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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Thanks for your nice feedback my dear sister   I hope, many of us could see and read the video.... Soon I will try post similar video's for us - I think we need that for our mind and soul, yes. ---- GREETINGS TO YOU IN BELGIUMÂ
  2. The next days I will read that, maybe to weekend.... before too busy for all I'm sorry, Brother @Colin Browne.... See us soon  THANK YOU !
  3. Texto Diario Miércoles 4 de abril 2018
  4. Daily text, Wednesday, April 4. 2018   (video)
  5. TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 4 de abril 2018
  7. YES, I know that from TV News....  But I will look later your link about that all. Thank you Brother Colin    Bye for now >>>>>>>>
  8. That photo very much touched me   bec. I see, the children have to suffer under the terrible sickness *Progeria* -  These children have a very short life, bec. a hereditary defect  Worldwide very less diseases ! They always have a meeting every year and they very enjoy that   I'm so happy, they *2* belong to the JW, thats very rare... Maybe the JW family can give them all a nice witness bec. our BIG HOPE I heared in TV from this very rare disease.... Thats SO hard I think  We getting older little slowly.... but the small kiddies stay small and looking old with ca.10 yrs. thats so very sad,  YES, ONLY Jehovah can help us all   THANK YOU ! ( I'm sure, Brother St. LETT was knowing of Progeria... his big smile was very especially  the little girl also smiling... but the little brother was already more serious, so sad.) The voices of all is very high and pretty similar... More on wikipedia....  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progerie Progeria is an extremely rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder in which symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age.[6] Progeria is one of several progeroid syndromes.[7] Those born with progeria typically live to their mid-teens to early twenties.[8][9] It is a genetic condition that occurs as a new mutation, and is rarely inherited, as carriers usually do not live to reproduce. Although the term progeria applies strictly speaking to all diseases characterized by premature aging symptoms, and is often used as such, it is often applied specifically in reference to Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS). Signs and symptoms.... Children with progeria usually develop the first symptoms during their first few months of life. The earliest symptoms may include a failure to thrive and a localized scleroderma-like skin condition. As a child ages past infancy, additional conditions become apparent usually around 18–24 months. Limited growth, full-body alopecia (hair loss), and a distinctive appearance (a small face with a shallow recessed jaw, and a pinched nose) are all characteristics of progeria. Signs and symptoms of this progressive disease tend to become more marked as the child ages. Later, the condition causes wrinkled skin, atherosclerosis, kidney failure, loss of eyesight, and cardiovascular problems. Scleroderma, a hardening and tightening of the skin on trunk and extremities of the body, is prevalent. People diagnosed with this disorder usually have small, fragile bodies, like those of elderly people. The face is usually wrinkled, with a larger head in relation to the body, a narrow face and a beak nose. Prominent scalp veins are noticeable (made more obvious by alopecia), as well as prominent eyes. Musculoskeletal degeneration causes loss of body fat and muscle, stiff joints, hip dislocations, and other symptoms generally absent in the non-elderly population. Individuals usually retain typical mental and motor development. ONE DAY... *just around the corner* - its finished with all these terrible sicknesses! Only a little while ~~~~~~~
  9. I try it later in rest, Brother @Colin Browne.... and after I tell you, if more success
  10. *HE WAS RAISING UP* ~~~~~~~  Tuesday - April 3, 2018  MEMORIAL BIBLE READING: (Daytime events: Nisan 16)  John 20:2-18 (The chapters about Jesus' time just before his death are from the book ) JESUS—THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE are in SECTION 6— JESUS’ FINAL MINISTRY....
  11. *HE WAS RAISING UP*  ~~~~~~~ Tuesday - April 3, 2018  MEMORIAL BIBLE READING: (Daytime events: Nisan 16) John 20:2-18 (The chapters about Jesus' time just before his death are from the book JESUS—THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE are in SECTION 6—JESUS’ FINAL MINISTRY
  12. Ok, I will try it the next days... Brother @Colin Browne... bec. also little busy these days. When I work it, I will send it to your private PN messages, okay? Thanks and my best wishes to you.... far away in South - Africa
  13. Oh yes, you are so right dear @vandenbusschevanoostjosett   I feel the same like you????  many tears....  What a strong faithful Brother !  Such of Brothers very rare and very close with Jehovah.  How nice, we can talk with him, when we stay loyal by Jehovah ?  It is good, when we watching on and off such of video's??  My other posted video is shorter,  but very nice too.  A Sister made a very importend experience with Jehovah???  Now she is more happy than before... Thank you,  and my best wishes and greetings from Germany???
  14. Daily text, Tuesday, April 3. 2018   (video)
  15. Daily text, Monday, April 2. 2018   (video)
  16. Hello Brother @Colin Browne.... I've big problems with your different links by open By 'Mustard grains.rtf'  - I could read, but after, the site not would go away >>>>>>   All my open window's were frozen...  I had to go off - or the keys,  Strg. - Alt and remove....  that worked ! By Electrum.docx,  more bad.... my 'Avast viruses - program'  had blocked it ! That's not so nice.  I don't know the reason ? Do you know why ? Thats very rare by my laptop. I'm sorry for that....
  17. Matthew 27: 62-66 The next day, which was after the Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees met before Pilate, 63 and said: "Lord, we have remembered that this impostor said while he was still alive: 'After three days I am to be lifted up' . 64 Therefore, he commanded that the tomb be secured until the third day, so that his disciples would never come and steal him, and say to the people, 'He was raised from the dead!', And this last deception will be worse than the first". 65 Pilate said to them, "They have guard. Go and assure him the best you know. " 66 So they went and secured the tomb, sealing the stone and keeping the guard. (John 20:1) On the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the memorial tomb early, while there was still darkness, and contemplated the stone already removed from the memorial tomb.
  18. Jehovah Witnesses... *NEVER TAKE THE TRUTH FOR GRANTED* ~Yearbook, *1973* Japan ~ That's a very especially, true experience  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? Take a 'hanky' by watching.... ( video-end is already by 25 min.) Its very faith strengthening !
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