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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. So awesome..... 2 men rescued some little ducklings before the drowning   After, they brought Mom and her kids to a better place... Thats love for animals,  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? Thank you guys
  2.  They're all named /called,  Clearnose Skate (Raja eglanteria). ( fishes with little legs...) Really funny, special, but real fishes   JEHOVAH MADE SO FUNNY CREATIONS Here you can read more....    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearnose_skate The clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria, is species of cartilaginous fish in the family Rajidae. R. eglanteria is also known by other common names such as the brier skate and summer skate.[2] Clearnose skates are easily identified by the translucent patches on either side of their snouts and their mottled dorsal surface. They are found along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States in shallow waters of the continental shelf.[3]
  3. Thank you for the dates sending a donate, Brother @Colin Browne ????   They're happy for any help, yes. I had long time contact with a couple in Honduras. They sent regulary long emails with interesting reports and many photos. They often got a parcel from Brothers and Sisters???  A hard but wonderful time they had, with much success? We know, its now finished printing the older books. Step by step the big Bethel - houses only printing importend literature. And all that we also get in the internet. That is saving alot money for other things. The old books now very especially and not all JW have it. I don't need all these books, its also a question for enough place today, also we need alot time to read, sorry  We get regulary new literature and its sometimes too much....  My board is full of theocratic books, also different Bibles. But mostly, we all using the tablet. I have alot literature and video's in it,  thats ideal, also for on the way   But the old books not for downloading. I believe, the most JW only using the current books and not the very old ones. Look our photo's,  the Missionaries and many others, all using the tablet for preaching?  Much more interesting for the people, I think. Also the Caleb & Sophia video's for the children, they love it ??  Soon more?? Â
  4. I have a tiny puffer fish / globe-fish, in white-grey, from the Maldives. I bought some different tiny fishes, shells and saved indian ocean water in small bottles for me. Nice reminders of my holidays there.  A nice plate with white coral sand, dry fishes and different shells, a wonderful reminder for the table or small cupboard! I also got a Dhoni boat from wood, very nice. And some posters for the wall. My room has 2 different Maldives walls , by day, in blue color and by night in red orange, with palms and water . I love that very much.... 5 times Maldives,  I love these  islands and the special people. Never again I got such of big, warm hospitality. These Moslems were especially to me. I felt like a princess, yes????  I hope, see them in the NW too? Wonerful people!Â
  5. Queen Esther


  6. Queen Esther


    Oh NOOOOO.... I not believe, that CO. wives are really fat... NO !!  Where do you read that ??  Or it is a JTR. joke again   I think so ! hahahaÂ
  7. Sharing the good news in Guanaja, Honduras   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  8.  IN SO MANY COUNTRIES, LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE TO WORK... Just without words  ~~~~~~~   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  9. One day, during an evening class for adults, the psychology Teacher entered the class and told students, "Let all play a game!"  "What Game"?? The Teacher asked one of the students to volunteer. A gentleman, Peter, came forward. The Teacher asked him to write 30 names of most important people in his life on blackboard. Peter write names of his family members, relatives, friends, his colleagues and his neighbors. The Teacher told him to erase 3 names that Peter considered most unimportant. Peter erased names of his colleagues. The Teacher again told him to delete 5 more names. Peter erased his neighbors names. This went on until there were just four names left on the blackboard. These were names of his father, mother, wife, and the only daughter..... The entire class became silence realizing that this wasn't a game anymore for Peter alone. Now the Teacher told him to delete two more names. It was a very difficult choice for Peter. ~~ He unwillingly deleted his parents names. "Please delete one more" said the Teacher. Peter became very nervous and with trembling hands and tears in his eyes, he deleted his daughter name. Peter cried painfully.... The Teacher asked, "Why your wife Medeline?" The parents are the ones that nurtured you, and the daughter is the one you gave birth to ??? Total silence the class. Everyone was curious to know his response. Peter calmly and slowly said,  "Jesus said in Matthew 19:5,6, 'A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh..... What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.' One day my parents will grows old and die before me. My daughter may also leave me when she grows old, for her studies, or business, or marriage to live with her husband or whatever reason. ~~~ The only one who will truly share her entire life with me, is my wife." All the students stood up and applauded him for sharing this truth of life. This is true. So always value your life partner, It's not wife but husband as well. Jehovah has united those two souls and it's on you now to nurture this relationship above all. Genesis 2:21-24,    Malachi 2:16.   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  10. Queen Esther


    I NEVER understand, why (mostly) american women walking outdoor in such of clothes and in pastell colors - instead in black or dark-blue  Its an impertinence to show us such a looking.... UGH  What do you think, JTR ??  I find its not okay. But your pictures are perfect for that theme, hahaha
  11. Thank you, dear Brother @Johnny Paulick  I will want you the google -translater LINK, I use every day !   https://translate.google.de/ Its for many many languages, you can click on...  Perhaps is helping you better ? Yes, thats right what you commented. Jehovah can all understand and we should trust HIM every day  HE knows us as BEST, better than we are  I am also waiting of the future, with sooooo many wonderful things, to learn, to watch and to enjoy  Thank you Jehovah
  12. Thanks for that nice reminder  I remember this experience, posted before some yrs. - What a big blind faith from son to his dad     That rescued him and his friends the life ! The same faith we need for Jehovah, every day  Then we're on the right way....
  13. ¡Miren! Como el barro en la mano del alfarero, así son ustedes en mi mano (Jer. 18:6). Para ayudarnos a seguir siendo barro moldeable, Jehová nos da la Biblia, la congregación cristiana y la predicación. De la misma manera que el agua ablanda el barro, leer la Biblia y meditar en ella todos los días puede ayudarnos a ser moldeables en las manos de Jehová. Por eso, Dios pedía a los reyes de Israel que escribieran una copia de la Ley y la leyeran a diario (Deut. 17:18, 19). Los apóstoles comprendieron que era vital para su ministerio leer la Palabra de Dios y meditar en ella. Citaron de las Escrituras Hebreas o hicieron referencia a ellas cientos de veces en sus escritos y, cuando predicaban, animaban a la gente a que leyera y meditara en las Escrituras (Hech. 17:11). Hoy también vemos lo importante que es leer cada día la Biblia y meditar profundamente en lo que leemos (1 Tim. 4:15). Esto nos ayudará a ser humildes y moldeables en las manos de Jehová. w16.06 2:10 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/4/10
  14. Look! As the clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.—Jer. 18:6. GodÂ’s provisions to help us remain like soft clay include his Word, the Christian congregation, and the field ministry. As water softens clay, daily Bible reading and meditation can help us be malleable in JehovahÂ’s hands. Jehovah required that the kings of Israel write for themselves a copy of GodÂ’s Law and read it daily. (Deut. 17:18, 19) The apostles realized that reading the Scriptures and meditating on them was essential for their ministry. They quoted from and referred to the Hebrew Scriptures hundreds of times in their writings and encouraged the people to whom they preached to do the same. (Acts 17:11) Today, we too see the importance of reading GodÂ’s Word daily and prayerfully meditating on it. (1 Tim. 4:15) Doing so helps us to remain humble before Jehovah and be malleable in his hands. w16.06 2:10 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/4/10
  15. Daily text, Monday, April 9. 2018   (video)
  16. Daily text, Sunday, April 8. 2018 (video)
  17. Daily text, Saturday, April 7. 2018 (video)
  18. Daily text, Friday, April 6. 2018  (video)
  19. Daily text, Thursday, April 5. 2018 (video)
  20. I also believe, first coming back all the JW...  bec. we need them for the many new Bible -studies ! After cleaning the earth etc. Biblestudies starting  Alot work is waiting of us.... YES ! We will see, how it really will be WE GET THE BEST LIFE EVER Lets hope, our family will be in the same country....
  21. We're living in a world under Satan's power Brother Colin, many things are not okay, but Jehovah is tolerating, until Armageddon, then is finished with false things !!  So long we must use our days of the week, month's of the year and still much more, sorry In the NW we get new Script-rolls and many things become new A wonderful new time started, in LOVE and PEACEÂ
  22. Also thanks Brother @Johnny Paulick.... a wonderful video, yes ! Now you saw my translation  We make a good teamwork here ! Best wishes to you from Germany
  23. Thank you, sister @Elisabeth Dolewka Its a wonderful video, yes
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