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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 12088011_1509258749388122_222970134721574631_n.jpg


    A blind little girl sat on the steps of a building
    with a hat by her feet, and a doll in her hands.
    She held up a sign which say: "I am blind, please help."

    There were only a few coins in the hat.

    A man was walking by.  He took a few coins from
    his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He
    then took the sign,  turned it around,  and wrote
    some words. Soon, the hat began to fill up.

    A lot more people were giving money to the blind  girl.
    That afternoon the man who had changed the
    sign came to see how things were. The girl
    recognised his footsteps and asked, "Were you the
    one who changed my sign this morning?

    What did you write?" The man said, "I only wrote the truth.
    I said what you said but in a different way.' I wrote:

    Today is a beautiful day; but I cannot see it."
    Both signs told people that the girl was blind. But
    the first sign simply said the girl was blind. The
    second sign reminded people how fortunate they were to have their sight.

    Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?  Yes !
    Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

    If Satan remind you of your past, you too remind
    him of his future.— Rev. 20:1—3,10.
    When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show
    life that you have uncountable reasons to smile.—
    Isaiah 65:17—25.
    Face your past without regret.
    Handle your present with confidence.
    Prepare for the future without fear.—Rom. 10:13)

    Keep the faith and drop the fear because escaping
    does not solve the problem.
    Been remembered that faith is not about
    everything turning out okay. Faith is about being
    okay no matter how things turn out.
    It's a beautiful thing to see a person smiling. But
    even more beautiful if you are the reason for the smile.

    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  2. Hello Brother @Colin Browne ... :)   Quickly a short answer, bec. I'm still very busy at home !

    My dad was NOT a JW when he died....  but I know, Jehovah will bring him back,  bec. he paid with his death !  He must study the Bible in the NW????

    Of course, your wife will come back to 100 % too,  she was a JW,  AND she died....  Maybe, she will come earlier, bec. we need many teacher for the later resurrected people.

    Alot different work is to do in the NW?  Never a boring time...  and ALL in LOVE and PEACE :x ???

    More details little later please?? :)  Agape and thank you ! 

  3. Thank  you, dear  Brother  @Colin Browne  and  yes,  I  like  a  Library  of paper - books  very  much  -  but  for  finding  many  things  very  quickly,  the  online - library  is  really  a  nice  blessing :x   Also  our  faithful  slave  is  working  per  online...  time  is  very  rare  and  precious, they  have  alot  to  prove  bec. SO  many  languages  we've !  The  silver  Bible  in  German  will  be  the  last  one,  I  heard  in  a  CO. Talk. But  it  will  be  the  best  Bible  *EVER*  he  said :)

    We  already  waiting  since  ca. 4-5 years  and  I  ordered  before  3 years  an  English  specimen  for  me.

    Many  of  our  congregation  now  having  a  silver  Bible  at  home 1f64f.png1f495.png1f601.png    *THE  BEST  BIBLE  EVER*.....

    Yes,  my  goal  is  the  NW  too 1f601.png    FINALLY  LOVE  &  PEACE !

  4. 7733.jpg


    It was likely that the coins this widow dropped into the treasury chest were two lepta. A laborer would earn two lepta in just 15 minutes. Jesus drew a valuable lesson from the widow’s donation of these two coins of little value.

    She Put In More Than All the Others...

    two small coins of very little value:  Lit., “two lepta,”  the plural form of the Greek word le·pton?, meaning “something small and thin.”     A lepton was a coin that equaled 1/128 of a denarius and was evidently the smallest copper or bronze coin used in Israel.  ~~~~~     See Glossary, “Lepton,” and App. B14.


  5. YOU  CAN  TEACH  A  PARROT  to  say,   *I  LOVE  JESUS* !!

    But  the  parrot  knows  nothing,  about  what  he  has  said,  or  what  it  means....                                                                    

    Don't  be  just  like  a  parrot....   The  world  is  full  of  parrots ! xD

    BUT  THIS  YOU  CAN  TRY.... 1f601.png 1f64f.png 1f495.png   ( our  little  Ministry - helper..) :x

    OUR  PARROT  HELPER  !!.jpg

                                           ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?          

  6. 29597908_1571470949632600_88948465456302440_n.jpg

    Summer is on the way,  which means some awesome opportunities for shooting the night sky!

    This image is a panorama made up of over 6 vertical wide angle photos....

    (Its  just  now  my  Monitor - Screen...)   ( click  on  bigger !) :)

    ( of  Michael Shainblum Photography...)

       ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  7. 2345.jpg

    ( By  our  older  Brother  Roger B. Elder )

    THE  TELEVISION  PREACHERS have made million and millions of dollars off the backs of poor folks, ignorant of what God's word actually says. They spread and repeat over and over the same simple lie....

    Here is the lie....

    All one has to do to be saved, and achieve everlasting life in heaven is to say that one believes in Jesus Christ,  and that they have accepted Jesus into their "hearts."NOTHING  COULD  BE  FURTHER  FROM  THE  TRUTH !

    While duping the poor people out of their money,  these so called preachers live a rich lifestyle....  amassing huge estates ~~~ and become best friends with powerful politicians...  and when they die,  the news media eulogizes them over and over..... Nothing these "so called"  preachers say or do matches up, with what Jesus Christ did or said!

    Here is the truth of the matter.....  The road to life is a difficult road,  not an easy road.  Those traveling on the road to life are constantly trying their best to imitate Jesus....

    They preach the Kingdom message,  just as Jesus did!  They do not get involved with politics....  imitating Jesus.  They do not learn war any more....  imitating Jesus. They worship the same Almighty God that Jesus worships....  Jehovah God!

    They pray to the same Almighty God that Jesus prays to!

    SATAN  AND  THE  DEMONS  are believers....  and they shudder when they think about it!   SEE  James 2:19.

    Thank  you,  dear  Brother  Elder :x

    MATTHEW  10 : 8

    8 Cure the sick, raise up the dead, make lepers clean, expel demons.  You received free,  give free ~~~


    Televangelists have been mass-media fixtures since the 1970s, when preachers retooled their messages to link Christian beliefs with a materialistic pursuit of wealth. However, getting a detailed account of most TV preachers' salaries has often been elusive, since many of these organizations release little or no financial data. The picture that has emerged is pieced together from accounts of lavish lifestyles, homes and book deals, with many television preachers netting tens to hundreds of millions of dollars.

    More  here....  https://bizfluent.com/info-8606703-salaries-television-preachers.html

  8. ( By  our  older  Brother  Roger B. Elder )

    WHAT  DOES  THE  EXPRESSION  "Son of Man"  mean?...

    An expression found about 80 times in the Gospels. It applies to Jesus Christ and shows that by means of his fleshly birth, he became a human and was not simply a spirit creature with a materialized body.

    The phrase also indicates, that Jesus would fulfill the prophecy recorded at  Daniel 7:13,14.   In the Hebrew scriptures,

    this expression was used for Ezekiel and Daniel, highlighting the difference between these mortal spokesmen and the Divine Originator of their message.  SEE,  Ezekiel 3:17,   Daniel 8:17,   Matthew 19:28, 20:28.

    Thank  you,  dear  Brother  Elder :x

  9. IMG_6815.JPG.5758203cd4b026e9a4c932d8bb5f5de3.JPG

    ( By  our  older  Brother  Roger B. Elder )

    JEHOVAH GOD loves the humble servant.......   He opposes the haughty person!   Mark 7:21,22   A demeanor of humbleness is our greatest asset in the Congregation, and also in our public ministry.

    Those who lack true humbleness, declare that fact loud and clear by their actions.  All  of  us can improve on this wonderful quality, and it is necessary, if we expect to be included in the coming citizenship in Jehovah's Kingdom.

    As you read  Mark 7:21,22    notice,  that haughtiness is included alongside all the other horrible traits,

    that  "come out of the hearts of men."

    Thank  you,  dear  Brother  Elder :x

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    By  our  older  Brother,  Roger B. Elder...

    JEHOVAH GOD showers blessings on all people of the earth.....  even the wicked people. To learn who Jehovah considers wicked, READ  Malachi 3:18.

    Jehovah has blessed me in many ways all my life.....  and much of the time,  I did not realize immediately,  that what had happened  was actually a blessing from him!

    But I can assure you of one fact.....  The greatest blessing he has given to me is,  that he has allowed me to be one of his servants,  one of his Witnesses......    And to carry his name,   and be identified as one of his   "Jehovah's Witnesses"!

    That would not,  and could not have happened, if he has not "drawn" me to him.  Even though I am but mere dust of the ground, he saw something in me, that made him draw me.   READ   John 6:44   where Jesus explains.

    What about you?  Has Jehovah God drawn you?  If he hasn't,  what should you do?  This might be a wake up call, to study the Bible carefully,  and learn what you would need to do, to become a friend of Jehovah God.

    Only a very small percentage of the peoples of the earth alive today will ever do that.

    Thank you  Brother  Elder....:x 

  11. Thanks  for  your  nice  feedback  my  dear  sister :x:)   I  hope,  many  of  us  could  see  and  read  the  video....  Soon  I  will  try  post  similar  video's  for  us  -  I  think  we  need  that  for  our  mind  and  soul,  yes. ----

    GREETINGS  TO  YOU  IN  BELGIUM  1f495.png1f601.png


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