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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. flowers-look-like-animals-people-monkeys-orchids-pareidolia-20.jpg

    Naked Man Orchid (Orchis Italica).jpg




    Naked  Man  Orchid  (Orchis Italica)  xD

    Orchis italica, commonly known as the naked man orchid or the Italian orchid, is a species of orchid native to the Mediterranean.[2] It gets its common name from the lobed lip (labellum) of each flower which mimics the general shape of a naked man. It prefers partial shade and low nutrient soil and flowers in April. O. italica grows up to 50 centimetres (20 in) in height, with bright pink, densely clustered flowers. They are found commonly and widespread in the Mediterranean in large clusters.[3]

    Orchis italica is native to southwestern Europe (Balearic Islands, Portugal, Sardinia, and Spain), southeastern Europe (Albania, Greece, Italy, Crete, Sicily, and countries of the former Yugoslavia), western Asia (Cyprus, the East Aegean Islands, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Palestinian Territories and Turkey), and northern Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia).[4]

    BEAUTIFUL  ORCHIDS  JEHOVAH  CREATED....   I  still  post  some  more  funny  orchids  today :)

  2. OH..... okay,  hahaha :D   I  never  tasted  that  -  but  sometimes,  we  really  don't  know,  what  we  all  packing  into  our  bags,  LOL  ~~  The  most  people  daily  telling  us  lies :(  I'm  SO  longing  to  my  own  big  garden  in  the  NW  - when  all  food  is  healthy  again :x  Then  is  finished  with  your  tasty  mouse - gene  tomatoes...  hahahahahaaaaaa xD

    I  hope,  you're  then  not  so  far  away,  JTR,  bec. many  stories,  jokes,  laughing,  by  BBQ,  etc. etc. xD   Take  care,  old - young  man 1f44d.png1f601.png  

  3. 29790768_391396274662544_6929185750766293463_n.jpg

    MEMORIAL  in  different  Countries :x     In  Russia / Ukraine....


    A  private  MEMORIAL  ceremony,  Russia :x

    UKRAINE  !!.jpg

    Ukraine.... :x

    UKRAINE ---.jpg

    POLEN  HATTE  562  ANWESENDE  !!.jpg

    In  Poland  together  562  attendees :x

    uf den Philippinen hatten sie schon ihr Denkmal und senden uns grüße.jpg

    On  the  Philippines.... :x

    PHILIPPINES  !!.jpg

    Little  different  in  this  Philippines  Congregation....  :x

    THE  DEAF  BRO  &  SIS.jpg

    A  MEMORIAL  with  deaf  Brothers  and  Sisters :x

    INDIA  ---.jpg


    INDIA !!.jpg

    DEAF  PHILIPP..jpg

    MEMORIAL  OF  A  DEAF  CONGREGATION  :x   Kingdom  Hall  in  Tacloban City, Philippinen, 102  attendees...


    DEAF  !!----------.jpg

    DEAF  !!!!.jpg

    TAUB  BLIND !!.jpg

    And  deaf - blind  Brothers  and  sisters  together  :x

    Some  comments....

     184 @ the 9:00 MEMORIAL, Hinkson Creek Cong., Columbia, MO.

    Glendale Arizona... 298 attended at the 6 p.m. Memorial  ---

     307 in attendance in gilroy ca that was just one out of two congregation...

    Not including the spanish congragation, it was wonderful, alot of love!

    Helotes Texas. . 314 in attendance. It was awesome!  A warm and loving  'hello'  to all my brothers and sisters around the world.

    I was happy to celebrate the Memorial with the brothers and sisters. In Chula Vista,  about 280 attended at the Memorial.

    Cleveland Ohio...  Had a wonderful Memorial.  2 congregations,  413 attended and Swahili group 34...

     We had 588 in attendance, that included the Swahili group at the Kingdom and 3 congregations p!us invited ones at the Corvette Conference Center.    We had  the  CO's  visit and he gave the memorial talk.  What joyous occasion.  Praise Jah for He is Good !!

    MEMORIAL  *2018*

    We truly enjoyed our memorial and are forever grateful to Jehovah God for giving us his son as a ransom.

    165  in attendance, most of our bible studies and invited guests made it...  Hope you enjoyed yours too.  ~~~

    YES.... :):x


    I  HOPE,  YOU  ALL  HAD  A  WONDERFUL  COMMEMORATION.... 1f64f.png  :x

  4. THAT  WORKS !!   hahahahahaaaaa 1f602.png 1f602.png 1f602.png   simple  and  easy xD

    But  be  careful  JTR.  its  strong  genetically  manipulated  in  USA,  ugh.... >:(


    ONLY  burnt  corn  calls  POPCORN !!  The  2. calls  corn  or  maize....  But  you  said  first,  Popcorn....  and  that  is  burnt !!  hahaha xD

  5. :DCan't  imagine  an  *Atomic Krewson Burger*...  xD   How  does  it  look & how  high ?   I  remember  one  of  the  past, very high, only to eat  with knife & fork !  Smaller  Burger  okay  to  eat :P

    This  picture  I  saw  today... 1f923.png   Not  possible  for  our  mouth,  LOL 


    My  specialty ?   hmmm...  must  think  about  that,  I've  more.  Come  back  later 1f44d.png

  6. 29597576_1517134695052338_4469973395178536017_n.jpg


    (John 13: 1-5)  Now, since before the feast of the Passover he knew that his time had come to leave this world to the Father, Jesus, having loved his own who were in the world, loved them until the end. 2 So, while the meal was in progress, as the Devil had already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, who betrayed him, 3 [Jesus,] knowing that the Father had given in [his] hands all things, and that God had come and God was going, 4 he got up from dinner and put aside his outer garments. And, taking a towel, he girded himself. 5 After that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and dry them with the towel with which he was girded.

    (John 14: 1-3) "Do not let your heart be disturbed. Exercise faith in God, exercise faith in me too. 2 In my Father's house there are many dwellings. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going to prepare a place for you. 3 Also, if I go on my way and prepare a place for you, I come again and I will receive you at home to myself, so that where I am also you may be.



    Marengo Cong. 120 publishers
    Memorial Attendance 294

    Talk highlight: Jesus said Jehovah God invited a little flock to heaven.

    Luke 12:32,  John 10:16,  Rev 14:1, 3,  7:4.

    If you say; "I want to go to heaven". Who"s doing the inviting?

    That's like inviting guests to your barbecue. Can just anyone else show up to your house uninvited to eat your food? No!

    It's no different with God!  He does the inviting.  John 17:5, 6

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  8. 29595353_10211465749621045_6504664164774349663_n.jpg

    MEMORIAL - Bible Reading  31. March  2018  ~~~

    Saturday - March 31, 2018
    (Daytime events: Nisan 13)  Matthew 26:17-19;  Mark 14:12-16;  Luke 22:7-13
    (Events after sunset: Nisan 14)  John 13:1-5; 14:1-3

    ( Thanks, dear  Sister  Beth..)

    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  9. Thank  you  my  Brothers & Sisters  for  liking  my  "last  invitations  post"  here... :x

    Our  Librarian  wants  these  many  photo's  better  into  the  big  Gallery - so  I  will  transfer  step by step  today  and  tmw. all  these  pic's  to  an  album  in  the  Gallery  and  you  will  find  it  there 1f44d.png1f601.png    Maybe  a  better  place,  however...

    The  next  different  photo - sequences  I  will  start  here,  and  post  a  link  to  the  special  Gallery - page  for  watching.... :)   THANK  YOU !

  10. DAILY TEXT  14.2..jpg




    What Is the Resurrection-----.jpg

    What Is the Resurrection ?

    The Bible’s answer....

    In the Bible, the word translated as “resurrection” comes from the Greek a·na?sta·sis, which means “raising up” or “standing up again.” A person who is resurrected is raised up from death and restored to life as the person he was before.—1 Corinthians 15:12, 13.

    Although the word “resurrection” is not in the Hebrew Scriptures, often called the Old Testament, the teaching appears there. Through the prophet Hosea, for example, God promised: “From the power of the Grave I will redeem them; from death I will recover them.”—Hosea 13:14; Job 14:13-15; Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:2, 13.


  11. 12321212_212361255797046_7574095101721113677_n.jpg



    JESUS   ALLEIN  AM  PFAHL  !!.jpg



    JESUS  -  HE  WAS  RAISED  UP......jpg599632_419052068136991_614348694_n.jpg



    Commemorating the death of Jesus,
    It's a holy, annual command!
    And the angels above,
    And all the subjects of the King in the "Hall"

    The Kingdom Hall with open gates,
    Invites you to a great feast,
    Those who in Jehovah do "dreams"
    Knowing that  His power is great!
    He makes any "dream" reality
    It's very clear:
    There is no "can not"  in Him!
    In Him is everything, yes! It is "summer"!

    Commemoration is a covenant
    Made of holy,  innocent blood,
    And every "lady" man on the earth,
    He can receive forgiveness of sin!

    "Come," Jehovah invites you,
    Through the blood sacrificed by His son
    With a clean,
    "Offering" to Yahweh God!

    "Come," and angels jubilee,
    It is a feast in heaven and on earth!
    There is little more and IAH frees,
    Creation and all that is holy!

    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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