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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Spider silk is a wonder of nature, but it's not stronger than steel....

    You must have heard that spider silk is stronger than steel. We all want to believe that there are wonder materials in nature that are far superior to human-made ones. But the problem with statements that sound too good to be true is that they usually are.

    Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2013-06-spider-silk-nature-stronger-steel.html#jCp

    Spider silk is NOT stronger than steel.

    But that shouldn't stop us from studying it, or from thinking of it as a wonder material.

    At best, spider silk might compare to steel when it comes to tensile strength, which is the largest stress that a material can withstand before breaking. For one variety of spider silk the value of tensile strength is just above 1 GPa, a unit of measuring force per unit area. That equates to a mid-range value for steel, where strengths range from 0.2 GPa to nearly 2 GPa.

    Tensile strength is only one critical property. The stiffness of silk, which is its ability to deform elastically when force is applied, is many times less than that of steel. Where spider silk seems to beat steel by a large margin is its density, which is almost six times less. On a per-weight basis then, silk starts to look more interesting, with the ratio of strength to density exceeding that of steel.

    You  will  find  still  more  in  internet !  THANK  YOU :)

  2. Here  I  found  it....



    The Argania tree is not the most aesthetically pleasing plant in the world with a rough thorny bark and gangly crooked branches, but the Moroccan arbor still tends to attract admirers thanks in large part to the hordes of goats that can usually be found perching in them. Grown almost exclusively in Morocco, the Argania is a rare and protected species after years of over-farming and clear-cutting. The tree produces an annual fruit crop. It is this delicious morsel that attracts legions of local goats who hop up into the branches to pick them out. It is a sight to behold as the animals stand on the impossibly precarious branches and get down to their seasonal feast. Far from just a single ambitious goat climbing a single tree, the animals tend to swarm into the branches in large numbers. Local farmers condone and even cultivate this bizarre feeding practice, keeping the goats away from the trees while the fruit matures and releasing them at the right time. There is also a secondary benefit to the goats' habits which is found in their poop. After the goats finish eating the fruit and nuts off the tree, they pass valuable clumps of seeds which are then pressed to create the sought after Argan oil. Unfortunately, since the tree goats can be quite profitable for their owners, more and more of them have been brought into the area causing a general decline in the health of the remaining Argania trees. Hopefully the delightful tree goats won't eat up all the Argania trees and will leave some on which they can comfortably perch in. :x:)

  3. Thats  true,  our  dear  Brother  @william Angisiramo....

    I  wanted  post  the  same  report,  but  bec. different  times,  USA / Germany...  our  Sister  *Bible Speaks*  is  sometimes  faster, :x :D  but  NO  problems  for  us...  Thanks  for  your  comment !

    Enjoy  our  nice  reports  here....   Greetings  from  Germany :)

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    Wife, how do you know whether you will save your husband? Or, husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife?—1 Cor. 7:16.

    In some cases, a Christian is married to one who is not yet a servant of Jehovah. Under those circumstances, the Bible gives good reasons why they should remain together. (1 Cor. 7:12-14) Whether the unbelieving mate realizes it or not, he or she is “sanctified” because of being married to a believer. Any children born to them are considered “holy” and thus have a standing with God. Nearly every congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses has married couples in which the Christian has been instrumental in ‘saving’ his or her mate. The apostle Peter counsels Christian wives to be in subjection to their husbands, “so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect.”—1 Pet. 3:1-4. w16.08 2:14, 15


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    He will crush your head.—Gen. 3:15.

    Despite what Satan did in Eden, Jehovah held out hope for mankind in the first Bible prophecy. God would send one who would “crush” the Devil and provide the means for obedient mankind to enjoy the prospect that the first human pair lost—that of living forever on the earth in keeping with Jehovah’s original purpose. (John 3:16) The rebellion of Adam and Eve had an impact on their marriage and on all marriages thereafter. For example, Eve and her female descendants would experience much pain during pregnancy and childbirth. Women would have a longing for their husbands, but men would dominate their wives, even abusively, as we see in many marriages today. (Gen. 3:16) The Bible requires that husbands exercise headship in a loving way. In turn, wives are to submit to the headship of their husbands. (Eph. 5:33) Because of cooperation between God-fearing mates, situations that cause friction are kept to a minimum or eliminated entirely. w16.08 1:6, 7


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