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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 22.44..jpg




    Am 22. März 1943 wurde der Bau des Krematoriums IV in Auschwitz II-Birkenau abgeschlossen :x

    Der Entkleidungsraum und die Gaskammer wurden im Erdgeschoss gebaut. Die Gaskammer (auf der Rückseite des Archivfotos sichtbar) war in drei Räume unterteilt und hatte insgesamt 236,78 Quadratmeter. Die Außenwände hatten Löcher mit gasdichten Falltüren zum Einsetzen von Zyklon B. In der Mitte des Gebäudes befand sich der Entkleidungsraum. Im Hintergrund - ein Krematoriumsofen mit acht Öfen. Nach Berechnungen deutscher Hersteller konnten in diesem Krematorium alle 24 Stunden 768 Leichen verbrannt werden. Das Krematorium wurde am 7. Oktober 1944 von den Gefangenen des Sonderkommandos bei ihrem Aufstand niedergebrannt und anschließend demontiert.

    Sehen Sie die Seite des Krematoriums und der Gaskammer IV bei unserem virtuellen Besuch:  1f625.png1f64f.pnghttp://panorama.auschwitz.org/tour2,3007,en.html 

    Auschwitz Memorial / Museum Auschwitz hat 4 neue Fotos hinzugefügt.
    22. März um 21:23 ·

    22 March 1933 | 85 years ago the first official concentration camp was opened in Nazi Germany at the site of an unused gunpowder and munitions factory near the town of Dachau 16 km from Munich. It was indented to hold political opponents of NDSAP.

    The first commandant of Auschwitz Rudolf Höss began his career in SS-Totenkopfverbände in KL Dachau. He was assigned there in December 1934 & held the post of Blockführer. Another link between the two camps is the use of "Arbeit macht frei" slogan at their gates.


    On March 22, 1943 the construction of crematorium IV was completed at Auschwitz II-Birkenau :x

    The undressing room and the gas chamber was built on the ground level. The gas chamber (visible at the back of the archive photograph) was divided into three rooms and had a total of 236.78 square meters. The exterior walls had holes with gas proof trapdoors for inserting Zyklon B. In the middle of the building there was the undressing room. In the back - one eight-oven crematorium furnace. According to the calculations by German manufacturer, 768 corpses could be burned in this crematorium every 24 hours. Crematorium was burned by the Sonderkommando prisoners in their revolt on October 7, 1944 and subsequently dismantled. 1f625.png1f64f.png

    See the site of crematorium and gas chamber IV at our Virtual Visit: http://panorama.auschwitz.org/tour2,3007,en.html

  2. 33.22..jpg

    Imagine, Jesus as a small boy, watching his adoptive father at work - but,

    What  a  powerful  young  man  Jesus  was  in  his  youth 1f44d.png1f601.png

    His eyes wide and intent on JosephÂ’s every movement, he no doubt admired the strength in those broad shoulders and sinewy arms, the skill of the hands, the intelligence in the eyes,...
    Perhaps Joseph began showing his young son how to perform such simple tasks as smoothing rough spots on wood with dried fish skin,...
    He likely taught Jesus the differences between the varieties of wood that he used—the sycamore fig, oak, or olive, for example,...

    Joseph used a wide range of tools, some likely handed down from his father,...
    He may have used a square, a plummet, a chalk line, a hatchet, a saw, an adze, a hammer, a mallet, chisels, a drill that he worked by pulling a bow back and forth, various glues, and perhaps some nails, though they were costly,...

    Jesus learned (see pic)  too,  that those strong hands that felled trees, hewed beams, and pounded joints together were also gentle hands that caressed and comforted him, his mother, and his siblings. ( later HE  did  to  so  many people ) :x

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  3. Thank  you,  JTR. :)  I'm  thinking  similar  like  you, missing  beloved  animals  and  parts  of  my  family 1f625.png   I  heard,  animals  not  come  back,  ONLY  humans...   but  we  shall  see,  Jehovah  knows  us  all  as  best 1f44d.png   Many  people  more  missing  their  animals  as  their  big  family,  sorry :(   But  animals  really  very  especially,  thats  right ! 


    YOUNG  &  HEALTHY  LIKE  YOU 1f44d.png  1f602.png  1f923.png  1f602.png  1f495.png

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