    What I said is not a story!
    Yahweh's generous artist!

    It gives us a meaning in life,
    It draws us to the light,
    Through the scriptures it gives us the feeling,
    It comforts us, we comfort ourselves!

    Price of the son, He gave,
    Let us all save!
    Be humble, forgive,
    Say "Truth" to the gates!

    He gets rid of the system,
    Driven pitifully by Satan!
    He gets rid of the system,
    He gets rid of the tyrant!

    He only gives us joy,
    In a gray world!
    It keeps us alive forever
    In a world that does not live!

    He only gives us joy,
    In a selfish world!
    It keeps us alive,
    Through altruistic love!

    All the evil will be melted,
    Of selfless love!
    The New World has emerged!
    Satan's world is sad!

    All the evil will be melted,
    The love that grows!
    The New World has emerged,
    Satan's world is decreasing!

    You do not see, it is breaking up,
    That satanic slut?
    They are all "holy" in the frame
    "Mummies with clay arms!

    You do not see, that the whole world,
    Is he immune to love?
    That he never wants to be able,
    Aspirate to immortality!

    Egoism, Leprosy of the World,
    Exclude love from the start!
    Pride, falling, star!

    Selfish, the world believes,
    That it is all right to her!
    She is "blind" and she does not see,

    "Her flag with dead head"!

    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  7. Thats  true,  yes  dear  Brother @Alzasior Lutor  :)  Its  a  big  joy,  working  together  with  many  Brothers  and  Sisters :x   I  remember  that  from  our  big  Kingdom Hall  in  Hamburg,  Germany  -  for  8  Congregations !  All  was  done  in  1 year  -  then  GB Brother  Gerrit  Lösch  came  from  New York  for  2 days...

    In  poor  Countries  its  of  sure  more  difficult !  But  always  the  KD - Halls  looking  so  nice. Jehovah  is  giving  all  the  power  and  love  with  HIS  Holy  Spirit 1f495.png1f64f.png  So  amazing !

  8. Thank  you  SO  much  Sister @a-dmickle@comcast.net... I'm  thinking  the  same, yes :)  We  also  can't  wait,  until  Jehovah  will  bring  all  to  a  wonderful, good  end :x   I  love  animals  too  and  hope,  soon  they  can  live  again  in  love  and  peace,  like  you  and  me. 1f495.png1f64f.png

    Also  for  you  a  wonderful  sunny  weekend, best  wishes  &  greetings  from  Germany !  SEE  US  SOON  AGAIN... 1f601.png


    @Bible Speaks....  Yes,  I  remember  your  post  and  Librarian  posted  it  too....

    We  all  so  waiting  of  Jehovah's  ok  for  changing  the  world  for  HIS  plan,  ONLY  HE  can  help !  What  a  loving  God  we  have 1f495.png

    Also  for  you  a  wonderful  sunny  weekend  -  we  just  had  3  very  warm  summer-days  in  April...   but  next  week  again  little  colder,  sorry  -  but  ok  for  April  here.

    1.2. --------------.jpg


    Little  relaxing  like  this  funny  bear...

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